Do you have a Painful Wart in your Foot..?
A wart is a small growth on the skin that develops when the skin is infected with a virus
Plantar warts are caused by direct contact with the human papilloma virus (HPV).
Most often plantar warts grow on the bottom or sole of the foot where friction and pressure occur.
The growth produces a thickening of the skin similar to a callus and can become painful and irritating when walking.
The virus is normally passed to the skin by direct contact in public areas such as showers and swimming pools.
Common symptoms of plantar warts (foot warts) include: • Foot pain similar to a pebble or small stone being stuck in your shoe. • Firm, rough, bumpy lesions with small dark spots. • Several warts may join to fuse together and form a larger wart.
Treatment Options for Your Plantar Wart... Options for treatment may vary based on the length of time the plantar wart has been present and the severity of pain the warts are causing at the time of diagnosis.
If you are experiencing painful foot warts in between your toes or on the soles of your feet it may be due to plantar warts...
However, a professional consultation from a Podiatrist specializing in plantar warts is recommended to be sure
Visit us: RNV Podiatry 6300 West Parker Road MOB 2, Suite 425 Plano, TX 75093 Call us: 214-385-8822 Website: