CATVOG Courier Winter 2013

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inter 2013

Issue 118 W r e tt le s w e aN

The Are

Lord Mayor's Own Troop The annual Area Awards evening took place in County Hall this September with a record number of recipients receiving their certificates from the Lord Mayor who also enrolled each scout attending into the Lord Mayor’s Own Scout Troop. This is an honoury scout troop which provides a service to the Lord Mayor when performing civic duties and each new cohort are the main source of scouts for the coming year. Since this honoury scout troop was formed in1994 there have been 889 awards recorded and all who attended have been invested into the Lord Mayor’s Own.

The Troop have attended many events over the years, some of which have become a standard date in the calendar, the three most important are the National events which Cardiff as Capital City of Wales hosts for Remembrance, Holocaust and St David’s Day. The Remembrance Day Service and march past this year was supported by 26 members of the Lord Mayor’s Own and we provided wreath bearers for the Lord Mayor and the Presiding Officer.

While the Lord Mayor and the Lord Lieutenant took the salute for the march past the LMO provided the guard of honour. The troop has a badge that is now issued on enrolment to the troop to signify that the LMO also act as Mace Bearers for the Civic Maces on appropriate events. Troop members also wear the special white neckerchief with the city crest embroidered on the point whilst on duty.

‘Headquarters get a taste of Scout Post’ Headquarters’ media team recently took a trip over the bridge calling in at the Hub to discover Scout Post in CATVOG. During their visit armed with a snow machine and plastic snowballs they interviewed Mr Post himself Paul Willicombe and shot a feature for the Dec/Jan edition of Scouting magazine. Read it in your copy of the magazine or view it online at :

New appointments

Steve Evans AAC Activities

Several appointments have recently been made in the Area, congratulations and welcome to the Area team :)

Joe Holmes Media Development Manager

Joey Giddings AAC Cub Scouts

Steve Axe Hill Walking Adviser

Sarah Virgo Manager of the Activity Permit Scheme (MAPS)

We’re looking at putting together a who’s who page so everyone can see what we all look like and be able to recognise us at events.

Peter Gladman Supporter of the Nights Away Permit Scheme (SNAPS)

If you are part of the Area Team, Area Advisers or Area Assessors then please send in a photo of yourselves to the Comms team if you haven’t already done so.

Owls visit Beaver Scouts After the owls had gone to bed, the Beavers were given pellets presentented by Owls 4 U. The pellets contain little bones, feathers and all the rest of the owls lunch they cannot digest. When an owls eats a mouse, it rolls the the little bones, tail and other parts it can’t eat into pellets so they can be spat out. The Beavers now have the opportunity to take them 1st Llandough Beavers were visited apart and see what the owls have been eating. by Owls 4 U, a local charity who rescue owls and care for them. They have owls from all over the U.K and recently let 2 baby owls back into the wild. The Beavers loved meeting the different kinds of owls and enjoyed the opportunity to hold and pet them. The Beavers really took on board the information they were given. One Beaver was surprised at how soft they were, another asked why female faces were a love heart.

Meet Marc Cattle

Interested in walking? then contact

3) How long have you been doing your current role in Scouts?

So that no child from my village, would ever have to endure such a badly organised camp ever again. 5) Which districts have you worked in before?

9) What are the benefits of helping out in Scouts?


Change of gear and pace

6) What’s the best thing about Scouts? The young people

10) In less then 10 seconds explain what Scouts mean to you?

4) Why did you join Scouts?

My name is Marc Cattle, my Role is “Project Manager, which means I go and do whatever job the DC needs me to do. Currently to help recruit a new Leadership team for a Colony and Troop, kickstart the Troop and source and encourage an Exec. 2) Are you a naturally an outdoor or indoor person? Both? Neither?

8) What was your best Scouting experience? Walking in with an injured Explorer on a cycling tour of the Netherlands to find that the other Explorers had already:- Seen the problem, discussed it, jointly worked a solution, plotted it on the map, presented their solution as a I arrived. Magic, essence of Scouting.

Three years

1) Who are you and what do you do in Scouts?

Training and Assessing in Snowdonia

7) What is the worse thing that happened to you in Scouts? Losing a Scout, on their first night.

Family, friends, fun, frenetic. Want to feature here? Email

Scouts tall ship visit On a cold blustery Sunday morning of the 27th October, members, leaders, and some parents from the 11th Barry Sea Scout Group were allowed a special visit on board the Tall Ships Youth Trust vessel the Stavros S Niarchos, a 200ft square rig brig. The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts had an enjoyable tour around the ship also learning about the work of the trust. Captain Liam Keating the ships Captain ended the visit by formally presenting our Chief Scout Bronze and Silver Awards, one beaver for completing every badge and also assisting in an Investiture Ceremony. Special thanks must go to the Captain, Crew and support team with the trust for making it a memorable visit. The visit was special to the Group as we look to mark our 90th Anniversary in May 2014. We would like to make a formal appeal to any ex-members to contact us either by our Group Web Site or check us out on facebook - 11th Barry Sea Scout Group. If a voyage on board this ship might interest you or your group why not contact me by email - or via the above sites as I am considering the viability of booking the ship outright and filling it with 48 Scouts / Explorers to do a voyage. Check out the Tall Ships Web Site at Regards Bryan (GSL 11th Barry Sea Scouts)

