Caucasus Business Week #300

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October 21, 2019 -






Changes to Labor Code

Grant Competition to promote Georgian Farmers

Adulteration of Bulk Wines – How Wine Qualify affects Grape Prices

Issue #300

2 October 21, 2019 #300

IMF expects 4.8% Growth Projection in Georgia for 2020

Poti Sea Port has handled 6 403 000 Tons of Cargo

The IMF kept Georgia’s trend growth rate at 5.2%

In September, APM Terminals Poti has handled the highest ever number of containers in Poti Sea Port, which amounts to 51,272 TEUs.

Four Obligations that Anaklia Consortium must fulfill before 2020 The Government of Georgia has all rights to terminate the whole agreement with Anaklia Consortium • Agreement with potential investors on replenishment of the consortium’s owns capital of 120 million USD; • Achievement of an agreement with international bank on allocating 400 million USD loan and signing due agreements; • Submitting 20 million USD bank guarantee for fulfilment of obligations; • Signing contract agreement with the first phase operator and construction company of the first phase. “We hope that the next act of support showed by Government of Georgia will bring real results and in this case the Consortium will finally fulfill the agreement obligations”, the statement reads.

Direct Flights from Tbilisi to Bangkok to be launched in December Thai Air Asia X is set to launch direct charter flights of Bangkok – Tbilisi starting from December 28.

External Sector remains balanced Despite Reduction in Tourism Inflows In Q2 2019, the CA deficit-to-GDP ratio declined sharply to 3.2%, as opposed to 8.2% of the same figure a year ago.

Inflation Pressures remained High Inflationary pressures have remained high on the macro agenda as headline inflation jumped sharply in September to reach 6.4% YoY – a figure slightly above our expectations.

Georgian-French Music Band "Murman Tsuladze" perform in Georgia Murman Tsuladze is a music band, which has Georgian and French roots and at this moment, the group performed in Tbilisi, Politika Bar for the first time.

New Taxi Company at Tbilisi International Airport As from today taxi services at Tbilisi international airport will be provided by new electric cars and hybrid type vehicles belonging to the company Bene Exclusive.

Georgia to present Project 'Follow the Journey of Georgian Characters' at Frankfurter Buchmasse At the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2019, 16-20 October Georgia will present the project "FOLLOW THE JOURNEY OF GEORGIAN CHARACTERS".

New Trade Areas to be settled on Surami, Shorapani, Zestaponi Sections of Autobahn As Irakli Karseladze declares, Autobahn's new sections will ambage current trade areas, but it is also planned to settle new trade areas for retaining local community's income.

The Editorial Board Follows Press Freedom Principles Publisher: LLC Caucasian Business Week - CBW Director: Levan Beglarishvili WWW.CBW.GE Address: Aleksidze Street 1 Sales: Mob: +995 591 01 39 36 Email: Editor: Nutsa Galumashvili. Mobile phone: 595 380382 Copy Editor: Ellie Rambo Reporters: Nina Gomarteli; Mariam Kopaliani; Merab Janiashvili, Economic columnist: Andria Gvidiani; Technical Assistant: Giorgi Kheladze;

3 October 21, 2019 #300

4 October 21, 2019 #300

Changes to Labor Code In his interview with the BusinessPartner TV Program, Shalva Tskhakaia, head of the legal committee of the Employers Association has talked about coming amendments to the Labor Code. As is commonly known, this bill has caused controversy over the past 2 months. The bill proposed by MP Dimitri Tskitishvili was criticized by the Business Ombudsman’s Office and some analysts, too. Businesspersons and field experts with critical positions assert that the bill in its current form risks promoting the shadow sector of the labor market and damaging the employers interest too. The bill’s authors offers the business sector the ability to submit specific remarks. Over the past 15-20 years, the business environment was shaped by two radically different positions. The business sector remembers a period characterized by full deregulations and it did not like that time. Today, we have a situation where the authorities want to make the labor market in Georgia one of the more regulated in the region. The most difficult aspect for the business sector is that the regulations do not reflect longterm interests, Tskhakaia said. According to a statement by the legal committee of the Employers’ Association, it is not reasonable to impose so many regulations on the business sector in such a short period. Tskhakaia pointed out that the part of regulations that deal with the bill under dispute is stricter than is needed, assumed under the Georgia-EU association agreement.

