May 31, 2013
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WILL AZERBAIJAN’S FIRST LADY GO TO PRISON? L to R: Inside a prison; Azerbaijan First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva
By Caucasus Study Group
An investigation by the Caucasus Study Group reveals evidence of a number of serious criminal investigations against Mehriban Aliyeva, the First Lady of Azerbaijan. Until now, the allegations and investigations have been withheld from the public. Mrs. Aliyeva is the most prominent—and popular—public figure in Azerbaijan. She also comes from the most powerful family in the country. According to well-placed confidential sources, Mrs. Aliyeva is the subject of criminal investigations by
foreign governments (Switzerland and Russia) and non-governmental organizations (the International Criminal Court [ICC] and World Bank). One official from the EU told us that Mrs. Aliyeva and her husband began to come under intense scrutiny within the last decade as Azerbaijan’s political and economic power grew. Russia, European nations and the United States had placed significant financial and political investments in Azerbaijan’s oil sector. Concern about the Azerbaijani government’s behavior
grew, but close scrutiny remained nonexistent. As one NGO staffer told us, “Everything changed when the West became invested in Azerbaijan. The old system of corruption and graft just won’t work anymore, but change within Azerbaijan is nearly nonexistent.”
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The allegations are as follows: Switzerland. According to our sources, Switzerland’s Federal Intelligence Service conducted a criminal investigation of fraudulent financial activity by Mrs. Aliyeva and her family. According to bank records obtained by our investigators, Mrs. Aliyeva holds over $85 million U.S. dollars at Pictet & Cie across a number of different accounts under false names. Repeated phone calls to Pictet & Cie were not returned. Files we reviewed showed extensive documentation of phone calls, meetings and emails within the Swiss government. These conversations revealed broad disagreement over what to do with the results of the investigation. Russia. Russian authorities conducted an investigation into allegations that President Aliyev and First Lady Aliyeva “ordered shifts in Azerbaijan drug control resources away from key border entry points with [the] goal of allowing smugglers to cross the border without incident, in exchange for payoffs.” One top official we talked to at the Russian Federal Drug Control Service denied the existence of any investigations of the Aliyevs. However, another official at the Federal Security Service confirmed the investigation but would not release any details. One investigator’s note in a report read, “. . . evidence of personal cocaine use by Mehriban Aliyeva.”
L to R: Baggies of cocaine; protester recovering after beating in Baku
Additionally, investigators learned that Mrs. Aliyeva is the target of inquiries by ICC and World Bank: ICC. Court investigators have looked into complaints by human rights organizations. One official affiliated with the ICC confirmed that an investigation into Mrs. Aliyeva had taken place but no further action had occurred. Translated audio recordings of interviews with victims revealed allegations that the Azerbaijan Ministry of National Security detained and tortured 12 activists who had publicly opposed Mrs. Aliyeva in 2005, and that electric shock and beatings were administered. World Bank. Bank officials conducted an inquiry in 2012 looking into the embezzlement of public treasury funds and SOCAR state oil funds. Mrs. Aliyeva’s daughters Leyla and Arzu were also “seen as co-conspirators, using corporate shell organizations in Panama to funnel public funds to family accounts.” It is unclear whether First Lady Aliyeva will be charged and prosecuted as a result of the investigations discussed in this report. CSG will continue to report on this important subject as we discover new facts.
The$Caucasus$Study$Group$(CSG)$is$a$collaboration$of$student$researchers$and$journalists$ across$many$North$American$universities$from$a$broad$range$of$academic$disciplines.$Our$mission$ is$to$study$and$publish$important$issues$affecting$Armenia,$Azerbaijan,$Georgia,$Russia,$and$ Turkey.$$Information$presented$in$this$report$was$verified$by$thirdGparty$reporters,$confidential$ sources,$and$documents$obtained$by$CSG.$ $ $
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