Offers & Requests

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Offers & Requests

teacher Denise Moraes

teacher Denise Moraes

Requests: can & could We use can or could to make requests and ask for permission. Interrogative structure Can / noun / + + Could pronoun

verb in the base form

Can I have a glass of wine? after can/could the verb is always in the base form

Could she lend me her phone? can/could is the same to all pronouns

Can you help me with my HW? No, I can’t. we use can’t to refuse permission (but not could)

Can I use your bathroom? you use can/could before the noun/pronoun to make questions

Could you answer the question? Yes, I can short answers

No, I can’t

teacher Denise Moraes

Offers: will We use will to express future intentions that are decided at the time of speaking. Affirmative structure noun / pronoun


will (’ll)


verb in the base form

I’ll help you carry the groceries. after will the verb is always in the base form

My car has broken down. I’ll drive you home.

I have lost my tablet. I’ll find it for you.

I’m thirsty. I’ll get some drinks for us.

The door is open I’ll close it for you.

teacher Denise Moraes more materials

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