Thursday, May 16, 2019

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The Cavalier Daily

Vol. 129, Issue 30

Thursday, May 16, 2019









CD News Staff

U.Va. receives $120 million to establish School of Data Science The Quantitative Foundation, led by local hedge fund magnate Jaffray Woodriff, has pledged $120 million to establish the University’s first School of Data Science, breaking a record to become the largest private gift in the University’s 200-year history. University President Jim Ryan formally announced its plan for the new school at a ceremony in the RotundaJanuary 18. The School of Data Science will become the University’s 12th school and first since the 2007 creation of the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. The new school — which will be created in two to three years — is aimed at providing students with the resources to learn and conduct research on the field of data science, with a focus on addressing ethical, social and political issues related to technology. “This is obviously a historic day because of the size of the gift and because of the fact that we don’t open new schools every day,” Ryan said in his announcement speech. “My hope is that we can build one of the most advanced and comprehensive schools of data science in the world, focused on using data in service of the public good.”

The gift will fund an array of research initiatives at the University, including education analytics to improve the student learning experience, as well as expanding current research on biomedicine and precision health. Jaffray and Merrill Woodriff, the billionaire family behind the Quantitative Foundation, have donated to the University before. Both graduates of the University, the Woodriff family provided a $10 million grant in 2014 used to establish the Data Science Institute, which will be integrated into the School of Data Science. “I believe the decision to be [one of] the first — to elevate the Institute of Data Science to the level of a school — further emboldens this University to continue to be a leader in the field, which I believe plays a central role in shaping our future,” Jaffray Woodriff said. The School of Data Science is currently in the design phase, according to Ryan. Before becoming an official school, the University needs approval from the Faculty Senate, Board of Visitors and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.


Jaffray Woodriff, leader of The Quantitative Foundation, is a graduate of the University.

U.Va. to increase employee minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2020


The University will increase its minimum wage for full-time employees eligible for benefits to $15 per hour by Jan. 1, 2020, according to a statement released March 7. The University’s current minimum wage of $12.75 was last adjusted in December 2017. The newest increase will not apply to outside contractors that employ individuals who work at the University, such as Aramark — the provider for University dining services, which pays employees $10.65. The University does not offer health insurance, vision coverage, dental insurance, disability benefits and access to retirement plans to contracted employees. The decision to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour comes a week after Ryan's community working group identified jobs and wages as the most important issue facing the Charlottesville and U.Va. communities, based on a survey that received over 3,000 responses. According to MIT’s living wage calculator — which estimates the living wage needed to support individuals and families based on the cost of basic necessities — a living wage in Charlottesville stands at $12.49 for a single adult or $17.16 for a family of four in which both

parents work. “From the day I started as president, I’ve been interested in what it would take to pay UVA employees a living wage,” Ryan said. “As a university, we should live our values—and part of that means making sure that no one who works at UVA should live in poverty." Student protesters with the Living Wage Campaign also rallied outside of a Board of Visitors meeting in February, asking the University to implement a minimum wage of $16.84 and include contract workers in future wage increases. "This announcement is without a doubt a victory, but there is still work to be done," the Living Wage Campaign wrote in a statement. "This is a significant increase in wages for direct employees, but it is still not a livable wage in Charlottesville." The change will cost the University approximately $4 million each year to implement, according to the University’s statement. Full-time, benefits-eligible employees will continue to receive more than $12,000 a year in benefits, including health insurance and retirement contributions.

BOV approves in-state tuition freeze for 2019-2020 academic year For the first time in the University’s history on April 19, the Executive Committee of the Board of Visitors unanimously approvedApril 19 to freeze in-state tuition at 2018-2019 rates for the 2019-2020 academic year in exchange for $5.52 million in additional state funding from the General Assembly. The measure reverses a December Board of Visitors decision to increase base tuition for in-state undergraduate students in the College by 2.9 percent from $13,682 to $14,078 for the 2019-2020 academic year. However, out-of-state students will still see a base increase of 3.5 percent, from $44,724 to $46,289. As a result, every in-state undergraduate student across all schools of enrollment will pay the 2018-2019 academic year tuition rate this fall. The average saving per in-state student will be $400 as a result of the freeze, according to according to J.J. Davis, the University’s executive vice president and chief operating officer. Already-awarded financial aid packages for the upcoming academic year may be decreased slightly to accommodate the freeze, although financial need

is still expected to be met for all students, according to University President Jim Ryan. However, upper-division undergraduate tuition rates for all third and fourth-year students in the College, approved by the Board in March, will still be implemented in 2021 as planned. Third-year College students will be subject to a rate that is $2,700 higher than the University’s base tuition rate in 2021. In 2022 and every year thereafter, both third and fourth-years will pay the extra fee, generating $12 million annually for the University. The decision to freeze undergraduate in-state tuition rates comes as a direct response to an allocation of $52.5 million by the General Assembly during its 2019 legislative session for an “In-State Undergraduate Moderation” fund to incentivize public universities in Virginia to hold tuition rates for one year in exchange for increased state funds. The University will now receive $5.52 million of these funds, while the College at Wise will be allocated $235,000.


Ryan said financial aid is still expected to be met for all students.

U.Va. offers admission to 23.8 percent of applicants


11.44 percent of offers went to first-generation applicants — a 12.1 percent increase from last year.

The University Office of Undergraduate Admission released its regular admissions decision offers for the Class of 2023 in March. The University’s acceptance rate was 23.8 percent, with 9,726 offers of admission from a record-breaking pool of 40,869 applicants. Last year, the University had an offer rate of 26.5 percent. In an interview with The Cavalier Daily, Dean of Admission Gregory Roberts said this year’s admitted class is the strongest academically and most diverse in the University’s history. Of those accepted, a record 37 percent are minorities — a 3.7 percent increase from last year. The admitted class is 48.35 percent white, 15.96 percent Asian, 7.57 percent Hispanic, 7.53 percent African American, 5.93 percent unknown, 5.72 percent multi-race, 0.03 percent Pacific Islander and 0.02 percent American Indian. The University also extended 1,113 offers, or 11.44 percent of total offers, to students who would be the first in their families to attend college — an increase of 12.1 percent from last year’s first-generation applicants.

In addition, more than half of the admitted Class of 2023 is from out of state, and 8.9 percent are international students representing a variety of countries — an increase of 10.5 percent from last year’s class. Roberts said he hopes the University will be able to enroll five percent of the class as foreign nationals. The University’s offer rate for out-of-state students dropped from 21.4 percent last year to 18.8 percent, while the offer rate for in-state students dropped from 38 percent to 35.9 percent. The mean SAT scores of accepted students also rose to 1438, an increase from 1430 last year. Students accepted to the Engineering School had the highest mean SAT score — 1471 — of any first-year school at the University. The mean SAT score for the College was 1433, 1402 for the Architecture School, 1370 for Curry and 1350 for the Nursing School. The middle-50-percent range of ACT scores was 32-34 for in-state applicants and 33-35 for out-of-state applicants. • NEWS

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2019


Construction begins on Memorial to Enslaved Laborers Construction on the Memorial to Enslaved Laborers — a physical commemoration of the slave labor used to build much of the Academical Village — is underway on the triangle of grass east of the Rotunda and Brooks Hall and adjacent to University Avenue. It is expected to be fully completed in early October 2019. Kirt von Daacke, assistant dean, history professor and co-chair of the President’s Commission on Slavery and the University, noted the significance of this particular location during an interview with The Cavalier Daily, saying that the triangle of grass was an accessible point of connection between the University and Charlottesville communities. The Commission was established by former University president Teresa Sullivan to lead efforts to reconcile the University’s history of slave labor with the present day. It has two co-chairs, von Daacke along with Dr. Marcus Martin, vice president and chief officer for diversity and equity, and an additional 18 members from the University community, including professors, alumni and a representative from Monticello. The Commission has been tasked with research efforts, collaborating with peer institutions to discuss the history of

slavery and college campuses and the memorial project. Von Daacke also said that collaboration between the Commission and the community was crucial in selecting the memorial’s location. The Commission has actively sought community input on the memorial since work on the project began in 2011. The granite structure will form two concentric circles with an opening to create space for gathering and reflection. The inner walls of the memorial will feature 973 known names of individuals who were enslaved at the University, along with an estimated 4,000 placeholders for those whose names have not been discovered. Two paths — one existing and one new — will lie tangent to the site and give its location additional symbolic meaning. The new path will be designed and constructed to point toward the North Star, which the enslaved followed to freedom. The other walkway already runs through the triangle of grass and parallels the path of the sun on March 3 — a date recognized as Liberation and Freedom Day in Charlottesville.


Construction on the memorial is expected to be completed in early October 2019.

BOV, professors, students talk faculty diversity


Among students and faculty at the University, faculty diversity has been a historic issue that the University’s administration has said needs improvement in all departments. The Provost’s Office has also articulated that improving faculty diversity is a priority. The Provost’s Office has created a Diversity and Inclusion statement, implemented over the last few years, that focuses on creating a “living, learning, and work environment that supports—and challenges—our academic community.” According to Institutional Assessment and Studies Universal Data, around 24 percent of the total staff at the University is non-white, which includes employees identified as non-resident aliens. Among the individual schools, many of the reports of total faculty remain similar to this 24 percent average such as the College of Arts and Sciences, which reports having 25.6 percent diversity. However, notable outliers include the School of Law, which reports only around 13.8 percent diversity, and the McIntire School of Commerce, which has about 15.7 percent diversity. On the opposite end, the data reports the School of Engineering and Applied Science as having the most diverse faculty

on Grounds, with 30.3 percent of their staff being of non-white races. Assoc. Prof. Marlene Daut, assoc. director of the Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies said that in hiring faculty, department chairs and deans must “seek intentionally” to ensure they are focusing on literary scholars and also address the low proportion of African-American faculty at the University. Nizar Hermes, assoc. prof. and chair of the Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures department, said many faculty who deal with topics related to ethnic studies in departments other than those dedicated to ethnic studies often “have a kind of outdated, almost orientalist reality behind it.” “Just because someone works in an area where they work on black people doesn’t mean they have been trained in this body of research we call African-American Studies,” Daut said. Hermes said that he is satisfied with the ethnic diversity of faculty members within the MESALC department, but the same diversity is not present in other departments.

