RIIRIS402A - Carry Out the Risk Management Processes

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Table of Contents Continued

4.3 Clarify findings which are ambiguous, unclear or of doubtful accuracy by seeking expert advice

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Key Points ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz

RIIRIS402A/05  Identify Potential Actions 5.1 Identify existing controls 5.2 Identify, analyse and document the range of risk controls which may be appropriate for identified unacceptable risks 5.3 Identify possible options for risk control by the use of the hierarchy of controls, considering the potential for operational effectiveness 5.4 Verify feasible options for risk control by preliminary analysis and consideration, including potential to provide an integrated response to the range of issues

50 51 53

Key Points ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz

RIIRIS402A/06  Decide on Action 6.1 Select most appropriate risk controls for the situation from the feasible options 6.2 Confirm the selected course of action following analysis of resource requirements, cost, safety and welfare issues within site constraints 6.3 Document the selected course of action

58 59 61

Key Points ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz

RIIRIS402A/07  Implement or Facilitate Action 7.1 Implement directly, or facilitate through others, the course of action 7.2 Observe and apply all safety regulations and procedures 7.3 Communicate to all involved parties relevant information related to the new / revised work procedures and their implementation in accordance with site requirements

66 67 69

Key Points ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz

RIIRIS402A/08  Review the Implementation of Action 8.1 Determine and facilitate an ongoing review process to ensure implementation and application of risk controls in accordance with risk assessment outcomes, new or revised work procedures and accident investigation outcomes 8.2 Review process, actions and controls to ensure continuing effectiveness in the changing work environment 8.3 Respond to, or refer to the appropriate party for follow-up action, anomalies and shortcomings identified during the review process

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Key Points ‘True’ or ‘False’ Quiz RIIRIS402A  Carry Out the Risk Management Processes Trainer Manual  © Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Table of Contents Continued


RIIRIS402A/09  Audit the Risk Management Process 9.1 Conduct audits of risk management processes and work procedures to ensure compliance and effectiveness 9.2 Respond to changed requirements identified during audits in a systematic and timely manner 9.3 Complete and retain all risk management documentation covering the reason for, and changes made

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Key Points

RIIRIS402A/10  Complete Records and Reports 10.1 Produce, process and maintain all risk management documentation and reports


Key Points


Required Skills and Knowledge

90 Summary 91 Bibliography 93

Assessment Pack

RIIRIS402A  Carry Out the Risk Management Processes Trainer Manual  © Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd


Introduction (continued)

8. Review the Implementation of Action 9. Audit the Risk Management Process 10. Complete Records and Reports. There are activities throughout this workbook. These require the Learners to think about their experience or reactions, or to try and complete some research through reading or accessing the Internet. The activities will also help Learners towards completing the Assessment Task by assisting them to think about issues involved in the Assessment Tasks. Learners will then be asked to complete an Assessment Pack for this unit of competency. The information contained in this workbook will assist them. These tasks can be completed as they work through the workbook, rather than leaving it all to be completed at the end of their study. Finally, at the end of this workbook you will find a list of useful resources that you may use for further information. You will need to have access to an Internet terminal. Throughout the text, there are references to websites for further information and for some activities. This unit contributes the attainment of National Certificates. Mining operations should assess their risk and exposure on a regular basis. Like any risk assessment, the site should consider the effectiveness and adequacy of their controls, both preventative and mitigating. The risk assessment should consider impacts to onsite operations, as well as potential offsite interruptions. Different types of consequences should also be assessed – financial, production, health and safety, and environmental impacts.


RIIRIS402A  Carry Out the Risk Management Processes Trainer Manual  © Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Element 1: Determine the Risk Management Process

