Expert advice: 3 tips on keeping those fitness resolutions with Cat Woods - dropdeadgorgeousdaily.com
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Expert advice: 3 tips on keeping those fitness resolutions with Cat Woods When it comes to this time of the year most of us are either still in that hazy new year's period where we're still giving our resolutions a red hot go. If you're anything like me that first class of the year — the one where you've eaten great all day (including sucking back a green juice and only grimacing a little bit) and are probably on holidays so you haven't got that work-week stress — is the easy part, but no matter how much I love it and how great I feel, after a few weeks my resolve crumbles and I'm right back into my bad habits. WANT MORE? JOIN OUR #DDGLIFEPROJECT NOW! (http://dropdea dgorgeousda ily.com/2 0 1 5 /0 1 /ddglifeproject- lets- ma ke- gettingfit- fun- month- 1 /)
Luckily we've got Cat Woods(http://catcore.blogspot.com.au/) on hand to offer some tried and tested advice on how to turn those fitness resolutions into habits you'll keep going with for years. Not only does this fitness fanatic know a thing or two about exercising in a healthy way — after all she does run some popular Ballet Sculpt and Pilates classes around Melbourne that focus on core strength and toning — but she has also managed to use this knowledge to rebuild her body after needing a hip replacement while in her 20s. She is a powerhouse with a wealth of information and experience behind her, plus if she can recover from such a serious surgery, and build
Expert advice: 3 tips on keeping those fitness resolutions with Cat Woods - dropdeadgorgeousdaily.com her body up to this amazingly healthy peak, then there's no reason why we can't be getting our 30 minutes a day.
For all us folks who are completely unfit and a little bit gym-phobic, how do we get started on this fitness journey? Focus on what your strengths are, what you enjoy doing and then also, what your weaknesses are. Perhaps you are great at walking each day with the dog. Could you spend 5 minutes of that running? Then throw in 10 push-ups when you get back? Small, regular changes add up to results.
There's a one hour Crossfit challenge at my local gym. I should be going to that every day, right? Never go for quantity over quality. Your body uses recovery time to build lean muscle and repair. Choose classes that fit with your goals, your lifestyle and most importantly, that you'll enjoy and look forward to. Life is too short to suffer!
It's been a week and for some reason I haven't exercised at all. How do I find some motivation to keep going now? Visualise yourself being fit. What's it feel like, look like, allow you to do that you can't just yet? Is it worth a bit of effort? Find all the reasons it is and remind yourself of them when you fall off the wagon. We ALL do it! If you pick yourself up, dust off the donut crumbs, and try again, you're already thinking like a fit person!
What are your tips for keeping those fitness resolutions? Share your advice or ask any questions you'd like Cat to answer in the comments below! 77 (javascript:void(0);)
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Expert advice: 3 tips on keeping those fitness resolutions with Cat Woods - dropdeadgorgeousdaily.com