The iEmporium Sizzle - Oct.

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Keyword Optimization

Pampered Penelope Ergonomics And More!


Small Businesses • classifieds • Promotions • ideas • shopping

Editors: Melissa Eddings The Muse Parthena Black Contributors: Mary Lou Huelsman Denay Davis Michelle Nina Letitia Eppes Tom Special Thank You to Nina for the cover art and Editors logo

Here it is October already. This is the time of year when thoughts turn towards the upcoming holidays and family. There’s shopping to be done, meals to plan, cards to send and so much more preparation. It’s time to pull out the warmer clothing, rake the leaves, carve pumpkins and buy yourself (and the kids) a costume.

For more information on contributing to The iEmporium Sizzle, comments or questions, please send an email to

The next few months are probably the busiest months of the year. Next month’s issue will focus on holiday shopping in these difficult financial times. We’ll also be bringing you the best of the best in handmade products that are not only affordable, but wonderfully crafted. Meet some new artists, new entrepreneurs and more. Please join us. Have a wonderful Autumn and a Happy Halloween. Melissa, The Muse & Parthena

©2008 The iEmporium Sizzle. All Rights Reserved, Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited.

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Entrepreneur of the Month:

How were you inspired to create your business? I have always dabbled in crafts. I find making things very relaxing and quite satisfying. My friend, Julie, had started an online business. She encouraged me to do the same. She has been a great inspiration to me. There is nothing that she can’t or won’t do. If she doesn’t know how to do it, she learns how. Then she does it and does it well. She will say, “you can do it” and then list the ways that it is done. There is no stopping her! lol My husband has always been supportive of anything that I want to do. When I mentioned starting a business, he thought it was a great idea. A man that is in the grocery business once told me you should go into a line of work that people will always use or need. I considered that when selecting what I wanted to do. People will always be getting married. I thank him for his words of wisdom. How did you come up with your business name? My daughter was helping me think of a name for Delightfully Wed. We kept thinking it should have an upbeat sound, something that means happy and shouldn’t be too long. It is a “delight” to work with someone to help create an item for a most special time in their life. Julie & I are partners in Snowberry Creek. We collaborated on the name and had a long list. None seemed like the perfect fit. We both love the outdoors. And Julie loves snow and

snowmen. We both love the color red. And Christmas is our favorite time of year. So, Snowberry Creek was established. How did you choose your products? I first started out with making small soap favors and decided to offer a few other favors. I told Julie that I would never make cake toppers. I quickly decided to make western cake toppers. She laughs to this day! I found that my niche is western-themed items. I enjoy designing and creating the western items. If a customer wants something special, I will always be happy to give it a try. For Snowberry Creek it is more about promotion and advertising than choosing a product. We offer independent businesses the opportunity to be in our sample boxes. We don’t try to ship quantity and produce skimpy boxes. Customer satisfaction is foremost in our minds. We strive for quality boxes that showcase our etailers at their best. We try to think of new ways to promote these

independent businesses. There are many wonderful companies with fantastic products, but they just aren’t being recognized. That’s where we come in. We promote the e-tailers and get more links out for them so the customers can find their websites. How did you fund your business? I funded my business out of my own pocket. I didn’t take out any loans. I started out slowly and gradually grew. How do you balance running two businesses? I run Delightfully Wed by myself. I enjoy it so much that it doesn’t seem like work. I do tend to get bogged down in the paperwork end of things, at times. Julie and I run Snowberry Creek together. She has her area of expertise, which is the website building, updating and maintaining, while I tend to do the blogging, forums, advertising, and paperwork. Both of us answer emails, pack and label boxes. It is a lot of fun to have a company with your best friend. Each of us has our own individual business so it is a nice break to work together packing boxes. Snowberry Creek requires us to spend a lot of time at the computer. Most of my time running Delightfully Wed is spent creating

Delightfully Wed new designs or filling orders. I like working, so running two businesses is not really a job to me. Actually, I’m involved in three businesses as I keep books for my husband’s business and run many errands for him.

Who is your support network outside of family?

What types of advertising methods have you used?

Do you have a website?

