The CTS Calendar 2023

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God’s truth, beautifully told. since 1868 Dear brothers and sisters, amid all the many problems of our time, hope prevails, “for to us a child is born.” (Is 9:6) PoPe Francis, Urbi et orbi, December 2021 CALENDAR2023

Pope Francis, Homily, April 2018

Received only once, the baptismal bath illuminates our whole life, guiding our steps all the way to the Heavenly Jerusalem.

Pope Francis’ prayer intention for Educators

We pray that educators may be credible witnesses, teaching fraternity rather than competition and helping the youngest and most vulnerable above all.

SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD CHRISTMAS OCTAVE Luke 2:16-21 New Year’s Day 1710 St Anthony, abbot 24 St Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor of the Church 12

BAPTISM OF THE LORD (Scotland), Mt 3:13-17 16 St Fursa, abbot and missionary (Ireland) 23 1

Octave of prayer for Christian Unity begins 25

SS Timothy and Titus, bishops 7 St Raymond of Penyafort, priest First Saturday 14 Saturday after Epiphany 21 St Agnes, virgin and martyr 28 St Thomas Aquinas, priest and doctor of the Church

St Aelred of Rievaulx (England) 19 St Wulstan, bishop (England) 26

EPIPHANY OF THE LORD (England, Wales and Ireland), Mt First2:1-12Friday 4 30 St Aidan, bishop (Ireland) 1811

13 St Hilary, bishop and doctor of the Church ST KENTIGERN, bishop Friday(Scotland)after Epiphany 20 St Fabian, pope and martyr St Sebastian, martyr 27 St Angela Merici, virgin 2 SS Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, bishops and doctors of the Church Bank Holiday 3 Most Holy Name of Jesus St Munchin, bishop (Ireland) Bank Holiday (Scotland only) 5 6

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CONVERSION OF ST PAUL THE APOSTLE 8 EPIPHANY OF THE LORD (Scotland), Mt 2:1-12 BAPTISM OF THE LORD (England, Wales and Ireland), Mt 3:13-17 Psalter week I 15 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Jn Psalter1:29-34week II St Ita, virgin (Ireland) Peace Day 22 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Mt Psalter4:12-23week III St Vincent, deacon and martyr Sunday of the Word of God 29 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mt Psalter5:1-12week IV 2023


The month of the Holy Name of Jesus 31 St John Bosco, priest

We pray for those who have suffered harm from members of the Church; may they find within the Church herself a concrete response to their pain and suffering.

Pope Francis’ prayer intention for victims of abuse

Pope Francis, Homily, March 2022

There, in her, history took a turn. God changed history by knocking at the door of Mary’s heart.

3rd Sunday of Lent Jn Psalter4:5-42week III Candidates for the Sacraments 19 LAETARE SUNDAY 4th Sunday of Lent Jn Psalter9:1-41week IV Candidates for the Sacraments 26 5th Sunday of Lent Jn Psalter11:1-45week I Candidates for the Sacraments

3 First Women’sFridayWorld Day of Prayer Lent Fast Day 4 St FirstCasimirSaturday 2013

St John of God, religious St Senan, bishop (Ireland) 9 St Frances of Rome, religious 7 SS Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs 1

ST JOSEPH, SPOUSE OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Mt 1:16, 18-21,24 27 292215 10

ST DAVID, BISHOP, PATRON OF WALES (England and Wales – Solemnity only in Wales) Mt 5:13-16 2 2114 St Enda, abbot (Ireland) 28 11 St Aengus, bishop and abbot (Ireland) 18 St Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop and doctor of the Church 25


March 2023

The month of St Joseph


St Macartan, Bishop (Ireland) 31 2316 St Turibius of Mogrovejo, bishop 30 5 2nd Sunday of Lent Mt Psalter17:1-9week II St Kieran, bishop (Ireland) Candidates for the Sacraments 6 8

ST PATRICK, BISHOP, PATRON OF IRELAND (Solemnity only in Ireland) Mt Bank13:24-32Holiday (Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland) 24

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Let us celebrate Easter with Christ! He is alive! Today, too, he walks in our midst, changes us and sets us free.

Pope Francis, Homily for Easter, 2022 Pope Francis’ prayer intention for a culture of peace and non violence We pray for the spread of peace and non violence by decreasing the use of weapons by States and citizens.

