Green News Can you reduce your single use plastic?
A large proportion of single use packaging either cannot be recycled into the same material, or people just don’t and it is discarded as litter causing pollution and significant harm to wildlife on our land, rivers and oceans.
Can you undertake 3 ways to reduce your single use plastic?
There are many ways to reduce our single use plastic. Try some of these:Together we can help put an end to the single use plastic problem by cutting out small, everyday plastic use.
Why this action? Single use plastic packaging requires a large amount of energy and oil (a fossil fuel whose extraction contributes to climate change) for its production, compared to the value of its very short useful life. Once used, what to do with it?
tle Use a reu sable water bot nd ou Ar an d hot dri nk cup. 2.5 bil lio n cof fee cups are throw n aw ay eve ry ye ar in the UK alo ne – 7 mi llio n a day! Mo st eit her end up lan dfilled or are inc ine rated .
Save yo ur wa shi ng up, s sha mp oo, san itiser bottle an d refill the m – the re are som e gre at loc al option s wh ere yo u ca n do this. Try the refillin g w. statio n in Ha rro gate ww refillin gst ation
a If yo u have never bee n to refill sto re or an eco-sh op, . che ck on e ou t this mo nth Th ey have lots of ide as to sw itc h to no n-p lastic s altern ati ves for all asp ect of ou r lives.
s Take reu sable pla sti c tub l to the bu tch ers – they wil happily use the se rat her in tha n wrapping yo ur me at a pla sti c ba g.
At the sup erm arket, ca n yo u sw itc h to ite ms wh ich are loo se (su ch as fru it an d veg), or in a mo re sustai na ble, recyc lable contai ner, suc h as gla ss, alu mi niu m or ca rdb oa rd?
at Ditch the cli ng film, a gre le altern ati ve is a reu sab bee sw ax wrap. Or yo u cou ld re- use the lin ers fro m cerea l boxes. If yo u use foi l yo u ca n recyc le it afterw ards in yo ur gre en bin .
d Sta rt usi ng a mi lkm an an get yo ur mi lk del ive red in gla ss bottle s. 18