3 minute read

Nativity Sory for Children

That’s perfect!

God made the world, and was very careful to add all the right ingredients, enough food and all the things needed for homes and clothes for everyone to share. God looked and God saw and God said “That’s perfect!”


Time passed by and God saw that people were not being kind, they had stopped sharing and loving and so God decided to send some help. God sent Kings to rule and guide the people and prophets to explain how it was supposed to be. Eventually God decided it was time to send a special gift for the world so that the world would understand how it was meant to be. God decided that the gift would need to be wrapped. God did not choose brightly coloured wrapping paper or a padded envelope or even a great big cardboard box. This gift needed a very special type of wrapping up. God looked around and saw a girl, a very ordinary and young girl and God sent an angel messenger to ask if it would be ok? Mary said yes and so God carefully wrapped the very special gift in her stomach. God looked and God saw and God said “That’s perfect!” God knew that Mary would need some help, after all this was a very special gift to take care of. So God chose Joseph to help her and sent him a special message dream to show him what to do. Joseph took good care of Mary and God looked and God saw and God said “That’s perfect!” God wanted the gift to be born somewhere special. God knew just the right place but it was a long way away. How would Mary and Joseph get there? God did not choose a train, a bus or a taxi. Mary and Joseph had to walk and ride a donkey. God looked and God saw and God said “That’s perfect!”

The journey was difficult and by the time they arrived in Bethlehem everyone else had taken all the rooms and there was nowhere to stay, but God knew the right place. It didn’t have a bed or carpets. God looked and God saw and God said “That’s perfect!” It was time for the gift to be given to the world. The gift arrived there in the stable among the animals. God looked and God saw and God said “That’s perfect!” God decided that the gift for the world needed some visitors. God looked around and saw some shepherds on the hillside. They were rough and tough and ordinary, but God sent his very best singing telegram to give them the first invite. God looked and God saw and God said “That’s perfect!” The shepherds left their sheep and hurried to see the gift. They were amazed. The gift was small and special and the shepherds told everyone about it. God looked and God saw and God said “That’s perfect!” God chose some other visitors too, some rather clever people. This time God sent a starry sat nav to show them the way. The visitors brought presents for the special gift and they bowed and worshiped the gift. God looked and God saw and God said “That’s perfect!” God’s special gift grew up and showed the world how to love one another. God’s special gift gave the world a great big hug, bigger than any other hug in the whole wide world, a hug for you and me and for everyone from God. God looked and God saw and God said “That’s perfect!”

This lovely retelling of the nativity story was written by Karen Clark, a gifted children’s storyteller, who I am privileged to work alongside. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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