Therefore, initiated changes must be examined and harmonized with EU instructions, Tskhakaia said. “First of all, I believe that we should comprehensively explore the issue, and determine what will result from this bill. For example, the bill talks about a minimum wage. This bill does not determine a minimum wage, but introduces an obligation for the government to determine the size of a minimum wage. In general, what does this obligation mean for the budget and specific business? What results will we have at public or private sectors and how much will the budget expenditures increase? Moreover, will the budget balloon under these regulations, leading to job losses and increase unemployment rate? Some organization should prepare and submit a similar report to know what effects these regulations will have. Secondly, we should work to harmonize regulations to the EU instructions as part of the association agreement. Nobody will object to this process. If we reduce all these issues to a minimum, this will be the only road to introduce additional regulations, stage by stage”, Tskhakaia said. The introduction of regulations, without their examination, may lead to the necessity of their revision, again, and similar unforeseeable risks complicate the business process, he said.

“The business sector remembers a time of nearfull deregulations, and the sector was not content with the situation. Today, we have a situation, where the government plans to make the Georgian labor market one of the most regulated in the region. Over the past 15-20 years, two radically different positions have emerged. Who needs this? We know that in the future, a new government will come and try to change the situation. And this is the most problematic and serious moment for the business sector, when regulations are not foreseeable”Tskhakaia said. The Employers Association has consulted with a related bill from the very beginning, and it will not withdraw from the process, Tskhakaia said. “We will never turn back on this process. On the contrary, we have very strong arguments. We want them to listen to us, on the one hand, and we back some aspects of this document, on the other hand. For example, everybody agrees on changes to the maternity leave policies”, Tskhakaia noted.

5 October 21, 2019 #300

Grant Competition to promote Georgian Farmers

The new grant program will connect farmers with the market and healthy products with consumers, Raimund Jehle, a representative of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) noted for BusinessPartner TV. The joint project of FAO/ENPARD named as “Support for Georgia’s Agriculture Sector” has a budget of 12 million EUR and the deadline for submitting applications is the 30th of November. Applications should be registered on the website The second phase of submitting applications will start on January 1, 2020, and end on March 31, 2020. At the same time, the website’s administration stresses that writing applications will not be accepted. According to the FAO representative, this project which offers grants and technical assistance, will help farmers enter the market, on the one hand, and foster improvements in the quality of agricultural products for consumers, on the other hand. “This project backed by EU makes accents on grants, on the one hand, and technical assistance, on the other hand. This is an excellent mechanism for improving the condition of farmers. Farmers will have access to modern technologies to improve production, and make it more efficient.

Many farmers produce high-quality products, but they do not have access to the market. In practice, we connect farmers with the market and healthy products with the consumers. The consumers should have full information about the origins of products. This is a good opportunity for developing additional technologies, introducing extension services, and arranging consultation centers so that farmers increase productivity and incomes”, Raimund Jehle said. The key objective of the FAO/ ENPARD grant initiative is to improve access for household economies, cooperatives, small and medium entrepreneurs to financial resources, services and production equipment. The process is to boost the competitive capacity of the agricultural sector, and create better living conditions for village residents. The competition is composed of two grant categories. Agricultural initiatives will be funded in the first category for farmers, cooperatives and Georgia-incorporated small and medium enterprises in Lagodekhi, Borjomi, Kazbegi, Dedoplistskaro, Tetritskaro, Akhalkalaki, Khulo, Keda are the municipalities where agriculture projects are being implemented under the program ENPARD. Capital investments, such as machineries and equipment and technical equipment will be financed in all agricultural sectors. In the second grant category, grants will be issued for farmers, cooperatives and Georgia-registered small and medium enterprises in the agricultural sector in the

