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News from our Churches

Christian Aid Week

Sunday 9th May to Saturday 16th May.


This year’s theme is the Climate Crisis and how it affects people living in poverty the most. From drought to flooding, climate change robs people of control over their lives. We need to work together to stop this injustice.

www.christianaid.org.uk/appeals/key-appeals/ christian-aid-week for more information.

Plant and Cake Sale

Saturday 16th May 10am to 12noon

St Mary’s are holding a Plant and Cake Sale. We will have a sale of plants and cakes (Millennium Gardens) – so if you have planted more seeds than you need for your own garden or allotment, please keep us in mind, as we will be looking for plant and cake donations nearer the time.

Boston Spa Volunteer Action Group

Need help to collect prescriptions, pick up shopping or just want a friendly voice on the end of the phone? Contact Penny Stables to volunteer or if you want assistance. penny.stables@gmail.com or tel. 07941979902

Wetherby food bank collections

Wetherby food bank opened in 2014, and last year they provided 314 emergency three day boxes to people in crisis. These food boxes make a huge difference, they help to prevent crime, homelessness, mental health problems and family breakdown.

They are needed more than ever during the pandemic, and sadly the situation is likely to get worse as furlough ends and people are made redundant.

You can donate in date non-perishable in date food at Bramham Church porch 10am to 4pm, 7 days a week, St Mary’s Boston Spa 9am to 3pm, 7 days a week and Wed 2 to 4pm. Or did you know that Morrisons in Wetherby have ready made donation packs, you just add a pack of the value you wish to donate and take it to the checkout.

Go to wetherbyanddistrict.foodbank.org.uk to see which food items they need or to make a financial donation.

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