3 minute read

Theology After Hours: Growing in Faith and Engaging in Fellowship

Since it was started in April of 2019, Theology After Hours has held quarterly meetings, offering a new approach to learning about the faith by offering an opportunity to explore faith-related topics in a relaxed atmosphere. Justyna Creager helps coordinate and plan Theology After Hours and works to create a hospitable environment in which learning and growth can take place.

“For me personally, Theology After Hours is also an excuse to get together, meet fellow parishioners and make new friends,” Justyna says. “At Theology, we get to visit, catch up, share a meal and build community. Then, later we have a speaker, we learn, we ask questions and have an open discussion.”


Theology After Hours is open to all adults ages 21 and up. It could even be a wonderful opportunity for couples to have a date night out, as child care is provided for the event. You can come and participate in the discussion, or simply sit and listen. It is also a great event for bringing friends who are interested in the Catholic faith because they can ask questions in a more comfortable environment.

The speakers usually consist of Catholics who share their faith journeys and stories. Some examples of past speakers and topics include David Niles and Adam Minihan from The Catholic Man Show who spoke on authentic friendship, Fr. Kerry Wakulich who spoke about living your faith every day, Fr. Brian O’Brien who talked about the resurrection of Jesus, and Fr. John O’Neill who provided a question-and-answer setting with Ask the Pastor. The hope is that parishioners who attend can draw strength and inspiration from the speakers and their personal stories, as well as the theological topics that they present.

“I feel these gatherings are important for those who want to be inspired in their faith, grow closer to God, and grow in fellowship with other Christians,” Justyna says. “It’s a fun way to engage in conversations about God and the Catholic Church. I enjoy seeing people learn more about their faith and getting excited about it.”

In addition to being an engaging parish event, Theology After Hours also provides an opportunity for stewardship. Volunteers are always needed to help with food preparation, set-up and table decorating, serving of food and alcohol, and clean-up after the event.

Our next Theology After Hours is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14 at 7:00 p.m. in Fr. Lynch Hall at St. John. Join us for “Clergy Vocation Stories” — our local clergy share their path to becoming a priest/deacon.

If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information about Theology After Hours, please contact Justyna Creager at 210-792-5282 or justynkao@yahoo.com.

Volunteers from the parish help prepare dinner for Theology After Hours.

During Theology After Hours, parishioners gather to learn about the faith and grow in fellowship.

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