Akhaltsikhe, Dusheti, Khelvachauri, Shuakhevi, Marneuli, Bolnisi, Dmanisi and Gardabani municipalities. In this category, capital investments will be financed in the following sectors: cattle-breeding, dairy production, potato production (Tsalka, Ninotsminda and Aspindza), vegetable production (Kvareli, Gurjaani, Sighnaghi) and grain production (Sighnaghi). Under the grant competition, operational and turnover costs will not be funded: salaries of employees, costs for agricultural raw materials and seeds. The minimal amount of a grant in both categories must be 1,000 USD in GEL, and with a maximum of 150,000 USD in GEL. The program provides 40% co-funding opportunity. Consequently, applicants must finance the remaining 60% of the budget. The program also calls for funding those special investments that will have a definitive positive impact on the state economy, social condition and environment protection. Funding of these specific projects may increase to 60%. Raimund Jehle noted that special attention should be paid to the safety of animal products and their origins under another FAO/EMAPRD project called the Project for the Registration and Identification of Animals. The FAO representatives suggest that farmers register cattle with the aim to increase incomes. “Consumers need high-quality products. In the case of cattle-breeding, we must always meet international standards, and Georgian consumers want to see these standards on the Georgian market. It is necessary to ensure the identification of these animals, because this component enables us to effectively register cattle. We do not mean only cows and sheep, but also other animals. We should pay special attention to issues relating to safety, the identification of animals and origin of meat products. The key goal of this project is a cattle identification program, and farmers themselves will do little in this regard. They should make sure that the implementation of this project will grow their income. In this case, farmers will be able to better protect against animal diseases”, Raimund Jehle told BusinessPartner.

6 October 21, 2019 #300

Adulteration of Bulk Wines – How Wine Qualify affects Grape Prices

Wine quality is of essential importance in a country with traditional winemaking; however, bulk wines are more in-demand at Georgian restaurants, thanks to low prices, while wine adulteration issues remains relevant for many years. Consequently, bulk wines are widely consumed compared to bottled wines. Top class European restaurants offer a wide assortment of Georgian-European wines, while clients of other segment avoid high prices and therefore, they suffer from the shameful tradition of wine adulteration. Independent MP Levan Koberidze says that Rkatsiteli wines are the most in-demand products in Georgia, other than Rkatsiteli grapes themselves. This means that the consumer market is saturated with huge volumes of falsified wines. “Based on the high productivity indicators and traditions, the Georgian market is saturated with so-called bulk or family wines. Is it possible that strict control over wine quality narrow the sales of low-quality wines, and grow the demand for grapes, namely for Rkatsiteli, which at this stage costs 70 Tetri? What does this mean for winegrowers and consumers?” Koberidze asked. The country records huge volumes of adulterated wines, with prices between 4-5 GEL, and the government does not control this situation, despite its obligations, he said. “I say, openly, that restaurants trade in falsified wines. The government must start examining them as soon as possible, because if the issue is not resolved, peasants will lose vineyards. The authorities should

regulate this issue. They is the key issue, not the subsidization of the vintage with 60 million GEL”Koberidze said. Today, Georgia’s current wine consumption makes up about 60-80 million liters of bulk wine, including the majority of Rkatsiteli wines at restaurants are altered, he said. “I urge the government to examine these restaurants, because our peasants and farmers may lose vineyards. Regulations will make Rkatsiteli a respected product and peasants and farmers will not have to beg someone to sell grapes! The authorities should care for these issues, not subsidize the Rkatsiteli vintage by 60 million GEL from the state budget”, Koberidze explained. The Caucasus Business Week (CBW) has asked winemaking companies to comment on these issues. Telavi Wine Cellar director Zura Ramazashvili says that wine adulteration is an essential challenge, and the control on bulk wines must start with licensing of wine sales outlets, he said. “I am sure that the control on sales of bulk wine must be tightened, and the wine sale outlets must be licensed. This regulation is enforced all over the world. Regretfully, we have not introduced this regulation yet. Naturally, peasants should not be banned from producing their own wines, but if they decide to sell their own wines for public consumption, then these outlets, stores or restaurants must satisfy certain standards, including the storage of wines, temperature, and so on. Wines are falsified in various ways, including by adding water and other mechanisms, including through intervention in the fermentation process and so on. All these factors should be controlled”, Zura Ramazashvili noted. Nutsa Abramishvili, the Director General of Schuchmann Wines, says the demand for Rkatsiteli is regulated by market demand and supply, and in this case the Government cannot control all wine cellars. “Restaurants buy bulk wins from small wine cellars, and this mechanism encourage peasants, because they can sell their wines. Rkatsiteli is sold because it is widely