Proposed changes in Newcomb Hall could lead to fewer student job opportunities Over the last year, various structural changes have been implemented for the event planning services at Newcomb Hall that have resulted in a decrease in the number of student staff members. Student Affairs concluded that there is a need for improvement in the services and experiences they offer. These improvements will include new methods to reserve spaces at the University as well as new audio and visual equipment. “The objective is to be more intentional in identifying what our students need and then deliver on that need,” University Spokesperson Anthony de Bruyn said in an email to The Cavalier Daily. “We expect these changes will result in increased efficiencies and a better user experience at a reduced operational cost.” However, student staff members fear that the real reason these changes are being implemented is to reduce Newcomb Hall’s deficit — which will target student employment since there is a significant amount of spending going towards staff. Some student staff members have already felt the negative effects of these changes, saying they are worried about losing their jobs

for the upcoming year. According to fourth-year Engineering student Christian May — an event assistant in Newcomb Hall who assists in the daily operations of Newcomb — these changes have also included hiring freezes and increased workplace responsibilities without added pay. The proposed changes could affect up to 180 student employees, including 50 event assistants and 10 managers. May says these changes appear to be geared towards encouraging students to quit working. “They are not hiring any more [event assistants] if someone quits, and they are not promoting any new managers,” May said in an interview with The Cavalier Daily. “What that amounts to is as soon as someone quits, everyone else on the shift has to pick up the slack caused by there being one less [event assistant] on the shift.” According to de Bruyn, no student staff will be cut during the current academic year, and no student staffing decisions have been made for the 20192020 academic year. He added that longer-range staffing levels are still being evaluated.


Student workers in Newcomb Hall have voiced their frsutration with the new changes.

Student leaders express need for more spaces for minority population


Minority students want more safe spaces like the MSC on Grounds.

For front desk assistant and second-year College student Alberto Serra, the Multicultural Student Center is a place he can go at any time and be greeted by both familiar faces and make friends with new ones. Located in the basement of Newcomb Hall, the MSC at its busiest is abuzz with the sounds of music, conversation and laughter among students and fingertips against keyboards. MSC staff work to make sure the space is not just another study spot for students, according to Serra. Founded in Oct. 2016, the MSC offers a space for marginalized or underrepresented communities — which comprise roughly a third of the University community — yet the center hits its maximum capacity at 49 people. The center is led by Natalie Romero, student director and third-year College student, who said that the space oftentimes lacks the square footage necessary to accommodate the various communities it serves. Joseph Malasa, a fourth-year College student and president of the Organization of Young Filipino Americans, said the University sometimes neglects

to advocate for the spatial needs of minority communities. “We don’t have safe spaces on Grounds,” Romero said. “No matter how much U.Va. wants to say that we do — we don’t. That’s just reality.” Malasa said an inclusive University — one in which communities all feel secure — requires policy that enshrines the needs of minority students while providing those students with the resources necessary to making their voices heard. “Organizations with privilege, institutions with privilege, and other students that have the privilege to feel like they have enough space are able to say ‘Do we really need more space for multicultural students?’ — that leads to a lack of a policy solution,” Malasa said. “It’s not that there isn’t a policy solution that can be made — the question is why aren’t we allowing multicultural students to be given resources so they can figure out a better policy?”




Class of 2019 reflections Newest University graduates reflect on triumphs and challenges during their time at U.Va. Fateme Tavakoli | Staff Writer The University’s Class of 2019 will walk down the Lawn for the final time Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19. Under the sea of brightly colored balloons and carefully decorated caps will be a sea of graduating students preparing to leave their past four years in Charlottesville behind, with next steps ranging from careers in healthcare to gap years and studying for graduate school exams, as well as reflecting on their experiences and the role the University and its resources, or lack thereof, have played in shaping them. Many graduates, including fourth-year Commerce student John Cragun, will be heading directly into the workforce following graduation. According to the McIntire School of Commerce’s destinations report for the class of 2018, 98 percent of students enter the workforce promptly after graduation — one of the higher rates among U.Va.’s schools and departments. Cragun said he was offered an employment opportunity with the multinational accounting firm Ernst & Young in New York City. Cragun previously interned for for three months with the firm the summer before his fourth year. Cragun said McIntire has provided him with the specialized knowledge and skills that gave him a thorough understanding of the job landscape and prepared him for the business world. “The resources that the McIntire [School] has been kind enough to provide have been instrumental in helping guide us,” Cragun said. “The biggest [Contracted Independent Organization] which I had the opportunity to be involved with is the Alternative Investment Fund at McIntire. AIF has been a really instrumental resource for me. The mentorship I was lucky enough from older students when I was much younger was incredibly valuable for me.” Cragun advised underclassmen students to explore their options and not force themselves to follow one specific, predetermined career path. “The biggest piece of advice that I would give to underclassmen is correlation does not mean causation,” Cragun said. “Things in life don’t necessarily go in one direct linear fashion, there is not one way to achieve success.” Rebecca Soistmann, a fourthyear College student and the outgoing vice president of Fourth Year Trustees, will be working as a strategic healthcare research analyst at the Advisory Board Company in Washington, D.C. following graduation.

“The Advisory Board hires several U.Va graduates every year, and I think the school has a good reputation at the company,” Soistmann said. “I’m appreciative of those that came before me and established this good reputation.” Not every graduating student will be going directly into the workforce, however. Fourth-year College student Celter Odango is one such student. Odango will be taking two gap years before entering medical school. He will also be working for the University Medical Center as a full-time research assistant. “I will be working in different medical specialty clinics, including rheumatology, [endocrinology], nephrology, dermatology, pulmonary, allergy and infectious diseases,” Odango said. Fourth-year College student Maihan Far Alam is planning to work in Charlottesville for a year while she studies for the LSAT and prepares to apply to law school next fall and believes she is ready for law school and beyond. Alam also reflected on the challenges she faced as a first-generation college student at U.Va. “As a first-generation college student and a first-generation immigrant, these past four years have been both the toughest and most rewarding moments of my entire life,” Alam said. “I have made so many mistakes along the way, but I don't think I'd change my experiences for anything.” Cragun said that ultimately, he believes the community he has found at the University will continue to be part of his life, even when he has left Charlottesville. “A degree from U.Va is not just a title, it’s also an opportunity to be a part of a really close knit network of alumni that you can find across all regions of the globe,” Cragun said. “I think U.Va. is one of the most prestigious universities and the community extends far beyond the boundaries of just Charlottesville.” Alam agreed, saying that one of the most important lessons she has learned during her four years as a University student was to value interpersonal connections and sharing life experiences with others. “U.Va has taught me the meaning of community and to value my personal relationships above all else, which is pivotal for thriving in any professional space,” Alam said. “Listening and learning from others' experiences is the first step to building a strong community, but it also helps us grow as individuals.” Fourth-year College student Marleigh Walsh also reflected on the impact U.Va. has made with its

financial aid programs, particularly for low-income students. “U.Va. is one of the best [for financial aid], and they meet financial need 100 percent including refund checks for cost of living which is essential for making college affordable for low-income students,” Walsh said. Walsh also commented on the lack of resources for minority student populations she experienced during her four years and said that while she saw different student groups and CIO’s partaking in student activism, she was not aware of any outstanding efforts by the University. “This is the first year I remember seeing dining hours for Ramadan, and I have seen from minority students that U.Va. pushes diversity on paper but offers no support after students are admitted which to me says they care more about appearances than their current students,” Walsh said. Fourth-year College student Alexa Gracias also spoke about the lack of inclusivity at the University but said she found her place on Grounds through various student organizations during her time here. “It is the students that work to build a warm and welcoming com-

munity,” Gracias said. “Fortunately, I had the pleasure of finding my home away from home with my best friends from [Hispanic/Latinx Peer Mentoring Program] PMP and [Latinx Student Alliance].” Walsh added that while U.Va. call itself a “public ivy,” she feels they do not support the same initiatives — especially for undocumented students — as actual Ivy League schools. For example, according to Brown University’s website, both undocumented and DACA students are considered under a needblind admissions policy. Furthermore, students with this status theoretically have 100 percent of their financial aid needs met after they matriculate. This policy is unlike the one in practice U.Va., which does not provide financial aid to students with DACA status — therefore, in order to enroll at the University, undocumented students must have both DACA status and pay tuition out-of-pocket. An estimated 30 undocumented students currently attend the University, according to The Daily Progress. In contrast, there are over 250 students with DACA status currently enrolled at George Mason University because of the “financial

barriers” U.Va.’s tuition poses. Fourth-year College student Gouzal Nazary spoke on the topic of inclusion at U.Va. and stated that despite the presence of many organizations on Grounds that have selective application processes for participation, such as the Honor Committee and University Judiciary Committee, the University is “somewhat inclusive” and “there’s always a place for everyone.” Gracias further added that the University should improve its communication with the student body by providing more specific information and being more vocal about equity. “Most of the time the University seems to send out a general email summarizing events, but more can be done,” Gracias said. “As a top public school, U.Va. should be a role model for all by taking a stance and demanding fairness and justice.”


Many graduates will be heading directly into the workforce following graduation. • NEWS

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2019


Graduation during Ramadan: How students are preparing Many Muslim students will abstain from food and drink from sunrise to sunset Erica Sprott | Senior Writer


Muslim students will fast during Final Exercises May 18 and 19, which will take place on the Lawn from sunrise to sundown.

As Muslims around the world began fasting May 6 for Ramadan, many Muslim students at the University will also be fasting during Final Exercises May 18 and 19. Final Exercises may end up leaving fasting Muslim students and their families outside in the heat for extended periods of time. Ramadan is the ninth month in the lunar calendar, where Muslims are expected to abstain from drinking or eating from sunrise to sunset. As students and their families fasting for Ramadan will abstain from sunrise to sunset, those in the larger departments and professional schools could potentially wait outside for hundreds of graduating students to be recognized. Many smaller department ceremonies are held indoors and take roughly an hour or less. Mazzen Shalaby, second-year Batten student and president-elect of the Muslim Students Association, spoke about his previous graduation experiences during Ramadan as well as his expectations for this year’s final exercises while fasting. “It will be brutal,” Shalaby said. “I know I graduated from high school during Ramadan, and it was brutal sitting through a five hundred person graduating class, and for commencement in college, it will be even larger.” When asked about the process

for preparing for a final exercises during Ramadan, Shalaby outlined the preparation process, which is limited to altering early-morning breakfast and apparel. “It’s difficult, obviously there’s not a ton you can do, going off of my experience,” Shalaby said. “When you wake up for breakfast that morning at 4 a.m., you can drink extra glasses of water, trying to make sure everyone has hats and stuff. Trying to find spots in the shade is difficult though when it’s outside in open areas.” In an email statement to The Cavalier Daily, Medical student Syed Ahmad commented on previous experience volunteering during graduation. “Since many people my age have been fasting for years now, helping out at the graduation ceremony wasn't too bad though,” Ahmad said. “For my own graduation, when more time will be spent outdoors, listening to speakers, etc., I can see how this may a more tiring event.” Ahmad also highlighted the social pressures that come with fasting during final exercises, particularly with the celebrations which are often held in the following hours. “Recently, I had a conversation with my friends about how there may be food receptions at graduation for our different

