From your Editors
Dear Readers
Welcome to the December 2020, January 2021 issue of Causeway! What a year it’s been! I think we can all say it’s affected us in a variety of different ways and we’ve all found our own ways of coping throughout. In this issue we have some alternative recipes for your Christmas table from America on page 17 and an insight into how birds cache their food for the winter on page 26 - a really interesting process!
If you have any contributions for the magazine or would like to join the team please email us at causeway.editor@gmail. com. Blessings
We have Christmas messages from parishioners in Walton on page 7 and news of any virtual Christmas activities you can take part in over Advent and Christmas along with a few more ideas of local businesses to buy from. Great news that the Harvest festival at home raised £300 in October! The Fox and Hounds have teamed up with the local community to develop a ‘pay it forward’ voucher scheme and you can buy a £25 food voucher which will be match funded by the Parish Council and Village Hall and then passed onto those in need - more information about how you can contribute to the scheme on page 13.
We wish you all a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year, we look forward to writing to you all again in our February issue.
Editor’s Letter News from Martin House News from our Churches Clergy Letter Sunday Services Thorp Arch Parish Council Local News
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Now available online at causewaymag and LARGE PRINT VERSION AVAILABLE BY EMAILING CAUSEWAY. EDITOR@GMAIL.COM. Causeway is a voluntary community magazine which is published 10 times a year (monthly except for January and August). Contributions are considered by our Editorial Team and are invited to be emailed to by 10th of the month prior to publication.
Betty’s Pots Updates from our Advertisers Christmas Recipes from across the Pond Recollections from Thorp Arch Tales from the Riverbank The Birds in your Garden Village Contacts
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Available online at and LARGE PRINT VERSION - EMAIL CAUSEWAY.EDITOR@GMAIL.COM. Causeway is a community magazine produced and distributed by a team of dedicated volunteers which is published 10 times a year (monthly except for January and August). Contributions are considered by our Editorial Team and are invited to be emailed to causeway. by 10th of the month prior to publication. 3