Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Cut off from God, we die
ome, Lord Jesus! Come, and save us! Come and set us free!” This is what we pray in Advent. We call on Christ to come and save us. Christ saves us from two things, sin and death. Sin is turning away from God. “Where are you?” God asks Adam. He’s no longer in the place God had set him. He’s no longer, in a sense, visible to God. He’s not in his presence. “I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid”. He had gone into hiding. This is sin. Sin disconnects from God. It’s like taking the plug out of the wall and losing the flow of electricity. Disconnect a laptop from the mains and it will run for a while on its battery. But in the end the battery will die. The screen will blank. And access to the internet will be lost. There’ll be no more communication with others. Or imagine our planet stopped orbiting the sun. It would just spin away into darkness. If we turn away from God, if we lose sight
b. Words for the Advent & Christmas Season.indd 5
20/08/2014 09:43