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TOTUS TUUS: A Valuable Summertime Opportunity for Youth to Grow in Christ
St. Pope John Paul II’s motto, Totus Tuus, is Latin for “totally yours.” Totus Tuus is also a program that our youth get to experience each summer. The catecheticalbased program is led by a team of two men and two women, who are seminarians and college students. Teams spend a week at a parish walking youth through the Good News of Jesus Christ in a fun way. This year, we will welcome another Totus Tuus team from June 26 to July 1. First through sixth grades will attend from Monday, June 27 through Friday, July 1, from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. Seventh through 12 grades will attend Sunday, June 26 through Thursday, June 30, from 7:30 to 9:45 p.m.
Totus Tuus, which has been held here for many years, truly impacts the children and youth who attend. Youth need to have some time in the summer to focus on their faith. Totus Tuus offers the opportunity for both summer fun and catechetical programming.
“Since they have been ‘away’ from formal schooling for a few weeks, they seem to welcome a return to a moment of learning,” says Fr. John O’Neill. “Having a simple yet solid approach to age-appropriate catechesis fills a yearning that they seem to have.”
Youth in both programs also have the opportunity for Mass and Reconciliation paired with learning about everything from the Rosary and the parts of the Mass to some of the saints of the Church.
“It is a good mix for those attending to walk away with some long-lasting formation,” Fr. John says.
In turn, Fr. John encourages the parents of our parishes to make Totus Tuus a priority, just like is done with a sports camp.
“Totus Tuus is a program that can help plant seeds for ongoing growth and meet the more immediate needs of living life within a spiritual reality of being brothers and sisters in Christ,” Fr. John says. “What better way for our children and youth to spend one week of their summer than to grow in this way?”
A program like Totus Tuus may make a difference in your child’s life — it has made a difference for the youth of our parishes and diocese for years.
“Having this spiritual focus can set the stage for conversion and growth in our most important relationship with God,” Fr. John says.
We often underestimate the ability of children and teens to understand some of the deeper facets of the Catholic faith. Totus Tuus digs deep and offers that chance for deeper exploration.
“Youth yearn to have a deeper understanding of who they are, why they are here, and what God may be calling them to,” Fr. John says.
When Fr. John has attended Totus Tuus sessions, he has always witnessed the youth excited and having a fun time.
“This is a good thing when Church is more than just Mass,” he says. “It can be a greater part of who we are and how we live. Those in attendance have the chance to experience this.”
Make sure to visit the St. John website — at stjohn-bartlesville.org/totus-tuus — for more info on registration. Adults are also needed to volunteer during the week. Please contact Janice Hoss to volunteer at secretary@stjohn-bartlesville.org.

Totus Tuus offers the opportunity for our youth to enjoy both summer fun and catechetical programming.

Youth enjoy Totus Tuus in 2021.

A program like Totus Tuus may make a difference in your child’s life — it has made a difference for the youth of our parishes and diocese for years.