We have used advertising on forums; we’ve paid for advertising at various places and word of mouth. What works best? All of these methods seem to work. Of course, it is hard to beat word of mouth. Satisfied customers will spread the word by mouth and on forums. Do you do more marketing online or locally? I do more marketing online, but never pass up a chance to promote my businesses. Which generates the most sales? I think online marketing via forums and blogs generates the most sales. You get to know people and build up trust. Having a great webmaster helps. My website was not long coming up the ranks in google. Does your business fit well with your family and personal life? My businesses fit well with my family and my personal life. I am busy at times but I have plenty of time for my family. We are a close-knit family. Is your family supportive? My family is very supportive. My husband is proud of my accomplishments. My daughters and my parents are always supportive. When available, they all make post office “runs” for me.

My friend Julie and my many online friends. The Muse has been supportive and encouraging.

Yes. and Blog? Yes, Snowberry Creek has a blog at and Delightfully Wed’s is a work in progress (not much progress yet but soon) at What advice do you have for other women starting their own businesses? Follow your dreams. You can do it! And most of all – Don’t give up! Starting a business is hard work and getting established takes time. It won’t happen overnight, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Join some forums; there is a wealth of valuable information on these sites from people who are willing to share it with you. Decide what you want to do and go for it!

Visit Debbie’s websites to see her businesses in action!



Tanzanite & Amethyst Sterling Silver Ring 1.45ctw Material: Sterling Silver .925 Measures 3/4” long & 5/8” Wide

Over the Meadow Scenice Landscape Jasper & Green Sterling Silver Pendant 2 5/8” Long including bail & 1 3/8” wide

Assisting Angel wear them with happiness. The reality is we’re all overworked, over stressed, overwhelmed and really tired.

“I don’t have time for that.” “I really need to get this done, but I’m so busy.” “If there were only a few more hours in each day.” “I’ll never get to the end of this “to do” list.” “If I could be in more than one place at a time.” “If only I had two sets of hands.” Do any of these statements sound familiar? Everyone of us has had one or more of these very thoughts as we make our way through overwhelming days. Someone always needs a piece of who we are. What’s funny, in an ironic way, is that we make serious efforts to meet everyone’s demands for a piece of us be it our time, resources, or finances. Let’s consider a gift you would give yourself if you were so inclined to be that selfish. Society tells us that any consideration of being good to ourselves means someone in our lives goes uncared for, right?!? We’re of the mindset that we must be wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, good friends, entrepreneurs, hard workers, and pillars of the communities in which we live. Not only are we to wear all our “hats” successfully we’re to

Back to that gift we spoke of earlier. Would your gift be an answer to the multitude of questions asked earlier? After all, who couldn’t use an extra set of hands? What a delight it would be to be in two places at one time. What if this gift also came packaged as a total person? We’re talking not only an extra set of hands but eyes, ears, and a brain. Would you dare to be that selfish? This does sound like a wonderful gift you’re thinking. This gift to yourself is dedicated to helping you complete your growing “to do” list. This gift adds hours to your day. This gift can be your representative in the professional or personal tasks you delegate, allowing you to be in two places at one time. From this point of view, giving yourself such a gift doesn’t sound so selfish does it? By now you’re probably thinking where do I go to give myself such a gift? Take a deep breath, the answer is coming. Let’s examine a few of the benefits that come with such a wonderful gift. “There are benefits you say?” Yes my friend, there are benefits! This gift comes with its own technical hardware &

software. This gift comes already insured, and you don’t have to make room anywhere in your home to place this gift. You’ll be assured the gift is just a phone call, text, or email away. Too good to be true? Actually, there are thousands of other creative, talented, smart, business savvy individuals who have gifted themselves in such a manner. Okay, okay, you’ve earned the right to the answer. The gift is a Virtual Assistant. A professional who is dedicated to helping you achieve the levels of success you desire. An entrepreneur who works with you from a virtual environment, creating an atmosphere where you’re free to focus on your big picture. A virtual partner whom you can trust to manage your business and personal “to do” lists. Your business, family, and friends will thank you for giving yourself such a needed gift. I can guarantee you will thank yourself for selfgifting. Of course, you’ll only do this when you’re sitting quietly with your feet up enjoying your favorite beverage. This scenario is now your reality… you have a Virtual Assistant. By Letitia Eppes For more information visit or contact Letitia at

Finding a Craftshow Mentor By Mary Lou Huelsman You have a craft. You decide to start selling at craft shows. How do you begin? What do you do? Where do you go for help? There are a lot of places to go to get help in getting started. But where? Here are some ways that I got started and found help. These days, the first place people go to is the internet. What do you search for? Do you start with craft shows? Where they are? When they are? Or do you search for

What can a mentor do for you? First of all, they will build you up and give you confidence so you can do this. They will be able to answer your questions, direct you to the right sites, or help you know what you need to get started.

starting a craft show business? If you do, you will find a lot of information. The next logical step is to find a good craft site; one that has good articles, good forums and a chat room. This brings up a good point.

