Double C Red Angus Power for the Future Bull and Female Sale - Foam Lake, SK

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CC DOUBLE C RED ANGUS Power for the Future

25th Annual Bull & Female Sale

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

#16 Highway, 1.5 miles east of Foam Lake, SK on South side

As February winds its way through our lives with cold, snow and wicked winds, we just have to contemplate the warmer weather we should start to experience the last week or two of this shortest month of the year.

2025 is in its infancy stage at this point and it is shaping up to be another great year for all of us in the livestock industry. With record low numbers of breeding animals in both our country and to our neighbors south of us, we can expect to see prices stay the same and maintain the heights they have attained this last year. We have heard some rumblings that heifer retention maybe happening soon but with the population of today and the seedstock numbers still being way too low for the population of ourselves and our trading partners 2025 should be a safe bet to be in the livestock industry.

Our bulls and heifers are on par for our March 25th sale. They are growing as to be expected and really coming into themselves.

If you are looking for a performance bull or a surefire heifer bull we are pretty sure you will find what you are looking for within the pages of this catalogue. Our sales staff is again Cameron, myself and the other folks we depend on to bring you our offering - from our photographer Jenna Loveridge, to our Auctioneer, and sales consultants. Their info is in the book and please do not hesitate to reach out to them on our offering.

Ryan usually pops in sometime in February to go through the offering so I am pretty sure he will be on our doorstep as soon as this cold snap breaks.

We hope you will keep us in mind if you are searching out your next herd sire or replacement females. We have some great ones on offer again this year. So, till the 25th may your calving be unassisted with lively healthy calves that have the will to live, the energy to grow and the ability to sell at the top of the market in the fall when you take them to town.

Please come view the offering anytime from now to sale day in their respective pens here at home or on sale day in person or on line with DLMS


The Patterson’s Cameron and Carla Chance and Sally

The Heuer’s Sidney and Charlene


306.272.3948 or 306.272.7141

PS. If you are looking at something we have on offer please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our sales staff - Ryan Hurlburt, Jim (Shiny)Halberg and Clayton Hawreluik. Cameron and I are available as well and we will do our best to steer you to the bull or female that would best be suited for your respective herds.


18H - We will have three bulls on offer from this home grown fellow that was the Agribition Virtual Yearling bull Champion and then went on to be Reserve Grand Champion Red Angus Bull in 2020. Handsome sold that spring to Karen and Lonnie Brown of Lonestone Farms in Alberta and their partner Horizon Red Angus. They had been scouring the countryside for a bull that had a solid foot under him. Karen came and looked Handsome over- in all of 30 seconds. I had sent her photos of Handsome’s amazing mom Rebecca 32C and Handsome’s dad JJL Duke 115D. In the end when the gavel fell the last time Handsome was going home to Westlock Alberta for a whopping $20,000. Handsome saw limited use the first year but he went on to sire some outstanding bulls for the Brown’s who have their own sale in middle to late February each year. Karen and her husband were gracious enough to allow the runner’s up on Handsome the Brewins and ourselves to go on Handsome’s papers so we can use semen in our own respective herds. The results for Lonestone and ourselves have been to be as expected. Easy calving offspring with higher birthweights in most cases. Why heavier birth weights but still calving ease? Handsome was as long as a freight train and was built right for ease of calving but having the length of body to produce the pounds that we all want and desire in fall to get paid on. Extra length of body translates to heavier birth weight but to date we have had no issues with any of Handsome’s offspring. Not recommended to the heifer crowd however the odd larger heifer should have no problems, but Handsome works super well on the cows and the results will never disappoint.