Beaver Awards

leaders,helpers and parents were thanked for helping the youngsters gain the highest award in the secA Chief Scout's Bronze Awards tion and hoped that they would evening was held in the City Hall continue to enjoy their Scouting in November. activities in the future. The right honourable Lord Mayor Councillor Derrick Morgan presented certificates at the ceremony to 38 Beaver Scouts. The young people were praised for their achievement and the Contact:

AWSC 2014 Fri 13th Jun - Sun 15th Jun 2014

The next All Wales Scout Camp will be taking place on 13th June - 15th June in Builth Wells at the Royal Welsh Showground, at a cost of £24 per Scout. Over the coming months details on the event will be provided on ScoutsWales dedicated AWSC 2014 page! uk/events/all-wales-scoutcamp-2014

Area Swimming Gala 2014

The 2014 Area Swimming Gala will take place as follows at Penarth Leisure Centre. Heats Sunday 16th February 2014 1.30pm to 4.30pm Gala Sunday 16th March 2014 2.30pm to 4.30pm

Photo of the month :

Decembers photo of the month goes to the Beavers’ of the 22nd Cardiff who while on their sleepover, created their own fairy tale story to eat whilst watching a fairy tale adventure! Remember to keep sending your images in to

Scouts Wales' Weekly Lottery ScoutsWales has partnered with Unity to create a lottery with a difference. We receive money for every person who plays - for every £1 ticket, 50p comes back to support Scouting in Wales. This money is split three ways: 1) Money goes directly back to Scout Groups at a local level 2) A grant fund for Wales which will be open to applications to help improve Scouting locally 3) To Scouts Wales to enable them to continue to provide support services across Wales How it works For just £1 per week you will be allocated a six digit Unity lottery number. You can purchase more than one entry if you wish. Every Saturday the lucky winners are selected at random and prize cheques are posted directly so there is no need to claim. Winners have to match 3, 4, 5 or all 6 digits of the winning number in the correct place in the sequence.

I am sorry that we have to start so early but there is no alternative. Glenys Shelley Gala Committee Chairman

For further details contact the office on 01446 795277 or visit

Macmillan Coffee Morning

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported the recent Macmillan Cancer Care Coffee morning. It was a great success and this was due to the support everyone gave, either by attending or donating cakes, raffle prizes etc. The total amount raised was in excess of £183.00 We look forward to your support next year! The sale of memorabilia from Ron Burden raised £80+ at the Coffee Morning and with the sale of other items has raised over £120 which will be put into the Explorer Belt Fund, an activity for young people which was very close to Ron's heart Thank you all once again for your support. Sue Ryan.

New Scout Group

A few weeks ago this hall was empty, now 19 noisy Beaver Scouts meet. Congratulations Simon and Penarth District on forming the 12th Penarth.

23rd World Scout Jamboree The journey to Kirara-Hama has begun with 72 young people who will represent Welsh Scouting at the next World Jamboree being selected. 14 of those lucky young people I am delighted to say come from CATVOG. Young people from Vale, Penarth, Afon and East and South make up the 14 and with my home District being Barry, all five of our Districts will have a presence in Japan. The selection decisions were not easy, with 3 young people applying for each place. Whilst we have just 14 young people selected; as an Area we can be immensely proud of all 46 young people from CATVOG who attended selection. For those lucky enough to have been selected along with the honour and privilege comes responsibility. A responsibility to represent our Area to their very best on the World Scouting stage and I am confident we will do just that. Although the Jamboree is going to be on the other side of the world as a Unit we will be looking to share the experience and the journey before, during and after the Jamboree. In the summer of next year we will get our “Japan in a Box” programme resources and will be looking forward to visiting all sections with a Japan themed programme evening. You have probably noticed that the UK Contingent symbol is a peace crane and I would like to offer the Area a challenge. The peace crane comes from the story of Sadako, a little girl who developed leukaemia after the dropping of the A bomb on Hiroshima. Despite her illness Sadako believed that if she could make a thousand cranes there would be no more wars. Sadly Sadako died before she could make a thousand cranes but her school friends and people all over Japan folded paper cranes to reach Sadako’s target. It has now become a tradition to make the paper peace cranes and for young people to leave them at the shrine in Hiroshima with their prayers, hopes and wishes for peace in their world. Wouldn’t it be great if we could take a thousand cranes with us to Japan and when we visit Hiroshima, place the CATVOG cranes on Sadako’s shrine with our hopes and dreams for world peace? If you would like to be part of this please contact me at and I can send you the instructions for how to fold the cranes. If we can make the cranes by 15 May 2015 they can be packed into the Unit’s equipment container that will be shipped to Japan. You may like to personalise you crane by writing a little message, thought or prayer on one of its wings. Those of us from CATVOG lucky to be going to the jamboree will then place these at the shrine and bring a photograph back for each colony, pack, troop and unit that gives us their cranes. Look out for more ways to share in the Jamboree over the next year. Domo arigato gozaimas Martin Evans