majors … and what we would be doing there since we would be fasting,” Ahmad said. “We talked about just going there to socialize and hoping circumstances don't arise in which we are awkwardly pressured to take food for ourselves.” Ahmad also mentioned family concerns over the approximate hour between the graduation ceremony and breaking their fast — around 8 p.m. Days for fasting will continue to get longer as the calendar moves toward the summer solstice June 21. “Another concern was raised about what our families would do during the time between our ceremony and the graduation dinner (near 8pm) … since we would be fasting, excessive walking around, sightseeing, going to restaurants, would not be an option,” Ahmad said. Ahmad noted that the MSA’s annual graduation banquet would be very beneficial, especially for family members who had traveled long distances to see their students graduate. “The MSA has a graduation banquet each year, and this year (and past year during Ramadan), we had it at a time so we could break our fast together,” Ahmad said. “This was very beneficial especially for the families that traveled from long distances.” In an email to The Cavalier Daily, Al Ahmed, graduate Ed-

ucation student and outgoing MSA president, also commented on the MSA’s banquet and how it allows friends and family of graduates to break their fast together. “This year will be the second iteration of it,” Ahmed said, “And I’m really looking forward to it! Last year, I was organizing it. This year, I’ll be on the other end. It’ll definitely be a little challenging getting through the days but at least we won’t be alone!” Both Ahmed and Ahmad listed ways for Muslim students to prepare for graduation, such as eating more food during the predawn meal or taking a nap following the event. “We are expected to (more or less) go about our daily routine in Ramadan (if it is still reasonable),” Ahmad said. “Thus, we would take steps to make sure we don’t get tired, but for the most part, we would not have too much of a change in our approach to graduation.” In an email to The Cavalier Daily, Catherine Spear, Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights Associate Vice President, commented that the office “has not received any religious accommodation requests for Finals Exercises at this time.” Pam Higgins, Executive Director of Major Events, said that the University will be providing

live-streaming of both valedictory and final exercises online, remote viewing locations — including Newcomb Ballroom and Theatre, Gilmer Hall, Culbreth Theatre and Alumni Hall — and tenting over the north plaza of the Rotunda to provide shade. “For the school and department ceremonies on Saturday and Sunday, many are inside,” Higgins said. “For those that are outside, they vary in length. Most are an hour or less. The longer ceremonies held outside would be the ones on the Lawn and the McIntire Amphitheatre (there are concessions nearby), Darden (where they have indoor rooms available for viewing the ceremony), and the Law School.” Though drinking water is not permitted while fasting, Higgins also commented that “for the graduating students, we provide complimentary bottled water in the assembly areas on Saturday and Sunday. For guests attending the ceremonies, water will be available for sale at concession stands on all three days."




Charlottesville staples to try before graduating Fulfill your college experience while you fill your stomach


Maddie McNamee | Food Columnist

The University is renowned for its endless traditions that comprise bucket lists for students to complete before they graduate. Whether it be streaking the Lawn, painting Beta Bridge or attending Lighting of the Lawn, there’s numerous tasks to accomplish here. As you fill your bucket list, you might as well fill your stomach too. I am here to supply a lesser-known bucket list solely for Charlottesville food staples. Don’t grab your diploma without dining at these restaurants. All of these restaurants are delicious, as well as wheelchair accessible and affordable. Lampo Neapolitan Pizzeria This one may be a bit difficult to accomplish, as the usual extensive wait and constraint of no reservations turns away the impatient. But if you’re the kind of person who can survive SIS crashing for hours, then you can stand by for quality pizza. Lampo is located on Monticello Road and serves Neapolitan pizza delectable enough to remind you of your time abroad in Italy. Rather than coming pre-sliced, their pizza is served whole with scissors on the side, so you can cut it in the slices of your choosing. It’s an enjoyable, authentic experience all around. My personal favorite dish is the $12 prosciutto pizza, which is topped with prosciutto, arugula, grana padano cheese and lemon. Arrive on the earlier side of the evening to check this one off of your list. Bluegrass Grill and Bakery I didn’t say this bucket list would be easy, as Bluegrass Grill and Bakery on 2nd Street is another restaurant without reservations and with minimal seating. However, they provide quite possibly the best brunch I have ever eaten. My dad refuses to go anywhere else for brunch ever, and once you mark down this one, you’ll probably be the same. Their quirky staff provides hospitality comforting enough to cure any mourning about graduating. They serve unique brunch dishes, including lavender and brie french toast, cilantro lime tofu hash and chocolate-covered bacon. Most meals are roughly in the $5 to $12 range. Bluegrass also offers a variety of hollandaise sauces with their benedicts, including chipotle, avocado, jalapeno and even bacon flavorings. I try to switch up what I order when I dine here


The prosciutto pizza at Lampo is topped with prosciutto, arugula, grana padano cheese and lemon.

since there’s so many options, but I can assure you nothing has ever disappointed. Brazos My mom always says “There’s never a bad time for ice cream.” I full-heartedly agree, but I have to say the same goes for tacos. Tacos are a timeless meal, which is why it’s so fortunate Brazos on 2nd Street is open to serve them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. No matter how busy your class schedule, Brazos will be there to provide exquisite tacos, which range from around $2 to $4 per taco. While they remain open until 7 or 8 p.m. each night, I would strongly recommend their breakfast tacos, like their bean, egg and cheese taco. The Local If you want to take in all things Charlottesville while you can, eat at The Local, which is located on Hinton Avenue. This restaurant gets their food from a variety of local farms, hence the

name. Each dish is served with fresh, high-quality ingredients and exemplifies the excellence of local agriculture. Certain items on their menu rotate as the seasons change, but one consistent staple is their lobster mac and cheese, which costs $9 for the small serving. Macaroni and cheese made with Maine lobster and local “Mountain View” marmac and marscapone cheese is far superior to any mac you may have picked up at N2Go in your earlier years at the University. Three Notch’d Craft Kitchen and Brewery What better way to celebrate surviving the University than with a beer? And no, I don’t mean some Busch Light you found at a frat party to reminisce on first and second year. Three Notch’d on 2nd Street, in the IX Art Park, produces their own beer. Three Notch’d also offers flights — samplers of various beers — for all you indecisive people who thought de-

ciding a major was the hardest part of college. They even offer beer-infused dishes, like pretzel bites that come with cheese made with their 40-mile beer. If beer isn’t your vibe, choose one of their fresh salads as an alternative. Their asparagus salad with pickled onion, hazelnuts, lemon vinaigrette, local greens, lentils, pink peppercorns and burrata cheese is refreshing and reminds me of summer. Bodo’s Bagels If you haven’t been to Bodo’s yet, are you sure you even deserve a diploma from the University? I’ve heard people say they won’t eat Bodo’s because they “won’t compare to their bagels from home” in New York or New Jersey. But that is not the point of the beauty of Bodo’s. Their bagels are from this home, as in the place you’ve spent your past four years. Each bagel costs roughly 85 cents, with additional toppings costing more. When I bite into a Bodo’s bagel, I’m

not just enlightened by the taste of ideally soft bagel filled with the toppings of my choosing. I’m also elated because it embodies the contentment I feel when I think of this place as my home. It’s an icon of Charlottesville, and if you somehow still haven’t been, go to the Bodo’s on the Corner as soon as they open tomorrow morning. Get the first ticket of the day, so you can mark that off of your University traditions bucket list as well. • LIFE


Top 10 reasons why grads drink on graduation day Top 10 reasons why grads drink on graduation day Ashley Botkin | Top 10 Writer

1 Their family

It is so hard to organize even the smallest groups of people, so imagine trying to get your entire family to Charlottesville and booked in hotels. Then you only get a certain number of tickets to your graduation ceremony. You either have to scrounge up extra ones from friends or decide which of your family members isn’t worthy enough to see you walk down the Lawn. Honestly, I’m getting overwhelmed just thinking of all these situations, and I’m not even the one graduating.

4 The heat

I can’t imagine anything worse than having someone talk at you about being successful and going out and doing great things while sweating uncontrollably. Maybe I just really hate motivational speakers, but I’m pretty sure everyone hates being sweaty. And black is really good at trapping heat, so every student is basically like a rotisserie chicken in one of those rotating spit-roasting ovens at Costco.

2 Unemployment 3 The questions Job hunts are the worst. Writing resumes is the worst. Scheduling interviews, getting all dressed up and fretting over what kinds of questions you’ll be asked are all equally terrible. But now that you’re a graduate, you have to find a real job. Not just some summer fling at your hometown restaurant but an actual career. Welcome to adulthood!

5 Student loans

Owing someone money is literally the worst. At the moment, I owe my parents money because I’m not very good at keeping a budget. Luckily, they were nice enough not to charge me interest. It doesn’t sound like the worst situation in the world, but I really hate having debt hanging over my head. But think about the fact that, in six months, you start to really owe money to an institution that really doesn’t care about whether you have a job or not or what interest rate you can actually afford. While you’re in school, it doesn’t feel like the loans are real, but after graduation, I promise that it is.

7 The fragility of the environment

Did you know that balloons are really bad for the environment? According to the Environmental Nature Center, millions of balloons are released into the air each year, and they are dangerous for wildlife, especially if they eat them. Sometimes turtles mistake plastic for jellyfish or the strings get wrapped around a bird’s beak or legs. Have you seen that video of the cow choking on the balloon that fell into its field? That’s enough to make me want to cry.


Drink specials

There’s nothing that gets me to spend money quite like some sort of sale or special. Buy one get one free? I’m on it. Stamp cards? I have a million. So I can’t really blame graduates for wanting to take advantage of graduation day deals. Just be careful about how much you drink! My first-year roommate knew someone that peed right through their gown in the middle of the ceremony. Please don’t pee through your gown in the middle of the ceremony.



Existential crises

College is a great time to question your entire existence. It’s your first time by yourself, and sometimes it can be really difficult to come into your own in such a new place. And now, it’s all going to change! Who am I now that I’m a newbie in my job or field of interest? What will I do without being able to see my best friends every day? How will I know if I’m doing a good job without a grading system? It’s a lot to contemplate.

Graduation season is full of questions. What are you doing next year? Are you going back to school? Do you have a significant other? But in reality, so many people have no idea what they’re even going to do two months from now. I know I don’t.

6 Moving out Moving out is stressful to say the least. Did I plunge into a depressive episode in the middle of packing this year? Unfortunately, yes. Will it be okay? Probably. But just thinking of all of the boxes and cars that have to be filled and then the fact that you may never live in Charlottesville ever again … well, it’s enough to drive anyone to drink.

10 The memories

Moving on is one of the hardest things to do, but if you are anything like my fourthyear friends, then I promise you’ll be just fine. It’s easy to drink because you’re stressed and sad, but you should also pour one out for your accomplishments, friends and years at the greatest school ever. I’m proud of you!




