Causeway Magazine Dec 18/Jan 19

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DEC 18 JAN 19


Remembrance Reflections Award-Winning Causeway New Year, New Opportunities

Advertising Index Accountants Gillbeck Assoc Peter Howard

Contact: Emma Shellard, 07903 632590 Convenience stores Costcutter


Hardware Douglas Yeadon


Curtains, Furnishing Lou’s Threads


Holiday Cottages Priory Cottages


32 33

Decorators Mark Hatfield Oliver Willard The Decorating Centre

30 32 31

Kitchens Aberford Interiors Granite Transformations

23 24


Elderly Support WiSE

Newsagents Supershop


Bed & Breakfast Four Gables


Electrical services PC Collier Edmunds Electrical

Opticians Andrew Morgan Cameron Beaumont

34 05

Butchers Sykes House Farm


Pilates Kate Sellars


Building Materials Kirbys


Physiotherapy Tadcaster Physio


33 14 06

Alarms TI Security Animal Care Clifford Moor Farm Fosters Dog Grooming Architects McNicholas Architects

Carpet Cleaning Wetherby Carpet Cars/MOT Boston Spa Garage Westmoreland Cars Chimney Sweep Mooring Brothers Chiropody Boston Spa Chiropody Computers The MAC Service The PC Crew

33 30



23 35



23 29

Estate Agents Beadnall & Copley Flooring Services Thorner Flooring Floor Design Wetherby


30 33


21 29

Funerals Tony Barker


Restaurants Ali’s Kitchen Fox and Hounds Pax Inn, Thorp Arch

Furniture Hue Interiors


Retail Parks Thorp Arch Retail Park


Gardening Harris Landscapes Lawn Keeper MK Landscaping

29 23 06

Roofing Trelfa Roofing Ltd


Solicitors Steel Switalskis


Tree Services Bardsey Tree Services


Hairdressing Ian Blakey


Front Cover - Walton Church in Snow © Rachel Bentley Causeway - Chair Ian Hall | Editor Rachel Bentley | Designer John Pendleton | Advertising Emma Shellard (YAY!!!) Distribution (Thorp Arch) Nicola Midgley and Susie Seldon (Walton) Gay Childe. And big thanks to the entire distribution team. Please refer to the Contacts Page for contact details. The Editor and Management Committee do not endorse any content of articles or advertisements in this magazine nor shall they be liable directly or indirectly for any damages which may arise from information or views contained in these pages.

Emails please to

Dear readers, Welcome to our winter issue covering the months of December and January. It is a busy time for everyone, so our volunteers will have a well-deserved rest ready for renewed energy to start 2019. EFFORT.

Talking about volunteers (!) might one of your New Year’s Resolutions be to get more involved with your community? We have the perfect opportunity. In recent issues we have talked about Take 5: a chance to volunteer for an average of 5 hours per month to work with Causeway. We have already had new people offer help, and we’d LOVE it if you can come forward too! We are planning a glass of wine and a chat about the February issue in midJanuary, to look at creating an Editorial team by matching strengths to roles. So that covers winter and wine - what about the win!? Drum roll please…I am delighted to announce that we have received TWO plaudits from the National Parish Magazine Awards 2018. Firstly, the magazine has finished in the TOP 5 BEST PARISH MAGAZINES in the A5 size category. And secondly (widen the doorways…) yours truly received the Best Editor accolade. Both awards are hugely down to TEAM

Advertisers’ Index Editor’s Letter Walking the Kumano Kodo News from our Churches Letter from the Clergy Sunday Services Thorp Arch Parish Council Walton News

2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11

This magazine is produced and distributed to our wonderful communities because of our entire team. So, let me revisit the Take 5 idea - is it time to become one of the team of the AWARD WINNING Causeway, the Community Magazine for Thorp Arch and Walton, yourself!? Please email as soon as possible for more information thank you! The Causeway Team wishes you a Peaceful Christmas and Happy New Year. Many blessings.

Your Causeway Editor Now available online at and LARGE PRINT VERSION AVAILABLE BY EMAILING CAUSEWAY.EDITOR@GMAIL.COM. Causeway is a voluntary community magazine which is published 10 times a year (monthly except for January and August). Contributions are considered by our Editorial Team and must be with us by 10th of the month prior to publication. Contact for more information.

Christmas at our Local Inns Remembrance Reflections Village Diary and Notice Board Judicial Review - TAG The Birds in Your Garden Boxing Day Brunch Local News Village Contacts 3

12 16 18 22 25 27 28 31

Walking the Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage Trail

Setting out from the hotel into the morning sunshine, we are a motley crew. We have gathered to walk 5 days of the Nakahechi trail in the Kumano peninsula, south west of Kyoto, Japan. This ancient pilgrimage trail - first used over a thousand years ago - starts at Takijiri and finishes on the Pacific Ocean at Katsuura. We will walk about 50km over 5 days through pristine cedar and pine forests on ancient cobbled pathways, stopping often to marvel at the small stone statues (oji) which provide protection for departed family members. We will stay in local guest houses, sleep on futons, and enjoy a soak in the hot spring baths (onsen) at each stop.

was impenetrable up until the 800’s and was thought to be a land of mythical creatures and magical sights. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is popular for both visitors and locals. A last warning from our guide, to watch out for pit vipers, ticks and wild boar, and we set off. We climb on rough stone steps, stretching ligaments, testing knees, hearts and lungs. Rough earth paths are snaked over with pine roots, that are both helpful for purchase, but treacherous for the unwary. I make a point to follow our guide, as each tree root looks like a pit viper to me.

