Causeway September 2020

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CAUSEWAY SEPTEMBER 2020 Updates from Local Pubs Sunday Services Return Yorkshire Quiz


Serving the communities of Thorp Arch and Walton Advertising Index Accountants Gillbeck Assoc Peter Howard Alarms PGK Security Animal Care Clifford Moor Farm Architects McNicholas Architects Bed & Breakfast Four Gables Building Materials Kirbys Carpet Cleaning Wetherby Carpet

30 23







Cars/MOT Westmoreland Cars


Chimney Sweep Mooring Brothers Chiropody Boston Spa Chiropody

Contact: Emma Shellard, 07903 632590

Curtains, Furnishing Lou’s Threads


Hardware Douglas Yeadon


Holiday Cottages Priory Cottages


Kitchens Aberford Interiors


Decorators Mark Hatfield Oliver Willard The Decorating Centre

30 28 29

Elderly Support WiSE


Newsagents Supershop


Electrical Services P Collier Edmunds Electrical

22 30

Opticians Andrew Morgan Cameron Beaumont

30 05

Estate Agents Beadnall & Copley


PA/Secretarial Concierge David Bransby 27

Flooring Services Thorner Flooring


Funerals Tony Barker

Plumbing and Heating Peter Norman 30 Thorp Arch Plumbing 28



Gardening Lawn Keeper MK Landscaping

19 04


Hairdressing Ian Blakey


Restaurants Fox and Hounds


Retail Parks Thorp Arch Retail Park


Tree Services Bardsey Tree Services


Front Cover - Sunset over St Peter’s Church, Walton - Mark Stanbow Causeway - Chair Ian Hall. Editors Lisa Sherratt and Victora Etherington. Designer John Pendleton Advertising Emma Shellard. Distribution (Thorp Arch) Jane Clayton (Walton) Gay Childe and David Spencer. Big thanks to the entire distribution team. Please refer to the Contacts Page for contact details. The Editor and Management Committee do not endorse any content of articles or advertisements in this magazine nor shall they be liable directly or indirectly for any damages which may arise from information or views contained in these pages. 2

From your Editors

Dear Readers

It feels good to be in the routine for Causeway once more, a little bit of the ‘new normal’ that Reverend Trish ponders on page 8. We were even able to meet in person to edit this month’s magazine, at a suitable social distance of course! July’s issue was the first one since lockdown and quite a few people have told us it was nice to see the magazine again. One of the comments the team has received is that considering the lack of local news and events, there was still plenty of content. Although lockdown is now easing, there still isn’t a great deal happening and so our contributors have not had much to write about. Perhaps you could help? Last month we shared our experiences of lockdown, part of which was about the things we suddenly had the time to do. What about you? Did you start a new hobby? Or perhaps you were able to pick something up that you haven’t done for a while. It would be wonderful to hear from you about how you have coped with lockdown. What were your joys and challenges? Are there things you are desperate to get out and do as lockdown eases? Or perhaps it has given you time to reflect and there have been positive aspects of the time that you would like to keep.


Please consider sharing your lockdown Editor’s Letter Martin House launches Superdraw News from our Churches Clergy Letter Sunday Services Thorp Arch Parish Council Local News

3 6 7 8 9 10 11

experiences with other Causeway readers. In this edition we see the churches reopening for worship; details of the services can be found on page 9. We also have seasonal recipes, a report and photos from the scarecrow trail and a Yorkshire quiz. If you have any contributions for the magazine or would like to join the team please email us at Blessings

Now available online at and LARGE PRINT VERSION AVAILABLE BY EMAILING CAUSEWAY.EDITOR@GMAIL.COM. Causeway is a voluntary community magazine which is published 10 times a year (monthly except for January and August). Contributions are considered by our Editorial Team and are invited to be emailed to by 10th of the month prior to publication. Courgette Regrets Village Diary Update from our Local Pubs Scarecrow Trail Yorkshire Quiz The Birds in your Garden Village Contacts

13 16 17 20 24 26 29

Available online at and LARGE PRINT VERSION - EMAIL CAUSEWAY.EDITOR@GMAIL.COM. Causeway is a community magazine produced and distributed by a team of dedicated volunteers which is published 10 times a year (monthly except for January and August). Contributions are considered by our Editorial Team and are invited to be emailed to causeway. by 10th of the month prior to publication. 3



Hospice Care News Martin House celebrates lottery with Superdraw

The Superdraw launches on Wednesday 12th August, with the prize being drawn on Wednesday 7 th October, and tickets cost £2. It is sponsored by HARIBO, meaning more of the money raised will go to supporting families.