St Ceallach (Celsus), bishop First(Ireland)Saturday 10 EASTER OCTAVE Bank Holiday (except Scotland) 17 Psalter week II 24 ST GEORGE, MARTYR, PATRON OF ENGLAND (Solemnity only in England) Jn 15:18-21 St Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr 12 EASTER OCTAVE 2619

2 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Mt StPsalter26:14-27:66weekIIFrancisofPaola, hermit 3 Monday of Holy Week 5 Spy WednesdayWednesdayofHoly Week St Vincent Ferrer, priest 6 MAUNDY THURSDAY THE EASTER TRIDUUM BEGINS Jn 13:1-15 4 Tuesday of Holy Week St Isidore, bishop and doctor of the Church 30 4th Sunday of Easter Jn Psalter10:1-10week IV St Pius V, Pope World Day of Prayer for Vocations 11 EASTER OCTAVE St Stanislaus, bishop and martyr 18 St Laserian, bishop (Ireland) 25 ST MARK, EVANGELIST 8

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EASTER SUNDAY THE EASTER TRIDUUM Jn 20:1-9 16 EASTER OCTAVE DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 2nd Sunday of Easter Jn 20:19-31 23 3rd Sunday of Easter Lk Psalter24:13-35week III St Adalbert, bishop and martyr 1


April 2023

St Beuno, abbot (Wales) 27 St Asicus, bishop (Ireland)

The month of the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit

St Martin I, pope and martyr 20

7 GOOD FRIDAY THE EASTER TRIDUUM Jn 18:1-19:42 St John Baptist de la Salle, priest Bank Holiday (UK) First Friday 14 EASTER OCTAVE 21 St Anselm, bishop and doctor of the Church 28 St Peter Chanel, priest and martyr St Louis Grignion de Montfort, priest 13 EASTER OCTAVE

Pope Francis, Angelus, August 2021 Pope Francis’ prayer intention for World Youth Day We pray the World Youth Day in Lisbon will help young people to live and witness the Gospel in their own lives.

Looking at Mary assumed into heaven, we can say that humility is the way that leads to Heaven.

ST BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE 31 St Aidan, bishop, and Saints of Lindisfarne (England and Ireland)

sunday monday tuesday wednesdaythursday friday saturday

13 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mt Psalter14:22-33week III SS Pontian, pope, and Hippolytus, priest, martyrs St Fachtna, bishop (Ireland) 20 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mt Psalter15:21-28week


Psalter week II St Sixtus II, pope, and companions, martyrs St Cajetan, priest Bank Holiday (Scotland and Republic of Ireland) 9 ST TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS (EDITH STEIN), VIRGIN AND MARTYR, PATRON OF EUROPE St Nathy, bishop (Ireland) St Felim, bishop (Ireland) 10 ST LAWRENCE, DEACON AND MARTYR 8 St Dominic, priest St Mary of the Cross, virgin (Mary MacKillop) 2

St Eusebius of Vercelli, bishop St Peter Julian Eymard, priest 3 St Germanus of Auxerre, bishop (Wales) 1 St Alphonsus Liguori, bishop and doctor of the Church 15 ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, Lk 1:39-56 22



The Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major First Saturday 14 St Maximilian Mary Kolbe, priest and martyr 21 St Pius X, pope 28 St Augustine, bishop and doctor of the Church Bank Holiday (UK except Scotland) 16 St Stephen of Hungary 23 St Rose of Lima, virgin St Eugene, bishop (Ireland) 30 SS Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line and Margaret Ward, martyrs (England) St Fiacre, monk (Ireland) 11 St Clare, virgin 18 St Helena, empress 25 St Louis St Joseph Calasanz, priest 17 Our Lady of Knock (Ireland) 24

August 2023

IV St Bernard, abbot and doctor of the Church 27 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Mt Psalter16:13-20week I St Monica 4 St John Vianney, priest First Friday 5

The month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 29 The Passion of St John the Baptist 12 St Jane Frances de Chantal, StreligiousMuredach, bishop (Ireland) St Attracta, virgin (Ireland) St Lelia, virgin (Ireland) 19 St John Eudes, priest 26 Blessed Dominic of the Mother of God, priest (England) St David Lewis, priest and martyr (Wales)

February: The Penitence of Saint Jerome (c. 1512–15) by Joachim Patinir. Fletcher Fund, 1936. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

June: Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Mary Magdalen and John the Baptist (c. 1523) by Giuliano di Piero di Simone Bugiardini. Fletcher Fund, 1930. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The Prayer to the Holy Spirit for the Synod: Adsumus Sancte Spiritus We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.

January: Baptism of Christ, St. John Altarpiece (c. 1510) after Rogier van der Weyden. Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main.

CTS Calendar 2023

November: The Raising of Lazarus by the Master of the Legend of the Magdalen (1486–1524) National Gallery of Denmark. March: The Annunciation (c. 1509) by Gerard David. Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main.

September: The Crucifixion with Mary and Saint John the Evangelist (1450–1460) by the Master of the Middle Rhine. On permanent loan from Historisches Museum Frankfurt am Main. Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main.

April: Resurrection by Hans Holbein the Elder. On permanent loan from Historisches Museum, Frankfurt am Main since 1922. Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main. £7.95 M565 060139000871

December: The Adoration of the Three Kings (c. 1525–1530) by Girolamo da Santacroce. Acquired by Henry Walters with the Massarenti Collection, 1902. The Walters Art Museum.

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