When I started I was very, very green. I didn’t even attend shows. I just knew I had a good product, which was selling all by itself. When I decided to start as a business, I did not have the first idea where to begin. I knew I

One thing I think is vital to your success in starting your business is finding a mentor. You might already know someone in the business. You might have met someone at a show that you have come to trust

wanted a website and was able to take care of that. I knew enough to register my name with the state, and that was all I knew. I found a

me figure out how and where to place them. I did not realize I had to provide my own table covering, so they led me to the best site. Then there is the banner, another item I had not thought about. Again, they sent me to a fantastic site that took very good care of me. I found my first show and they helped me through the application process and helped me know what to expect from it.

group of people who mentored me through the rest.

Then there was packing for the show. For the first timer this can be

or, like me, you might meet someone on the internet.

and by describing them, they helped

It began with designing my display. I had some display cases

a daunting experience. Had it not been for them telling me what to

take, I would have missed half of the items

encourage you, and help you – no matter

I needed. There are suggestions like how


much money to take, insurance, taking credit cards, business cards, back drop, and

If you are considering starting a craft show

any other possible thing that comes up.

business, or you are new to it, I recommend you get yourself a mentor, someone who has

Yes, I was mentored, and I was mentored

been in the business and is successful. Find

very well. Without the structural help, my

someone, or a group, who you can trust.

show probably would have been a flop.

There are a lot of crafting sites on the

However, as good as that is and was for me,

internet. It might take some time to find the

the emotional help and support was by far

one that you fit into, but the search is well

the biggest help for me. Any new crafter

worth it.

has doubts and insecurities and a lot of questions. I cannot imagine going into it

To me, having a mentor could lead to success

without someone behind me telling me I

a lot sooner than without one. A mentor can

can do it. When I had my first bad show,

show you know what you need to know

they were there to say hang in there and it

instead of working in the dark. A mentor can

will get better. When I had my first show in

encourage you when you feel like you are

the rain, a pouring rain, they were there to

lost or are giving up. A mentor can help you

encourage me. Any situation I have come

make sure you have covered all your bases

up on, they have been there – done that.

before your first show. A Mentor can be the difference between success and failure.

Not all things have an answer, not all things are the same for everybody, but a good mentor knows that and can still encourage you. A good mentor will build you up,

Craft Show Websites To Get You Started







Nina’s W I discovered my artistic ability after

five years later and several MRI’s

planned to do with what I had. I’m

being diagnosed with Multiple

that I was diagnosis with MS. I

not only a realist, I am also a fighter.

Sclerosis about 9 years ago. To say

was told there is no cure. Doctor’s

I began to pray diligently. I asked


do not know how, or why, some

God to give me a new passion and


people get it.

purpose in life. I knew that God had


Some doctors

not given me an outgoing and


believe it is

spirited personality to end up in a






drastically be









diagnosis, I was

genetics, cold

window. I knew he had a purpose


weather, and

and a plan. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us,


c e r t a i n

“For I know the plans I have for

played organized

vaccines. It is

you," declares the LORD, "plans to


prosper you and not to harm you,


active person.




mountain bikes, went camping,


plans to give you hope and a

enjoyed hiking, water skiing, and snow skiing.

My husband and I

did a lot of this together along with our three children.

future.” Dwelling on that, I kept “Progressive” was the operative word for me. I am a realist. I had a pretty good idea of what my future

On one day out on a walk with the family I began to stumble and I could not figure out why. We sat for a while and after resting I felt fine again.

As time went by I

began to have more and more of these weird feelings in my left foot, numb feelings on my ribcage, blurred




completely exhausted.

It was a





because the doctors were unable to pin point the cause. It was not until









neighbor gave me


some paints






a s



far a m

s y



gift. She said “I







know you would be good I

at painting. You are so creative and

understood it was not a pretty


picture. But it is what it is; I needed

you”. When she left, I put it all in

to put into perspective what I

the closet-Out of sight, out of mind.

