3 minute read

Meet Parishioners Larry and Betty Quigley: Blessed to Serve God with Members of Our Parish

Larry and Betty Quigley have been parishioners at St. Timothy since the very beginning when Mass was celebrated in a garage. The parish community did not have much, but they had their name and they had their mission.

“Most of the startup community had been members of St. Paul’s Parish just down the road,” Betty says. “St. Paul’s pastor asked us to become a mission of St. Paul’s, so we did. We had to borrow most things since our budget was kind of tight. But our congregation grew fast and it only took a few years for St. Timothy to become the youngest parish in the diocese.”


St. Timothy now has over 40 active ministries, and the Quigleys have been involved in many of them over the years. Betty has participated in the Women’s Club, served as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, and taught Faith Formation. Larry has been involved in the Men’s Club, Knights of Columbus, and the choir. Participating in these ministries has led them to other groups and ministries over the years, including Readers of the Word, teaching children, and what they call “kitchen duties.”

“Kitchen duties are basically providing meals for the many groups that meet in our social hall such as Bingo, Pancake Breakfasts, and, during Lent, our Weekly Fish Fry dinners,” Larry says. “We make it easy and fun to break bread together. You should taste our full-course pancake breakfast and see the lines waiting to get in!”

Betty and Larry like to emphasize all the aspects of living out stewardship in our lives. It does not simply mean giving money — you also have to be willing to give of your time and talent.

“First comes time and talent, then treasure,” Larry says. “We were talking with a relatively new couple at our Parish Pancake Breakfast. By talking with them, we found that they can work with their teenage children in certain particular areas of interest and that this would allow them to get involved in the parish as a family. They will have fun serving together as a family. The money will come, but for now, this is what they can give.”

Betty and Larry have both been inspired in the faith by their mothers and aunts who were especially devoted to the Blessed Mother, reciting the Rosary daily. They have worked hard to discern God’s will in their lives and have joyfully accepted His call to parenthood. For them, St. Timothy has become their second home.

“We love the people of St. Timothy — they are our brothers and sisters,” Betty and Larry say. “It has become our second home. We have been so fortunate that God has sent us just the right pastors, parochial vicars, and deacons. And we would like to encourage any parishioner who has not gotten involved, to spend some quiet time in the Church or the Day Chapel and meditate as to where you want to go, who you want to be, and listen to where God is calling you.”

Larry and Betty Quigley

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