U.Va. alumna inspires others to live healthy lives Carrington Kernodle runs a vegan food blog called “Parts Homegrown” Madison Masloff | Feature Writer Each year, University graduates leave school on divergent paths — some enter the workforce or enroll in master’s programs, while others travel the world. Class of 2018 alumna Carrington Kernodle chose a more unique path, as she started a popular vegan food blog called “Parts Homegrown.” As an African-American and African studies and philosophy double major, Kernodle was inspired to lead a healthy and ethical lifestyle. Her studies prompted her to ask herself “ Who am I as a person, and what do I actually value? ” Kernodle decided to live with pure intentions by doing no harm or at least as little harm as she possibly could. During her time at the University, Kernodle balanced her studies with being a fitness instructor at the Aquatic & Fitness Center for two years. Kernodle also transitioned to a vegan diet during her time at the University. Today, Kernodle juggles the lifestyle of a professional vegan food blogger with an audience of about 2,400 people alongside a fulltime job as a project administrator at M.C. Dean, an electrical company in Charlottesville. As Kernodle became confident with her vegan lifestyle, she also explored a minimalistic approach to life, sharing it all through her blog Parts Homegrown. She thought her more minimalistic approach would attract other people since many are easily discouraged by the expenses that come with g ym and diet culture. Kernodle strove to show people how to have a great life without spending a lot of money. “It’s knowing how to spend that money only spending money on what you like,” Kernodle said. “But you need to know who you are as a person first and foremost.” Through her blog, Kernodle continues to help people get rid the consumerist idea that you need to have a lot of “stuff” in order to be fulfilled. Her primary goal is to teach others how to cultivate a sustainable life that’s full of joy and within their means — whatever their means are. Kernodle aims to teach others how to have that kind of

life, especially through a holistically conscious, plantbased approach. “It’s very important for me to let people know that you can live a very good and simple life,” Kernodle said. “ You don’t need to be famous, you don’t need to be a doctor, you don’t need to make more than 50K a year — you can absolutely do it with a fulltime class load and a fulltime job.” Kernodle’s transition to a vegan lifestyle, however, did not start during her time at the University but rather when she was 15 years old. At 15, Kernodle gave up red meat. At 18, she stopped eating dairy, and when she was 19, she gave up pork and chicken. Kernodle officially became vegan in February 2016 after she gave up eggs. “One day I was just like making an omelet and said maybe this is the last one I’ ll eat — and that’s it, I was vegan,” Kernodle said. Kernodle decided to change her diet because she was very interested and passionate about the environment and ethics. She also realized she would save a lot of money by not buying meat and dairy. Initially, Kernodle emphasized a healthy lifestyle by focusing on physical exercise rather than her food habits. At the University she was known as a g ym-rat, as she was a certified trainer and a group fitness class instructor at the AFC during her second and third year. Kernodle taught HIIT, core-cardio and “zumba-esque” classes. Many of Kernodle’s peers would ask her for advice which prompted her to become a certified trainer so that she could give proper tips. In 2017, the summer before her fourth year, Kernodle switched her focus to healthy eating. She decided that it would be nice not to have to go to the g ym all of the time. She knew people who lived completely normal and simple lives and didn’t go to the g ym but were still in shape and realized she could do that as well. “I decided I was going to live a relaxed life,” Kernodle said. “I was going to do yoga, go for walks and eat a reasonable amount of food.” In addition to her blog,


Kernodle aims to teach others how to live a holistically conscious, plant-based lifestyle.

Kernodle has connected with others through organizations which share her values like Veggies of Virginia, a CIO on Grounds focusing on sustainable, vegan lifestyles. Kernodle gave a talk for VOV March 18 where she spoke about what veganism could look like for people and also how her experience as a food blogger has been — and all the free food that comes with the job. At the talk she also tried to help show students how to navigate veganism and be proud of the lifestyle. Breanna Bowman, Kernodle’s friend of five years, has witnessed Kernodle’s transition into the vegan lifestyle and admires her commitment and patience with others who don’t necessarily share the same point of view.

“A lot of people can say they want to do things, but she literally does any and everything that she wants,” Bowman said. Kernodle’s passion for health is not only noticed by her close friends, but also people in the community she has interacted with. “Kernodle brings a kind heart and witty perspective every where she goes,” Secretary of VOV Josh Crane said. “It was fascinating to hear about her experiences as a vegan food blogger, along with her recommendations on tasty meals in C'ville and beyond.” Kernodle still likes to volunteer for VOV and attend potlucks when she can. Kernodle spoke to how much the University and VOV mean to

her since she no longer lives in her hometown of Danville, Va. “ This is my home and my people,” Kernodle said. “I donate whenever I can my time, energ y, love and money to these communities.” • LIFE/HEALTH & SCIENCE

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2019


Fourth-years reflect on their times at the University Leaving with lifelong connections and memories Maya Das | Feature Writer When commencing college as a first-year, many can’t fathom how soon they will be graduating. So when graduation actually comes around, fourth-years are struck with mixed emotions — nostalgia and pure shock by how quickly the time has passed. No matter what club, organization or University events students attended or participated in throughout their four years, these experiences all left lasting impressions on fourthyears. Rachel Clark, fourth-year College student, orientation leader and resident assistant of Tuttle-Dunnington, remarked that living in Old Dorms as a first-year was one of the best experiences she had. Emmet Dorms, which are now closed for renovation, created a community environment where she met some of her closest friends to this day. “There is something to be said


As the 2018-2019 academic year comes to a close, fourth-year pre-med students Vikram Gupta and Grace Rovenolt are gearing up for their futures in medicine. For those students seeking acceptance into medical school, undergraduate classes ranging from biology and chemistry, psychology and math are highly recommended. Not only do these classes show one’s scientific background, but also help prepare for the Medical College Admission Test. Rovenolt’s medical interests lie in neurology and emergency medicine, and she recalls how these standard classes have brought her to her closest friends at the University. “I really like the camaraderie of pre-med and pre-health students,” Rovenolt said. “You have to jump through different classes or a certain amounts of shadowing hours and clinical hours, and we’re all kind of in it together, so you run into the same people over and over again.” Due to the recurring encounters with fellow pre-health students, Rovenolt stresses the importance of creating a network of medical peers as soon as possible, whether that be nearby students or outside resources. “Find a mentor or someone that you look up to, whether that's through peer counselors of the Ca-

about living in Old Dorms with no air conditioning and the constant sight of bugs,” Clark said. “I got so close with all my hallmates and still hang out with them.” Similarly, fourth-year College student and Lawn resident Mahnoor Khurshid looked back at her spring semester of her first year as one of the most memorable times. In January 2016, the University was blanketed by a snowstorm causing classes to be canceled the first few days of school. Students gathered on the Lawn to enjoy the snow and each other’s company, as well as engage in winter activities such as sledding and snowball fights. “Everyone is so close-knit first year and I think my best memories are from first year and having my group of friends always near me,” Khurshid said. Whether it was taking naps in

each other’s rooms or grabbing food together at the nearby dining halls, the first-year experience is cherished by many of the soon-to-be graduates. Khurshid draws similarities between her first-year experience in Dorms to her time living on the Lawn. She explained how normal it was during her first year to walk into O’Hill and meet new people, and Khurshid looked to regain this type of community environment through living on the Lawn. As vice president of the Muslim Student Association, Khurshid was eager to make the Lawn a welcoming space for Muslims to interact with one another. In fact, Khurshid has hosted weekly Islamic talks in her Lawn room and is very active in the University and local Muslim communities. “When you are on the Lawn it is like [being a first-year] all over again,” Khursid said. “It is normal to

talk to your neighbors and say hi to everybody. Waking up to the Rotunda every morning is definitely something special, but I think it is the people that live on the Lawn who make the experience so cool.” More recently, Meghan Kelley, fourth-year College student and captain of the University women’s tennis team, cited the celebration of the 2019 men’s basketball national championship win as an experience she will look back on and cherish for the rest her life. The NCAA basketball games fostered a sense of community and camaraderie amongst University students where people cheered, danced and celebrated with close friends and even students they had just met that night. “Celebrating the national championship game this spring was something I’ll tell people about forever,” Kelley said. “The whole school was

so invested in the game, and the celebration afterwards brought everyone together.” After four years at the University, students have built lifelong connections and memories with University community members. With graduation just around the corner, fourthyears feel proud to call themselves a Wahoo and are already looking forward to visiting Grounds in the future as alumni. “The town and community surrounding U.Va. is so cute and friendly,” Kelley said. “I will definitely be visiting often after graduation even if my friends aren’t in town just because there are always so many things to do.”

Graduating pre-med students reflect, advise Fourth-years weigh in on the University’s pre-medical school path Lucie Rutherford | Staff Writer

reer Center or maybe an older friend in your major,” Rovenolt said. “There is so much I've learned along the way … things that are kind of hard to get unless you have an inside scoop." Though course requirements for medical school hold the opportunity for medical connections, their popularity brings on a necessity for self-advocacy. According to Gupta — whose focus is vascular surgery — the 300-person lectures fulfill requirements and teach needed information but also challenge students to go out of their way to make personal relationships with professors. “You can't depend on [professors] to help you out as much,” Gupta said. “If someone doesn't have that intrinsic motivation to get that done, then they're going to have a tough time and they aren't going to be where they want to be when it's time to graduate or time to start applying to med school.” Due to the extensive process of applying to medical school — consisting of interviews, essays and letters of recommendation — gap years are not uncommon amongst prospective applicants. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, gap years are opportunities to strengthen GPA and MCAT scores, fulfill prerequisites and pay off loans,

as well as shadow or volunteer within the field. Gupta and Rovenolt have both decided to take gap years. Gupta’s work with a vascular surgery research lab at the University over the past four years has connected him with a partner lab in Germany where he will be spending the first three months of his gap year researching cardiovascular disease. Rosenolt has decided on a two-year gap, in which she will be conducting clinical research in the neurology department at the Yale New Haven Hospital located in Branford, Conn. For both Gupta and Rovenolt, their involvements with groups outside of the classroom have been a big influence in their medical aspirations. From cognitive and vascular research labs to volunteering as EMTs with the local rescue squad, both students have found their respective niches amongst University Hospital’s community. "One big plus to me of U.Va. is that we have the Health System right next door,” Gupta said. “If you really want to reach out and find things to do related to medicine and clinical practice, there is so much. Anything you could possibly want in medicine is right there." Ultimately, Gupta and Rosenolt


Gupta and Rovenolt stress the importance of getting involved with hands-on medical work as quickly and early as possible.

stress the importance of getting involved with hands-on medical work as quickly and early as possible. “Just reach out and ask people if you can do things, you'd be surprised the responses you get,” Gupta said.

“If you don't go looking for those opportunities you're not going to find them.”