I responded, “Thank

Window I had never painted a thing in my

thought. But I felt that God put this

Am I angry? Absolutely not.

life. Truth be told, I had no desire

desire in my heart for some reason.

husband and I have three children.

to. Going to art shows or museums was boring in comparison to my previously active lifestyle. So, I kept praying and telling God that I

Our daughter Erika is 24, married I do believe that when God closes a door He opens a window. The door has closed for me physically but He

needed Him to give me

has opened a

a new passion…by


the way painting

window for

was not what I had in

me with my






art. That is why I call my

progressing. I was experiencing


“ N i n a ’ s Window”. I give God all the glory and the credit.

Throughout this entire process, Mondays were coffee days in my neighborhood.


a b i l i t y

and less mobility.



Monday I woke up with a different feeling in my heart. As we were all sitting around talking and laughing I announced that I was going home and I was going to paint.


remember going to the closet, pulling the paints and canvas out and wondering how on earth I was


so inspiring and it has given me such a venue to express myself. I love how seeing the joy on my friend’s and family’s faces when they see my Watercolor is my favorite




Ryan, 21, and Jeremy, 19. I have to be honest and say that I don’t know what the future holds for them. Difficult times and challenges come to all of us. I want them to see how full life can be in spite of very difficult challenges. I want them to persevere, be tenacious and to be fighters.

I want to inspire in them

the belief that God is faithful and that He will never leave us or forsake us.

He has been so

faithful to me. I love painting. It is


and has a baby boy. Our sons are







Through art, I have met wonderful people and I have learned a lot about myself as an artist and as a person.

going to make something look like anything on this white canvas square staring at me. I was scared.

Is living with MS difficult? Yes. Do I

This was not my thing… or so I

have difficult days?


See all of Nina’s art at Nina’s Window.

You Live What You Learn Dr. LuAnn Soliah of Baylor University wrote some years ago about "Current Home Baking Practices." The jest of her article alleged American's don't bake the way we use to and our fast paced lives have lead parents and children down a dangerous path. Parents manage to provide food for their children and teenagers; however they don't teach them about food preparation and nutrition. According to Dr. LuAnn Soliah "parents need to recognize that home food preparation is a teaching opportunity as well as a parental responsibility;" and we all know that parents are a child's first teacher. Parents can start addressing the issue by first learning to cook, bake, and preserve healthy foods. This may sound simple, but you would be surprised the numbers of adults who do not know how to do anything more than open a can or microwave a frozen dinner. I am by no means an alarmist but to put all of your faith in large food conglomerates who are in business to make money and not supply healthy nutritious food is a tad unwise. I am a cooking instructor. I teach folks how to cook, how to build sustainable home food processing systems that put control over food selection and preparation back into the hands of those who should have it. Everyone lives busy lives, and has work, school, family and community responsibilities, but having direct control of what you

eat and how it is prepared is going to be paramount in the coming years. We are all doing more with less. When the population increases and people are forced to work longer hours, for less pay, with less training, problems occur. Even the Center for Disease Control has admitted that foodborne infections are on the rise. This month I will be teaching a Micro Business course titled "How to operate a successful home-based bakery." Fortunately I live in a state that allows folks to operate a homebased bakery. This is not as unusual as you might think. In some third world countries, there are village or town bakers who own and operate large hearths; this baker is responsible for baking the bread brought to him by the villagers. Each loaf is marked to indicate ownership and the villager drops off their loaf/loaves and returns in a few hours to retrieve it, baked and ready for consumption. How cool is that? There are children who have never tasted homemade bread, cookies, cakes or pies. Would you believe there are adults who have never eaten a homemade cake because their mother only used Duncan Hines boxed cake mix? I once had a young women tell me, "Why would I ever bake a cake from scratch when I can just buy a box of mix for a couple dollars?" I neglected to tell her, because she could avoid consuming (niacin, reduced iron, thiamine moninitrate,

