3 minute read
Meet Parishioner/Cantor Lisa Prieto: Embracing the Gift of Singing and Building a Sacred Space
Parishioner Lisa Prieto is a talented and joyful singer — it’s a gift she shares with the St. Timothy Parish community through serving as a cantor at Mass. She credits the beginning of her love for singing to the small community in which she grew up in rural Indiana, as well as the opportunity to audition for the elementary school choir. Raised in the Episcopalian faith, she participated in a worship and praise band and served as a cantor for her church in high school.
“I remember one particular cantor at my church, a very talented woman, who sang the Epistle at the beginning of our Easter Vigil liturgy one year,” Lisa says. “Her voice was so beautiful. I knew seeing her sing that night that I wanted to do the same thing.”
Lisa moved to Florida a little over 10 years ago and, shortly after her arrival, went through the RCIA process at St. Mark the Evangelist in North Tampa. Her husband, Fernando, was a parishioner at St. Timothy — when they got married, she joined our parish community. In 2019, coincidentally at the Easter Vigil, Lisa sat a few rows away from the ambo where our Director of Music, Chase White, was singing. She recalls him coming up to her after Mass because he could hear her voice and asking if she would be interested in singing at Masses.
“This was before the pandemic began, so my first experiences singing for St. Timothy was during the livestreamed Masses before we began opening up again,” Lisa says. “It was even more nervewracking because you do not know who is watching on the other side. However, it was also a blessing in disguise because my family, who all live out of state, were able to watch and it was a way for us to connect in such a time of isolation.”
In addition to singing, Lisa finds that spending time in nature is another way to surrender to the Lord. Last year, she gathered pavers, plants, and a St. Francis statue to create a prayer garden in her backyard. Overlooking the lake, the garden is surrounded by trees — thus creating a secluded place to grow in faith, soak up creation and simply sit with the Holy Spirit.
“I was challenged by a priest to find somewhere that I could pour myself out to Jesus,” Lisa says. “Well, outside feels like a good place to do that, surrounded by all the nature found in Florida. I encourage people to find a place you can make sacred and take the time to sit in sacred silence with the Lord.”
Lisa and Fernando have both served as readers over the years. Now that Lisa serves as a cantor, they can prepare for their respective roles together and make even further connections with the liturgies. Through this preparation and Fr. Connor Penn’s Sunday Setup podcast, they have found a deeper faith life and greater understanding of the connection between the readings each weekend.
“Serving at the Mass as a cantor means I put more time into preparing for the weekend liturgies,” Lisa says. “I also arrive earlier to Mass. Between these two small things, I am able to better prepare myself to enter into the celebration of the Mass. I realize I get more out of the Mass and carry the readings and thoughts from the homily into my week because I am more engaged and attentive.”

Lisa Prieto sings at her sister’s wedding.