143J - I think if I were to rename this fellow I would call him close to perfect. Jaguire came to us in his dam as a purchase from J Square Angus- the Sies family. This fellow is off of an AI sire called Sitz Major 707F and he has been a standout for us on our small black herd contingency. One thing very positive about this fellow is his offspring come out around the 70-77lb range be they heifer of bull. They grow fast and perform every time. They are phenotypically pleasing to the eye and grab your eye every time you look at them. We parted with Jag last fall so this will probably be his last bull calf crop we will offer. They have been growing well and look very impressive in our bull pen yet again this year. 5 sons will be on offer. If you like straight black, look to these boys, they will fit the bill.

RED GOAD PILSNER 183’21 - Here is our heifer bull extraordinaire. I made the trip to check out Pilsner and I purchased him on the spot. We are stickler for feet and legs and Pilsner had exactly that. We have not gone wrong on him but unfortunately we lost Pilsner this past summer. We used him on a small group of girls and we hope to have a few more this year hit the ground but only a handful. Pilsner was the highlight at the summer angus tour a couple years ago and he has been an excellent addition to our herd. Any of his offspring in the sale would be deemed heifer safe and I believe this year we will have 6 of his rascals for sale on the 25th. Goad’s showed this fellow as a yearling and he stood his ground in the ring no problem but we value his calving ease with length of body and a great foundation to carry his offspring on through life.

Most bulls will be parent verified by sale time. For our commercial buyers it may not be that important for you but to the purebred buyer all the work will be done for you - just go ahead and put your bull out with your registered females!


RED LONESTONE REVOLVER 138Z - This will be our third year offering a select number of AI bulls from Revolver. This bull had an exceptional show career and has gone on to sire exceptional performance-based bulls and females. This year we have two black/red carrier rascals on offer from Revolver and because they are carrier bulls they stand out all the time. We believe the black/red carrier cattle show hybrid vigor in the pen and these two definitely are doing that. From start to finish, these two bulls should be used on cows and expect performance all the way.

RED DKF RACER 8E - We somehow have a few straws of semen on Racer 8E and we have a couple youngsters on offer this year from him. Racer had an amazing show career and went on to sire many great individuals. These two rascals stand out in our bull pen and once you find them your eyes will go back to them time and time again. They are more moderate in stature to some of our bulls and they are very eye appealing We want to change things up a wee bit each year and these two boys do just that.

RED KORU COWBOY CUT 1K- KORU as we call this boy we bought as a calf at a herd dispersal sale out of Whitewood SK. He was an impressive boy in November when we took a chance on him. Then later his mom came into the ring and we snapped her up just so I had DNA access to her. I am working hard at making sure all our offering is minimum sire verified and most will be parent verified on or before sale day. So, when Thelma wasn’t going for much money I bid on her and got her. She has been an excellent investment and this son of hers has done a stupendous job for us. If you are looking for solid, thick cattle with excellent bone structure to carry their offspring forward in life this boy will fit the bill. We are known for the length of our cattle and this fellow has that proverbial extra rib. In Koru’s case an extra two or three ribs. LOL There are some hidden gems in this group of bulls this year.


- Dash rounds out our herd bull battery for our 2025 bull sale. We had our daughter and her husband check out Travis’s two-year-old offering and this is the fellow that Travis steered them towards. We sure appreciate this fellow. He is a Flying K Julian grandson with extra dark coloring, calving ease, and a super foot and leg with awesome heel. This fellow is moderate in size and a super easy keeper. He is our main herd bull and he has never let us down. The bulls on offer out of him in the past and this year are some of the very top end bulls in our herd. You will never go wrong with a son or daughter off of Dash. He is the only older bull we kept back this past fall and he is always our go to with the majority of our herd. Take a serious look at his offspring for versatility and soundness in every one of his offspring.

CPRA 166M - son

2025 Sale Dedication - Brent Carey & Henry Herman

This year Cameron and I would like to dedicate our sale to two people that have left this earth to follow their heavenly path to family that have gone before them.