We certainly look the part, with the full range of modern walking gear: high performance clothing, foot friendly boots, and poles. We are 11 in the party: 7 ladies from the USA, an Australian couple, a retired German anaesthetist, and myself. The US ladies know each other and are in their early seventies. I am neither the youngest nor the oldest. We struggle through the morning subway rush hour, whizz on the bullet train to Osaka, rumble through the country from Osaka south on a local train, and finally a bus to the trail head. We eat a packed lunch, and there is a restlessness - we want to get going. Today’s stretch is a limb loosener of just 4 km. But we will ascend steeply for the first kilometre, rising 400 metres.

At the summit we are rewarded with spectacular views of forested mountains, and our path winds gently down to our first stop: past 1000 year old camphor trees to a welcoming ryokan, a traditional inn with tatami mat floors, futons and a its own hot spring bath. The 4km sounds easy but we have stretched our legs on ascents, and our guide informs us that this was the easiest day. After a welcome soak, we are served a sumptuous local meal of pickles, smoked fish, miso and tempura. We are all tucked up and sound asleep by 9pm. After a stirring breakfast, we set out in drizzle for day 2, with some steep climbs over the 10km or so we are to cover to our next stop.

Our guide has done this trek 7 times before, and ‘has never lost anyone yet’. We smile nervously. This area

To be continued… MARTIN BROWN 4


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Open for you Under the new management of new owner Adele, The Pax Inn is now open serving food and drink seven days a week.

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22 6

News from our Churches Autumn Fashion Show in aid of St George’s Crypt

Calling all dog-walkers this Boxing Day!

St Peter's was the venue for a fashion show on 17 October in aid of St George’s Crypt based in Leeds. It was arranged by 3 friends, all 6th form students from Tadcaster Grammar School - Harriet, Georgia and Lydia - inspired by a visit to the homeless charity.

You know that excuse on Boxing Day for not going to the carol singing at St. Mary’s church – ‘Lovely idea to sing then go for a Parish walk, but no good going since I can’t take the dog into church.’ Well! There has been a meeting (the VCC) and your names came up! All dogwalkers are very welcome, and your pets can come and try singing as well. The carol singing is an informal get-together at 10.30am, for about 30 mins, and then the walkers can leave for a breath of air. Of course, you are just as welcome to sing and walk without a dog! Maybe you just want to sing? In that case you can go home again after the carols. See you there! REV TRISH

The girls did a fantastic job of hosting the event serving wine and nibbles to over 80 guests, with family members stepping out to model clothing from ‘Life and Soul’. The show was a great success raising a huge £1,020! Well done girls and thank you to all who supported this very worthwhile evening. DOREEN LISTER


St Peter's Cider and Gin Festival Saturday 7 September 2019 Walton Village Hall Watch this space for further details. 7

Letter from the Clergy and peak too early. We need to pray that our hearts will be ready for God to do something new in us. I don’t yet know exactly what that will mean in terms of ‘what’ and ‘how’ – we’ll figure that out together, prayerfully – but I do know what we will look like if we’re serious about it: we will look more like Jesus. Our church communities will reveal Jesus to the world by the way we live and worship.

Time of Waiting By the time you are reading this, a time of waiting will be over. For you, an in-between time of waiting for a new Priest-in-Charge to arrive has passed. The waiting hasn’t been a passive matter though, has it? I know that you haven’t been idly sitting on your hands during the vacancy, so thank you to everyone who has found this time of waiting productive and has risen to its challenges.

Please do bring family, friends and neighbours along with you to worship this Advent and Christmas at services around our Benefice. Pray that they would encounter the love of God for themselves and hear and respond to Christ calling them to turn from darkness into his marvellous light.

This has also been a time of waiting for me: of prayerfully pondering whether God was calling me to minister here as a priest and church leader; of waiting to hear the result of my interview; of beginning to learn how things work and getting to grips with what God is already up to in the Bramham Benefice while waiting for the cogs of York Diocese to turn to make it happen.

