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Handmade Christmas Gifts
As we’re into our November issue we’ve given ourselves permission to openly talk about Christmas - we think we deserve it after the year 2020 has been!
As quite a creative pair we decided we’d look at options for making your own Christmas presents and crafts. First up is a really easy recipe for truffles that you can’t go wrong with, although when you taste them you might not want to give them away!
Chocolate truffles
5oz/150g Plain Chocolate 2oz/60g Butter 6oz/180g Nestles Milk 4oz/115g Icing Sugar
Addition options
Vanilla Essence Raisins soaked in Rum Sultanas soaked in Grand Marnier + Orange Zest Rum only Apricots soaked in Apricot Brandy
Soak your dried fruit if you are using - overnight works well! Melt chocolate Add butter Add condensed milk Add icing sugar
Mix in any of your additions, chill in the fridge for 2 hours or more. Pipe the mixture into paper cases, or shape into balls - you could put them in a nice box, a jar, a tin - whatever works for you!
Bath Bomb
Rather than buying ‘smellies’ as Xmas presents, it’s much more personal to give something homemade, this bath bomb recipe is quite fun to make and you can put your own spin on it!
Bath Bomb Moulds/Cupcake Tray Water spray Cup Cake Cases Decorations (e.g. glitter, sprinkles)

300g Bicarbonate of Soda 100g Citric Acid Essential Oils (e.g. lavender, peppermint, cinnamon) Water A few drops of food colouring
Combine the bicarbonate of soda and citric acid in a large bowl. Add a few drops of your essential oil* and stir well. Stir in some glitter if you are using it.
Carefully add your colour a drop or two at a time, combining well with each addition until you get your desired colour. You must do this gradually to avoid the fizzy reaction between the bicarb and the citric acid from happening in your bowl rather than your bath!
Once you are happy with colour and scent you can begin to add water. Again it is important to do this gradually. The water spray means that you aren’t adding water too quickly to one part of your mixture and setting off the reaction.
Stir after each addition.
Your bath bomb mixture is ready when it will just hold together when pressed in your hand. It mustn’t feel damp and it is far better for it to be too dry and not work in your moulds at first than
too wet. You can always add a bit more water, you can’t take it away!
Press your bath bomb mixture into your mould, one half at a time (or straight into a cupcake case and tin.) Pile extra mixture into each half so that it is overflowing and then press the two halves together firmly brushing away the excess as it crumbles out.
Carefully remove one half of the mould and then the other and gently place your bath bomb into your pie tray. Leave to dry and firm up.
Origami Gift Box
Once you have made these, you need a gift box to put them in! This origami gift box can be made with craft card of any size, or why not use last year’s Christmas cards?
Separate the front from the back of the card by cutting down the fold. Trim the front of the card so it is square. The front will become the lid of the box. To make the bottom use the back of the card, making the square 2cm smaller than the front. Don’t worry about the writing, it will be folded inside the box.
Flip the card over, place a rule diagonally on opposite corners and lightly draw a line between them. Repeat for the other two corners so you
1 2 have an X.
Fold one corner up to the centre of the X. Being careful to keep the corner on the line, unfold and then refold the same corner to the resulting crease.
Keeping the corner in the folded position, fold the card again. Then fold again, so that it touches the centre line.
Make four cuts on the creases as shown below.
Fold the pointed tip of one of the triangular tips down and then fold again. Fold the tab in and stand the card up. At this point a dab of glue in the centre of the box can help. Repeat with the other tabs.
Repeat the steps with the back of the card to make the base of the box
Hints and tips
It is really important that you work with a square of card – so it is worth taking the extra time to make an accurate square
Plan your box top, the central area will be the part that you can see. Try and have the most interesting bit in the centre of the square when you start
You can line the box with felt or other fabric to make it extra special.
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