A chance to win £3,000 is on offer as Martin House Hospice Care for Children and Young People launches their first Superdraw.

Julie Beaman, Corporate Communications Assistant at HARIBO, said: “Without the ability to host traditional fundraising events, Martin House, like many other charities, has found itself facing a difficult time. Every bit of support makes a really valuable difference right now – which is why we are proud to be continuing to work in partnership with the team, by sponsoring their first ever Superdraw.

The Superdraw celebrates the 15th anniversary of the Martin House Lottery, which in 2019 raised more than £320,000 for the hospice. It has a £3,000 top prize, a £1,000 second prize, two third prizes of £500 and 20 runner-up prizes of £10. Zara Shillito, individual giving co-ordinator at Martin House, said: “Our lottery has grown so much since its launch in 2005, and we wanted to celebrate by holding our first Superdraw, with a chance to win a bigger jackpot.

“Taking part is simple and there are some impressive prizes on offer. But, most importantly, every penny raised will help Martin House to continue its fantastic work, providing vital care for babies, children and young people at a time when they need it the most.”

“We hope it will also encourage more people to join our regular lottery, which is a way to support Martin House, providing us with a regular income and helping us plan our care – with the bonus of a chance to win £1,000 every week.”

Tickets can be bought online at www. Players have to be over 18 to enter and can buy up to 50 tickets, and tickets have to be bought by Monday 28th September to be entered into the draw.

Martin House cares for babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions from across West, North and East Yorkshire. It reopened to planned respite care in June, following the lockdown, and has continued to support families throughout the pandemic, providing emergency and end of life care.

Martin House mascot Marty Bear and Zara Shillito, individual giving co-ordinator, launch the hospice’s first Superdraw. 6

News from our Churches Return of Service

Wydale update

Services will (hopefully) resume at St Peter’s follows 13th September Parish Worship, and 20th September Holy Communion. Both services at 9.30am.

As times are forever changing- I have to throw a word of caution to those who have signed up to the Ladies of the Benefice retreat at Wydale Hall in September.

It will be a joy for us to be back in Church again. Please come along to join in with us. Details of other services can be found on page 9.

I have had an email from Mark telling me that they have still not had the green light to open for visitors to stay over. This does not mean that it is all off, just that it is on ‘pause’ for the time being. Please keep Wydale Hall and Mark and Helen in your prayers and do not fill our dates – 23rd to 25th Sept- with anything else just in case we are able to go at the last minute!

See and Facebook. com/BramhamBenefice for updates and amendments and to access our online worship.



Letter from the Clergy As we come to the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, I wonder what the future holds for each of us? At one time we would have the next three months mapped out with visits, holidays, school, college, and university. Life would be loosely predictable, but this year is different.

In this country we have marvelled at the colours and sounds of spring and summer without the pollution of constant traffic in the air we breathe. We have found new ways to communicate with those we love, and we have learnt to appreciate those people who put themselves out for the benefit of others every day.

People keep telling us there is going to be a ‘new normal’ after the Covid19 pandemic. BBC Radio 4 ran a series of articles asking various well-known people, and members of the public, what they would like to see in this ‘new normal’. There were as many different ideas as there were people who responded.

Christians around the world have found ways to worship without gathering together, discovering that God will be with us everywhere and every day. Others have joined in with our digital worship and found something to make sense of their lives. We need our eyes and ears open to welcome those who join us.

What would you put into this ‘new normal’? How would you like to see your community work with people who had a chance to change things for the better? If your list includes kindness, politeness, and love for your neighbours, are you sure you can live up to your own aims? Do you remember your neighbours’ open windows when you have a barbeque? Do you think of young children asleep when you spend your evening mowing the lawn? Do you smile and pass the time of day with the noisy neighbours who chat in the garden till it is past your bedtime? Oh, how wonderful it would be to live in this ‘new normal’ if everyone could follow their own ideals!

If we can all find the resolve to reboot our world after this pandemic using those original rules of creation; Love God our creator and love our neighbours as ourselves, we stand a chance of leaving this world in a stronger place for future generations. It is not up to governments to legislate for the changes, it is up to individuals, you and me, to implement the change of heart needed to follow what God would like us to do for each other. Changing the world requires us all to look at the ‘new normal’ and follow God’s guidance to make it happen. Love God with all your heart and soul and mind and love your neighbour as yourself. Go for it!