Health In s u r a nce Hard Wa iver Prog ram

Information about the health insurance hard waiver program for the 2019-20 academic year will be mailed to your home address during the summer.


! T U O K O LO


SPORTS Senior thrower Hilmar Jonsson has competed at an elite level since he first came to Virginia. Jonsson was ACC Champion in the hammer throw in his first outdoor season with Virginia — spring 2016 — and continued his streak of ACC championship wins in 2017 and 2018. His dominance has extended into the 2019 outdoor season during his senior year. Jonsson recently beat his own school record, in addition to setting Lannigan Field and Icelandic national records with a mark of 75.26 meters at the Virginia Grand Prix. Outside of collegiate competition, Jonsson became the Iceland National Champion in the hammer throw in the summer of 2016. Born and raised in Iceland, Jonsson began competing in the track and field youth circuit at 10-yearsold. Jon Sigurjonsson, his father, was a former hammer thrower, so Jonsson started out by throwing and lifting with him every Saturday. In high school, Jonsson’s hard work began to pay off. He found major success in Iceland and on the international stage. At 16 years old, Jonsson became the Icelandic national champion in the hammer and placed seventh at the 2013 European Junior Championships. The next year, he qualified for the final of the hammer throw at the 2014 World Junior Championships. After significant success in high school, Jonsson was recruited heavily by many Division I schools in the U.S. He decided to attend Virginia after fielding other offers from Florida State, Virginia Tech and Minnesota. “What attracted me most to U. Va. was former thrower Filip Mi- • SPORTS


The making of a student athlete and leader The Iceland native Hilmar Jonsson credits his time at Virginia for his development as an athlete and person Alex Maniatis | Senior Associate


In the long term, senior thrower Hilmar Jonsson hopes to qualify for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

haljevic and Coach [Martin] Maric, who both had the same experience of going away from home,” Jonsson said. Jonsson made the decision at the end of December and arrived at Virginia in early January 2016. Jonsson hit the ground running in the field. However, the transition to Virginia academically was tough, at first. “I definitely didn’t expect to devote so much time to academics,” Jonsson said. “It was quite a shock.”

After a tough first semester, Jonsson learned the ropes and grounded himself, significantly improving his studies. He learned how to balance school and track and was recognized in the 2017 outdoor season for making the ACC Academic Honor Roll. In 2018, Jonsson was named to the ACC All-Academic team in both the indoor and outdoor seasons. Jonsson is graduating with a double major in women and gender studies and English. His favorite


In 2018, Jonsson was named to the ACC All-American team in both the indoor and outdoor seasons.

classes were WGS 4700, “Men and Masculinities” and CLAS 2010, “Greek Civilization.” On top of international competition after college, Jonsson hopes to get a master’s degree in Iceland in either literature or linguistics. One day, he hopes to become a high school teacher or even a professor. “Hilmar is as exceptional off the track as he is at the track,” Coach Martin Maric said. “What distinguishes Hilmar from any other hammer thrower in NCAA is his immense work capacity and attention to details, which is also why he excels academically as well.” Maric was crucial to Jonsson’s development inside and outside the classroom. Maric had been through a similar experience to Jonsson, formerly competing in the NCAA as a European, and that shared experience made him a great mentor. “He was really influential to me,” Jonsson said of Maric. “He always stresses doing well in school and working hard. He’s definitely been a great person in my life in terms of what person I want to be. He encourages me to gain new experiences and meet new people — he’s more than a coach to me.” With great mentorship throughout his time at Virginia, Jonsson has become a leader himself. He leads through the characteristic that has guided him from Iceland to Charlottesville — his hard work. His leadership and selflessness has not gone unrecognized by his

mentor. “He’s … been a tremendous help to his teammates, leading and helping them whenever they needed him,” Maric said. “Along with all that, he’s one of the selfless people one will ever meet.” Instead of mentioning an individual accomplishment, Jonsson’s favorite moment at Virginia was rooted in team success, a testament to his selflessness. “My proudest moment at U.Va. is without a doubt when we ended up third at Nationals in 2016,” Jonsson said. “I was fourth in my event.” While his career at Virginia has been great thus far, it is not over. With more than two meters of improvement at the Virginia Grand Prix, Jonsson is approaching worldclass territory and will be a threat this year to take the individual hammer title at the NCAA Championships from June 5 to 8 in Austin, Texas. After Jonsson graduates, he plans to return to Iceland and gear up for the World Championships in September. His long-term goal is to qualify for the 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo. “He surely is one of the best student-athletes this program ever had,” Maric said.




Jack Salt caps off a memorable five years Salt leaves Virginia with not only with a national championship and two degrees but with friendships that will last a lifetime Akhil Rekulapelli | Senior Associate There’s a little over 12 minutes left in the second half, and then-No. 3 Virginia is up 42-25 in a 2017-18 regular season matchup against N.C. State. Wolfpack senior forward Lennard Freeman is stripped of the ball by then-sophomore guard Ty Jerome, who immediately brings the ball up the court. As Freeman runs past Jerome, N.C. State freshman guard Lavar Batts Jr. sprints to Jerome, guarding the New York native tightly as he paces up the court. To get away from Batts Jr., Jerome sprints towards the right sideline, and as Batts Jr. shuffles to catch up, he hits a brick wall. Not an actual brick wall, but 6-foot10, 250-pound center Jack Salt. Throughout his five years at Virginia, Salt has not only become a fan favorite thanks to his bone-crushing screens but also his intimate connection with Virginia and the greater Charlottesville community. College basketball wasn’t always on Salt’s mind when growing up in New Zealand. However, a breakout 2013 season changed that. In that season, he averaged 18.9 points and 14.8 rebounds per game while leading Westlake Boys’ High School to a high school national championship and garnered attention from across the Pacific. From there, the college choice was relatively easy — after the Auckland native visited Virginia, he found everything he looked for in a college basketball program. “I met Coach Bennett, he seemed like a genuine guy,” Salt said. “I met the team, felt a good team environment, and also Coach Bennett played in New Zealand, so he had a lot of credibility with coaches that I’ve had [because] the people that he played with in New Zealand now were my coaches.” Despite Coach Tony Bennett’s familiarity with the New Zealand game, however, Salt knew that a lot of work needed to be done before he was ready to even play a minute for a Virginia team that was coming off an ACC Championship. There were a lot of players at Virginia that Salt admired, and they inspired him to improve. “I wasn’t good enough when I first came here, seeing the guys ahead of me, Anthony Gill, Darion Atkins, Mike Tobey, Isaiah Wilkins — they were just better than me,” Salt said. “I needed time to get used to the American game and transition, and it was

huge for me.” As players like Atkins and Wilkins — who won the Lefty Driesell Defensive Player of the Year and ACC Defensive Player of the Year, respectively — trained with Salt day in and day out, he slowly became a more integral part of the bench rotation and later broke into the starting lineup. After redshirting his first year in the 2015-16 season, during his freshman season, Salt started 9 games. After the departures of center Mike Tobey and forward Anthony Gill, however, he was immediately slotted into the starting lineup for his sophomore season. Over the course of the 2016-17 and 2017-18 seasons, Salt started 68 straight games for the Cavaliers, and while he didn’t always have eye-popping numbers on the stat sheet, he was an integral part of Bennett’s pack-line defense and blocker-mover offense. During that two-year stretch, Virginia had an ACC Tournament Championship and an ACC regular season championship. Despite all the success Salt and the Cavaliers achieved, the historic two-year stretch for Virginia ended in sheer disappointment with the loss against UMBC last year. Salt went into the 2018-19 campaign as the lone senior on the team and was prepared to serve as a leader for the Cavaliers. He learned from natural leaders that surrounded him in his first four years, like now-NBA star Malcolm Brogdon. “We’ve had a variety of guys who have been amazing leaders,” Salt said. “That’s helped me a lot. That’s helped my teammates from me learning from them, but this year we had a great group of leaders, it was Kyle [Guy], Ty and me. Those two kind of controlled everything on the floor, on the game, and I was there just trying to help out.” Salt was a crucial role model for junior guards Guy and Jerome and helped them grow into leaders on this year’s team. Associate Head Coach Jason Williford says that Salt’s exemplary work ethic was contagious and that “his actions spoke a lot louder than his words.” “He passed down to those guys a work ethic,” Williford said. “He works on his game, he works in the weight room, he eats right, he takes care of his body, he goes to class.” With Guy and Jerome by his side, along with sophomore guard De’Andre Hunter — NABC De-


Jack Salt leaves Virginia a national champion as a leader on and off the court.

fensive Player of the Year and Second-Team All-American — the big man helped lead Virginia to its first ever national title, rallying the team past a crushing loss the year before to astronomical heights. Despite seeing reduced minutes in his senior year, he averaged 16.6 minutes per game after averaging 19.8 minutes per game his junior season, and not starting consistently, Salt gave it his all every time he stepped on the floor. “He doesn’t know, going into a game, how many minutes he’s gonna get, or if he’s gonna even take one shot during a game,” Jerome said in the press conference after Virginia’s 73-49 win over Pittsburgh in March. “And his attitude never changes. He’ll give 110 percent for us every possession.” As much as Salt was a selfless leader for Virginia on the court, he has also been a leader off the court. For pediatric patients at University Hospital and elementary school students across Charlottesville, Salt has been their leader and mentor. He’s read countless stories for students, spoken at their school assemblies and consistently stops by the hospital’s pediatric unit to make a kid’s day.