I look forward to getting to know you all and to discovering together where God is leading us over the coming years. Bless you all. THE REVEREND NICK MORGAN PRIEST-IN-CHARGE

Advent is a pregnant time: literally in the case of Mary of course, but also in the sense that, when Christ was born, the world was waiting for God to burst into the world in a new way, a way long-promised by the prophets and heralded by John the Baptist. We need to be expectant, as Mary was, because our world still has need of God’s love, light and peace to burst in. The Advent season is an opportunity to look forward with hope and reflect upon how we should play our part in sharing the light of Christ. We, like Mary, are called to be bearers of Christ: called by the grace of God to carry Jesus within us - profoundly bound up with our very being - and to reveal him in the world. As your new Priest-in-Charge, I arrive as someone called to work with you to make God the centre of attention and to share God’s love with those around us. We’re in the business of becoming more like Jesus ourselves and introducing Jesus to others. We’re about being a prayerful, pilgrim people, committed to deepening our walk with God, and in the power of the Holy Spirit living out our faith by loving and serving others. Amid the busyness of life, we need to find space to pause and pray. It’s too easy to get sucked into the busy commercial and media run up to Christmas

A huge welcome to Nick and his family to our villages, from all at Causeway. 8

Services Time


Sunday Service, All Saints’, Thorp Arch



2nd Dec

Holy Communion Joint @ Walton


9th Dec

Group Holy Communion


9th Dec

Parish Nativity followed by HC @ Walton @11am


16th Dec

Lay Led Carol Service

J Warren


23rd Dec

Holy Communion

J West

11.30pm 24th Dec

Midnight Service Joint @ Walton


25th Dec

Holy Communion Joint


30th Dec

Benefice Service @ St Mary Boston Spa


6th Jan

Holy Communion Joint


13th Jan

Group Holy Communion


13th Jan

Holy Communion Joint @ Walton


20th Jan

Lay led

Y Hetherington


27th Jan

Holy Communion

J Bentley



Sunday Service, St Peter’s, Walton


2nd Dec

Holy Communion Joint


9th Dec

Parish Nativity followed by HC @11am


16th Dec

Lay Led


23rd Dec

Lay Led

J Clayton

11.30pm 24th Dec

Midnight Service Joint


25th Dec

Holy Communion Joint @ Thorp Arch


30th Dec

Benefice Service @ St Mary Boston Spa


6th Jan

Holy Communion Joint @ Thorp Arch


13th Jan

Group Holy Communion @ Thorp Arch


13th Jan

Holy Communion Joint


20th Jan

Holy Communion


27th Jan

Lay Led

Occasional Offices - All Saints’ Thorp Arch and St Peter’s Walton BAPTISMS WEDDINGS


No Baptisms 6th October 2018 - Jonathan Dearlove and Lucy Allen at St Peter’s, Walton 13th October 2018 - Benjamin Wilson and Claire Vercammen at St Peter’s, Walton 24th October 2018 - Diana Humphries 9

village and are in a good position to influence how the Precept is spent in the village. Councillor Andrew Rodger commented, “I joined the Parish Council 4 years ago and have really enjoyed being able to contribute to my community. I take a particular interest in Highways and have been instrumental in the provision of the Speed Indication Devices that are now sited in Thorp Arch. I am currently working on a heritage board project which will enable residents to view the history and geography of the village. It’s not just about attending meetings, there are real opportunities to deliver positive outcomes for our community.”

Thorp Arch Parish Council November / December 2018 News Bulletin The following is a summary of some of the work the Parish Council (PC) has undertaken over the last few weeks. Please see our website for more information about the Parish Council, including minutes from meetings and agendas: Police Report (Oct) Three burglaries took place this month from residential properties on Walton Chase (2) and Woodland Drive (1). Two from garages one from a house. Three thefts from vehicles on Walton Chase, Church Causeway and Woodlands Mews. Most of these offences took place on 3 October. Reporting crimes: For non-urgent issues and to pass on information, call West Yorkshire Police on 101. In an emergency (if a crime is in progress or you think the offenders are nearby), call 999. To give information anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Remember you can report crimes and ASB online at

War Memorial Improvements to the War Memorial commence Spring 2019, following a successful grant application made by the Parish Council. The work will include an extension of the paving, with new stones being laid, and an additional seating area. Commemorative Centenary Events The Parish Council were delighted to financially support the Commemorative Centenary lunch, organised by the Village Society. The Commemorative lunch, which took place at the school, was well attended. Councillor John Richardson, Chairman of the Parish Council said he was delighted that so many people were able to attend the service and commemorative lunch.

Homes England (HE) Planning Application The application for 23 dwellings remains undetermined and current. The application for 119 dwellings has been granted outline planning permission on a defer and delegate basis to the Chief Planning Officer, who has been asked to go back to the Applicant to establish willingness to consider further mitigation measures as put forward by the Parish Council. Unfortunately, there is no specific requirement for the Chief Planning Officer to negotiate any individual conditions.

Commenting on the events he said, “This was a fitting tribute to those who lost their lives in the War. Everyone worked so hard to ensure that the Commemorative lunch ran smoothly. I would like to thank the Village Society, All Saints Church, the School and YCA on behalf of the Parish Council for their dedication and hard work.” Speed Indication Deviced (SIDs) Two SIDs have now been installed in Thorp Arch, one at the top of Walton Road, the other on Church Causeway. The PC hope this will help to slow traffic down and increase road safety for the village.

Parish Council Elections 2019 On 2 May 2019, all Parish Councillors will have served their 4-year term. Some of the Councillors will not be standing again, which means there will be some vacancies. If you would like to consider becoming a Councillor or would just like some information about the job, please contact the Clerk on .

