2 minute read
A LETTER FROM OUR PASTOR: Farewells, Celebrations, and Embracing Our Spiritual Life
Dear Parishioners,
Back in April, we received the news that our Associate Pastor Fr. Robert Duck would be moving to a new parish. For Fr. Robert, it’s more than just one, but three parishes! Beginning July 1, he will be pastor of St. Michael’s in Henryetta, St. Teresa’s in Okemah, and St. Stephen’s in Holdenville. We will miss Fr. Robert, and we wish him nothing but the best in his future pastorate. Let’s pray for him and his new people. Coming to St. Francis Xavier will be Fr. Robert Healey. We’ll feature him in next month’s newsletter.
The big event of May was 30 of our kids receiving their First Holy Communion. What a joyful weekend it was to watch these children and their love for the Lord. I am grateful to the parents for guiding their children and to the catechists, In Christ, especially Rob and Gina Agnew, for helping prepare the kids for this big day. Join me in praying for these children and their families.
Finally, this stewardship newsletter allows me the opportunity to draw your attention to spiritual direction opportunities in our parish. Not everyone needs a spiritual direction but anyone wanting to go deeper in their spiritual life should consider it. It’s an opportunity to have a guide to the spiritual life that can be sometimes hard to navigate.
Very Rev. Brian O’Brien, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church

Very Rev. Brian O’Brien, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church