accepted variety at a table, it is cheap, and restaurants prefer to buy this variety. I mean, basic restaurants, not high quality restaurants. Similar restaurants mainly trade in bottled wines. As for the control of bulk wine, in this case, the government does not have such material-technical resources and mechanisms to examine all wine cellars and all qvevris. The price of Rkatsiteli will be saved by two factors, sellers and buyers. The market is regulated by demand. Nobody can affect the price. Restaurants should revise their own price policy themselves. All restaurants have sommeliers for tasting wines, and consequently, they can add good products to their restaurants if they prioritize this”, Nutsa Abramishvili said. Based on Article 336 of the Georgian Law on Vine and Wine, on December 24, 2018 the National Wine Agency of Georgia passed a resolution on regulations of sales of bulk wine on the domestic consumer market, under which: Winemaking company and wholesalers, when selling wines, are obliged to: • Ensure compliance with sanitation-hygienic conditions of wines with Georgian legislation norms; • Supply safe products to consumers, that fully comply with legislation requirements; • Maintain wine quality and its characteristics, in compliance with indications in laboratory test protocol and compliant with declarations or compliance certificate, through the whole process of wine sales; • Keep wine documents; • Submit laboratory test protocol, if necessary, and certificates of correspondence; • Violation of requirements under these regulations is punished under the rubric of Georgian legislation.

7 October 21, 2019 #300

8 October 21, 2019 #300

Rusudan Muzashvili: "We are facing really Big Challenges in Terms of Technology" Interview with PR and Marketing Head of Gurme Ltd, Rusudan Muzashvili. Tell us about how you got into the field of marketing, and what factors played an important role in choosing this profession? I have been involved in business since my childhood. I always observed everyone and everything, because every detail was important in choosing a future profession. I have come to realize that marketing is a field I love, and that gives me a chance to grow. This is a place where you shouldn't stay still, and should always be ready for novelties. What challenges do you face as a leader in marketing during a time of technological change? In terms of technology, we are facing really big challenges. In light of limitless information, you should make it interesting for the customer, and provide the right information. You need to define your segment and work on communicating with them properly. What has changed in the field in the last 5 years, and what changes are expected? Much has changed in the last 5 years; most importantly, digital marketing and social media have become more demanding and have been prioritized. The Customers' behavior is also focused on comfort. In the future, online services will be a higher priority. What do you think are the most important traits a marketing manager should have, and what is his or her role in the organization in general? For the marketing manager, in my opinion, the most important qualities are the ability to constantly evolve, the willingness to take first steps, the knowledge of a product

in detail, and the ability to communicate properly with customers. First and foremost, you need to look after the company’s image and have a satisfied customer, it’s also important to plan and distribute the budget properly.

field is quite high. If you want to be successful, you need to take care of the customer first, and offer high-quality products. That is why a high-quality product is what comes to the front of the the customer’s mind in the first place.

What are you doing to help the organization keep up with new trends and use innovative approaches in the field of marketing?

One word that describes your job.

I keep up to date with the news, and often go to training sessions, listen to and read interviews with successful people from all over the world. I have constant contact with the user, which helps me to plan and take the next steps. What’s your organization’s business model, in terms of marketing? The level of competition in our

Development. The most useful advice you’ve ever received in your life? Love what you do, and always listen to others, even if it seems uninteresting to you. Think of a person who inspires you, professionally. It’s hard to name a specific person. People who work hard to achieve their goals, and are not afraid to challenge themselves.

9 October 21, 2019 #300

Business News - a new, Innovative Online Platform created with the Support of Liberty Bank

On October 8, the Georgian space “Dariali” was opened in the Casa Tomas Roger building in Barcelona. The main part of this story is that Georgians, namely Maka Asatiani and designer Jaba Diasamidze, are behind it. After 2 years of work they were finally able to create a Georgian space with a Georgian sound and an interesting concept. is an online platform for selecting, purchasing, and using courier services without leaving the home of large and small household appliances. At this point in's online catalog.

The UAE based Pioneer Cement Industries (“Pioneer Cement”), part of Oman based Raysut Cement Company SAOG (RCC) is in the process of setting up a 1.2 m tonnes per annum capacity integrated cement plant in Georgia, Eastern Europe.

Georgian Startup to get 150 000$ Investment and Incubator's Membership

Vintage starts in Racha Region Following Kakheti Region, the 2019 vintage has started in Racha region too. A meeting was held in Ambrolauri regarding the vintage organizational issues. Deputy Agriculture Minister Solomon Pavliashvili has attended the meeting and talked about the importance of constructive cooperation and coordination between winegrowers and winemakers.