Website A reminder that PC has recently updated their website. Please visit at Date of Next Parish Council Meetings The next meeting will be held on Monday 12 November 7pm at All Saints Church, Thorp Arch. The Parish Council would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

The role of a Councillor is unpaid and non-political but is rewarding and provides an opportunity to really contribute to the community in a positive way. Councillors can get involved in various projects in the 10

Playground opening

Ok... they may have been dragged there by parents‌ but they got stuck in and seemed to enjoy it. Thank you all once again ‌ and I look forward to tackling the 2019 list of jobs with you in the New Year.

After months of hard work 13 September saw the opening of our play and social space at the Village Hall. The Wetherby news, local Councillors (and more importantly, brunch) was on hand as local youngsters enjoyed this new facility for the first time. Many thanks to Councillor Stephen Sharp for making this happen and to the Village Hall committee for providing delicious refreshments at the opening event. This facility is a great asset to the village and will be enjoyed by many for a long time to come.

If you would like to join us on future village work days please contact Work days commence with coffee and bacon sandwiches, end with chips and sandwiches at the Fox and Hounds, with concentrated effort in between. RICHARD PRUDHOE

Tree planting The Parish Council have had notification from The Conservation Volunteers ( that there are free community tree/hedgerow planting packs (supplied as whips) available for community use with registration commencing 8 October. Check out www. website if you think you could take advantage of this innovative scheme.

Autumn Village Work Days A big thank you to all those that turned out for the two village autumn work days. Once again, we were blessed with lovely blue skies and mild weather. Bus shelters were swept, School Lane railings were rubbed down and given a fresh coat of white paint, Church grounds were tidied up and two new notice boards erected; one for the Village Hall and one for the Parish Council.

Walton 1st Annual Bonfire and Fireworks Event On Saturday 3 November, over 170 Walton friends and parishioners came together to celebrate Bonfire Night. We enjoyed an amazing bonfire, delicious food and drinks and a spectacular fireworks display. The night certainly went with a bang! It was so nice to see everyone enjoying village life at our fabulous village hall with its new playground. A huge thank you all to the team who organised the night, especially Helen, Chloe, Ed, Guy and Richard. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and the date is already set for 2 November 2019 - so get it in your diary!

In addition, the work parties helped prepare the ground, literally, for the two village events of the Playground opening and the Bonfire night celebrations. The work days are a great way to contribute to the community alongside your neighbours. It was lovely to see some of the younger residents getting involved. 11

Christmas at our Local Inns We are very lucky in our villages…both Thorp Arch and Walton have traditional pubs with great quality food on offer - and Christmas is no exception!

booking for a larger number. Here’s a sample of what is on offer.

For more information including other menus, prices and payment methods, to book and to check on updates please contact The Pax or The Fox and Hounds direct. Contact details below. Don’t forget you will need to book direct with the respective Inn and everything mentioned will be subject to availability.

The Pax and The Fox and Hounds both have a delightful selection on their respective Christmas Menus and both will adapt to cater for special diets. Being a busy time tables will get booked up quickly so make sure you call well ahead especially when

The Pax, Thorp Arch Starters

Roast parsnip & cumin soup, rustic breads & black pepper butter. (V) Chicken liver parfait, fig & madeira relish with charred brioche. Classic prawn cocktail & melba toast. Yorkshire pudding, beef brisket bon-bon & horseradish cream.

The Main Event

Traditional turkey crown & all the seasonal trimmings. Roasted loin of cod, celeriac puree, Chantenay carrots, chorizo & pesto. Braised beef shin with a Bourguignon garnish. Mushroom & Stilton lattice with pickled cucumber & frisse. (V)

To Finish

Apple & cinnamon crumble with a caramel ice cream. Christmas pudding & brandy sauce. Tarte au citron, forest fruit compote., 01937 843 183 12

Fox and Hounds, Walton To Start

Sweet Potato Soup (v,gf) ~ lightly spiced, thick & creamy & served with our homemade bread Thai Salmon Fishcake ~ with our secret dipping sauce Creamy Brie (v) ~ golden baked in crispy breadcrumbs with spicy plum chutney Black Pudding & Bacon Bon Bons ~ with apple & vanilla puree, Parma ham & leaves Chicken Liver Pate ~ with cognac & fresh sage, served with toast & homemade chutney

Mains (All served with garlic & rosemary roast potatoes & seasonal vegetables) Traditionally Roasted Turkey Breast ~ with chipolatas, stuffing, cranberry sauce & freshly made gravy Sea Bass Fillet ~ with chive mash & a creamy white wine & dill sauce Daube of Beef ~ slowly braised in red wine, herbs & stock, served with mash, caramelised peppers & shallots & jus. Chestnut Mushroom Risotto (v) ~ with toasted pine nuts, rocket, parmesan & balsamic Confit Duck Leg ~ served with fondant potato, braised red cabbage and port & redcurrant reduction Beef Wellington ~ premium fillet steak with mushroom duxelles, chicken liver parfait and Parma ham all encased in our stunning rough puff pastry. Served with dauphinoise & port sauce (extra charge).

