3 minute read

Meet the Kovachevich Family: Pillars of Our Parish Community

Throughout his life, Mark Kovachevich has found a true home at St. Francis Solanus Parish. Our church family has found a place in his heart, and the dedication he and his wife, Martha, have for our community is extraordinary.

“I have gone to this parish my entire life, though I didn’t go to school here,” he says. “This church means an awful lot to me. Martha and I have been involved here ever since we were married. I really appreciate our parish community and how much everyone supports each other.”


Over the years, Mark has seen our parish grow and change in wonderful ways.

“I appreciate how dedicated the parishioners are here,” he says. “They really care about everything that goes on and are willing to help and contribute. I also like how St. Francis has a good blend of different people between its older parishioners and the new ones who are joining us. We have always had priests who did a great job, as well.”

Mark and Martha truly enjoyed raising their children in our parish community and are grateful for how much it has enabled them to live out their vocation as Catholic parents. They have three children: their daughter, Abigail Marcuess (who married Tyler Marcuess at our parish last October); their son, Cy, will be graduating from Quincy University in May; their daughter, Emma, attends Quincy Notre Dame High School. All their children attended our parish school from kindergarten through the eighth grade.

“The parish community’s support was very helpful in raising our children,” Mark says. “We are very happy with the Catholic education they received at our parish school. My children wouldn’t be where they are today without all they received there — especially from the good teachers they had. Good teachers are what makes a good school. Our parish school gave my children a great opportunity to prepare for a successful future.”

Mark has worked full-time as our Parish Custodian for the past four years, and part-time in this position previously. He takes care of the school classrooms, kitchen, and cafeteria. He also tends to the parish and school grounds by trimming the grass and removing snow. Martha has been the cook at St. Francis Solanus Parish School for over 15 years. Furthermore, Cy disinfects the school due to the pandemic, while Emma vacuums the parish and does other cleaning jobs. They both help with snow removal, as well.

“We have encouraged our children to be involved in our parish from a young age and be good stewards,” Mark says. “We teach them to work hard, be honest, do a good job with their education, and help others when they need it. For several years, our family has helped out with our Parish Picnic. It has raised a lot of money, and it is very good for the parish.”

Finally, the Kovachevich family finds the strength, courage, and love they need to follow Christ by relying on the lifeline of prayer.

“We enjoy praying as a family and do various devotions at different times of the year,” Mark says. “We also like going to extra Masses and church services.”

The Kovachevich family

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