Georgian Startup SYSTEM CORP. Got 150 000$ investment from corporation NVIDIA and became a member of its incubator. NVIDIA Inception Incubator unites Startups posted on Artificial Intelligence. System Corp. is AI company, which employers are approximately 20 years old. The Winners of SOCIAL IMPACT AWARD have been revealed The winners of the international program Social Impact Award were announced. Out of the six teams that made it to the finals, the jury named two winners, and one became a community favorite.The winners of the 2019 Social Impact Award are: TapText -Device that allows blind people to receive and send electronic text at any time and place. Basement - the first bilingual digital archive of Georgian alternative music aimed at researching, preserving and sharing contemporary Georgian music. ZeroStraw - Innovative straw that one can eat and leaves no residue.

24 Year-Old Girl's Rose Garden turned into a Business Mariam Kobalia, 24, is a newcomer entrepreneur who owns a flower garden and a breeding ground in the village of Darcheli in Zugdidi district. Made in Georgia – with EU and FAO Support Local Farmer’s Sweetcorn goes on Sale Kakheti sweetcorn on sale in supermarket is first success of large scale EU-FAO project aiming at increasing Georgian farmer productivity and income through modern methods and connecting producers with retailers. Pioneer Cement to develop US$200 million Greenfield Cement Project in Georgia

Georgian Multifunctional Space Dariali opened in Barcelona

Poteria - Social Production of Former Prisoner Women "Poteria" is a small workshop, which employs former prisoner women and also promotes developing Georgian ceramic traditions. "Poteria" is full of colorful ceramics under the old block arches, which implies taste, knowledge and newness. The saucers are drawn up with Pirosmani characters, Khevsurian pictograms, old Tbilisi entrance halls and houses. ClimateLaunched National Finals held in Technopark ClimateLaunchpad National Finals was held in Technopark, where green startups presented their business ideas to the jury. The winners of the competition are: "Irnero" - creates a clever cleansing mechanism for solar panels that detects and cleans the solar panel without human intervention. - First place