To Finish Christmas Pudding ~ with brandy custard Ginger Crème Brulee ~ with langue de chat biscuits Warm Chocolate Brownie ~ our famous fudge style brownie, topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream Pam’s Very Sherry Trifle ~ fresh berries in a sweet sherry jelly with our set custard & freshly whipped cream Lemon Posset ~ with homemade shortbread biscuits Freshly brewed tea or coffee with handmade chocolates to finish, 01937 842192, 13

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REMEMBRANCE REFLECTIONS THORP ARCH REMEMBERS At 10.45 on Sunday 11/11 many residents of Thorp Arch gathered under the gloomy November skies to hear Rev Trish lead the Service of Remembrance. The Last Post, played by Will Morrison, heralded in the two minutes silence. Many in the crowd were remembering grandfathers, grandmothers, great uncles and aunts who had suffered terribly in the ‘Great War’. Everyone then made their way to LEH Primary School which had been made available to the combined team of the Village Society, The YCA and the Tennis Club, supported by the Parish Council, to host a lunch event so that we could gather as a Village on this special day. The wonderful school staff had made a video for Remembrance Day, bringing together the memorials in the Village with the work the children had done about ‘remembering’ with a background of the children singing World War 1 songs. It was very moving and a joy to watch. We were then treated to the Wetherby Ukulele Band, who led a WW1 sing along. Great fun and it was interspersed with some history of the songs. A delicious lunch of pulled pork, followed by scrumptious puddings was then served by the Village Society and the YCA, while the Tennis Club ran a very busy bar. Many thanks to everyone who helped to organise this event.

Thorp Arch would like to thank Cameron Beaumont for providing the red baubles which are hanging on the tree on the green, one for each man who left the village to fight and never returned. A tag is attached to each, with the name age and place of death. They will stay up until the end of the year as a reminder of the fallen. GABY MORRISON 16

REMEMBERING WW1 WALTON REMEMBERS St Peter’s Church like so many others around the country was adorned with poppies on a very special Armistice centenary. The last veterans from the First World War are gone and those from the Second World War are fading. This was an emotional service but reinforced our resolve to encourage peace around the world. The past is history, the future is a mystery but the present is a gift, there is no greater gift than peace. GAY CHILDE

2018 Poppy Appeal Thank you also to all the dedicated Poppy Appeal collectors in our two villages - Ian and Bobbie Barker, Lynne Clayford, Jo, Ellie and Mollie, Kathleen Sanderson and Janette West - and to Sheila Humphreys who helped count the collections.

In this centenary year of the ending of the First World War, I would like to thank everyone for their continued support for the Royal British Legion. At the large gathering at Thorp Arch War Memorial on 11 November, the ten men from Thorp Arch village who gave their lives during WW1 were movingly remembered - their names on red baubles in the surrounding trees and their sacrifice reflected in the ten silhouettes on benches around the village.

Finally, a particularly big thank you this year to Lesley Tate who is now taking a very well-earned retirement after 26 years of collecting for the Appeal.

Rev Trish Anslow led us in prayer and student Will Morrison played the Last Post and Reveille superbly.

The 2018 Poppy Appeal collections in Thorp Arch and Walton raised ÂŁ1,942.69, the highest total we can recall. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to this important cause.

Lesley is handing over to Kate Richardson, who we welcome to the team. JENNY BENTLEY



Please check details with the organisers before setting out.

Tuesday 15 Jan Thorp Arch & Walton (YCA) Ladies Group talk by Norma Harrington Reminiscences of the Mayor of Wetherby. New Members welcome. 7.30pm at Boston Spa Methodist Church. For more info please contact .

DECEMBER Tuesday 4 Dec Martin House Annual Light up a Life service at St Mary’s Church, Boston Spa.


Friday 7 Dec A concert by Wetherby Light Music Singers at All Saint's Church Thorp Arch 7.30pm. Tickets £10 including glass of wine and mince pies, available from J Clayton 843153, J West 843684, or K Sanderson 844818.

Tuesday 19 Feb Thorp Arch & Walton (YCA) Ladies Group Music, Comedy & Dance – Part II. New Members welcome. 7.30pm at Boston Spa Methodist Church. For more info please contact tawyca@ .

Sunday 9 Dec St Peter’s Walton Nativity Service, a date for your diaries and a special call for any children who would like to take part in this fun service.

MARCH 2019 Friday 8 Mar Quiz and Curry Evening 7pm for 7.30pm in Walton Village Hall in aid of St Peter's church funds.

Saturday 15 Dec Handel’s Messiah 7.30pm at St James’ Parish Church, Wetherby. Tickets £17 (under 18s free) available from 07860 454894, tickets@, Nicolla Florist or from chorus members or at the door on the night. Come and be inspired!

Tuesday 19 Mar Thorp Arch & Walton (YCA) Ladies Group Talk by St John Ambulance. New Members welcome. 7.30pm at Boston Spa Methodist Church. For more info please contact .