What about the wider world? The Utopia that could be possible if everyone followed even the simplest of aims - love your neighbour as yourself. We all feel possessive about our own national boundaries and think we have the answers to the ills of every other nation but think bigger than that!


Look at the world as God’s creation, the original ‘new normal’. A gift to humanity, set out with that simple rule of loving your neighbour. Of course, since we are merely flawed human beings, the world, sadly, does not achieve its potential of a perfect community. We are part of this global pandemic, which means we are part of something that touches most of all the world’s population and leaves us all contemplating the possibility of a ‘new normal’ wherever we live in the world.


Sunday Services



6-9th Sept

Online Service All Together at 10


13th Sep

Parish Worship @ Walton


20th Sep

Parish Worship


20th Sep

Holy Communion @ Walton


27th Sep

Christians Together United Harvest Service at Windmill Hill. Disabled parking only. Bring a picnic.


4th Oct

Holy Communion



6-9th Sept

Online Service All Together at 10


13th Sep

Parish Worship


20th Sep

Holy Communion


27th Sep

Christians Together United Harvest Service at Windmill Hill. Disabled parking only. Bring a picnic.


4th Oct

Holy Communion @ Thorp Arch


Thorp Arch Parish Council New Parish Councillor - The Parish Council would like to welcome Charlotte Dyson, who was co-opted at the July meeting. Charlotte is looking forward to working with the Parish Council and says:

Housing Developments - The Chartford Homes/ Homes England application (18/07278/FU) for 26 dwellings continues on site. The Parish Council have been advised that covid-19 guidelines are being complied with.

I have lived in the village for 24 years and having brought up my children here I have a strong sense of commitment to the local community. It is a real privilege to live in such a beautiful parish and I would like to be able to help shape its future in the interests of all the residents, of all ages, going forward. In terms of expertise, I am an experienced marketeer and hope to be able to enhance the engagement and communication of the work that the Parish Council does to the wider community.

Homes England/Lovells (17/07970 for 119 houses) have now submitted a Reserved Matters application. There are a number of issues noted around contamination and drainage still being dealt with by LCC officers. Site visits have not been taking place due to the coronavirus crisis, which has slowed progression of the application. Work to Thorp Arch Bridge - Works to the bridge are due to start in the week commencing 10th August and will take around 4 months to complete. The works will be contained to the River Wharfe and no road closures are currently planned. However, should any short-term road closures be required, pedestrian access will be maintained across the bridge at all times. Further information can be found on the PC website:

Police Report - Register for a community alert: For daily crime updates in your area please register for community alert. Here you will receive updates about crime in your area, and crime prevention advice. Visit www.

North Lodge Green - Work on the Yorkshire stone wall on North Lodge Green has now been completed. A local resident has agreed to advise the PC on a local planting scheme for the area.

Crime Reporting - Please ensure that you report all crimes. For non-urgent issues and to pass on information, call West Yorkshire Police on 101. In an emergency (if a crime is in progress or you think the offenders are nearby), call 999. Deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired people can use textphone 18001 101. Go to the West Yorkshire Police website - www.westyorkshire. Click on the ‘Contact us’ button and a range of ways to report will appear including the 101 Live Chat System. Or click on the ‘Report it’ function and numerous types of crime which you can report online will appear.

Environmental Services Update - Leeds City Council have provided an update regarding environmental services they deliver, including bins collections and recycling centres. They have provided a frequently asked questions leaflet. Report a Problem - Residents can report a range of problems online to Leeds City Council concerning potholes, street lighting, dog fouling, blocked drains, footpaths, bridleways, fallen trees and street signs.

Contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team to speak to a local officer about community issues:

Newsletter Sign Up - The Parish Council now produce their own electronic Newsletter. This can be accessed via If you would like to receive the newsletter and other information directly from the us, then please sign up via the website.

• Email: • Facebook: WYPLeedsNorthEast • Twitter:

Date of Next Parish Council Meeting - Held remotely on Monday 14th Sept - 7pm. If you would like to join the meeting, please contact the Clerk on

To give information anonymously call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. 10

Local News Boston Spa Recycling Update

To take part in the survey use the link here and answer the questions as shown.

Now that COVID lockdown has been loosened locally, Yeadons are now offering to collect the following items again for the Terracycle scheme;

5k Run Around Boston Spa. Meet in the car park by the Stew and Oyster. Warm up at 7:45m, ready to run at 8am each Saturday. Completely free, bring a friend.

