Meet The Teacher - Atkinson - 2009-2010

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Four/Five GT Parent & Student Survival Guide Mr. Atkinson 733-2645 x 1921

Class Website Our class website will be a central place for students and parents. We will share projects here, students will submit some homework here, and it will be a launching point for my blog and many other things.

Moodle Moodle is an online e-learning platform. I will use Moodle in and out of the classroom this year with both students and parents. Students can log into Moodle using their Towne Meadow username and password. As parents you can logon with your student and check out the world of Moodle.

Classroom Blog I will be using a blog this year to keep you up to date with classroom news, homework, resources, and much more. You will be able to leave comments on post, which will be forwarded to me and then approved for site posting. You will not receive a weekly hardcopy of a newsletter; the blog replaces that form of communication. If you do not have access to the internet then please contact me and I will arrange another form of communication with you.

Curriculum The educational plan for the year in 4th grade is as follows: Social Studies:

* US History * States and capitals * Economics * Explorers * Colonization


* Scientific Method * Astronomy * Newton’s Toybox * Animal Adaptations * Micro World’s * Diseases and Germs


* Computational Skills * Problem Solving * Graphing * Place Value * Estimation * Geometry * Measurement * Fractions * Decimals

Language Arts:

* Words Their Way * Cesar’s English * Grammar Town * Grammar Voyage * Meaningful Reading, Reflective Reading, Strategy Based Reading * Book Clubs * Writer’s Notebook * Writer’s Workshop

Class Rules, Rewards, & Consequences In order to guarantee that all the students in our class get the educational environment that is best, a discipline plan has been established and will be in effect at all times. My expectation for students is to show RESPECT at all times. Our classroom discipline procedure is the Clip a Strip form. (see below) The reward for appropriate behavior and following our classroom rule is a good conduct grade on the report card at the end of each 6 weeks, in addition, each week students will get paid “A-Bucks” for an A or B on their Clip-A-Strip. (These A-Bucks can be used at classroom privilege auctions held each six weeks.)

Clip-A-Strip This year in our classroom, students will be using clip-a-strips. Each Monday, students will be given a new clip-a-strip sheet. Students will put their name and week on the form and keep the strip in a special place (typically the back of their GO folder). Anytime students choose inappropriate behavior, receive a red paw, or have a missing assignment they will be asked to clip a strip, starting at the bottom (A) and working their way up to a (D-). Each time students are asked to “clip” they will fill out an online form explaining why they had to clip. Every Friday, students will take their remaining clip-a-strip sheet home to be signed by a parent. These sheets must be brought back the following Monday signed! Clip-A-Strip Name: Week: Parent Signature: D C C+ B B+ A A

Homework & Grading Procedures Homework will be given on a regular basis and will include work given specifically as homework and work that was not finished in class. Students are required to take responsibility for the use of their assignment notebook by filling it out properly and bringing it home and back to school daily. Assignments are also listed on our classroom website daily. All assignments are due the next day unless otherwise instructed by the teacher. If an assignment is late, a deduction of 10% will be taken off the final grade for each day that it is late. Not turning in homework on time will also result in a lowered work habits grade (tied into clip a strip).

Absences & Make-Up Work It is VERY important that students are here at school every day that they are able! If they miss a day, they are missing everything that we learned in class and all the work that we have done. If your student is sick and needs to stay home, please call the office and tell the secretary first thing that morning. When your student gets back to school, they will get a sheet that lists all their make-up work. It is their responsibility to get that work in as soon as possible. Students will get 2 nights for every day they are gone, to get their make-up work turned in. For example, if a student is absent Tuesday and came back to school on Wednesday, their make-up work is due Friday. If you would like your student’s work to be picked up or have it sent home with someone else, please call and tell the secretaries by 9:30 that morning. That work cannot be picked up until after school. If you know in advance that you will be out of town and your child will be missing school, please let me know. I cannot give students the work they will be missing in advance; they will receive all their make-up work when they return to school.

Morning Routine Students are to be here at 8:05 every morning. The tardy bell will ring at 8:10, and announcements will begin shortly after the tardy bell. Between 8:15 and 8:25 is an all-school self-selected independent reading time. Once students come into the room, they need to sign lunch count, turn in their homework and begin their morning self-selected reading.

Afternoon Routine Every afternoon at 2:30, students will be asked to get ready for dismissal. During this time it is their responsibility to go through their assignment notebook to make sure they have everything recorded correctly and all the necessary materials packed to go home. When the bell rings at 2:35, we will dismiss to go home. If there is a change of transportation parents need to submit that by 1:30 in MyCCS.

Recess All students have a 15-minute recess daily. Our class will switch every six weeks between fourth and fifth grade recess. (The first six weeks is with fourth grade.) Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.

Daily Schedule 8:10-8:20 8:25-9:40 9:40-10:30 10:30-11:50 11:50-12:20 12:25-12:40 12:40-1:35 1:35-2:30 2:30-2:35

SSR and Announcements Math Specials Language Arts Lunch Recess Language Arts Science & Social Studies Dismissal

Physical Education Tuesday: Media &Music Wednesday: Spanish & Media Thursday

Classroom Rules and Expectations:


We work for this type of classroom‌


School-Wide Procedures:

Check Online for a specific list of these.

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