First, to our long-time auctioneer and friend Mr. Brent Carey. We will continue to miss you every time we walk through our pastures, and pens admiring the cattle that we have become known for because of your assistance through the years we have known you. This year would have been 35 years of knowing you and appreciating you for all you willingly offered us and all our fellow breeders if they sought you out. May you rest now, free of pain and if God willing, you’ll be able to watch your children and grandchildren grow and make their way on this earth from your resting place above in heaven. May your memories make you eternal through all the lives you have touched over the years.

Second, to Henry Herman, father of Ken and Lester, who passed away a couple weeks ago now from old age. Henry was very special to Cameron and I and he went home to God at the young age of 99. We met him through the sale of our cattle and Henry was always so good to Cameron and I and our kids. God has now called you home and hopefully you can plant a garden again with your wife who went ahead many years ago. We will miss you Henry and we are proud to have known you over the years. May your memories be eternal.

God has taken two very special souls home to be with their family that have left earth before them. Two very good human beings that this earth had been blessed with and now they will be with God and family above watching over their loved ones and those still here.

Thank you...

This year marks our 25th year selling out of our barn here on the farm and 35 years of selling Red Angus Bulls.

Every year I say thank you to our staff that assist us with this sale and I have to say it again. Thank you! You make our catalogue amazing and we appreciate you all. To Jenna, Tara, Ann, Charlene, and Carolyn - your contributions make this catalogue absolutely a work of art. Thank you!

This year with my health issues, we had Syd Smith come to the rescue and help us with the daily chores. I have to learn to ease up on what I do here at the farm. So Syd, thank you for making my life easier and Cameron’s, especially in the brutal cold.

Most of all Thank You everyone that has reached out to us about our offerings each and every year. Without your trust in your purchases, we would not be in business as long as we have been. Your faith and trust in our program humble us and your comments about the offspring and the success you have had with your purchases makes our dream of raising sound, functional cattle a reality. So please, come join us this bull sale for another installment that we know have the potential to take their offspring to the level you need to make good money in the fall with the steers and great females to retain for future momma cows.

THANK YOU for your continued support!


1. Remember, your bull is now only 12-14 months old, even though he may weigh 1100-1400lbs. He has been on a feed test and ration changes must be done gradually. We have already started that process around the 1st week in March. It is good to let them harden up on pasture before breeding season begins. However, the pasture must be good, and they will require extra energy and protein if the pasture is not lush. First grass is always rich in energy and sometimes low in protein so either supplement with a pelleted protein or now is a good time for a mineral rich protein tub.

Research shows, that is the pasture is not lush and the bull starts to drop weight on pasture, semen quality will deteriorate quickly and then it takes roughly 60 days to correct any issues because of the poor pasture. Any stress condition during this time will make the fertilizing ability of the sperm to be reduced.

2. Do not expect a young bull to compete with older bulls or horned bulls. If intimidated by an older bull, he will not breed effectively or at all. If handled properly and not dominated by older bulls, a young bull should serve 20-25 females his first season. Size of pasture and terrain also influence this as well.

3. Limit the breeding season to no more than 60 days on a yearling bull. If you can’t limit the season then consider a rotation to give him a rest. A young bull has to learn how to pace himself and the first year is often a learning experience for him.

4. Watch a young bull early in the season to detect any physical problems. A virgin bull can have inadequacies undetected except through observation.

5. Maintain a good general health program, mineral, salt and fly control. There has been some good success with using garlic mineral and tubs with garlic included.

6. Recondition young bulls after the breeding season to allow them to mature to their genetic capabilities. This is a very critical age. A young bull’s usefulness as a two-year-old can be retarded if not properly reconditioned after use as a yearling. A word of advice, they do better if not competing with colder weather. So do it earlier than later. With it being a bull, you have purchased from us we have worked hard to make sure your bull is raised on little added in carbohydrates, we prefer fat from oats and a specialised protein balance to promote an easy keeping individual.

7. After your bull’s first breeding season remember young bulls change their teeth anytime between 16 and 24 months depending on each animals’ maturity, therefore they may lose some condition due to this so treat them with some extra hay and maybe a little grain to prevent possible weight loss due to this change.