10 October 21, 2019 #300

11 October 21, 2019 #300 Embassy United States of America Embassy 11 Balanchivadze St., Dighomi Dstr., Tbilisi Tel: 27-70-00, 53-23-34 E-mail:; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Embassy 51 Krtsanisi Str., Tbilisi, Tel: 227-47-47 E-mail: Republic of France Embassy 49, Krtsanisi Str. Tbilisi, Tel: 272 14 90 E-mail: Web-site: Federal Republic of Germany Embassy 20 Telavi St. Tbilisi Tel: 44 73 00, Fax: 44 73 64 Italian RepublicEmbassy 3a Chitadze St, Tbilisi, Tel: 299-64-18, 292-14-62, 292-18-54 E-mail: Republic of Estonia Embassy 4 Likhauri St., Tbilisi, Tel: 236-51-40 E-mail: Republic of Lithuania Embassy 25 Tengiz Abuladze St, Tbilisi Tel: 291-29-33 E-mail: Republic of Latvia Embassy 16 Akhmeta Str., Avlabari, 0144 Tbilisi. E-mail: Greece Republic Embassy 37. Tabidze St. Tbilisi Tel: 91 49 70, 91 49 71, 91 49 72 Czech RepublicEmbassy 37 Chavchavadze St. Tbilisi ;Tel: 29167-40/41/42 E-mail: Web-sait: Japan Embassy 7 Krtsanisi St. Tbilisi Tel: +995 32 2 75 21 11, Fax: +995 32 2 75 21 20 Kingdom of Sweden Embassy 15 Kipshidze St. Tbilisi Tel: +995 32 2 55 03 20 , Fax: +995 32 2 22 48 90 Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy Pixel Center, 34, Ilia Chavchavadze Ave. 3rd floor Tel: +995 32 227 62 00 People’s Republic of China Embassy 52 Barnov St. Tbilisi Tel: 225-22-86, 225-21-75, 225-26-70 E-mail: Republic of Bulgaria Embassy 15 Gorgasali Exit, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia Tel: +995 32 291 01 94; +995 32 291 01 95 Fax: +99 532 291 02 70 Republic of Hungary Embassy 83 Lvovi Street, Tbilisi Tel: 39 90 08; E-mail: State of Israel Embassy 61 Agmashenebeli Ave. Tbilisi Tel: 95 17 09, 94 27 05 Embassy of Swiss Confederation’s Russian Federation Interests Section Embassy 51 Chavchavadze Av., Tbilisi Tel: 291-26-45, 291-24-06, 225-28-03 E-mail: Ukraine Embassy 76-g Chavchavadze Ave., Tbilisi Tel: 231-11-61, 231-14-54 E-mail: Consular Agency: 71, Melikishvili St., Batumi Tel: (8-88-222) 3-16-00/ 3-14-78 Republic of Turkey Embassy 35 Chavchavadze Ave., Tbilisi Tel: 225-20-72/73/74/76 Consulate General in Batumi 9 Ninoshvili Street, Batumi Tel: 422 25 58 00 Republic of Azerbaijan Embassy Kipshidze II-bl . N1., Tbilisi Tel: 225-26-39, 225-35-26/27/28 E-mail: Address: Dumbadze str. 14, Batumi Tel: 222-7-67-00; Fax: 222-7-34-43 Republic of Armenia Embassy 4 Tetelashvili St. Tbilisi Tel: 95-94-43, 95-17-23, 95-44-08 Kingdom of Spain Embassy Rustaveli Ave. 24, I floor, Tbilisi Tel: 230-54-64 E-mail: emb.tiflis@maec.esRomania Embassy 7 Kushitashvili St., Tbilisi Tel: 38-53-10; 25-00-98/97 E-mail: Republic of Poland Embassy Oniashvili str. 24, Tbilisi Tel.: +995322 920398; Fax: +995322 920397 Web-site: Republic of Iraq Embassy Kobuleti str. 16, Tbilisi Tel: 291 35 96; 229 07 93 E-mail: Federative Republic of Brazil Embassy Chanturia street 6/2, Tbilisi Tel.: +995-32-293-2419 Fax.: +995-32-293-2416 Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy 80, I.Chavchavadze St. Tbilisi, Tel: 291-36-56, 291-36-58, 291-36-59, 291-36-60; Fax: 291-36-28 E-mail: United Nations Office Address: 9 Eristavi St. Tbilisi Tel: 225-11-26/28, 225-11-29/31 Fax: 225-02-71/72 E-mail: Web-site: International Monetary Fund Office Address : 4 Freedom Sq., GMT Plaza, Tbilisi Tel: 292-04-32/33/34 E-mail: Web-site: Asian Development Bank Georgian Resident Mission Address: 1, G. Tabidze Street Freedom Square 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia Tel: +995 32 225 06 19 E-mail:; Web-site: World Bank Office Address : 5a Chavchavadze Av., lane-I, Tbilisi, Georgia ; Tel: 291-30-96, 291-2689/59 Web-site: Regional Office of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Address: 6 Marjanishvili St. Tbilisi Tel: 244 74 00, 292 05 13, 292 05 14 Web-site: Representation of the Council of Europe in Georgia Address : 26 Br. Kakabadze, Tbilisi Tel: 995 32 291 38 70/71/72/73 Fax: 995 32 291 38 74 Web-site: Embassy of the Slovak Republic Address: Chancery: 85 Irakli Abashidze St. Tbilisi, 0162 Georgia Consular Office: 38 Nino Chkheidze St. Tbilisi, 0102 Georgia Phone: 2 222 4437, 2 296 1913 e-mail: European Investment Bank Regional Representation for the South Caucasus Address: 1,G.Tabidze Street, Freedom Square

