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A legacy long in the making

The Black Student Alliance at the University has a long history extending the course of 52 years, yet many of its demands are unfulfilled to this day

Words by Booker Johnson

“T he Black Student Alliance facilitates community for Black students at an institution that may otherwise feel unwelcome to them,” said Norah Mulinda, a fourth-year College student and former BSA special events chair. “It can be difficult for students to transition into a space that wasn’t built for them, surrounded by people who may not always be looking out for them. BSA provides resources, companionship, and advocacy for Black students at the University who may have otherwise felt siloed from the overwhelmingly white majority.”

The Black Student Alliance was formed in 1969 by a group of Black students who sought to create an organization they could call their own. It describes its mission as an organization that articulates the voices and concerns of the Black student population at the University.

JaVori Warren, Class of 2020 alumna and former BSA President for the 2019-20 academic year, outlined her desire to continue BSA’s goals of supporting Black students at the University.

“[BSA’s] main goal is to empower and uplift the Black community, which we strive to do by hosting numerous programs and opportunities for students to engage in specifically catered towards Black students and the Black student experience,” she said.

The Black Student Alliance has a history of empowering Black students both at the University and within the larger Charlottesville community itself. In October of 1975, the Black Student Alliance released its “Proposal For The Establishment of an Office of Minority Affairs At The University of Virginia,” demanding, among other things, the creation of an office to support Black students at the University by the summer of 1976.

That same month, 300 Black students marched to then-University President Frank L. Hereford’s residence to present the proposal, resulting in his promise that the University would begin addressing their concerns.

Following the proposal and march, Dr. William M. Harris, Sr. was appointed as the Office of African American Affairs’ first dean and assistant provost in July 1976, and the office formally opened on March 4, 1977.

Over the course of the organization’s 52 year history, BSA has repeatedly made demands for change, many of which the University has failed to meet.

“There have been demands that have been met in the past,” Warren said. “But the overwhelming majority of demands from not just BSA, but Black students [in general] and other Multicultural Student Organizations, just haven’t been.”

In recent years, BSA has released demands in the aftermath of events that have caused harm to Black communities, each time calling upon the University to address these instances of aggression. For example, one month after the violent arrest of Martese Johnson in March 2015, BSA released a report entitled “Towards a Better University,” which it wrote with consultation from the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and the endorsement of 29 other student groups. The document incorporated requests for increasing the Black faculty and student yield and for the University to implement a “Culture of Truth” to go in hand with its “Community of Trust.”

Then, in the aftermath of the Unite the Right rally of Aug. 11 and 12, 2017 — when self-identified white supremacist groups marched through campus to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue in downtown Charlottesville — BSA organized the March to Reclaim Our Grounds event.

The March To Reclaim Our Grounds was a community-wide event, which invited guest speakers including students, Charlottesville com-

“It’s definitely disheartening and it can be a little discouraging when you see that you’re asking for the same things that Black students and the Black Student Alliance have been asking for since 1969,” Warren said. Another demand, made in 2020, called directly for “the University to include students in the decision-making process regarding COVID-19 responses that impact students.” Deric Childress Jr., current BSA president and third-year College student, also expressed his dissatisfaction with the University’s failure to respond to the demands of Black stuBSA has supported protests to remove the Clark Statue, which celebrates dents.

American brutality towards Native Americans. Photo by Ava Proehl. “I feel like the University has failed munity resident speakers and Black Voices. The the Black community once again,” Chilattendees marched throughout campus, taking the dress Jr. said. “Years back and then just recently same path that the white supremacist rally pro- with us restating the demands in our grievances testers traversed, to “reclaim these grounds built after the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Tayby our ancestors from the taint of white suprema- lor and George Floyd … I think only one or two cy,” the event flyer on Facebook said. Along with of those [demands] have been met.” the march, BSA organized a list of 10 demands, BSA however, still plans to work with the one of which included a “special emphasis” on University to better outcomes for Black students. improving relations with the Charlottesville com- “I feel like going forward BSA will constantly munity. reiterate these demands for as long as we need

In June of 2020, as a response to the recent to until they’re met, ‘’ Childress said. “[We] … COVID-19 pandemic and the deaths of George constantly discuss with administration what BSA Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, BSA needs done and what we need as a community … shared via social media a “Reiteration of Historic, and organization going forward.” Yet Unmet, Demands.” The list outlines various Childress also expressed how it’s important demands that the University has failed to address, for the Black Student Alliance to create a space citing demands that date back to as early as 1970 of comfort for Black students at the University and that came from various student organizations after they have been admitted. operating in the University. “BSA [wants] to continue creating space and

One of these demands — originally made in fostering relationships to make the Black experi1970 — called for the University to “publicly ence at U.Va. better,” he said. “We’re constantly commit itself to accepting 20 percent as a goal revitalizing things, so overall we want to become for the enrollment of Black students throughout a better Black Student Alliance for the Black peothe University; and further, that $100,000 be allo- ple at U.Va. [Our goal is] to represent our people cated for Black admissions programs.” well and accomplish what our people need and

The University has failed to meet this demand want.” since then. In 1991, Black students comprised To help accomplish this, the Black Student 12.1 percent of the University’s student popula- Alliance organizes several events throughout the tion — the highest it has been in the University’s academic year for students to build a communihistory — yet this year, Black students only com- ty and more easily foster relationships with their prise 6.8 percent of undergraduates. peers. These events have also addressed import-

ant issues that Black students face, such as as- mat, but they have also made plans to support stusemblies of students in response to instances of dents as they return to campus from a summer police brutality. drastically impacted by COVID-19.