“It’s so easy to give back, and it takes so little time out of your day,” Salt said about his service. “The pedestal that people put Virginia basketball on here, it’s like a celebrity status, so for kids to see us, and it brings them that much joy — it’s so easy for us to take an hour out of our day, so I tried to do that as often as I [could] my past five years.” While his time in Charlottesville is coming to an end, Salt has forged bonds that will last a lifetime with people in the Virginia community from teammates to students and to professors. “That’s an easy one,” Salt said when asked about what he’d miss most about Virginia. “The people I’ve met here. Just the relationships I’ve built, I have some of my best friends for life from this school … this will definitely be the thing I’ll hold close to my heart.” On the court, Salt is known for his physicality, his never-saydie mentality and his unfaltering support for his teammates. Off the court he’s known for the bridges he’s built in the Charlottesville community. Throughout his five years at Virginia, Salt has embodied the five pillars — humility, passion, unity, servanthood and thankfulness.“He was a true leader, he embraced our

pillars, he served his teammates in every aspect, and he gave himself,” Williford said. “I’m most proud for his selflessness.” As he enters a new chapter of his life, one thing is certain — he’ll have the University and Charlottesville cheering him on the whole way through. • PUZZLES


















17 19

















Down 1 A house you might not want to enter 2 Classic Western starring Gary Cooper — two words 3 Yearly autumnal festival celebrating Hinduism 4 Repetitive wavelike motion 5 If you learn one thing during undergrad, it’s that we never use this word — for some reason 6 Va. Beach native and graduation speaker 8 The 13-across festival had very high ticket ___ 14 Wrestling move 15 Iconic “kid” named for his signature move on the bike 16 Roger Ebert was a famous movie ___ 17 Not artificial 19 You have to account for these when doing taxes 21 These are part of your graduation garb 22 Flavor



Across 7 First Nation term for elk 8 Luxurious summer activity 9 Capture the fascinated attention of 10 Baseball official 11 To all my fourth-year friends — I love you all and thanks for the excellent ___ 12 In “Jeopardy,” your ___ must be in question format 13 Aside from speaking at graduation, six-down also hosted this “Something” festival — three words 18 African desert 20 Make a hole by digging 23 Mollusk 24 Generosity with money or gifts 25 Artistic style which imitates a previous style 26 Basic monetary unit of Israel









recently read a tweet by “The Black Sheep UVA” account that listed, “CIOs that take their job too seriously.” At the top of their list was “cav daily.” First of all, to clear up a common misconception, The Cavalier Daily is not a contracted independent organization — it is an independent entity from the University and a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Can’t you tell I’ve had plenty of practice pitching this? Second of all, The Black Sheep’s tweet is half correct. In my three-and-a-half years as a writer and editor for The Cavalier Daily, I think it’s fair to say that I definitely took my job seriously. I took my job seriously because it was a serious job. What other 400-person organization on Grounds is devoted to holding the University accountable — which was often a challenge when the job of its communications department is to uphold

its “pristine” image — a job they, much to my frustration, did pretty well? Who else is going to stir discourse among students — for better or for worse — as the result of an eye-opening news story or a controversial opinion column? What other organization sent four of its student journalists — myself, Tim Dodson, Anna Higgins and Daniel Hoerauf — directly into the horrific events of Aug. 11, 2017 and Aug. 12, 2017? There is no organization like the The Cavalier Daily. I’ve had so many amazing opportunities as a member of this newspaper. I was one of the first people to tour the newly-renovated Rotunda prior to its opening to the public. I have interviewed both former University President Teresa Sullivan and current President Jim Ryan. I’ve teared up while listening to the stories of U.Va.’s mistreated workers, and I’ve felt anger while reporting on my peers’ delayed financial aid packages. I’ve been given a unique oppor-

tunity, and I’ve tried to use this platform to uplift the voices and concerns of minority students on Grounds. But The Cavalier Daily wasn’t just an unpaid job or an extracurricular activity. It was a home. It’s a cheesy and cliché statement to make, but it’s the truth. By the middle of my second year at U.Va., I was questioning whether or not there was truly a place on Grounds for me. I ended up finding that place in the basement of Newcomb Hall, when I’d walk into The Cavalier Daily’s offices at 7 p.m. and stay until midnight. It wasn’t always the best place to be. It was stressful, it was frustrating, it was me asking myself, “Why on earth am I doing this?” But even when the work itself was less-than-glamorous, it was the people that made it worth it. I made my best friends in The Cavalier Daily office — people that won’t just be at my wedding but will be in my wedding. Tim Dodson, Ben Tobin,

Gracie Kreth, Ashley Botkin, Sonia Gupta, Jake Lichtenstein and Nate Bolon are all one-ina-million people, and I’m forever grateful that this newspaper brought me to them. Obviously, the organization still has work to do. A quick flip through our archives will show that The Cavalier Daily has a questionable past — just as many long-standing organizations on Grounds do. During my time as assistant managing editor, I was the only black woman among the paper’s leadership, including the Junior Board and the Managing Board. And yes, there are more than a few moments when the coverage on the paper’s pages include white organizations more than black and brown organizations. With “diversity” and “inclusion” often used as buzzwords, actions speak louder than words. I hope that as I continue to read the work that these journalists produce, their actions with respect to these issues will become more salient. The power

of words cannot be overstated. I hope that future writers and editors of The Cavalier Daily use that power responsibly.

ALEXIS GRAVELY was the Assistant Managing Editor for the 129th term of The Cavalier Daily. Prior to this, she served as the Senior Associate News Editor during the 128th term.

THE CAVALIER DAILY THE CAVALIER DAILY The Cavalier Daily is a financially and editorially independent news organization staffed and managed entirely by students of the University of Virginia. The opinions expressed in The Cavalier Daily are not necessarily those of the students, faculty, staff or administration of the University of Virginia. Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the editorial board. Cartoons and columns represent the views of the authors. The managing board of The Cavalier Daily has sole authority over and responsibility for all content. No part of The Cavalier Daily or The Cavalier Daily online edition may be reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the editor-in-chief. The Cavalier Daily is published Thursdays in print and daily online at cavalierdaily. com. It is printed on at least 40 percent recycled paper. 2016 The Cavalier Daily Inc.

HAVE AN OPINION? The Cavalier Daily welcomes letters to the editor and guest columns. Writers must provide full name, telephone number and University affiliation, if appropriate. Letters should not exceed 250 words in length and columns should not exceed 700. The Cavalier Daily does not guarantee publication of submissions and may edit all material for content and grammar. Submit to or P.O. Box 400703, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4703

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS To better serve readers, The Cavalier Daily has a public editor to respond to questions and concerns regarding its practices. The public editor writes a column published every week on the opinion pages based on reader feedback and his independent observations. He also welcomes queries pertaining to journalism and the newspaper industry in general. The public editor is available at


MANAGING BOARD Editor-in-Chief Gracie Kreth Managing Editor Abby Clukey Executive Editor Jacob Asch Operations Manager Aisha Singh Chief Financial Officer Sonia Gupta EDITORIAL BOARD Jacob Asch Gracie Kreth Audrey Fahlberg Gavin Scott Hailey Yowell JUNIOR BOARD Assistant Managing Editors Aaron Rose Ashley Botkin (SA) Alec Husted (SA) Abby Sacks (SA) Arsema Asefaw (SA) Emma Bradford (SA) Caroline Daniel

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THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2019



wo summers ago, I found myself choking on chemical irritants and struggled to breathe. I took in the scenes around me: heavily-armed militias patrolling the streets, newspaper boxes tipped over, a man who looked like he had been pepper-sprayed, helicopters buzzing overhead, people fighting in the streets and police standing by, declining to intervene. White supremacist groups had invaded Charlottesville and provoked violence and counter-protests, and our city soon became a hashtag. Alongside a team of Alexis Gravely, Anna Higgins and Daniel Hoerauf, I was reporting from the middle of the chaos for The Cavalier Daily. The white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville in August 2017 were nationally-significant events, but when the cable news journalists and their satellite trucks left town, the local community grappled with how to move forward from that traumatic weekend. Local news coverage of Aug. 11 and 12 and the aftermath underscored the critical role of local reporters in keeping the community informed and documenting our grief, outrage and recovery. Those days and the weeks

that followed were some of the busiest of my time on The Cavalier Daily, and I couldn’t catch a breath. It would take me months to actually start processing what I witnessed and I still struggle with how to come to terms with a terrorist attack. But in the immediate aftermath of Aug. 11 and A12, the Cavalier Daily was the only constant in my life and we had to keep moving. Working on the paper provided an opportunity to witness events and give back to a community I’ve lived in my entire life. But it was also a great responsibility — readers place their trust in us to get our stories right and when we make mistakes, we need to correct them and publicly own up to our errors. I deeply care about the role of the Cavalier Daily in our community and not a day goes by that I don’t think about the stories I helped cover during my time on the paper. I can’t walk past the amphitheater without hearing echoes of the voice of Alex Vagonis, the girlfriend of the late U.Va. student Otto Warmbier who spoke at his vigil and recalled how Otto was her “soulmate.” I avoid the Jefferson statue near the Rotunda because I can almost feel the heat of the

neo-Nazis’ torches from their infamous march through Grounds. Whenever I walk past the federal courthouse downtown, I recall the hours members of our news team and I spent covering Nicole Eramo’s defamation suit against Rolling Stone magazine. My point in bringing all of this up is that in an era where President Donald Trump and others decry “fake news,” there’s student journalists at U.Va. committed to sharing real, hard-hitting news and writing a historic record for our time at the University. Here are just a handful of the hundreds of articles we’ve published during my time at U.Va.: • Former Assistant Managing Editor Alexis Gravely profiled Jada Howard, a parking attendant who lost her job when the University installed an automated parking system in the Central Grounds Garage. • Last October, we wrote a three-part series on the challenges that Hispanic and Latinx students face at the University, including a lack of access to financial aid documents translated into Spanish. The paper also published a Spanish version of that article (we have published Chinese and Spanish translations of articles in recent years) online

and I believe that was the first time we’ve published a Spanish language article in our print edition. • News Writer Geremia Di Maro recently took a deep dive into raising the minimum wage for contracted employees at U.Va. • Gravely and former Arts & Entertainment Editor Thomas Roades traveled to Washington, D.C. last August, where they reported on thousands of people showing up to protest against a white supremacist “Unite the Right 2” rally. This isn’t to say The Cavalier Daily is perfect. We don’t make it to every event, we sometimes are late getting to a story, and we have a ways to go in improving our coverage of different communities at the University. But I’m proud of the team I’ve been a part of and I’m confident our work will continue to improve. Because this is a “parting shot,” here are some final thoughts: To the Cavalier Daily staff, thank you for offering an environment of unconditional love, where people can be themselves and do what they’re passionate about. To our readers, keep holding

the paper accountable and pushing it to be the best publication it can be. To those who care about the future of college journalism, the Cavalier Daily is a non-profit organization and receives no funding from the University. We have to pay our monthly rent, printing bills, and a handful of other expenses, and we can’t do this without your support. If you have the means and have enjoyed reading the Cavalier Daily, I invite you to support student journalists at U.Va. and make a tax-deductible donation. As I approach graduation, I often think of a phrase that my predecessor, Mike Reingold, mentioned in his column last year: the joy is in the journey. It’s been an honor to have been a part of The Cavalier Daily during this journey and I’m thankful for the lifelong friends I made along the way. And I’m humbled by the trust that you, our readers, placed in me. TIM DODSON was the Editor-in-Chief for the 129th term of The Cavalier Daily. Prior to this, he served as the Managing Editor for the 128th term and News Editor for the 127th term.