Phone: +995 322 006284 Embassy of The Republic of Korea 12, Titsian Tabidze Str. Tbilisi 0179, Geogia Tel: (995 32) 297 03 18; 297 03 20; Fax: (995 32) 242 74 40; Email: Hotels in Georgia TBILISI MARRIOTT Tbilisi , 13 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 77 92 00, COURTYARD MARRIOTT Tbilisi , 4 Freedom Sq. Tel: 77 91 00 RADISSON BLU HOTEL, TBILISI Rose Revolution Square 1 0108, Tbilisi Tel: +995 32 402200 RADISSON BLU HOTEL, BATUMI Ninoshvili Str. 1, 6000 Bat’umi, Georgia Tel: 8 422255555 SHERATON METECHI PALACE Tbilisi , 20 Telavi St. Tel: 77 20 20, HOLIDAY INN TBILISI Business hotel Addr: 1, 26 May Square Tel: +995 32 230 00 99 E-mail: Website: RIVER SIDE HOTEL With incredible service and views Addr: Mari Brosse street turn, Old Tbilisi. Tel: +995 32 2242244; +995 32 2242288 Fax: +995 32 2 242277 Email: Website: Restaurants CORNER HOUSE Tbilisi, I. Chavchavadze ave. 10, Tel: 0322 47 00 49; Email: RESTAURANT BARAKONI Restaurant with healthy food. Georgian-European Cuisine Agmashenebeli Alley 13th Phone: 555 77 33 77 CHARDIN 12 Tbilisi , 12 Chardin St. , Tel: 92 32 38 CAFE 78 Best of the East and the West Lado Asatiani 33, SOLOLAKI 032 2305785; 574736290 BREAD HOUSE Tbilisi , 7 Gorgasali St. , Tel: 30 30 30 BUFETTI - ITALIAN RESTAURANT Tbilisi , 31 I. Abashidze St. , Tel: 22 49 61 DZVELI SAKHLI Tbilisi , 3 Right embankment , Tel: 92 34 97, 36 53 65, Fax: 98 27 81 IN THE SHADOW OF METEKHI Tbilisi , 29a Tsamebuli Ave. , Tel: 77 93 83, Fax: 77 93 83 SAKURA - JAPANESE RESTAURANT Tbilisi , 29 I. Abashidze St. , Tel: 29 31 08, Fax: 29 31 08 SIANGAN - CHINESE RESTAURANT Tbilisi , 41 Peking St , Tel: 37 96 88 VERA STEAK HOUSE Tbilisi , 37a Kostava St , Tel: 98 37 67 BELLE DE JOUR 29 I. Abashidze str, Tbilisi; Tel: (+995 32) 230 30 30 VONG 31 I. Abashidze str, Tbilisi

Tel: (+995 32) 230 30 30 BRASSERIE L’EXPRESS 14 Chardin str, Tbilisi Tel: (+995 32) 230 30 30 TWO SIDE PARTY CLUB 7 Bambis Rigi, Tbilisi Tel: (+995 32) 230 30 30 Cinemas AKHMETELI Tbilisi. “Akhmeteli” Subway Station Tel: 58 66 69 AMIRANI Tbilisi. 36 Kostava St. Tel: 99 99 55, RUSTAVELI Tbilisi. 5 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 92 03 57, 92 02 85, SAKARTVELO Tbilisi. 2/9 Guramishvili Ave. Tel: 8 322308080, Theatres A. GRIBOEDOV RUSSIAN STATE DRAMA THEATRE Tbilisi. 2 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 93 58 11, Fax: 93 31 15 INDEPENDENT THEATRE Tbilisi. 2 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 98 58 21, Fax: 93 31 15 K. MARJANISHVILI STATE ACADEMIC THEATRE Tbilisi. 8 Marjanishvili St. Tel: 95 35 82, Fax: 95 40 01 M. TUMANISHVILI CINEMA ACTORS THEATRE Tbilisi. 164 Agmashenebeli Ave. Tel: 35 31 52, 34 28 99, Fax: 35 01 94 METEKHI – THEATRE OF GEORGIAN NATIONAL BALLET Tbilisi. 69 Balanchivadze St. Tel: (99) 20 22 10 MUSIC AND DRAMATIC STATE THEATRE Tbilisi. 182 Agmashenebeli Ave. Tel: 34 80 90, Fax: 34 80 90 NABADI - GEORGIAN FOLKLORE THEATRE Tbilisi. 19 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 98 99 91 S. AKHMETELI STATE DRAMATIC THEATRE Tbilisi. 8 I. Vekua St. Tel: 62 59 73 SH. RUSTAVELI STATE THEATRE Tbilisi. 17 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 93 65 83, Fax: 99 63 73 TBILISI STATE MARIONETTE THEATRE Tbilisi. 26 Shavteli St. Tel: 98 65 89, Fax: 98 65 89 Z. PALIASHVILI TBILISI STATE THEATRE OF OPERA AND BALLET Tbilisi. 25 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 98 32 49, Fax: 98 32 50 Galleries ART GALLERY LINE Tbilisi. 44 Leselidze St. BAIA GALLERY Tbilisi. 10 Chardin St. Tel: 75 45 10 GALLERY Tbilisi. 12 Erekle II St. Tel: 93 12 89

12 October 21, 2019 #300

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