• used crisp packets (min 30), • writing instruments, • toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes. Joon is collecting writing instruments only.

Cycling in the Area

168 Phoenix Hair Salon is not currently collecting

Why not join a local group?

Please be mindful that we still need to protect the health of the staff in these businesses, so we recommend you;

Wetherby Wheelers Club rides Thursday, Saturday & Sunday for18+ under 18 if accompanied 25-100 miles. New members welcome; Coffee Stops.

• store your recycling at home until you’ve got a good quantity to drop off e.g. minimum 30 crisp packets . Yorkshire lasses Cycling Club

• handover in a used plastic bag (which we will recycle).

Promotes women’s cycling. Distances 10 to 100 miles.

Please read more details on our Boston Spa Community Green Group recycling webpages, including our handy AtoZ guide and a recent post from Leeds City Council too.

Sustrans are the charity that makes it easier for people to walk and cycle, interested? www. Time trials are also available - www.cyclesense.

Ageing Well?

Boston Spa Green Group have some ideal safe rides listed on their website bostongreengroup.

Wetherby Local Care Partnership (Bramham, Collingham, Wetherby, Crossley Street, Spa Surgeries) are a group of health, wellbeing, and care professionals from across the NHS, Leeds City Council and Third Sector and community organisations.

Boston Spa Cycling Club, they have over 30 members and hope to get back to some decent numbers on the road as soon as possible. They have new kit which some may have spotted on the roads. Interested? Please call Jonathan 07791 177117 for more information. https://

They are working together to make sure that the people of Wetherby and the surrounding areas get joined-up care to support them to live independently and well. They are doing a piece of work around ‘ageing well’. To help them with this they want to hear from local people about their experience of ageing. They don’t need any personal details from you and anything you tell them will be combined with information they get from other local people to help them build a picture of what is good about your local area and what could be better. // kzpAd1jRHckYwEP69

Boston Spa Walking for Health The Walk takes place every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. It starts and ends at Boston Spa Methodist Church, High Street Boston Spa. The walks will be 30-60 minutes - depending on the weather, walking conditions and participants. The walks will utilize footpaths and quiet roads 11

Local News News/Events

around Boston Spa. At the end of the walk, refreshments will be available at The Methodist Church. Next walk Tuesday 11th August.

If you are a local club or organisation and have something to publicise, please forward your details to David Watts 845592 info@fourgables. and he will endeavour to include them in the Boston Spa News section. Thanks.

Tracking Covid 19 Your help is needed. There are a couple of websites which are worth visiting and reporting your health status, even if you have no symptoms this will allow the government to track infection rates by area and will greatly assist when to call for the shutdown to be ended. Or go to Covid 19 Symptom Tracker where you can sign up and see and receive information, 4 million users already signed up.

To all the Knit and Knatterers (and those who would like to be) If your fingers are twitching until such time as we can get together again Trish has seen an article in the Church Times that might interest you. “The former director of Friends of Albania, Primrose Peacock, is calling for people to knit hats for children in Albania who were left homeless by the 2019 earthquake in Durres. The hope is that the hats will be distributed in time for Christmas.’’

Food Bank Collection Points Extended hours-Bramham Church Porch 10am - 4pm, 7 days a week, St Mary’s Boston Spa 9am3pm, 7 days a week and Wed 2-4pm Clifford Methodist Church. Specific items required pasta, rice, tinned potatoes, tinned spaghetti, Nappies sizes 5 & 6, Cooking sauce - not pasta, dog and cat food, baby products, or UHT Milk, they have plenty.

Admiral Hawke to Reopen? According to a local resident: A presumably reliable local source has reported that Humphrey was seen showing round a prospective tenant. Fingers crossed

Outdoor Cinema came to Thorp Arch Cinema Night First Showing: Grease Sat 8 Aug: 9pm an excellent if somewhat cold night. Great film, food and drink - well done Adele.

“Miss Peacock has asked for the hats to be the pull-on type, bonnet, beret or balaclava, to fit children aged between 2 and 12 years. The request is for no pom-poms, bobbles and tassels, to save weight.’’

1,100 New Houses for Wetherby? According to, Leeds seem to have accepted the developers’ plans.

