1 minute read
Words for the Lent & Easter Season
Bishop Hugh Gilbert
£3.50 D790 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784690267
Journey through Lent and Easter with this collection of homilies from Bishop Hugh Gilbert, a homilist with a reputation as a clear and profound teacher of faith.
An Invitation to Conversion
Lent & Easter with Pope Francis
Pope Francis I
£3.50 D815 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784691523
Pope Francis accompanies us on the road through the reflective season of Lent, a time of conversion, through Holy Week to the joy of Eastertide.
The Meaning of Lent (Pack of 50)
Fr Ivano Millico
£9.50 LF76 | Leaflet | 16pp EAN 5060139000727
By reflecting on our baptism, this leaflet allows our Lenten journey to take on a new dimension as we experience the joy of passing from death to life, from slavery to freedom in Christ Jesus.
The Stations of the Cross
A Via Dolorosa
Fr Marcus Holden
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With meditations inspired by and written along the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, these meditations will enable you too to walk the route where Our Lord carried the load of all the sin of the world. Complete with inspiring images of early twentieth century stations.
Meditations on the Stabat Mater
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP
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Join our Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross of her Son and walk with her on the road from life to death to eternal life, by meditating upon the Stabat Mater line by line.
Praying the Our Father in Lent
Carl E Olson
£3.50 | D834 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784696535
When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, he taught them the Our Father. These meditations illuminate the words of the Lord’s Prayer as an essential part of the spiritual journey from Lent to Easter.