? From the Green Buildings via the Green Urbanism to the Green World Aleksander Asafov CAU Research Group Moscow 2012
[p1] from the green buildings to the green environment [p2] extensive mentality is the point of departure for problems [p3] equity means great future for everyone [p4] compact city as core principle [p5] three basic types of land-use [p6] how the urban core should be developed? [p7] compact city sustainable benefits
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we have low efficient urban environment
1 % of sustainable buildings will be a good result
100 % of green buildings - looks like a green city. Doesn’t it?
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93 % of the Moscow air pollution is the cars emissions
Source: GUP NIPI Genplana
Source: GUP NIPI Genplana
pollutions in the Moscow region follow the human activity
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Source: UNDP, UNDP, Human development report, report, 2011
highly developed societies decrease air pollution
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Moscow Source: UNDP, UNDP, Human development report, report, 2011
highly developed societies decrease air pollution
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Source: CAU Research
we need to initiate sustainable transportation
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Source: CAU Research
two imperatives of the extensive mentality land-use
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Source: CAU Research
1st level of problems
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Source: CAU Research
2nd level of problems. What about segregation, public spaces and aggressive city?
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the United Nations report on human development in 2011 entitled “Sustainability and equity: a better future for all�. The report concludes that sustainable development and commonwealth require an equity as well as green technology with a long-term prospect. Source: UNDP, UNDP, Human development report, report, 2011
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Source: CAU Research
2nd level of problems. What about resource inefficiency?
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The Moscow Region citizens waste 5 billion man-hours on transport every year not creating anything and producing a huge ecological footprint. Source: CAU Research
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Source: CAU Research
extensive mentality is a cause for finding new greenfields
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Source: CAU Research
all problems on all levels will move to the new city
Source: CAU Research
view of the new Moscow from Kaluga region
Source: CAU Research
view of the new Moscow from Kaluga region
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Source: Google Map
comparison of buildings density in Moscow: Arbat Street and Vernadskogo Avenue
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Source: CAU Research
in Moscow region apartments could be located at random
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in fact, urban density is not the only best driver of sustainable consumption but one of the best strategies for preserving wild nature as well. Ross Robertson.
Source: Ross Robertson. Robertson. A Brighter Shade of Green. Rebooting Environmental for the 21st Century
Source: Devereux Architects
biomedical campus in Cambridge, UK
Source: Devereux Architects
city block in Perm, Russia
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Source: CAU Research
intensive land-use is the core principle of sustainable development
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Source: CAU Research
on a global scale we need the land for: renewable energy
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Source: CAU Research
on a global scale we need the land for: energy | agriculture
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Source: CAU Research
on a global scale we need the land for: energy | agriculture | oxygen
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according to Ecofys Report the humanity will have to devote 250 million hectares of sowing areas for bioenergy cultures. At the same time very important thing is to keep ground resources for food production.
Source: WWF, Ecofys. Ecofys. The energy report. 100% renewable energy by 2050
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Source: CAU Research
cross-roads location of the core and urban concentration
32 / 46 urban core, energy, food and oxygen on regional scale
Source: CAU Research
33 / 46 urban core, energy, food and oxygen on regional scale
Source: CAU Research
34 / 46 urban core, energy, food and oxygen on regional scale
Source: CAU Research
35 / 46 urban core, energy, food and oxygen on regional scale
Source: CAU Research
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Source: CAU Research
what is the core?
37 / 46 Malevich
El Lisitsky
Source: CAU Research
three examples of intensive land-use
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Source: CAU Research
module mix-use hyperstructure: apartments, public, industrial and greenspaces
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Source: CAU Research
each level includes 6 storey buildings, various architecture and its own public spaces
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Source: CAU Research
600 meters high module hyperstructure for 60 000 citizens
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Source: CAU Research
location variants: industrial areas of Moscow / 7-10% of the city land /
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Source: CAU Research
location variants : industrial areas of Moscow / 7-10% of the city land /
43 / 46 resources: from waste to raw material transport system: from cars to human environment time management: from traffic jams to creation and rest safety: from segregation to transparency and equity architecture variety: from standard to individual engineering: from archaic to BMS on city scale strategy: from green buildings to green environment Source: CAU Research
sustainable benefits of compact city
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it’s a question of tactics. Civil society does not respond at all well to moralistic scolding. However, contemporary civil society can be led anywhere that looks attractive, glamorous and seductive. The task at hand is therefore basically an act of social engineering. Bruce Sterling Source: Enlighten Next magazine