If you find the time and the wool too, do knit a/ some hats, please give them to Rev Trish or hand them into the Parish Office at St. Mary’s before the end of October. Thank you. 12

Courgette Recipe 1 Courgette Regrets

Courgette fritters make a lovely brunch or light lunch, have them with some minted yoghurt, a salad or a fried egg. The important thing is to make sure you put the grated courgette into a tea towel and squeeze out all of the liquid, otherwise your batter will go very liquid and soggy.

Last month I shared some of my experiences from lockdown. One of which is the pleasure of having more time to spend in the garden. There is something deeply satisfying about harvesting and then eating vegetables within a couple of hours. Although, it is possible to have too much of a good thing!

1 large courgette or 2 small ones, grated 2 spring onions, finely sliced Optional: zest of half a lemon squeeze of lemon juice 60g plain flour or gram flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 egg optional: handful chopped herbs (mint / parsley) optional: pinch of ground cumin or grated nutmeg salt and pepper olive oil to fry Grate the courgette. Place in a clean tea towel and squeeze out the liquid. Place the courgette in a bowl with the spring onions, lemon zest and juice, flour, egg, and herbs / spices (if using). Season generously with salt and pepper and stir until well combined.

My lovely neighbour was quite right, I have planted far too many courgettes, and being a good Yorkshire woman, I can’t bring myself to waste them! Lisa and Anne have come to the rescue with two yummy recipes to try if you too are regretting your courgette enthusiasm earlier in the year.

Place the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Add spoons of the mixture and flatten into 1 cm thick disks. Fry for a couple of minutes, flip over and fry for a few more minutes until firm and golden

Courgette Fritters

Serve with smashed avocado and salad or minted yoghurt. For the minted yoghurt 200g greek yoghurt 2 tbsp chopped mint pinch sea salt optional: zest & juice of ½ lemon Stir together the ingredients. Top with some chopped mint and grated lemon zest LISA (FROM @ROUNDTABLECOOKERY ON INSTAGRAM) 13


Courgette Recipe 2 Zucchini (Courgette) Nut Bread

juice is very good for you, chockfull of ‘green vitamins’. I follow my mother’s good example and drink it.

Here’s my version of the US Midwest staple. A little healthier than the standard version – less sugar and oil and more courgette – and a little spicier.

With a fork, stir together all of the dry ingredients. Beat eggs then add the oil. Add vanilla. Beat well – I just use a hand whisk. Stir in the drained squash.

Good for using up a bumper crop of summer squash. It slices better the day after it was baked.

Stir the dry ingredients into the egg/squash mixture until blended. Mix walnuts with the flour and stir in together with the drained raisins, if using.


Pour into prepared pans and bake for about 45 minutes, until a toothpick or cake tester inserted in the middle comes out clean.

150g raisins - optional 500g finely grated, unpared courgette or other summer squash, drained and squeezed 200g plain flour 150g whole wheat flour 1 ½ tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder 1 ½ tsp. cinnamon ½ tsp ground cloves ½ tsp. ground nutmeg 250g caster sugar 4 large eggs 175ml vegetable oil 1 tbsp. vanilla 125g chopped walnuts or pecans - optional 1 tbsp. flour Pour some boiling water over the raisins and let them sit while you get on with things. Butter 2 large loaf tins or 4 small ones and line with baking parchment. Preheat oven to 170 C (or 160 C for a convection oven). Grate the squash (I use a food processor, but it needs to be as fine as possible). Let drain while you prepare the rest of the ingredients. Make a bit more to allow for the liquid draining off, i.e. measure after it has been squeezed. Note: the 15

Village Diary

Things change so please check with the organiser before setting out. Have you an event? Please send brief details (preferably following the format below) to in plenty of time!



Artists Around Wetherby – Open Studios

7 November Walton Village Hall

5th, 6th, 12th & 13th September.

3rd Annual Bonfire and Fireworks Night

10am - 5pm 19 artists producing original art are opening their studios for you to see their original art, textiles, cards, prints ceramics and photography. The event was postponed from May to these new dates. The charity the group are supporting this year is the Royal British Legion. Please visit for further information and a downloadable brochure.


Notice Board Thorp Arch Tennis Club 200 Club Draw Jenny Gawthorpe

July’s Winner - Ticket no 161 - Jenny Gawthorpe.

