4 minute read

Making St. Vincent’s a Welcoming Parish

By Tess Sousek, Parishioner

When we moved to Seward two years ago, we only knew one other couple. Two people, in a town of 7,220.


For us, — like many, I’m sure — it was intimidating and difficult to move to such a small, tightlywoven community. Sure, everyone is friendly! But many of the people we met had been here a long time. Families, friend circles, and traditions had long been established, and initially, there didn’t seem to be a lot of room for us to squeeze in.

Thankfully, due to parishioners who reached out and welcomed us, St. Vincent’s was where we found our first friends, made initial connections, and began to become attached to this little town. At St. Vincent’s, we have not only the ability, but the duty to be the body of Christ and welcome the newcomer, the elderly, the whatever-you-are. It’s our duty to make sure that everyone who walks through our doors feels welcome, invited and indispensable in our parish. But how on earth do we do that as a church?

The answer? The Welcoming Committee and ourselves, as welcoming individuals.

The Welcoming Committee does a fantastic job of reaching out to new members of our parish and personally visiting them to welcome them to the community.

Led by Sharon Jelinek, the Welcoming Committee regularly makes home visits to newly registered members to help them get connected with the church and the things going on.

“The people making the visits represent the Church” Sharon says. “We are an extension of the priests and the community.”

Members of the Welcoming Committee very well may be the first faces newcomers recognize at Mass, the first people they ask questions, and the first invite they receive — it was that way for us! Committee members deliver an information packet about the church and school, provide a photo directory, and several other informational pieces and gifts. Visits are brief to respect busy schedules, but extend a very personal welcome from the church as a whole.

Although the Welcoming Committee does a fantastic job of being intentional with our newcomers, the reality is that if we want to be a welcoming parish, we cannot simply rely on a committee to do the work. Each member of this body contributes to the atmosphere surrounding our church.

Many times, when we attend Mass on Sundays, we think of ourselves as a guest or a spectator. We forget that we are, in fact, a host and a contributor. We contribute to the sacrifice of the Mass, and we are a host to the people around us. This is the mentality that is necessary for our parish to become a thriving, hospitable environment.

So what are some tangible ways to implement welcoming on an individual basis?

— Make it your goal to meet one new person or family a year. Not even necessarily someone new to town, but new to you. We’re all shy to some extent, but this can start with simply a smile and intentionally learning someone’s name.

— Visit one elderly or homebound person a year (when it’s safe — in these times of COVID-19, it may be better to give a phone call or write a letter).

— Personally invite others into the ministries and groups you’re a part of. If you see a need in the parish, fill it and invite others, as well! Eliminate “insider language” within our church — not everyone is familiar with all of the traditions and rituals of St. Vincent’s, or reads every piece of information that’s put forth. Take the time to explain what Spirit is, who the Firehawks are, what the Connectivity Committee does, etc. If you’re in a position where you don’t understand what something is, don’t be afraid to ask!

— If you’re new and unsure how to get involved, ask! If you feel like there isn’t a place for you, or a ministry you fit into, don’t be afraid to create one. Chances are, there are others in the parish who are longing for the same thing you are!

With my final thought, I’d like to share this prayer that a dear friend once gave me, which epitomizes a Stewardship Parish.

My parish is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is.

It will be friendly, if I am. It will be holy, if I am. Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them. It will do great work, if I work. It will be prayerful, if I pray.

It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver. It will bring others into worship, if I invite and bring them.

It will be a parish of love and loyalty, of fearlessness and faith, of compassion, charity and mercy, if I, who make it what it is, am filled with these same things.

Therefore with the help of God, I now dedicate myself to the task of being all things that I want my parish to be.

If you are interested in joining the Welcoming Committee, please call Gloria at the church office, 402-643-3421. (Home visits are currently in flux due to COVID-19.)

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