riboflavin, folic acid), (partially hydrogenated soybean oil, propylene glycol mono-and diesters of fats, mono-AND diglcerides, polyglycerol esters of fatty acids maltodextrin, natural and artificial flavors, gum Arabic, partially hydrogenated soybean oil, cellulose gum, citric acid, xanthan gum, colored with (yellow 5 lake) and a host of other things I won't say.I just think it's easier to say the cake was made with flour, eggs, bicarbonate of soda, butter (cream), milk, vanilla bean, sugar or honey. I'm no purist. I occasionally purchase store bought pie shells and mayo off the shelf; but I do know how to make a pie shell from scratch and mayo using fresh egg yolks, canola oil, vinegar, lemon juice, salt, and a little dry mustard. I'm just saying before you through the baby out with the bath water, at least teach the little tike to swim. Our children will grow up to be young adults and how they function on a daily basis and take care of their own families will be a direct reflection of what we do or don't teach them. Here is my favorite morning bread. It is moist, flavorful and great with that first cup of java. I have cut out the egg yolk and reduced the sugar. This is definitely one of those loaves you can take to work and know that inside of 10 minutes there will be nothing left but crumbs.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." ~Peter Drucker

Morning Bread Yield: 1 (9 x 4-inch) loaf INGREDIENTS ¼ cup canola oil 1 egg white ½ teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder ¼ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon, ground 1 cup apple, chopped ½ cup walnuts, chopped ½ cup cranraisins ® or raisins 3 ½ tablespoons sugar 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup ripe bananas (about 2 medium bananas) * super ripe bananas are perfect for this bread 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees * Mix together flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nuts and cranraisins®, set aside. * In a medium bowl, mix oil, egg white, sugar, stir to blend. * Add to the oil/egg mixture; flour mixture, bananas, apple, and lemon juice. * Stir until just combined. (Do not over mix) * Batter will be thick. * Pour batter into a greased 9 x 4-inch loaf pan. * Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. * Allow to set for 15 minutes before slicing. * Serve warm or at room temperature. * Refrigerate any leftovers.

Detra Denay Davis Cooking with Denay



Upon developing powerful keywords for your business it is important to optimize your webpage to gain better search placement and rankings. By targeting your most popular keywords in certain areas, you will increase organic searches to your site and provide quality information to web crawlers. Most importantly consider search engine and page optimization as a method to fulfill your customer’s needs. If you meet this challenge, you may gain a bookmark, a write up from another website or a repeat customer who will encourage their friends to visit. Best of all, this is FREE marketing and advertising because ranking well for your chosen keywords while gaining customer respect can produce a steady stream of visitors daily. Most small businesses cannot afford a high profile SEO firm but with the right knowledge, it’s easy to do on your own. Follow these tips to help increase your search engine rankings and traffic: 1. Content First You’ve probably heard the phrase

“content is king”. Your page needs relevant copy in relation to your keywords and your site requires regular updates. The more unique content you provide targeting your main audience, the better your search ranking. If you are receiving lots of traffic but not converting them into sales or readers, check your content and overall message. Is your content aimed at your primary keywords and market? Are you duplicating content from other more

prominent sites. Perhaps it needs to be re-evaluated and tweaked or to have a more original spin. 2. Keyword Density and Placement: When writing for your site, target at least two keywords per page including the keyword no more than six times per page or once for every 100-150 words. Any more is considered keyword spamming. Place the keywords close to the first paragraph after the opening <body> tag and again near the last paragraph close to the end <./body> tag.

3. Image Naming: Use ALT attributes to describe what the image is about and but do not stuff keywords here. For example, you have a picture of a scented candle. Name the image scentedcandle.jpg instead of a nondescript name like pic124.jpg. The ALT attribute would be: <img src=scentedcandle.jpg alt=”scented candle picture”/>. 4. Page Navigation: Here’s a strong tip straight from Google: “Organize your pages with a clear hierarchy and internal links for good navigation, structuring your website into major categories and subcategories”. This allows the web spiders to navigate your site more easily. With a clear structure in place, it is also a good idea to create a sitemap Use keywords or phrases in your navigation hyperlinks. If you have a catalog or side/top bar directory, name the pages according to your keywords or relevant site content. For example, a link to a page featuring Jewelry, should be “Jewelry”, not Accessories or Bling. You could also add sub categories and hyperlinks for Bracelets, Necklaces, Rings, etc, to further optimize navigation 5. Link Strategy From within your site use a relevant keyword in hyperlinks pointing to