Audrey Johnson

August’s Winner - Ticket no 162 - Audrey Johnson

Message from The Fox and Hounds It’s been a challenging few months for all of us and it’s been so nice to welcome you back to The Fox & Hounds at Walton and The Bay Horse at Kirk Deighton. I’m so proud of the hard work our team have done during lockdown to keep our communities well fed. They’ve really gone above and beyond since we were able to reopen to deliver fantastic food and service while keeping everybody safe. Thank you for all the positive feedback we’ve received on the changes we’ve made and the safe measures we’ve introduced. We’re still offering our delivery service for our fantastic ranges of artisan baked goods, deli items, meat, fish, cheeses and fresh produce. The same incredible ingredients we use in our kitchens, delivered fresh to yours. Visit our website to place an order for delivery and collection - how-to-order. We’ve been busy throughout August with the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme and with limited capacity haven’t always been able to fit everyone in. We’re still set up to do takeaway meals so feel free to give us a call and we can deliver the majority of our menu, fresh to your front door. /how-to-order

If you can’t get to the pub, we’ll bring the pub to you! Stay safe and see you soon, ALAN AND ALL THE TEAM AT THE FOX & HOUNDS AND THE BAY HORSE.



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All About Yorkshire Quiz

Just in case you haven’t done enough quizzes during lockdown…

Yorkshire men and women 1 Bradford born, he wrote An Inspector Calls. 2 We remember him on 5th November. 3 This vet’s pen name was James Herriot. 4 What is the mould-breaking TV star role of Jodie Whittaker? 5 Yorkshire’s greatest living artist, from Bradford. 6 This York-born actor played “M” in some of the James Bond films. 7 This knighted actor from Mirfield links Star Trek and Huddersfield University.

With which sports are these Yorkshire people associated?

8 Which English King grew up in Middleham?

16 Joe Root

9 This Labour Prime Minister’s statue is outside Huddersfield railway station.

17 Jamie Vardy

10 Leeds-born author of Talking Heads and The Lady in the Van.

19 Jessica Ennis-Hill

18 Joe Johnson

11 What did the Mouse Man of Kilburn make?

20 Nicola Adams

12 What was Percy Shaw’s useful invention for drivers?

22 Jack Laugher

21 The Brownlee brothers

23 Nile Wilson

13 Who led the National Union of Mineworkers in the 1984 strike? 14 Which Keighley-born centenarian recently completed laps of his garden for the National Health Service? 15 What are Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth both known for?

Out and About in Yorkshire 24 What dance company has its HQ in Leeds? 25 Where would you visit the annual Rhubarb Festival? 26 This long-running television comedy was filmed around Holmfirth? 27 Which Yorkshire racecourse holds an annual Boxing Day meeting? 20

All About Yorkshire Quiz 28 On which river is Bolton Abbey? 29 On which river are the Aysgarth Falls? 30 Where could you meet Her Majesty’s Keeper of the Castle Ravens? 31 In which town would you find The Stray? 32 Which is Yorkshire’s biggest city? 33 Where is the Yorkshire Wildlife Park? 34 Where is The Land of Green Ginger? 35 What was the county town of the old North Riding?

Yorkshire Food and Drink

36 Which is the highest of Yorkshire’s famous Three Peaks?

44 In whose tea shops would you find Fat Rascals?

37 Which Yorkshire university has a department of Peace Studies?

45 Which grain is the chief ingredient in parkin?

38 Where is the Brontë Parsonage Museum?

46 Liquorice sweets, disk-shaped, and traditionally marked with a picture of a castle, are named for which Yorkshire town?

39 Which black gemstone is Whitby noted for?

47 Where is the home of authentic Wensleydale cheese?

40 The Ribblehead viaduct is on the Carlisle to ________________ railway line.

48 Where did Harry Ramsden start out with what became a fish-and-chip empire?

41 Where would you be if you were standing in Sheaf Square? 42 What structure joins east Yorkshire and north Lincolnshire?

...and finally 49 When is Yorkshire Day?

43 Which town features as Walmington-onSea in the film remake of Dad’s Army?

50 Where is “The Heart of Yorkshire”?

Answers Yorkshire men and women 1. JB Priestley 2. Guy Fawkes 3. Alf Wight 4. Doctor Who 5. David Hockney 6. Dame Judy Dench 7. Sir Patrick Stewart 8. Richard III 9. Harold Wilson 10. Alan Bennett 11. Oak furniture

What sports are these Yorkshire people associated with? 16. Cricket 17. Football 18. Snooker 19. Heptathlon 20. Boxing 21. Triathlon 12. 13. 14. 15.