s a conservative on Grounds, I learned pretty quickly my first year that the majority of the University community disagrees with me on a lot of different issues. Growing up in New York, I had always been used to differing opinions, but when I got to Grounds, it was at first very intimidating. Back then, the College Republicans, a group I would become an active member of for the next four years, was simply a handful of people who would meet in a room and talk about politics, occasionally inviting a speaker or traveling to a nearby county to campaign. There were few attempts to take our opinions, as unpopular as they were, and present them to the University community. Engaging the University community with arguments that they would most likely disagree with seemed like it would be difficult, inefficient and create a lot of backlash. In a sense, it would have been all of these things, but I soon learned that not only was this worth doing, but it was necessary. The catalyst leading to my realization of this was an opportunity I had my first semester to

intern on Jeb Bush’s campaign for president. While the job itself required mostly calling Republicans in New Hampshire — and knocking doors over winter break — I was also quite active about promoting Bush on my social media, which let my friends know that I was, against the odds, a Republican at U.Va. This resulted in many people coming up to me in private to reveal that they too were a conservative on Grounds, and also had their favorite candidate in the Republican primary for president. But they would always add that they didn’t want to talk about it publicly, or “out” themselves as conservative because it seemed as if they were the only one at the University. Over the next three and a half years, I have participated in many debates and forums and have written opinion pieces for many great organizations, including most recently The Cavalier Daily. What I have learned is that while it is really easy to promote an opinion that everyone agrees with, everyone would benefit more if I can make a good argument for an opinion that

fewer people will agree with. Let me be clear, these should not be “hot takes” or attempts to “own the libs” which are petty and stupid. I learned that if you have an unpopular opinion, you should attempt to present it in a respectful, well researched and professional manner — and you should be willing to defend it furiously. Finally, you need to prepare yourself for the absolute mountain of pushback you will receive, much of it extremely negative and targeted not just at your ideas, but at you as a person. This is not easy, but at the end of the day, I learned that it was really was necessary for me to put these unpopular opinions out there. As someone who has dedicated a lot of time to advancing the conservative movement, I felt as if I couldn’t avoid talking about certain topics just because I knew they may not get the best reception from some of my peers. If no one would continue to talk about them, the status quo would prevail, no one would even have to consider changing their current opinion, and those who silently agreed with me would continue to keep their beliefs to

themselves. If I believed in something strongly enough, I came to the conclusion that it was my responsibility to take a stand and present my argument to the University community as well as I possibly could. As I leave the University as a fourth year, I have no illusions that some of my more unpopular opinion pieces completely turned around the public discourse at the University. Many of these opinions still remain very unpopular today. But looking back at them, I am still glad that I took these leaps of faith because I know that I at least made many people consider, if for just a second, that an alternative opinion exits. And I also showed others who are in the minority and agree with me that someone was willing to talk about the issue in public, urging them to do the same. So in short, if you believe in your ideology strongly enough, and want others to do the same, shout your unpopular opinions as loudly — and respectfully — as you possibly can. If others try to silence you, kick it up a notch so you can make sure they hear you. If they drown you with negative

facebook comments personally attacking you, thank them for reading your article because you know that you are exposing them to another viewpoint. We live in a democracy that allows you the privilege of disagreeing with others and being able to publicly do so. No one benefits when our University community is an echo chamber.

ADAM KIMELMAN was an Opinion columnist for The Cavalier Daily.






oughly two weeks into my first year at the University, I failed to quit my journalism addiction and applied to work as a writer for The Cavalier Daily’s sports section. The application consisted of writing two stories: 1) A preview of Virginia football’s 2012 matchup against Georgia Tech, a game that followed-up the Cavaliers’ victorious effort over Penn State due to a game-winning catch by Jake McGee; and 2) a feature on any aspect of the Virginia football team. For the latter, I wrote about — you guessed it — McGee. Reviewing those articles now, I can confidently say that they weren’t very good. First-year me loved clichés (“in a matchup of David versus Goliath”) and didn’t understand that the “quote-bodyquote-body” structure is not very creative. However, in The Cavalier Daily’s office on a hot summer day in September 2015, one of the Sports editors at the time, Matt Morris, made me feel like I could be a future star. Sitting at one of the office’s tables, the soft-spoken and kind-hearted fourth year told me what he liked about

the articles and what he would have changed. Matt was the first of several people I really looked up to at The Cavalier Daily, and he was the first person to show me what I love most about this group. No matter one’s year, position or section, an attention behind mentorship — both being a mentor and a mentee — is a commonality that binds the publication together. Journalism is inherently focused on collaboration. Section editors assign stories to writers or writers pitch stories to editors for approval. Writers then work meticulously to interview sources or get their thoughts down on paper before sending it back to the section editor. The section editors then read the piece, oftentimes leaving comments for the writers about how to improve the writing or asking clarifying questions. The writers answer those questions and send it back to the section editors. And that’s just the first round of edits. Because The Cavalier Daily is primarily a digital workplace — much of the editors’ and writers’ time is spent

out of the office — it could be easy for this collaboration to be vapid. However, I have constantly been impressed by editors’ willingness to continually meet up with, teach and appreciate their writers, and writers’ willingness to learn from editors and other writers on the paper. And I’ve seen mentorship come in so many different forms. Mike Reingold, the Editor-in-Chief for the 128th term, made many demands of me when I was an assistant managing editor — but he also always made sure how to ask how I was doing in my personal life. Lillian Gaertner, the best partner-in-crime I could’ve ever asked for, lit up the faces of younger copy editors when she remembered random personal information about them or merely said hi to them. Abby Clukey, my successor as managing editor, spent literally hours per story going over edits with her writers when she was Focus editor, helping them become better journalists. So much is transient at The Cavalier Daily. The leadership changes annually via an election in December. The

content changes based off the constantly shifting nature of what becomes newsworthy on Grounds and in the Charlottesville community. The publication is consistently making strides to become more digital. Yet, through all the shifts The Cavalier Daily sees, a core belief in mentorship has proven to be a constant. And going from being a mentee to becoming a mentor has been the most rewarding experience for me on The Cavalier Daily. Though I was far from perfect, I did my best to utilize what I had learned from previous mentees. For example, following the practice of several mentors, I made it a point to tell staffers — either in person or via text/email — how much I enjoyed reading their article or looking at their design. Or, drawing inspiration from other mentors, I focused on really getting to know my fellow coworkers as people primarily, asking them questions about their lives beyond the newspaper. I’m not sure Matt Morris knows how much he impacted me through his encouragement, but I am certain that

his and my mentor-mentee dynamic is far from the last the paper will see as The Cavalier Daily pushes towards the future. For that, and for the best friends this paper has given me, I will always be grateful.

BEN TOBIN was Managing Editor for the 129th term The Cavalier Daily. Prior to this, he served as Assistant Managing Editor during the 128th term.



h is s emester, I took “ B l ac k Fire” with Prof. C l au d re n a H arol d. T he cl ass co v er s t h e h istory of bl ack st u den t s at t h e Un iv ersity, st ar t ing in t h e 1 9 6 0 s. O n the f ir s t d ay o f c l ass, I scan n ed th e s y l l ab u s an d foun d, to m y s u r p r is e , t h at Prof. Harol d h ad ass igned doz en s of ol d C aval ie r D ail y articl es. A f t er f o u r y ears of writ i ng f o r T h e Caval ier Dail y, th at gl an ce at the B l ack F ire sy l l ab u s s h if t ed my con cep tio n o f t h e p aper. T h e C ava l ier D ail y is th e Un iv ersity ’s p ap e r o f record, where th e great deb a tes that rock th e co m m u nity are record ed. T h e d o gged reporters at T h e C aval ie r Dail y hav e alway s e n s u red th at th e most ear t h - s h akin g ev en ts of the m o m en t w o n’ t be forgotten . O f co u r s e , I person al l y h av en’ t d o ne too much of al l th at . I s p en t m ost of my time on t h e p ap er a s an Arts an d E n t er t ainm en t writer an d edit o r, and I m oon l ig h ted as

a Life col umnist f or the sec on d h al f of m y tim e he re . I had fun with it. I wrote articl es abou t Bru no Mars, Matth ew McConau ghe y, Old C row Med icine S how and al l sorts of othe r artists and en tertain ers. For the L if e section , I wrote abou t m y momen t of f am e on the JPJ Jumbotron and m y love f or stupid iPh one gam e s. I wrote about th e Philad e lp hia Eag l es an d the tru ck s that alway s get stu ck u nd e r the Un iv ersity Ave nu e brid ge . I wrote a d oze n article s about I tal y d u ring m y semester abroad the re . A s A rts an d E n tertainm e nt ed itor, I y el l ed at peop le whe n the y put commas ou tsid e qu otation marks, ignored p u blicity email s f rom stru ggling 2 8-y ear-ol d Charlotte sville sin ger-son gwrite rs and p rev en ted kids f rom writing articl es abou t a cap p e lla g roups. Truly, the stu f f syll abi are mad e of . My col l eagu e s, in the se

p arting shots, will write abou t long nights at the office , the hou rs the y sp e nt bleary-e yed and ru nning on ad re naline , scrap ing toge the r a p rint ed ition at the last m om e nt. W hy d id the y d o it? Becau se the y love jou rnal ism . Bu t I have n’t had too m any long nights at the office , and m y ed itors will atte st that I ne ve r worked f or The Cavalie r Daily becau se I had som e e m otional love aff air with f actu al accu racy or A P style . I worked f or The Cavalie r Daily becau se the p ap e r gave m e f reed om to write abou t p re tty m u ch anything I wanted . I had lee way to e xp e rim e nt, to p oke arou nd , to m ake m istake s. Writing is like p laying p ing- p ong or m ak ing gu acam ole or balancing a broom on you r nose — the m ore you d o it, the be tte r you’ ll be . Cou nting this p arting shot, I’ ve writte n 61 article s f or the p ap e r. The Cavalie r Daily gave m e

the be st th i ng s a n a spi r i ng writer cou ld a sk for — spa ce and i nce nti ve to pra c ti ce . Eq u a lly i mpor ta ntly, Th e Cava li e r D a i ly gave me editors, my favor i te people wh o I d isa g ree wi th 90 pe rce nt of the ti me . Wr i ti ng a lmost a l ways h a ppe ns a lone . Havi ng a com mu ni ty of sma r t people to arg u e wi th i s i nva lu a ble , and I h ave be ne f i ted trem e ndou sly from th e 1 0 pe rce nt of th e ti me th a t th ose ed ito r s we re r i g h t. M a ny of my edi tor s h ave become close fr i e nds ou tsi de th e pap e r, a nd for th a t too, I a m thank fu l. Gra du a ti on h u r tle s to ward s me now, a pproa c h i ng with vomi t- i ndu c i ng speed. I d on’ t k now w h a t wi ll come ne xt for me , bu t I k now I ’ ll kee p w r i ti ng , i n some conte xt or a noth e r. Th e Cava lie r D a i ly h a s ca lc i f i ed th a t am bi ti on. I savor th e c h a lle nge of wr i ti ng , some th i ng I learned w h i le pra c ti c i ng on the se pa ge s. Th i s i s my la st

e ssay for th e pa pe r — bu t th a nk s to Th e Cava li e r D a ily, I k now i t w i ll not be my la st.