By Michelle Lieck an internal page with the same theme. For example, you mention a product on your main index page that has it’s own catalog page and is a keyword : We design handcrafted bracelets (place a link here to the bracelet catalog page) made with beautiful glass beads. Or, you are featuring a new product: Our green apple dress (place link here to dress page) is a hot seller this month featuring bold color and soft jersey fabric. Acquire incoming links (backlinks) from credible sites with a similar theme. For example, if you sell clothing, look for fashion related and shopping sites, not gaming forums. If you come across a site of interest, kindly email the owner and ask it they would be interested in linking to your site or exchanging links. The worst that can happen is they say NO or don’t respond. Provide quality outgoing links from your site that are relevant to your content and benefit your customers. Avoid link farms ALWAYS and directories that provide little value to your business. 6. Keyword at the Domain Level If you are creating a new business, website or blog consider using a keyword in the domain URL. For

example, if you sell silver jewelry and that is a high ranking keyword on your list, perhaps your domain could be Or if you sell designer clothing for women, perhaps m. Don’t make it too generic as you want to maintain somewhat of a brand, but you get the point. Using a keyword in the domain URL that is directly related to the site content help with your site’s authority. 7. External Focus Consider writing a press release for your company or website and use keyword phrases as hyperlinks pointing to your site. For example: My Best Fit Shop is a woman owned online boutique specializing in affordable women’s clothing (keyword linked to site) and focuses on the best fit for your body type (keyword linked to site). Keep the keyword links to one per 100 words. These links will be crawled by the search engines and are one-way backlinks. Write articles for other websites, blogs or ezines and use your keyword phrases as links back to your site. These are also one-way backlinks to your site. Always remember to look for the value of the site prior to submitting. Make sure it’s credible and has authority in rankings and content and is relevant to your website theme. Links from spammy sites will

reduce your ranking eventually. A final thought on optimizing your website is to realize this is not a game. It’s about your business and respecting the available tools and your customers. I often hear people explode when Google drops their page rank or they are placed lower than expected in the search engine results. Don’t place blame on external forces, look at your business, website content and structure and determine how YOU can make it better. Michelle Lieck is an artist at heart who enjoys painting, photography and inner reflection . After the birth of her first child in 2001, she abandoned her corporate position as a Business Analyst with Sony Ericsson to become a stay at home Mother. She continued to study fashion, retail and web technology in her spare time and dreamed about opening her own clothing store. Eventually, her passion for the internet and fashion collided and in 2006, the online clothing boutique, Lady Language, was created. The store and corresponding blog continues to build a strong following with its affordable, contemporary selections and style advice. She also provides retail, marketing and website optimization consulting services to small online businesses.

Celebrate the Diva in YOU with Defining Divas! Coffee Mugs Mouse Pads Aprons Journals Keepsake Boxes Note Cards And More!

Classifieds Shop for chic and unique gifts for any occasion (not too soon to be thinking Christmas), trendy accessories and decor for your home and garden that will simply tickle you pink!

South Main Designs Join My Team! Start For Free!

We specialize in genuine gift giving, charmingly decorated homes, gracious gardens, unique decorative touches and all that is beautiful for your life and home. We also offer a free affiliate program and wholesale/dropshipping services to those interested in starting their own home business! Take 15% off your purchase by entering code PINK at checkout.

Delightfully Wed offers wedding accessories, cake toppers, decorations, favors and supplies, specializing in western-themes. Many of our items are our own creations and cannot be purchased elsewhere. We will customize items and work with you to make your special day - the day of your dreams!

A box full of luxurious, fragrant samples and fullsized items, such as handmade soaps, lotions, massage oil, bath teas, bath salts, shea butter, votives, tarts, bath bombs, teas, coffees, decorative soaps, potpourri, jewelry, candles, bubble bath to pamper and indulge yourself. It’s a surprise each month. There are many

wonderful, talented e-tailers in this world, just waiting to be discovered!

Save 25% off! Start your Christmas shopping today and save! Shop between now and Dec. 24th at Lady Lynn’s Boutique or Gift Boutique and get 25% off your purchase!

Use code “Sizzle” at checkout to receive discount.

To place your classified, visit or send an email to

iEmporium will be publishing a 2009 calendar featuring photos from the members of iEmporium. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the calendars will be donated to charity. Entries will be accepted until October 15, 2008. To enter or for more information, please visit iEmporium.

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