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Hanford Mills Museum Celebrates Agricultural Heritage on August 12
Join Hanford Mills Museum for our Agriculture Exploration Day on Saturday, August 12 as we celebrate the agricultural heritage of the local area. During this Exploration Day, visitors can see demonstrations of the steel attrition mill grinding corn. This machine is the same one that the Hanfords purchased and operated starting in 1912, and the steel mill along with the cup and elevator system will all be powered by our 1926 Fitz overshot waterwheel. You can also try your hand at corn grinding with our hand operated corn grinding machines.
The Learning Lab at Hanford Mills, which reopened in June, will offer a variety of hands-on activities and books for kids and families. Also, Intelligent Green Solutions will be on-site to talk about solar power for homes and businesses. Food will not be sold on site, but visitors are welcome to bring their lunch and enjoy it at our picnic tables.
Hanford Mills Museum is open Wednesdays through Sundays 10 am until 5 pm through October 15. Guided tours of our water powered sawmill, gristmill, and woodworking machines are offered each day at 10:30 am, 12 pm, 1:30 pm and 3 pm. You can reserve your tour ahead of time by visiting hanfordmills.org or calling 607 278 5744.
Check back on our website hanfordmills.org and our social media channels for details about the Exploration Days and other events at Hanford Mills Museum in 2023.
About Hanford Mills Museum
Hanford Mills Museum operates an authentic water- and steampowered historic site, which includes a sawmill, gristmill, and woodworking shop. The mission of Hanford Mills Museum is to inspire audiences of all ages to explore connections among energy, technology, natural resources, and entrepreneurship in rural communities with a focus on sustainable choices. The museum is listed on the National and New York State Registers of Historic Places.
Hanford Mills is located at 51 County Highway 12 in East Meredith, at the intersection of Delaware County Routes 10 & 12, just 10 miles from Oneonta, and 15 miles from Delhi. For more information, visit hanfordmills.org or call 607 278 5744.