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A LOOK AT OUR LECTOR MINISTRY: Proclaiming God’s Word for All to Hear
St. Paul has much to say in his letter to the Romans about those who bring the Word of God to others. “For ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard?... ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!’… ‘Lord, who has believed what was heard from us?’ Thus faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:13-17)
We are called to share the Good News of the Gospel in our daily lives and actions. Within our own parishes, there is a special way of sharing the Word of the Lord with others.
Lectors within the parish proclaim the Word of God for all to hear.
“Being a lector has helped me experience the Mass in a different way,” says Allan Carlson, who has been a parishioner for 40 years and a lector for over 10 years. “I am more of a participant in the liturgy instead of feeling like a viewer in the audience.”
When we are involved in the roles of the Mass, it can help us be more active and engaged in the liturgy. We experience the Mass in a different way and take responsibility for the liturgy more than when we simply sit in the pews. Being a lector is one way to help others hear the Word of God and live lives of holiness.
“When I read the readings to prepare, I really try to think about what the writer of that book of the Bible is trying to get across to us,” Allan says. “The Bible was written a long time ago, so how does this relate to us here in 2022? I reflect on it and try to understand what is important. What is the focus of the passage? What should we be paying attention to?”
For some people, speaking in public is a simple thing to do, but for others, it takes a little courage. Allan encourages others to really consider being a part of this important ministry.
“Sometimes you have to confront your fears,” he says. “Many people don’t like speaking in front of others, but you have to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Being a lector is an important role for the laity of the parish to fill. We have wonderful tools now thanks to the Internet. You can search the pronunciation of difficult words and it is something you just get more comfortable doing.”
Becoming a lector is simple — those who are interested reach out to the parish office and set up a one-on-one training with the deacon.
At St. John, Deacon Dan Pickett will lead an individual training session with the new lector. For parishioners at St. James, the process is the same, with Deacon Jerry Rutherford leading the training.
“I listen to them read and give them some feedback,” Deacon Dan says. “We try to give them a sense of reverence that they need to have when they are serving in this way. Lectors are aiding the parish in listening to God. It is truly giving the glory back to God.”
Those interested in being a part of this ministry should contact the St. John parish office at 918-336-4353 or the St. James parish office at 918-335-0844.

Allan Carlson