Cat’s eyes Arthur Scargill Tom Moore Sculpture

Out and About in Yorkshire 24. Northern Ballet 25. Wakefield 26. Last of the Summer Wine 27. Wetherby 28. The Wharfe 29. The Ure 30. Knaresborough 31. Harrogate 32. Leeds 22. Diving 23. Gymnastics 21

33. Doncaster 34. Hull (a street name) 35. Northallerton 36. Whernside 37. Bradford 38. Haworth 39. Jet 40. Settle 41. Sheffield 42. The Humber Bridge 43. Bridlington

...and finally 49. 1st August 50. In the West window of York Minster Yorkshire Food and Drink 44. Bettys 45. Oatmeal 46. Pontefract cakes 47. Hawes 48. Guiseley

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Successful Local Event Scarecrow Trail July 2020

Boston Spa - Private/individual

The Scarecrow Trail in Boston Spa, Clifford and Thorp Arch saw a record number of 91 Scarecrows with the theme of ‘Sporting Legends’ were on display from 4th to the 12th July, and 848 trail maps were sold. A total of £1,528 was raised as a donation for Martin House.

1 - Giant Haystacks & Big Daddy - Pippa Sterne 2 - Paul Gascoigne - Rob & Jody Antich 3 - Tour de Yorkshire - Stephen, Alison, Dan, Ben Talboy 4 - Mohamed Ali - Wilson & Hugie Clelland Clifford - Private/individual

I went along with my daughter Connie (almost 4) and step daughter Katie (7) in the middle of the week, the weather held for us thankfully as it was a bit hit and miss - I took the opportunity for an outside activity as we had some extra time with Katie that week.

1 - Tiger Woods - The Burton Family 2 - Nadia Comaneci - The Reading Family Thorp Arch - Private/individual 1 - Marcelo Bielsa - The Gilligans

I will confess to having very little “sporting” knowledge but it was great to see well known characters like Eddie the Eagle and Torvill and Dean - lots of imagination and creativity had obviously gone into making the scarecrows, I also appreciated the information some displays had about the sporting legends so I could talk about what they’d achieved with the girls.

2 - Eddie the Eagle - Zoe Ziegler Community/organisation 1 - Torvill & Dean, St Edwards School Year 6 2 - Olympic Heroes, St Mary’s School Year 6 Environmental winners - the most recycled scarecrow

Our favourite was the surfer Maya Gabeira. I would have liked to have seen more females represented amongst the legends!

West Oaks School & St Mary’s School

We didn’t make it walking around the whole route as it was a long way for Connie’s little legs and she’s getting too heavy to carry these days!

A list of the winners is now on display in Boston Spa shops. “The weather was reasonable, and it was great to see so many people out and about in the villages,” said David Watts, the organiser of the event. Mr Watts also expressed appreciation to the following for their support: Boston Spa PC who paid for the trail map printing; FDB Design for doing all the artwork; and Douglas Yeadon, Costcutter & Martin House Shop for selling the maps. Prizes were donated by JC Bakes (3 special cakes for the best scarecrows, one for each village), and gift vouchers were provided by Gifted, Stew & Oyster, Firths the Butcher and Harts.

We got an ice lolly from the shop and drove along the rest of it - just before it started raining! It was great to see so many people walking along the route, it was a really popular activity for all ages! If you bought one of the maps there was an opportunity to vote for your favourite scarecrows and to identify each of the characters from the world of sport, with prizes for the most correct answers for the latter.

Aimee Hayhurst, representing Martin House, said “We are so grateful - the donation will make such a difference to the families we support, especially at this time when they are feeling very vulnerable.”

The winners of the best scarecrow were as follows.


ÂŁ1,528 for Martin House


The Birds in your Garden Cuckoo Update

that they crossed the Sahara in one mammoth flight from their wintering locations all the way to North Africa, or southern Europe, so this stopover, and the dogleg migration into West Africa that its use entails, were completely unexpected.

Cuckoo numbers in the UK have dropped by more than half over the last 20 years or so, albeit with marked regional variations. When did you last hear one calling? If it was this year, you were lucky. I haven’t heard one here on the edge of York for two years, which seems typical of the groups I talk to all over North Yorkshire.

Understanding more about the location of stop-over sites is another crucial part of the conservation of this species. Cuckoos and Swifts – which make a similar spring migration –– are both undergoing severe population declines and are also failing to advance their spring arrival dates in the UK. Possibly because the weather pattern in their West African stopover is not advancing as is that in Europe.