Sunday 23 Dec Carols Round the Green at Thorp Arch 5.30pm. The Wetherby Silver Band will be accompanying our singing and Father Christmas will be making an appearance to see all the good boys and girls.

SEPTEMBER 2019 Saturday 7 Sept St Peter's Cider and Gin Festival in Walton Village Hall - more details to follow.



Saturday 2 Nov Walton Village Hall 2nd Annual Bonfire and Fireworks Night details to follow.

Walton Nativity Service 18

Thorp Arch Tennis Club 100 Club Draw

Thorp Arch & Walton (YCA) Ladies Group

The Tennis Club draw is held every month from June to November. The final draw for 2018 was won by Rohan Garwood.

Thorp Arch & Walton (YCA) Ladies Group continues to flourish with new members joining each month! Over the last few months we have enjoyed informative talks about the local donkey sanctuary (sadly without a donkey present!), a fascinating evening learning how to make simple decorations from Ribbons and gaining inspiration for more complicated sewing projects and a history talk on the rise & fall of Fairfax House in York.

Wealstun Farm Shop I was impressed with the pop-up Farm Shop which Wealstun Prison is holding outside the visitor centre every Friday 11.30am to 1.30pm. It is a short stroll from Walton and Thorp Arch or you can drive right up (they are happy for you to use the disabled spaces).

Members enjoyed a fabulous lunch at Wetherby Golf Club in August and also had a trip to Leyburn to Tennant’s Auction house to celebrate Yorkshire Day.

The selection includes very good quality artisan bakes (bread and cakes), seasonal veg and they are gearing up for Christmas with decorative items (a large loaf or pack of 6 rolls is just 50p, for example, so great value too).

We have numerous visits and trips planned in the forthcoming months, including:

There’s a tongue in cheek strapline line or two in use too! Do take a look and support this positive initiative to help establish valued skills in the prison community.

> a behind the scenes trip round The Arium > visiting The Allerton Park Recycling Plant > Shopping at Colne Boundary Mills and


> our much enjoyed annual Christmas Dinner at The Bridge. The branch welcomes all women over the age of 16 from the local area and we are a friendly, chatty group who love learning new things and meeting new people.

A Special

Thank You

Come along and find out for yourself, contact or check out our Facebook page. FIONA SPENCE

God recognises kindness With grateful thanks TRISH


Thorp Arch Retail Park

Visit Thorp Arch Retail Park near Wetherby and enjoy the fantastic play area!

20 2


Judicial Review of Planning Decision - TAG

extra houses north of Wealstun, and possibly the development being used as a 'wedge' to open up all sorts of other building nearby.

Finding a legal cum planning expert to help us pursue a Judicial Review has not been easy. Many good local lawyers are conflicted (they have other clients whose interests may conflict with TAG's, so they cannot act for us).

We don't understand what LCC planners are up to, but they must have a larger plan to be pushing such a ridiculous, non-compliant, planning application. The clear danger is that our community could be faced with further planning applications for hundreds more houses. This decision would act as a precedent, making any future applications much harder to resist.

The good news is we have found someone who looks very promising. We have committed to a first consultation, which we can afford from our remaining TAG funds. These funds were raised at the start of the TATE process in 2013.

We hope you feel TAG did well for you on the TATE development and appeal, at a very reasonable cost. Compared with the other parties involved, whose costs will have run into many hundreds of thousands of pounds, TAG's were very modest.

Just to warn you all, Judicial Reviews can be expensive. To pursue one, we will need to raise a substantial 'war chest'. Can we remind our long-term Supporters of the initial TATE fund raising. We asked for about £100 per household if possible.

We will again try to give a top-class presentation of our case, and good value. By being 'litigants in person' at the hearings (i.e. no legal support being paid for during the hearings, just background advice being taken and paid for as needed) we hope to minimize the costs.

Some households gave much more. We promised them it would be a sensible 'gamble'. They might get nothing for their donation, but they might also remove the blight from TATE and the consequent loss of value on their homes.

You will need to decide whether you will fund TAG sufficiently to make this happen.

That loss could be measured in many thousands of pounds. The 'odds' in favour of making the donation were about 100 - 1. Put up a 'stake' of £100 by funding TAG - gain by say £10,000 in the value of your home if we succeeded. We did.

If we succeed everyone will get the benefits, so please join in the fundraising when the request from TAG arrives. PETER LOCKE

The fund-raising result was about £12,000 in one week.


We were very lucky to receive legal assistance on the TATE appeal from a benefactor. Even so we have spent almost £10,000 of that initial sum, despite the TAG Team having put in several thousand man-hours of effort at no cost to the campaign. TAG now have an initial consultation already agreed with our new legal help, at which point we will be given some idea of the 'war chest' we will need. You will be kept informed. Your TAG Team sincerely hope that you will support this next fight. The alternative is at least 119 22


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The Birds in Your Garden - Pipe Cleaners as Legs?

mites in captive birds, effective and targeted dosing of free-living birds is not possible. No medicine is available for the treatment the virus.

