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Wetherby Ward Message

Hard to believe we’re in February already. Christmas is but a distant memory and the cold weather is here with a vengeance, causing both delight and disruption. The lights have been taken down and are being put into storage ready for next Christmas. As always, it was excellent to see the community spirit alive and well in getting this sorted for everyone to enjoy!

The Covid vaccination programme is continuing apace and we would like to continue our thanks to the volunteers and medical staff in our area that make this happen so smoothly. It is strange to think that almost 12 million people have been vaccinated in just a matter of weeks. The advice is changing slightly, if you are in the over-70 age group and have not yet been contacted about having the jab, please do get in touch with your GP to make sure you get an appointment. A couple of weeks ago, we were invited to a zoom call by the British Library, to update us on their plans in the Ward. We were very impressed with the schemes as they were presented to us and think they will make a bold statement and improvement if it all comes to fruition.


Details can be found by following this link www. bl.uk/projects/boston-spa-plans and the British Library are asking for feedback by 3rd March. You may have seen in the media recently, that a section of the River Wharfe in Ilkley was given special ‘bathing’ status. This was the first of its kind in the country and means that the river water will be regularly monitored so that it should become clean and safe enough to swim and paddle. We have been working with the same group who were instrumental in making this happen, to get the Wharfe cleaned up around Wetherby. We persuaded the cross-party Environment, Housing and Communities Scrutiny Board at Leeds City Council to embark on an investigation on what could be done to improve the quality of the water. This is now underway and we will share with you the findings when they are published. In the meantime, if you have any thoughts or ideas for consideration, please do make contact.

Another matter that residents may be interested to learn, is that the Highways Department at the Council are now looking into improving the pathway on Dowkell Lane near Lady Elizabeth Hastings primary school. The work should be completed before the end of March – hopefully sooner – depending on the weather.

Finally, please look out for your elderly and vulnerable neighbours, even more so than you normally would, to make sure they’re fine during the current cold weather.

If you need help or support, the number to call is 0113 376 0330 or log on to the www.leeds.gov. uk/coronavirus website.

As always, don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of us if we can be of assistance to you. We can be contacted either via email at

alan.lamb@leeds.gov.uk, norma.harrington@leeds.gov.uk or linda.richards@leeds.gov.uk or alternatively our office can be telephoned on 0113 378 8557.

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