The Witch is Inn

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October Issue 2017



Meet Rose Herin

Welcome to our 30th issue of The Witch is Inn! This month we are meeting Rose Herin, a humble witch in her 6th year of practice. She has graciously welcomed us into her home and we’re so excited to share her magic with you.

See more on page 17

The Witch is Inn is here to bring you Wicca in it’s truest form, by bringing you real Wiccans and their own experience and traditions. In this we hope to show you what Wicca love is all about . <3

Real Witches, Real Practives, Real positive energy and strength to help you on your own path too.

The Witch Is Inn Hello and welcome

to our 30th issue of The Witch is Inn! When we started this magazine, we did so with the intention of bringing real practices, real homes, and real witches to you. The sucess of this magazine and the inspiration it continutes to spread would not be posible without you! From the spells, practices, graphics and personal

truth you’ve shared, this magazine is, in part, thanks to you. They told us no one would care about witches, no one would care about magic, but 30 issues later and a loyal fan base has proved them wrong! Your support is so importatnt for what we’re doing, and what we’re doing is proving that Wiccans and Pagans alike are not the satanistic, evil beings we’ve been made out to be for centruies. We are children of the earth, reverting back to more honest and humbling practices. We wanted to extend our thanks to you, and all the beautiful witches and wiccans who have lent their knowledge, homes, extensive time


Lauren CLensde LipStain

October Issue 2017

Content Editors Note................5 Best Practice ...............10 Intro to every issue

Witches’ Oath................. 14 Mind Over Magic


with Melina Gotera...........18

Have you Heard Earthing....................................26

Protection Spell.............34 Witch of the Month Rose Herin ..........................35 Stones and crystals.........44 Moon cycles....................45 Up Next...........................47

Best Practices It is really very simple. But sometimes we feel so much. And emotions are valid, but it doesn’t mean they’re the anwser. Never cast a spell against another. Never do magic in hast or frustration. Never intend to hurt. Never forget the reason why. 10

Do No Harm Seek No Evil

Witch’s Home WITCHES’ OATH 1. Know yourself 2. Know your craft. 3. Learn and grow.

10. Attune with the cycles of nature.

4. Apply knowledge with widsom.

11. Do as you will, but harm none.

5. Achieve balance.

12. Honor the God and Goddess.

6. Keep your words in good order. 7. Celebrate Life. 8. Meditate and keep yourself centered. 14

9. Always trust your intition.

Every issue we include the 13 truths or true . “goals� of Wicca. We do this to always remind our readers and even ourselves, the reason why we do this. And we emphasis with each issue that we do this to bring truth and humble intentions to each individual seeking Wicca as a true and honest way of exsisting in this disconnected world. Never forget your intentions! 15

Saint Phera London

Melina Gotera-

Mind Over Magic By Kalie Thompson

Meet Melina, a 25 year old bartend-

er from Des Moines, who does singing and songwriting on the side, and also some magic… Melina contacted us late last spring, asking if we’ve ever met with someone who has dabbled in levitation. We replied that unfortunately we had not, mildly skeptical of the possibility of it. Later that year, however, we receive a video that first confused and shocked us. A messy bed is transformed before us, sheets slowly pulling up to the top of the bed, covers actually being lifted from off the floor, pillows straightened

and finally a comforter folded back into perfection. The whole time a woman focuses in the back corner of the room, intensely watching the blankets and sheets move over the object, she doesn’t look up to the camera once. After first watching the video, I was massively intrigued. Either she was an expert telekinetic or she was an amazing video editor. But needless to say I wated to meet Melina regardless. So after some discussion on both ends, we decided to fly her out to Boston to see if we could see this amazing act in person. Either way, real or fake we were in for a good show.


Melina started simple, first meditating, focusing, calming her body and mind. Then she picked up one of the books, started flipping through, and soon enough it was out of her hand and in the air. Amazed and shocked, we all begin clapping, within moments the book falls from the air and into her lap. She giggles saying “Focus is key, as soon as I loose it, I loose the grip.” She picks the book back up, and momentarily it floats back into the air. When I asked Melina how long she had dabbled in magic she laughed and said “Well, it’s not magic, it’s simple levitation. Anyone can do it, but it’s a matter of having the time and the willpower


to focus on something for so long. It takes an incredible amount of practice.”

“It’s not for the faint of heart or the weak. It takes real dedication and real practice.” Melina currently practices for 1 to 2 hours everyday, and hopes to get up to 3 hours during the colder months. A necessary amount of time if she wants to be able to lift more. “It’s not for the faint of heart or the weak. It takes real dedication and real practice.” she says after the picture above was taken.

I asked Melina about her day to day life and if she regularly used this amazing talent at work or doing performances. She immediately shook her head.

