3 minute read

MEET PARISHIONERS DIANE AND STEVE LEROUX: Serving the Parish in Appreciation and Gratitude

If you have ever noticed the altar flowers or linens at St. James Parish, it may very well have been Diane and Steve Leroux who you may thank for these beautiful adornments!

“We have helped with the flowers on the altar for about 20 years,” Diane says.


Diane and Steve have been parishioners at St. James for 45 years. They initially came to the parish after having moved to Bartlesville from Oklahoma City in 1976. While it was their friends who initially drew them to the parish, it is the vibrant community that has kept them here.

“There are lots of young families and lots of activities,” Diane says. “Everyone helped to make this parish meaningful.”

Diane and Steve are among those who have positively impacted the parish through their various efforts through the decades. The pair have been involved in many different ministries, from reading and decorating, to helping others.

Although he recently had to stop due to difficulty with his vision and health, Steve was a reader at the parish for 30 years. He has also worked for 30 years to keep up with the carpeting needs in the building. Diane has been involved with a women’s group at the parish, and for about 30 years, she has served as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.

“I have made home visits as well to people unable to receive the sacrament at Mass,” Diane says.

As Steve and Diane have given of their time and talents, the parish has been blessed in many ways. Involving themselves in parish life has often come naturally to the couple. Diane explains it has been easy to find ways to be involved and the parish has “always felt like home in every way.”

She adds that their children also loved being involved in parish life. Likewise, Diane encourages the importance of families coming forward by helping and providing advice as to how they might continue growing the parish’s many efforts.

“God will work through you and help you in so many ways,” she says.

Being active in parish life is very important to Diane and Steve. They say they feel the Holy Spirit works through them as they give of their time and talents. Volunteering in their parish has greatly blessed them. Diane says they have also made lasting friendships as a result of their efforts.

“Being a part of our parish by helping and being involved has meant the world to us,” she says.

Diane and Steve Leroux have been parishioners at St. James for 45 years.

Being active in parish life is very important to Diane and Steve Leroux. They say they feel the Holy Spirit works through them as they give of their time and talents.

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