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Sponsor Walton Park Cricket Club
Increase your brand awareness locally whilst supporting a not-for-profit community club.
Seen by over 150 juniors, parents and supporters as well as 4 senior teams and all opposing teams and visitors.
Advertising board around the ground - £250. Please get in touch if you are interested!
Contact: waltonparkcc2016@gmail.com
Wetherby Manor Residents
Here is a New Year update on Clive and Jennifer, both residents at Wetherby Manor. Clive has been there for a year now having been moved from their Harrogate home, although he is deteriorating he seems happy in his world, eating and sleeping his days away being cared for and comfortable.
Both he and Jennifer have had their first vaccine with the second one imminent which does mean that they will be able to receive visits from family, a relief to them both, I am sure.
Jennifer is being kept busy with various activities and joining in with everything that she can.
Life is very different for them but l am sure that they enjoy receiving newsletters and the Causeway magazine keeping them up to date with the parish news. Our love and prayers go to them both.
Thank you!
I wish to thank everyone who supported me last September after cancer surgery. I didn’t anticipate so many cards, plants and lovely things to eat! It was almost overwhelming. We should all appreciate the wonderful community spirit we have in Thorp Arch. Thank you all so, so much.
Thorp Arch Spring Litter Pick 2021
Recently the Village Society held their Spring Litter Pick. We were pleased to see that a record number of 24 volunteers met up (socially distancing of course!). The task is to collect litter within the boundaries of the Parish. We can report over 20 bags were filled and taken to the tip, leaving our village looking much tidier. A special thanks to all those who volunteered.
Tennis Returns!
Now that tennis is fully open after the 29th March, we would like to encourage as many families in Thorp Arch to become members of our wonderful tennis court, situated opposite The Pax Inn on the High Street.
Current £45 for a full family membership. This really is a superb facility for the village to use. Bookings will be online this season, making it easier to use the court and checking availability, rather than arriving to find it already in use.
Fingers crossed we will be able to host the annual American Tennis Tournament and BBQ this year - usually around August.
For more information just contact Neil Brooks on 07960 934497 or brooksneil@hotmail.com.