BSBSLS501A - Develop a Sales Plan - Learner Assessment

Page 1

Part 1: Assessment Delivery

Learner Information Each Learner Assessment Pack is made up of three (3) parts:

Part 1: Assessment Delivery Learner Information Steps for Learners

Assessment Agreement

Part 2: Assessment Tasks Assessment Tasks Context

Assessor Feedback

Part 3: Recording

Record of Assessment

Before you commence your assessment, ensure that you have a good knowledge of the subject, have thoroughly read your Learner Resource, clearly understand the assessment requirements and the expectations of the Assessor. Learners may be required to demonstrate knowledge and skills which may be difficult for the Assessor to witness. An Industry Evidence Record is supplied which will allow the knowledge or skill to be verified by at least one (1) third party and preferably two (2) or more. These witnesses would usually be current or recent supervisors or your Assessor. Explanations are made for each task. If you have any questions consult with your Assessor. Your Assessor will give you a sheet of further Tasks which contextualise this Assessment to your industry. Complete these Tasks and include the answers with this Assessment when you return it to your Assessor. Records must be kept of all aspects of the assessment in your Learner Pack. The record of assessment is a legal document and must be signed, dated and stored according to the requirements of the State Training Authority and the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

Steps for Learners 1. Receive your Learner Assessment Pack and discuss with your Assessor the expectations of this assessment. You may also need to supply contact details of one or two work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry. Discuss also how this assessment has been contextualised by your Assessor and make notes on the ‘Assessment Task’ page under ‘Context’ to make this assessment appropriate for you and your industry.

2. Your

Learner Assessment Pack is where you will complete the tasks using either the simulated business, Bounce Fitness or your employing organisation.

3. After you complete your assessment, gather your evidence documents as detailed in the task/s in the timeframe agreed with your Assessor. Return to your Assessor. Recording sheets for each of the Tasks, and Industry Evidence is at the back of this Learner Assessment Pack.


Learner Assessment Pack BSBSLS501A Develop a Sales Plan © Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Part 2: Assessment Tasks

Assessment Tasks You are required to complete all tasks as instructed.

Context Your Assessor will advise how this assessment is to be contextualised.


















Learner Assessment Pack BSBSLS501A Develop a Sales Plan Š Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Part 2: Assessment Tasks

Tasks Sign Off Sheet

Learner Name

Assessor Name

Learner Signature

Assessor Signature

Date Date


Learner Assessment Pack BSBSLS501A Develop a Sales Plan Š Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

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