Heifer offering is 10 of our top replacement females...

This is a super hard write up to do because after I clipped these ladies myself and then helped clean them up for pictures and videos, I wanted to pull the whole works and not offer you even one of them! But us hoarders, Cameron and I have to smarten up and let some of our amazing ladies go elsewhere. This group is as good as last year, maybe even better. We have picked girls that have Elite mothers and breeding that just keeps getting better.

We all pick traits we want to correct and to do this you sometimes have to sacrifice some other traits. Well we have done what we wanted to with feet and legs to assist our producers with longevity and our leading herd bull Red Deer Range Dash has taken the udders of his offspring to near perfection.

Cameron and I picked this year’s heifers for the sale and we have given you our top girls. We did not keep many girls back but the ones we are offering are a very strong representation of the type of females we want in our cow herd. So take a look at the ladies, look them up on the CAA website and remember by sale day they should be all parent verified and ready to go work for you.


RED DOUBLE C Nicole 131M

Birthdate: Feb. 10, 2024

CC 204M

Terms and Conditions Of Sale




sire: DOUBLE C JAGUIRE 143J 2203033







dam: DOUBLE C ELBA 789G 2110869




Registration #: 2362743

Birthdate: Apr. 1, 2024

Tattoo: CPRA 204M

BW: 66 lbs

ADJ WW: 727 lbs

ADJ YW: 1147 lbs

TERMS - The terms of the sale are cash or cheque payable at par at sale location unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made prior to the sale. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement is made. Double C Red Angus reserves the right to require a certified cheque as settlement before releasing any sale cattle. Should the purchaser fail to settle for their purchase, Double C Red Angus reserve full power to resell the animal to the best advantage, either publicly or privately, without further notice. Any loss arising from such resale together with keep and all other expenses shall be payable by the defaulter. All settlements must be made with the clerks of the sale before any cattle will be released. The owners, Double C Red Angus, and staff have the right to refuse bids from anyone who has a previous record of default of payment and/or who has not made credit arrangements prior to the sale with the owners and/or sales management.

BID - Every animal consigned to the sale must be sold by auction. No by-bidding will be permitted. Each animal will be sold to the the highest bidder.

DISPUTES - In case of disputes, bidding will be reopened between the parties involved. If no further bid is made, the buyer will be the person from whom the auctioneer accepted the last bid. The auctioneer’s decision in such matters wll be final.

PURCHASER’S RISK - Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.

ANNOUNCEMENT’S from the block will take precedence over printed matter in the catalogue. Buyers are therefore cautioned to pay attentionto any such announcements.

CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY - The proper registration or recordation paper, as the case may be, will be duly transferred and furnished to the buyer for each animal after settlement has been made.

SHIPPING - Assistance will be given in making shipment after the sale, but sale management or seller assumes no risk. Expenses incurred are the responsibility of the purchaser. Purchasers are requested to furnish shipping instructions when making settlement. Bulls will by delivered free of charge within reasonable distances so long as Double C Red Angus can do so within a day or two of required time, and notice is given in advance of the delviery date reqiured.

GUARANTEE - All animals will carry standard breeding guarantee as specified by the applicable Canadian Breed Association. At no time shall the seller’s liability exceed the purchase price of the animal.

EXCEPTION TO GUARANTEE - In cases where the animal is subjected to any hormonal or surgical reproduction techniques after the sale, the guarantee shall be null and void. In the case of bulls, they are guaranteed to breed naturally according to the applicable Canadian Breed Association Guarantee, but no guarantee is given that semen from any bull will freeze.

HEALTH - We ensure our bulls are semen tested and have passed all breeding health protocols.

ACCIDENTS - Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of buyers, neither the Sale Management, Auctioneer, or Association assumes any responsibility in this matter and disclaims any liability, legal or otherwise, in the event of accident or loss of property. Tuesday, March 25, 2025

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