Determine the Risk Management Process Access to and Be Able to Interpret and Use Compliance Documentation that is Relevant Compliance Documents One of the most important tasks you will undertake is to make yourself aware of, and able to comply with a range of compliance documents. Compliance means conforming to a rule. These could include a specification, policy, standard, or law. Regulatory compliance is the goal that businesses aspire to as they try to ensure that their staff are aware of and take steps to comply with or act in accordance with those relevant laws and regulations. Because there are an increasing number of regulations and a great need for operational transparency, organisations are adopting the use of sets of compliance controls which are harmonised. This is done to ensure that all necessary governance requirements can be met without the unnecessary duplication of effort and activity from resources. To be aware of your responsibilities, you need to know where to access the related documents that describe the requirements, understand, and then apply this information as you perform on-the-job. The compliance documentation may include: • Legislative, organisation, and site requirements and procedures • Manufacturer’s guidelines and specifications • Australian Standards • Code of Practice • Employment and Workplace Relations Legislation • Equal Employment Opportunity and Disability Discrimination Legislation. During your induction, you would have been made familiar with many of these documents, their meaning, and where to access if you want to refer to them later. Each organisation has its own storage procedures. It may be helpful if we discuss where these are generally held. These will usually be checked, stored, and updated in the head office and by a nominated person. Requirements and procedures relating to each location, circumstance, or site will be available at that location. Information and advice about hazards and risks relevant to particular industries and types of work is available from regulators (these are usually government regulatory bodies), industry associations, unions, technical specialists, and safety consultants.


RIIRIS402A  Carry Out the Risk Management Processes Trainer Manual  © Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

Element 1: Determine the Risk Management Process

Once you have found the documentation that you require to develop or manage a risk management process, you must interpret the information to enable you to carry out the necessary tasks and meet the guidelines. Interpretation is to explain the meaning of what has been decided is the ‘best business practice’ for risk management in your organisation. So for you to interpret the documents that you have collected, you will need to read them carefully and seek advice on any unclear points. You could get information from your manager, websites, or literature. However, ensure that you clearly understand and do not make assumptions before taking any actions. Likewise, before you take any action, ensure that you follow exactly, the guidelines and instructions – you will not have the authority, skills, or knowledge to make changes in any form without seeking permission first.

Identify and Determine the Process to Be Used For Risk Management Risk is defined as the chance of something happening that will have an impact upon objectives. It is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood. Hazard is defined as a source of potential harm or a situation with a potential to cause loss. Risk Management is defined as the culture, processes, and structures that are directed towards the effective management of potential opportunities and adverse effects. In every organisation there is a legal requirement to identify risk. Therefore, risk management processes must be clearly documented. These will usually be found in the policy, process, and standard operating procedure documents of an organisation. Every task will have a set of instructions. You must find and adhere to these. Ensure that you are using the latest version. They may include timelines, frequency, step-bystep processes, and the documents that you must complete to remain compliant or doing what you must be doing. These documents form the evidence.

RIIRIS402A  Carry Out the Risk Management Processes Trainer Manual  © Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd


Element 1: Determine the Risk Management Process

Identify, Develop, and Document Parameters of the Risk Assessment Task Managing work health and safety risks is an ongoing process that is triggered when any changes affect your work activities. This could include: • Starting a new business or purchasing a business • Changing work practices, procedures, or the work environment • Purchasing new or used equipment, or using new substances • Planning to improve productivity or reduce costs • New information about workplace risks becomes available • Responding to workplace incidents (even if they have caused no injury) • Responding to concerns raised by workers, health and safety representatives, or others at the workplace • Required by the Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) regulations for specific hazards. Parameters are a measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or establishes the conditions for its operation. The parameters of the risk management may include: • Objectives • System boundaries • Hazard and consequence type • Methods / team processes • Timing, venue / locations • Consultation and communication processes. So when you are reading and interpreting the documents that you have sourced, look for the objectives. This will provide a context for the rest of the task. Look also for the boundaries because these will tell you how broad the measurement is. The hazard and consequence is important because it identifies exactly what is posing the risk and what could happen if not effectively managed. The methods or team processes provide the steps that must be taken. The location and time related to the number of measurements will provide where data must be collected. Consultation with the work groups that are performing the tasks is vital, you may also consult with industry bodies and machinery manufactures. Finally, ensure you communicate any changes that need to be implemented. This could include training, Tool Box Talks, mentoring, and formal minuted meetings. Ensure you document the steps you have taken to gather this information as this will be your evidence for future reference. These documents may include meeting minutes, risk assessments, processes, emails, training registers, registers of attendance at Tool Box Talks.


RIIRIS402A  Carry Out the Risk Management Processes Trainer Manual  © Precision Group (Australia) Pty Ltd

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