I don’t know how often you see Chaffinches in your garden, but probably, like me, not that often. This may be partly due to their numbers having taken a hit from Trichomoniasis though to a lesser extent than Greenfinches. But I have noticed that many of those I do see have leg lesions, sometimes known as ‘scaly leg’ or ‘tassel foot’. To me it often looks as though they have pipe-cleaners as legs.

Feeding stations encourage birds to congregate, sometimes in large numbers increasing the potential for disease to spread. If several birds in your garden are affected, you should significantly reduce the amount of feed you put out, or stop feeding altogether for 2-4 weeks, to encourage birds to disperse, thereby minimising the chances of new birds becoming infected at the feeding station. Gradually reintroduce feeding and keep an eye open for further signs of ill health. Since infection with both agents can be spread via direct and indirect contact (e.g. perches, feeding platforms), regular cleaning and disinfection of feeders is vital.

This is nothing new, such lesions have been known about for years, but until recently there had been no large-scale study of this condition, and it was unclear whether it is more common at particular times of the year or in certain areas. Weekly records of the presence of leg lesions, from the British Trust for Ornithology’s (BTO) Garden BirdWatch survey, alongside reports from members of the public via the Garden Wildlife Health website, have allowed the BTO and ZSL to answer these questions for the first time.

Always clear away uneaten food and droppings before putting out fresh food. Provide clean, fresh drinking water daily. Use only fresh food from reputable sources and move feeders around the garden to avoid build-up of contamination in any one area.

Each week 3 – 4% of Garden BirdWatchers recording Chaffinches report a bird with leg lesions and there is clear seasonality, from November to March. Whilst Chaffinches occur in Britain throughout the year, more are reported in winter, as a result of an influx of migratory birds from mainland Europe, and it is thought that this is related to the winter peak in leg lesions.

All this will help protect your visitors from becoming infected. If you find the lives of our garden birds to be of interest and would like to join in and count the feathered occupants of your garden please contact me or visit the BTO Garden BirdWatch website ( If you know of an organisation not a million miles from York which would like a talk on garden birds call: Mike Gray on 07596 366342 or

Chaffinches are by far the most likely bird you’ll see with leg lesions, but it has been seen in other finches, including Brambling, Bullfinch, Goldfinch and Greenfinch. Results from post-mortem examinations of just over a thousand finches in Great Britain have identified two causes; a virus (Fringilla coelebs papillomavirus) and mites (Cnemidocoptes).

MIKE GRAY Image: John Harding

They are highly visible and look pretty unpleasant, but whilst birds with severe lesions can become lame and vulnerable to predation, most affected birds continue to behave normally. Most reports involve individual birds and there is no evidence it poses a threat to the species. You can’t discriminate between the two types visually, and mixed infection with both occurs, so diagnosis relies on post-mortem examination and laboratory tests. Whilst medicines are available for the treatment of 25



Boxing Day Brunch Recipe

4. In another bowl, whisk eggs and milk together. Stir the cooled onion/bacon mixture into the egg mixture.

Savoury Muffins with Bacon, Onions and Cheese

5. Pour the wet ingredients onto the dry ones all at once. With a large spoon, stir only until dry ingredients are moistened. Do not overmix. The dough will be lumpy.

These savoury muffins are almost a breakfast in one, and they freeze well (that’s why I always make 2 dozen at a time) – could be just the ticket on a busy winter morning. They’re just as good for lunch, maybe with a warming bowl of soup or a salad. Best served warm.

6. Spoon into muffin tins, filling them 2/3 to 3/4 full. Sprinkle reserved cheese on top – you could add a dusting of paprika for a festive touch. Bake in hot oven, for 20-25 minutes. Tops should be lightly browned and spring back when touched, or test with toothpick (when it comes out clean, the muffins are done). If you are baking less than a dozen muffins, fill the empty muffin cups about ½ full of water.

Makes 2 dozen

INGREDIENTS • 85 ml light olive oil (vegetable oil is also fine)

7. Cool in tin for a couple of minutes to make removal easier. Serve warm or cool on rack to freeze.

• 85g butter • 1 large onion, chopped (about ¼” pieces)

Note: to freeze, pack in Zip-loc or freezer bags and draw out as much air as possible. Freeze them as soon as they have cooled.

• 230g smoked bacon, chopped (about ¼” pieces) • 500g plain flour


• 6 tsp. (2 Tbsp.) baking powder • 1 tsp. salt • 4 Tbsp. sugar • 1 tsp. dried tarragon (or basil or other herbs as you please) • 170 g cheddar cheese, grated (crumbled feta is good too – or any other kind) • 2 large eggs • 500ml milk

METHOD 1. Prepare muffin tins – butter or spray, or line with muffin cases. Preheat oven to 170 for fan-assisted (or 190 - 200° C.) 2. Heat butter and olive oil until melted, add onion and bacon. Sauté over low heat until onion is glassy. Set aside to cool. 3. In a large bowl, sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Stir in sugar and tarragon/herbs. Save about 1/3 of the grated cheese for tops of muffins; stir the rest into the dry ingredients. 27

Walton Group of Artists Annual Exhibition November 2018 Rachel McNaughton and Sandra Dean

The group would like to extend thanks to all our visitors for our best attended year yet, with visitors from both our local villages and much further afield too.

future development of Walton Village Hall Playground were taken in lieu of refreshments. The Group hope to welcome visitors back to next year’s Exhibition and also to WGA’s open, sharing and welcoming events such as their regular evening demonstrations and day-long, hands-on workshops all held at Walton Village Hall for members and visitors alike.