“It’s definitely not something that belongs in a bar or a concert. Telekinetics is very important to me, it’s not just some party trick.” In fact, many of the people in her life don’t even know she CAN do this. “I wouldn’t even be able to

focus on a trick like this for work or shows.” She is an incredibly focused individual, dedicated to the meditation and mental clarity that goes along with such a intensive mental act. Melina plans on continuing her practices in order to acheive her real goal, lifting herself off the ground, and then others. . She was able to move several books and her own body weight for several moments, when it comes to lifting others though she says she has a long way to go before she can pick someone else up off the ground.


Let’s tempt fate together. Come explore the options, the ones you never thought possible. My name is Madeleine and I am a psycic terot card reader. I take great pleasure in my explorations into the unknown. I decided it was time to explore the fate of those around me, and I began to dabble in more external practices, readings and extensive energy interpretations. I am happy to bring you, today, what I truly believe to be the keys to your future.

I will be waiting for your call. Madeleine Torkes 439-566-2345 546 Lionet Ave, Theorten

Have you heard of

Earthing Have you This fall we thought we would introduce tried something you still haved several weeks to enjoy. Earthing is a practive celebrated by Earthing? many witches and non pagans alike!

This practice takes you through a wave of energies, brought to you by none other than Mother Earth herself! If you haven’t tried Earthing, or have never heard of it, we have some helpful information, tips and tricks, and all the reasons you should put down this zine and go outside to see what it’s all about!


Earthing is the process of abors-

ing The Earth as an electrical planet. You are a bioelectrical being living on an electrical planet, your body functions electrically (your heart and nervous system are prime examples). Emerging science reveals that direct contact with the ground allows you to receive an energy infusion, compliments of Mother Earth. Think of it as “vitamin G” – G for ground. Just as the sun above creates vitamin D in your body, the ground below provides you with vitamin G, a kind of “electrical nutrition.” It used to happen naturally, automatically, but humans have


gradually been spending less time outdoors with direct contact with the soil. Previously just walking on the ground barefoot, gardening or tilling the soil, humans have always touched the earth… until recently. Now, we live in houses, wear rubber shoes, are exposed to EMFs daily and don’t often come into direct contact with the ground. Does it work? Have you ever noticed that you sleep better on a beach vacation after walking in the sand or being in the ocean? The sand and ocean water and both naturally conductive mate-

rials and both help ground the body and remove excess positive electrons. For the same basic reason that we ground electrical outlets to avoid the build up of excess positive charge, our bodies need the same ground effect. Many on the Tour de France, supposedly including Lance Armstrong used an earthing recovery bag to speed recovery and increase sleep quality while on this endurance race. Various Olympic swimmers, runners, and triathletes have reported using Earthing and various professional athletes have used Earthing methods as well.

Well known doctor and natural health proponent Dr. Mercola has reportedly been using an Earthing Mat for years and even Dr. Oz has gotten on board recently! Does Science Back it Up? There have been some preliminary studies on the effects of grounding on cortisol levels and inflammation (PDF) and I’m confident that research will continue in this area. What fascinates me most is the testing done in thermographic imaging, which basically shows a heat map of the body. Heat patterns can signal inflammation in the body.


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I trust in the protection of my spirit, body and mind as I now hold a shield unlike and other kind. My Aura is strong with white light defined from my divin energy and spirit combined.

Protection Spell

An Apple a Day Keeps the Witch Doctor At Bay.

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Rose Heri

A Spirit That Came and a

This is Rose Herin. Rose had humble begins into Wiccanism, but is recognized across the states for her personalized spell books and her involvement with Witches United. She has been on several talk shows to speak about Wicca and encourage new comers to explore.

By Emily Woods


For Rose, the distinction between demonizing Wicca and celebrating the energies from the earth and within is personal. A survivor of past trauma and previous religious follower, Rose knows this goes beyond labels.


a Fire Within.


One of our very first inspirations and a true earthling at heart, Rose was delighted to participate in our issue this month. She is a wonderful example of true honest intentions and dedicated follower of this practice.


Born in Northwest Iowa, Rose’s beginning was anything but secular. Dedicated conservative parents and five brother and sisters had Rose feeling very stuck in the middle. She excelled at school and music, dedicating most all of her time to the piano.“I needed something that made me stand out,” she said, “So I choose to be best in my classes, and exceptional in all my talents; it became very exhausting. “ And exhausting indeed.

that I liked, and parts I didn’t. I believed it to be true but to what extent I really don’t remember.” Rose was accepted into Northwestern College, only 30 minutes from her hometown, she was excited to start school, hoping to be relieved from what seemed to be a “rut” developing in her attitude. At first the move was very exciting. “I got into a new church, got a job in town, exploring the new enviroment. But after a while I just began to

Rose spent 8am to 8

feel stuck again.

or 9pm everyday at

“I don’t know if I ever truly believed Christianity was the ‘true and only right away’. There were parts that I liked, and parts I didn’t.”

school from 7th grade on. On weekends, she participated in church and extra curricular activities. “I didn’t mind all the work” Rose said, “I think maybe I was just trying to get out of the house. Until my senior year I started getting really depressed,

The only thing that

and it only got worse

excited me was my

on through college.”

