1 minute read
August Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time .............................. 568
Where the circumstances of the place or the custom of the people suggest that the mixing of salt be preserved in the blessing of water, the Priest may bless salt, saying: Supplices te rogamus, omnipotens Deus, ut hanc creaturam salis benedicere ✠ tua pietate digneris, qui per Eliseum prophetam in aquam mitti eam iussisti, ut sanaretur sterilitas aquæ. Præsta, Domine, quæsumus, ut, ubicumque hæc salis et aquæ commixtio fuerit aspersa, omni impugnatione inimici depulsa, præsentia Sancti tui Spiritus nos iugiter custodiat. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. R. Amen.
Then he pours the salt into the water, without saying anything. Afterward, taking the aspergillum, the Priest sprinkles himself and the ministers, then the clergy and people, moving through the church, if appropriate. Meanwhile, one of the following chants, or another appropriate chant is sung.
Outside Easter Time
Antiphon Asperges me, Domine, hyssopo et mundabor: lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
Ps 50:9
During Easter Time
Vidi aquam egredientem de templo, a latere dextro, alleluia; et omnes, ad quos pervenit aqua ista, salvi facti sunt, et dicent: alleluia, alleluia.
Cf. Ez 47:1-2,9
When he returns to his chair and the singing is over, the Priest stands facing the people and, with hands joined, says: Deus omnipotens nos a peccatis purificet, et per huius Eucharistiæ celebrationem dignos nos reddat, qui mensæ regni sui participes efficiamur. R. Amen.
Then, when it is prescribed, the hymn Gloria in excelsis (Glory to God in the highest) is sung or said.