There is little evidence that this is due to reduced numbers of young Cuckoos being produced, so what is the problem? In 2011 the BTO fitted a dozen Cuckoos with GPS location tags. These allowed them to be followed throughout their migration. Since then around 80 birds have been tagged giving a good idea of where UK Cuckoos migrate to, and how they get there and back. Equally important, is the knowledge of where they die.

The project continues, and the arrival of cheaper tags (current ones cost well over £1,000) will help. Tagging more birds, over a longer time, will give the BTO enough data to examine how survival varies as environmental conditions change. Similarly, the sample of birds tracked on spring migration will soon be large enough to work out how they time their arrival back in the UK.

One of the first discoveries was that there are two main migration routes, one via Italy and the other via Spain. Not only that, but Cuckoos migrating via Spain were more likely to die en route than those migrating via Italy. Further, there was good correlation to show that birds using the Spanish route came from the UK region where they are most in decline, England.

If you would like to know more and follow the birds on their migration, try year=2020 If you find the lives of our garden birds to be of interest, and would like to join in and count the feathered occupants of your garden, please contact me or visit the BTO Garden BirdWatch website (

The tags have identified several stopover areas where birds can feed-up to gather energy for the next stage. These are absolutely vital, as without enough food to generate the necessary energy, migration cannot happen.


UK Cuckoos spend the winter in Central Africa, mainly in and around the Congo rainforest, and in similar habitats as far south as Angola. These habitats have not yet been extensively cleared and, as the Cuckoos prefer forest edges rather than unbroken forest, a degree of opening up may benefit them. Without knowing which habitats they occupied in the past, however, it is difficult to be certain.

Pete Curran

In spring, our Cuckoos use a different return route, crossing the Sahara from previously unknown stop-over sites in West Africa, where favourable weather patterns provide suitably rich food for them to fatten up. It was thought 26


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CONTACTS FOR THORP ARCH & WALTON ORGANISATIONS THORP ARCH All Saints’ Church Rev. Tricia Anslow 844789. Priest In Charge for Bramham Benefice, Rev. Nick Morgan 849471, 07387 728009, Parish Office 844402

WALTON St Peter’s Church, Village Church Council Clergy: See All Saints’. Church Wardens: Doreen Lister 842344, Bill Kilby 842561. Secretary: Anne Kilby 842561. Treasurer: Fiona Robinson 843338, Flowers & Cleaning: Liz and Geoff Harrison 845978

All Saints’, Parochial Church Council Church Wardens: Kathleen Sanderson 844818. David Spurr 842772, Secretary: Georgina Squires 849747, Treasurer & Covenant Secretary: David Spurr 842772. Flowers: Margaret Smyth 841181

Walton Cricket Club Chair: Caroline Hobson 07860 615154, Walton Parish Council Chairman: David Aspland. Vice Chair: Brodie Clark CBE. Clerk: Helena Buck, Members: Stephen Sharp, Edward Simpson, Mark Wake, David Taylor.

Lady Elizabeth Hastings School Head: Michele O'Donnell, Friends of the School Chair: Hayley Cullen 07712 175178

Walton Village Hall Booking: Brian Eldred

TABS Cricket Club Chair: Adam Gough 07725 047555 Thorp Arch Community Association Secretary: Ian Hall 842665,

THORP ARCH & WALTON Wetherby Ward Councillors Norma Harrington 01133 788 557. Alan Lamb via The Fox and Hounds. Linda Richards 0113 3788557

Thorp Arch Parish Council Chair: John Richardson, Clerk: Tina Wormley 0113 289 3624, Members: Ian Grainger (Co-opted), Steve O'Loughlin, Nicola Midgley (Co-opted), Charlotte Dyson (Co-opted)

Causeway Magazine Chair: Ian Hall Secretary: Jane Clayton 843153. Editors: Lisa Sherratt and Victoria Etherington causeway. Design: John Pendleton Advertising: Emma Shellard 07903 632590

Thorp Arch Tennis Club Chair: Neil Brooks. 07960 934497, Secretary: Jill Tarr. 07709 893046, Treasurer: Rob Seldon 541797

Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association (YCA) Chair: Judith Symonds 541799. Sec: Fiona Spence 520271 tawyca@, Treasurer: Fran Bowers 01423 880112

Thorp Arch Village Society Chair: Gaby Morrison 843376, Secretary: Sue Clayton 843181. Treasurer: Shirley Davies 541976.

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