Area Training Update The first weekend of November was the presentation of the Manager’s Modules. We had 12 participants in all, 2 of which came from Radnor. A good weekend again and 3 GSL’s have now completed their Wood Badge. We have had a very busy term so far. In October we ran our most successful residential training weekend so far. Applications were still coming in up to a week before. 40 participants attended. This weekend always focuses on the practical parts of Scouting. It was a gruelling weekend with plenaries and plenty of practical bases to take part in, from putting up patrol tents, to pyrography and raft building. It was fantastic to see so many leaders giving up their weekend to take part and contribute in making the weekend so successful. I was delighted to see one of the photos on the website as Photo of the Month. The hard work that staff put in to running these weekends must also be mentioned as without them it wouldn’t happen. Thank you to them. A weekend in October saw four of us from the Area attend the new Executive Training in Llandridnod. This was also a hard weekend. The new training will be set up and presented in the New Year some time.

Over the last 12 months we have been in meetings regarding the funding of Training. You will all, by now be aware of the new funding structure and we hope that this will be a positive move forward. I am pleased to announce that over that last two months I have sent off recommendations for 15 Wood Badges. This is fantastic and congratulations to all those members in achieving them. Due to ill health of the Presenter of the new Safety Training we had to hold on until the New Year. I now need to look for somebody who may have an interest or background in this area and would be willing to consider taking on this role for me. Are you that person or do you know of somebody that may be good at the job? Please contact me on

After our success on the Leaders residential it became clear that we need have Facilitators to help with the Tutor Groups and the flow of the weekend. With this in mind, next year we are going to put on a Module 28 (Facilitators training) as well as a Module 29 (Presenting Skills). If anybody would like to join our team of ‘merry men/ladies’ and feel this is something you may be interested in then please contact me Dates to be confirmed. I have also had enquiries regarding the Module 36 (Special Needs). I have a good list of names that would like to attend this module. Any others interested please contact me on the above email. Dates again to be confirmed. We are always looking for new people to join our team i.e. Trainers, Training Advisers, Activities Team member for the Residential, cooks/ bottle washers. If any of the above interest you please contact me. I can’t finish without thanking all members of the team in whatever role they support me. I can’t do the job on my own. Lynn Thompson

Area shooting competition Congratulations go to the following after their success at the Olympic Shooting Competition held on September 29th at Jubilee Camp Site. Air Pistol: Scouts – Under 12s – Gold 1st Cowbridge, Silver 62nd Cardiff, Bronze 62nd Cardiff Scouts – Under 14s – Gold 1st Radyr, Silver,1st Radyr, Bronze 1st Barry Overall Scout Best Score – 1st Cowbridge Explorers – Gold 1st Penmark with Porthkerry, Silver 13th Cardiff, Bronze Phoenix ESU (E&S) Target Rifle Shooting: Scouts – Under 12s – Gold 29th Cardiff, Silver 1st Radyr, Bonze 1st Cowbridge Scouts – Under 14s – Gold 94th Penarth, Silver 29th Cardiff, Bronze 29th Cardiff Overall Scout Best Score – 94th Penarth Explorers – Gold 94th Penarth, Silver 94th Penarth, Bronze Phoenix ESU (E&S) Biathlon Shooting: Scouts – Under 12s – Gold 29th Cardiff, Silver 13th Cardiff, Bronze 1st Barry Scouts – Under 14s – Gold 1st Penmark with Porthkerry, Silver 94th Penarth, Bronze 13th Cardiff Overall Scout Best Score – 1st Penmark with Porthkerry Explorers – Gold 1st Radyr, Silver Phoenix ESU (E&S), Bronze 94th Penarth Well done all. Richie Phillips

Sea Scouts aim to help survivors of the recent Philippines typhoon

Queens’ Scout Award and Explorer Belt amendments

As part of the wider programme the Queen’s Scout Award and Explorer Belt have been reviewed and amendments made. These updates are designed to better support participants through the awards, uphold high quality, and are accompanied by clear supporting resources. To assist with changing to the new requirements there will be a long transition period starting from 1 January 2014 until 1 September 2015 during which time those currently completing the award will be able to finish on the current requirements. Participants who wish to complete either award on the current requirements must finish before 1 September 2015. The new requirements can be used from 1 January 2014. Full award requirements, more detail on the changes and supporting resources can be found online on or

Jacey-Leigh Punter, from 11th Barry Sea Scouts, met Vale AM, Jane Hutt, the Mayor, Coun Margaret Wilkinson, councillors Chris Elmore and Bronwen Brooks to tell them about her Shelter Box campaign at a fundraising coffee evening, which was well attended, on November 22. A total of £590 is needed to buy a Shelterbox, and the evening raised the sum of £220. Jane Hutt said: “This was an inspiring event with Jacey Punter taking the lead, raising the funds for a Shelter Box which will be sent to the Philippines in response to the disaster.” To donate to Jacey-Leigh’s appeal, email

We wish you a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and New Year See you in 2014! Editor: Gareth Johns c/o The Hub CATVOG Scouts Maitland Street Gabalfa, CF14 3JU

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