Ancient Religions and

After college, Rose thought to study religion,

Practices. I was fascinated by other beliefs

possibly becoming a missionary, or religious

and practices that I could relate to mine,

researcher. “I wanted to travel. Many people

but we’re entirely different on their own. I

from my church had gone on missionary

continued on with my studies until the Fall

trips for long periods of time. I thought it

Semester of my Junior Year. On top of my

would be so fascinating to see the familiarity

depression, I found my thinking was be-

of my religion around the world. I don’t know

coming compulsive. Thoughts would repeat

if I ever truly believed Christianity was the

over and over and I started thinking about

‘true and only right away’. There were parts

things in really strange ways. Sometimes I


Sometimes I felt paranoid, like I was being followed, and my anxiety was at an all time high. I think the stress from everything just took it’s toll, I tried to ignore it for as long as I could but it was beyond ignoring any longer.” Many of the people Rose talked to said prayer was the answer, as many of the friends in Orange City were from her church or classes. And Rose tried but nothing seemed to work. “A Counselor from school recommended I try nature therapy, and begin exploring outside 2 to 3 times a week.”


She found a few trails around town, one in particular behind a train track that she fell in love with. “It was so beautiful, and felt so safe. Almost immediately I could feel stress falling away.” Rose started to go outside, into the woods, almost everyday. And she did feel a lot better, but her grades started to slip. “In the winter, right before finals, I had a massive panic attack as I realized all the work I had put off, just to go outside had caught up to me. I felt like I was going to die, sincerely actually thought I was going to die.

Without thinking, I sprinted to my car and drove to the woods. I thought to myself, ‘if I’m going to die, I going to die where I feel safe’”. 40


What happened next was beautiful, Rose says with a smile. “It felt like every single one of the trees, naked and bare, was sharing every ounce of love and acceptance for me. I could feel warmth from the soles of my feet up. Like a unison of voices from every direction that said distinctly,

“we are your brothers and sisters, you are safe with us’” I cried for hours in the snow, not realizing my body had actually gone numb.” After about 3 hours a friend had found her, sitting feet from her car, still sobbing into the snow. “I have no idea how long I was out there, I don’t even recall most of the moment, only what others had told me.” From then on, Rose decided that the earth was her first and truest love. She finished her semester and switched her major and school to study in Botany in Northern California. “I spent almost everyday in the Redwood forest”, she smiles. “It was one of the best times of my life.” On top of that, this is when Rose met Kelsey, the one who introduced

her to Wicca. “Immediately, I was in love. It felt like an entire way of life for me and just for me. A religion that celebrates the earth, rather than fighting against it? I had never felt so accepted and supported by a community either. The Wiccas of the area invited me in, introduced me to practices, and made me feel like on of their own. I felt as though I had been so seperated from the church and it broke my heart. There was this group of people and ideology I had built my whole life around that was just gone from me. I felt my-

new priorites isolated me from the friends and family I had called my home. I could feel the enery I had felt all those years in the church, still surrounding me, supporting me.


I could feel the enery I had felt all those years in the church, still surrounding me, supporting me. But rather than leaving me, my conceptualization of it had just simply shifted. The love was there, I was just interpretationg it different. It was 6 years ago that Rose made the transformation to Wicca, and she’s still loving it. Aside from the spells, herbs, prayers, and rituals, Rose’s favorite new hobbie is stones. “Do Gem stones have meanings? Absolutely!” Rose exclaims, “There are certain stones and metals used in Wiccan rituals and Wiccan jewelry for their spiritual energy or symbolic attributes (which are pretty much the same thing). Gem stones are valued by Witches for their healing proper-


ties, and their ability to hold and channel energies. And metals also have inherent powers and associations.

“They are so beautiful alone, not to mention they bring such a calming, supportive energy. You always feel like you’ve got this really solid thing to hold on to, because literally, you do.” When we place a crystal on the altar, we know it is doing something other than a pearl would do. This awareness is fundamental to the living practice of Wicca. Offered here is a quick reference guide to the power and meaning of the gem stones and metals most often used in Wicca.


New Moon- Start new projects, new loves, new jobs Waxing Crescent - Bring wanted engeries into your life Waxing Gibbous - Bing money and prosperity to you. Full Moon - Psychic energy. Use the Full Moon to cleanse alter tools and crystals and resore your enegy. Be at one with the Goddess and give thanks for all you have. Think about what you wish to acheive.

Waning Gibbous - Expel negative energy. Waning Quater - Clear out junk and unwanted people, feeling and thoughts from your life. Wanning Crescent - Cleanse your house with a Sage smudge stick and clearing home of bad energies by using Holy Water. This will help you to get your days in orde.r

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