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A LETTER FROM OUR PASTOR: Gratefully Sharing Our Stewardship Gifts
Dear Parishioners,
November is upon us and we’re wrapping up our Annual Stewardship Renewal. A special thanks to all who turned in commitment cards to the parish office or online. If you have not turned in your commitment card, it’s not too late! Just put it in the collection basket, drop it by the office, mail it, or go online.
In this month’s newsletter, we’re highlighting several beautiful ministries in our parish.
We recently concluded the Month of the Rosary at the close of October, but this Marian devotion continues to be a priority in our parish community. Our Saturday Morning Rosary Group is a blessing to our parish and offers opportunities to honor our Blessed Mother throughout the year. Compassion Meals is a wonderful ministry that allows us to show God’s love (through food!) in difficult moments in the life of parishioners. When there’s illness or death in a family, Compassion Meals come in super handy to be able to stop by a family’s house and offer a meal. This ministry is always in need of new volunteers.
Led by Ashley Klepper, the Food Backpack Ministry works behind the scenes to provide needed meals for Stillwater Middle School students. Many young people in our community rely on school-provided free and reduced lunches. But what do they do over the weekend? That’s where the Food Backpack Ministry comes in! Each year, as we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis Xavier (Dec. 3), our Xavier Women’s group offers the St. Francis Xavier Parish Festival. It’s a day of fun, crafts, and good food for the entire community. I am grateful to Xavier Women for all they do to make this a great day for everybody!
With these ministries and many more, the stewardship way of life is alive and well in our parish. I hope you are a part of it with your time, talent and treasure. God bless you!
In Christ,
Very Rev. Brian O’Brien Pastor, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church

Very Rev. Brian O’Brien Pastor, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church