BEN HITCHCOCK w as t h e Art s and Ent ert ai nm ent Ed i t o r fo r t h e 1 2 8 t h t erm o f Th e C aval i er D ai l y . H e w as al so a L i fe co l umni st .


HUMOR Obviously, these will go backwards. For suspense. 10. “Game of Thrones” Are you tired of not being invited to any watch parties? Do you find it crazy that almost the entire world sets aside time on Sunday like a national holiday to watch, but you somehow stay on the sideline? Maybe spend this summer trying to catch up, dummy*. *I have never seen “Game of Thrones.” Sue me. 9. “I Think You Should Leave” Okay, this one is not a joke. This show is wacky as heck, and if you’re reading the Humor section of a school newspaper, you’ll go anywhere to find jokes and a cheap laugh. Why not go to your




Top 10 shows to binge this summer laptop and type in “I Think You Should Leave” into Netflix dot com. 8. “You” There is no better way to feel warm, cozy and safe inside than to watch a show about a stalker that completely breaks down the life of a girl and destroys everything she loves from the inside out. Wholesome! 7. “The Office” or “Friends” for the 100th time straight through Look, I love these shows more than anything, but they’ve run their course. Do I love to watch the occasional episode and laugh almost every time? Yes. But loving “the Office” in 2019 is not a personality trait. 6. An Instagram livestream of someone making dinner

You wish you had these ingredients and that work ethic. I swear, if I could set aside the right amount of time to shop locally and buy better ingredients, I would be able to make some sick meals. Oh yeah, and if I had unlimited time and money. Or a private chef. That would help. 5. Wedding footage from your Uncle Gary’s wedding You should’ve let me be the ring bearer, Gary. The wedding would have been so much better. 4. A YouTube compilation of vacation spots you won’t go to this summer Wow, Bali looks absolutely incredible. Swimming with turtles in Hawaii isn’t too shabby either. Maybe if you photoshop yourself into a few pictures and read enough about an exotic lo-

cation, you can convince people next semester that you actually went there! 3. The CCTV monitor at the local Target There’s nothing better than getting the squad together, rolling down to the local Target, making faces at the security camera, and watching yourselves go absolutely bonkers in the monitor. Don’t be too wild, or you’ll get kicked out, and mom’s gonna get mad. Summer 2011, baby. 2. The footage from a camera you installed by your front door because you binged “You” Yeah that’s right. Thanks for watching my recommendation back from number eight on this list! Now that you’re terrified of a stalker breaking into your house and stealing your stuff only to

Thanks, Hoos Gabby Fuller | Cartoonist

return it to you under the guise of a potential romantic partner, keep tabs on your house with a security camera! Now that’s entertainment. 1. Footage from Gary’s divorce proceedings Oh yeah, that’s what you get for not letting me be the ring bearer, Gary.

BEN MILLER is the Humor Editor for The Cavalier Daily. He can be reached at




Lauren Camp is a poet defining place Between “Turquoise Door” and “One Hundred Hungers,” history can be home too

ENTERTAINMENT Ashley Clark | Senior Writer After growing up in New York and working in a range of professions from disc jockey to visual artist, Lauren Camp found a way to blend her art and poetry. Camp spoke with Arts and Entertainment to discuss her love for her craft and her inspirations prior to her reading at New Dominion Bookshop on May 11. “I couldn’t do it easily, and I loved that — I still love that.” Camp said. “That’s still one of my favorite things about it, that it takes so much work and effort and returning to it again and again” After finding a home in poetry — and her gift for it as well — Camp began to travel and write in different places around the country. After residencies in the Pacific Northwest, and writing about her father’s life in Baghdad, it seemed like fate that Camp found her home in the desert lands of New Mexico — specifically when writing in Taos, in the historic home of Mabel Dodge Luhan, an early feminist, arts patron and writer who hoped to create a utopian society in Taos — influenced by the many great artists who once stayed there as well. “The house feels, not old in like an old-fashioned way, but like steady, stable. And it was nice to be there for that,” said Camp. “To be in the rooms that these people would have gathered in, talked in, and worried over whatever it was they were creating.” Camp did create a beautiful poetry collection called “Turquoise Door.” Camp’s fourth collection introduces readers to the cultural background of Taos, N.M. in the early 20th century and Luhan’s home. But Camp did not set out to write about Luhan, Taos or even feel any connection to the house itself. “I didn’t go to her house with any intention of paying any mind to her. She was not on my radar,” Camp said. “She was just the vehicle by which I was going to get to focus on some other projects … But I walked into that house, which is a traditional pueblo revival style home, and I all [of} the sudden was like ‘Who is this woman and how did this come to be?’” “The more I opened that history the more interesting it became,” Camp said. “Mabel was a real vehicle for bringing people together. She was remarkable about that. And I have to say … I don’t think I would have liked Mabel, and I don’t think she would have liked me. But I have a lot of respect for at least this portion of what she did, of bringing people together — into conversation, and giving people opportunities to explore their own creativity in the space she had created.” Camp found a home in the same space that great artists — Georgia O’Keeffe and D.H. Lawrence to name


Author Lauren Camp will share her work, including her latest poetry collection entitled “Turquoise Door” at New Dominion Bookshop May 11.

a few — who stayed in Taos alongside Luhan did, but her writing is not just tied to the artists who also held residency there. Anywhere Camp goes seems to weave its way into her heart and her writing, but New Mexico certainly holds a special spot. “I landed here in New Mexico, and suddenly place, like the place I belonged for the first time made sense,” Camp said. “And every other place I went I was great at just sort of settling in for a while and then I would be done and then I would think okay this isn’t doing it somehow, this isn’t enough. And then I would go off in search of some other thing. I don’t

even know if you had asked me if I would have said it was a place I just needed some other experience. And then I moved to New Mexico and I didn’t need that in the same way.” But she won’t just be writing about New Mexico from this point on. Camp is headed to Montana for her next residency and according to her, “I seem to write what’s right in front of me. I don’t have very longrange plans” Camp said. “It’s like, so if I leave here if I leave to do a residency — like this summer I’m leaving to do a residency in Montana which is thrilling to me because it means a new perspective, but I seem to write

what’s right in front of me. Like if I were to go to Paris, I’d write about Paris.” “It’s my way of learning, of consolidating the experience, of holding the experience, or maybe even just understanding — to paying attention,” Camp said. “So because I’m here I will continue to write about here, there’s plenty here, and actually, there’s plenty everywhere to write about for anybody who is willing to pay attention. But again, I don’t know whether I will take on another large project about New Mexico or New Mexico history, ‘Turquoise Door’ was kind of complex because it ended up being about

history and a little bit about politics and about culture and about the environment and environmental dangers, and me.” Camp will be in the Shenandoah Valley for 11 days, starting with a reading at New Dominion Bookshop May 11. With talent and wisdom to spare, we’re lucky to have her visit our side of the country — maybe we’ll even make it into her next collection.



It’s time to face the music Songs that will get you in the feels about the fact that you’ll never see your friends again Kate Granruth | Arts and Entertainment Editor Whether you’ve just packed up your first-year dorm or you’re about to wear the honor of honors and toss your graduation cap into the air, saying goodbye is never easy. It’s even harder when you’ve just finished a soul-crushing final exam period and are sitting in your parents’ car on the drive home, emotionally drained and exhausted with no capacity to feel anything except relief that you’re finally done. How could you possibly summon the strength to say goodbye? It’s simple — listen to these songs curated specifically to make regret all those times you wished the school year was over. “Where We Go” by P!nk This track of P!nk’s “Beautiful Trauma” album perfectly encompasses the mixed bag of fear, excitement and homesickness that overwhelms anyone right before they leave their comfort zone. “As we contemplate goodbye / I don’t know, we don’t know, where we go,” P!nk sings, two simple lines that repeat throughout the song, mirroring the feeling a graduate might have, knowing they have to leave but not yet knowing where they’re headed. Yet, there still exists a way back home. The lyrics “There’s a road that takes me home / Take me fast or take me slow” might as well be talking about Route 29 carrying students old and new to and from the University. “The Last Time” by Taylor Swift and Gary Lightbody There’s no denying that this song is intended to be a tragic love song, where two lovers are trying to make their romance work for the last. But the song’s opening lyrics are what make it relevant to this scenario. “Find myself at your door / Just like all those times before / I’m not sure how I got there / All roads they led me here.” This coupled with the repetition of “This is the last time I’m asking you this” transform the heartbreak of this song from one of romance to one reminiscent of last first days, of doing something you do all the time for the very last time. “Woke Up New” by The Mountain Goats Told from the perspective of someone waking up in a new situation for the first time, The Mountain Goats capture that feeling you get when you wake up in your own room again on the first day of summer, no roommate beside you, no U.Va. outside your door. “On the morning when I woke up without you for the first time / I felt free and I felt lonely and I felt scared,” the band croons. “And I began to talk to myself almost immediately / Not being used to being the only person there.” Crying yet? If not,

you will be by the time the chorus hits. “And I sang oh, what do I do? / What do I do? / What do I do? / What do I do without you?” Now go hug your roommate. “Big Jet Plane” by Angus & Julia Stone This is the song that should be playing when you’re saying goodbye to your out-of-state best friend at the airport. Enough said. “Drops of Jupiter” by Train This song goes out to your high school best friend, the one you drifted apart from when you went off to your respective colleges. As such, this song is the epitome of bittersweet goodbyes, balancing the feelings of grieving the past with enjoying the present and looking forward to the future. The line “And did you miss me while you were / looking for yourself out there?” is what makes this song relevant to the college experience, simultaneously covering nostalgia and self-transformation. “Good Old Days” by Macklemore (feat. Kesha) This song is the final step in turning into a post-grad wistfully looking back on their time as an undergraduate. This is the song that makes you realize that all of the old people who told you, “Slow down, you’re going to miss this!” were actually right all along. The chorus, sung by Kesha, is where this sentiment is loudest and proudest. “I wish somebody would have told me babe / Someday, these will be the good old days / All the love you won’t forget / And all these reckless nights you won’t regret.” Just imagine that playing as you’re about to walk the Lawn with your class for the last time. And then, she brings it home with “Someday soon, your whole life’s gonna change / You’ll miss the magic of these good old days.” Cue the waterworks. Honorable Mentions: “I Hope You Dance” by Lee Ann Womack Relevant lyric: “I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean / Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens” “Keep Your Eyes Open” by NEEDTOBREATHE Relevant lyric: “‘Cause if you never leave home, never let go / You’ll never make it to the great unknown” “Home” by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros Relevant lyric: “Ah, home, let me go home / Home is wherever I’m with you” “The Night We Met” by Lord Huron Relevant lyric: “I’ve been searching for a trail to follow again / Take me back to the night we met”


Listen to these songs that will make you regret all those times you wished the school year was over.



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