3 minute read
Welcome Liz Alonzo as Our New Director of Religious Education: Building the Kingdom of God
This summer, we were blessed to welcome a new staff member to St. Francis Solanus, as Liz Alonzo was named our new Director of Religious Education. Liz and her family are familiar faces at daily Mass here at the parish and we are excited to have her take on this important role.
“Mike Holbrook mentioned retiring a while ago at our deanery Director of Religious Education meetings,” Liz says. “My family had been attending daily Mass at St. Francis for nine months when the position was posted in the bulletin. Praying here so often began to make St. Francis Solanus dear to my heart. I think the Holy Spirit is calling me to give myself and my 12 years of experience as a DRE here, at this historic and vibrant parish.”
Liz first came to the Quincy area for college when she attended Quincy University. She felt at home in Adams County, having been born and raised in Germany while her father served in the Army. When she was 13, Liz fell in love with Jesus and promised to serve Him and His Church. continued on back cover
As she steps into this role, Liz hopes to spend as much time as possible among the people listening, praying, learning, and teaching. She hopes that through the Spirit, as well as the guidance of our Bishop and Fr. Arisman, we will build up the Kingdom of God.
“I am looking forward to knowing more people by name, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ active among us, especially in the sacraments,” Liz says. “I want to help people of all ages to continue to encounter Him, know Him and love Him more deeply, and embrace serving Him with their charisms and gifts. I have been blessed by the witness, teaching, and love of good priests, catechists, youth leaders, Catholic school teachers, and fellow parishioners. Christ’s healing and nourishing presence in Mass, the Sacrament of Penance, adoration, reading the Bible, and praying the Rosary are what fuel me to keep giving love through works of mercy.”
We want to extend a warm welcome to Liz as she settles into this role. Educating our children in the faith is a monumental task that requires the effort of our entire faith community. As we look forward to a new year of sacramental preparation, faith formation, and youth group, Liz is excited for the opportunities that the children of our parish will encounter and how we can teach and guide them in the faith along the way.
“I do want to thank Mike Holbrook for his time of service and passing the torch off to me,” Liz says. “Thank you to the whole parish team here, it is great laboring in the vineyard with you! Come O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in us the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit, O Lord, and they shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth. Let us pray, O God Who did instruct the hearts of Your faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, in the same Spirit help us to relish what is right and always rejoice in Your consolation!”

We are blessed to welcome Liz Alonzo as our new Director of Religious Education.