On a lovely sunny weekend over 20 Walton Group of Artists (WGA) professional and amateur members exhibited a wide range of original paintings, pottery, wirework, prints and greeting cards. This year, Class 1 students from Lady Elizabeth Hastings School were invited to display some of their artwork too and this took the form of a myriad of masks the 4 and 5 year olds had made on the theme of The Little Red Hen. Some of the children came to see their own work and were interested to see the work of WGA members too. Donations towards the

Visitors voted ‘Pastures New’ by WGA member, Rachel McNaughton, ‘Best in Show’ for 2018. For more information about the exhibition, the group and the open events, visit www.waltongroupofartists. or see

Alzheimer’s Research UK in Yorkshire

community groups, schools and other individuals to support the charity too.

We are in the process of establishing a new and exciting Wetherby & District Fundraising Group who will help us reach further into their local community and act as great ambassadors for Alzheimer’s Research UK by helping us raise more awareness and vital funds for dementia research.

Research is the only answer to defeating dementia and without the support and dedication from supporters like you, we wouldn’t be able to continue our vital research, bringing us closer to finding new ways to diagnose, treat and prevent dementia. Our mission is to bring about the first life-changing dementia treatment by 2025.

Our fundraising groups play a crucial part in the fight against dementia, which currently affects more than 25,590 people in West Yorkshire including over 8,497 people in Leeds alone. Fundraising group members get involved in a variety of ways including organising local events such as coffee mornings, race nights, tombolas, concerts and supermarket collections, placing and maintaining collection tins in local shops, putting up posters in local businesses and encouraging clubs,

With your support, we’ll focus our energies to make this mission a reality. For more information contact Claire Priestwood, Regional Fundraising Officer, Yorkshire & the North East Alzheimer's Research UK via c.priestwood@



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CONTACTS FOR THORP ARCH AND WALTON ORGANISATIONS For any detail changes, please contact Rachel Bentley,



All Saints’ Church, Thorp Arch Rev. Tricia Anslow 844789. Cluster Office: 844402, parishoffice.bramhambenefice@

St Peter’s Church, Village Church Council Clergy: See All Saints’, Thorp Arch. Church Wardens: Doreen Lister 842344, Bill Kilby : 842561. Secretary: Gay Childe 845519. Treasurer: Fiona Robinson 843338, Flowers & Cleaning: Liz and Geoff Harrison 845978

All Saints’, Parochial Church Council Church Wardens: Kathleen Sanderson 844818. David Spurr 842772, david@ Secretary: Georgina Squires 849747, Treasurer & Covenant Secretary: David Spurr 842772. Flowers: Margaret Smyth 841181

Walton Cricket Club Chair: Caroline Hobson 07860 615154, Walton Parish Council Chairman: David Aspland. Vice Chair: Brodie Clark CBE. Clerk: Helena Buck, secretary@walton-pc. Members: Stephen Sharp, Edward Simpson, Mark Wake, David Taylor.

Lady Elizabeth Hastings School Head: Michele O'Donnell, Friends of the School Chair: Hayley Cullen 07712 175178 TABS Cricket Club Chair: Adam Gough 07725 047555 or Dale Gibson 842642

Walton Village Hall Booking: Helen Naylor 07721 413016,

Thorp Arch Community Association Secretary: Ian Hall 842665,

THORP ARCH & WALTON Wetherby Ward Councillors Norma Harrington 01133 788 557. Alan Lamb via The Fox and Hounds. Gerald Wilkinson 07748 941127,

Thorp Arch Parish Council Chair: John Richardson, Clerk: Tina Wormley 0113 289 3624, Members: Amy Crooks, Graham Duxbury, Andrew Rodger, Margaret Smyth

Causeway Magazine Chair: Ian Hall 842665, ianhall1705@ Editor: Rachel Bentley causeway.editor@gmail. com. Designer: John Pendleton jlp@proportionmarketing. Advertising: Emma Shellard 07903 632590

Thorp Arch Tennis Club: Chair: Rob Seldon 541797, Secretary: Jane Freeman 339307, Treasurer: Jane Clayton 843153 Thorp Arch Vicarage Rev. Nick Morgan, Priest in Charge, 849471

Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association (YCA) Chair: Barbara Rivington 579833. Sec: Fiona Spence 520271, Treasurer: Judith Symonds 541799.

Thorp Arch Village Society Chair: Gaby Morrison 843376, Secretary: Sue Clayton 843181. Treasurer: Shirley Davies 541976.

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