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The Order of Mass in English
Catholic Truth Society
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The complete text of the Order of Mass in the new English translation, for use by the people. Includes Eucharistic Prayers I - IV, musical settings of the people’s parts, and colour illustrations.
Graduale Parvum
The Order of Mass in Latin and English
Catholic Truth Society
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This handy pocket-size Order of Mass contains English and Latin on facing pages, as well as Eucharistic Prayers, musical settings of the people’s parts and colour illustrations.
(Introits) Simple Gregorian chants for Sung Mass Association for Latin Liturgy / John Henry Newman Institute of Liturgical Music
For the first time, Gregorian chant Introits for every Sunday and Holy Day are presented here in both Latin and English, simple to sing but wholly authentic, and well within the capability of choirs of any parish church.
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