One assembly was held in September of 2016 “[We want] to try to make sure that we’re bein participation with the “National Die-In” in ing more accessible to other topics that have come which students stood outside of Old Cabell Hall. up recently — just trying to make sure that we’re Facing the Rotunda, students stood in solidari- addressing the mental and emotional toll that [the ty with the lives lost to police brutality — a re- summer of 2020 had] on Black students,” Warren sponse directly related to the deaths of Terence said. “[We want to] make sure that we’re supportCrutcher and Keith Lamont Scott in Tulsa, Okla. ing students, knowing the coronavirus is disproand Charlotte, N.C., respectively, at the hands of portionately affecting Black and brown commupolice officers. nities.”

Following the act of the “n-word” being writ- Events hosted by the Black Student Alliance ten in permanent marker on the Kent-Dabney have provided different opportunities for those first-year dorms in 2016, the Black Student Al- who participate. While these events are usualliance held “Dorm Talks.” These discussions in- ly social and aid students in creating bonds and volved BSA members visiting different dorms forming memories with their peers, these events around campus to share a presentation discussing have also served a purpose in igniting and creatthe dangers of implicit bias and microaggressions ing opportunities for leadership among students and describing the importance of anti-racism. who have an interest in deepening their involve-

While some of BSA’s events have been orga- ment within the organization. nized in response to racist Through leadership opacts experienced on campus, other events are for “I feel like the portunities such as roles on the executive board, joining the sake of socializing, University has failed committees and pioneerbuilding relationships and ing group events, students forming new bonds and the Black community have also been able to purfriendships. These events include Welcome Week, once again.” sue some of their own personal interests and create a which is hosted in the platform for others to share fall for new students, Black Ball, which is host- their stories and experiences as well. This has ed every February during Black History Month, also allowed students to reach out to Black resand BLACKOUT, which is an outdoors event that idents within their community and connect with celebrates all of the Black graduates at the Uni- different people across the country. versity held at the end of the semester, as well Ciara Blackston — Class of 2020 alumna and as various other activities which encourage social BSA vice president for 2018-19 and 2019-20 acconnection. ademic years — reminisced on her time in BSA

Even though COVID-19 has restricted BSA’s and how attending events eventually led to beability to host the large in-person social gather- coming more active around campus. ings and events that it annually holds, the organi- “What I loved about being vice president is zation has prepared and taken the necessary steps that I had free rein to do specialty events that I to make many of its events accessible to students really thought engaged the community,” Blackwithout breaking health guidelines and restric- ston said. “[During] my third year, I did a movtions for the 2020-2021 academic year. ie screening for ‘Us,’ a Jordan Peele film, and

“[We will] always have some sort of virtual or then during my fourth year, I was able to lead the online component to all of our events and meet- charge in bringing Cyntoia Brown to Grounds.” ings,” Warren said. It is not uncommon for the Black Student Al-

BSA has not only done the work to transition liance to bring in nationally recognized guest their typically in-person events to an online for- speakers. Back in February of 2013, BSA held

an event for American activist and poet Nikki community at U.Va.” Giovanni, who spoke on the importance of stu- The other committees that the Black Student dent activism and held a book signing for those Alliance offers for students are the communicawho attended. tions committee, finance committee and member-

Past guest speakers have also included Uni- ship committee. Every committee in BSA serves versity faculty. In February of 2019, the Black a specific niche, but they also make up part of the Student Alliance hosted an event with Beverly larger BSA experience. Adams, assistant dean and associate psychology “The Black Student Alliance has broadened professor, who spoke on the stigmas and signifi- my scope in many ways,” Mulinda said. “It has cance of mental health within the Black commu- molded me into a better university student and nity — an event that was also co-sponsored by the overall citizen. It has helped me to see that even Eta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity as a student, I have the power to challenge systems Inc., a historically African American intercolle- and demand change. It has also taught me the imgiate Greek-letter fraternity. portance of valuing the community that you’re in

BSA has also held events throughout the fall and being a support system for the Black Charlotsemester that have provided students with a space tesville community as they continue to be for us.” to talk about their frustrations, what’s on their While the Black Student Alliance is a Univermind and how they are traversing through the se- sity-oriented organization, BSA has also shown mester. One of these events was an Election Processing Community Space, held in “We want to make sure that students conjunction with the Na tional Pan-Hellenic Coun - know that we support them … [and cil in November of 2020. The event created “an open that] their well-being is our priority” and safe space for Black students to debrief and share their thoughts re- its support of the Black community beyond Unigarding the election.” BSA also organized several versity walls. In June of 2020, the Black Student presidential and vice presidential debate watch Alliance pulled from its own resources to donate parties through their Political Action Committee directly to Charlottesville organizations that were throughout the 2020 presidential election season. dedicated to uplifting the Black Charlottesville

However, organizers say it is also important community. In a previous article by The Cavathat students feel safe and open to actively engage lier Daily, Warren discussed how she encouraged in these events. others to donate to their local community as well,

“We want to make sure that students know that whether it be in Charlottesville or somewhere we support them … [and that] their well-being closer to home. is our priority,” Warren said. “We’re also talking Even though BSA has done past work supportabout those harder-to-have conversations of real- ing the Charlottesville community directly, memly challenging our own internal ideals ... [as well bers have no plans to stop their work at just makas] those ideals that ... we maybe don’t take the ing donations to organizations that empower the time to really analyze.” Black community.

In catering to individual interests, the Black “I would love to see BSA do more within the Student Alliance has several sub-committees stu- Charlottesville community [and] make sure that dents can apply to. as a Black population within Charlottesville —

“We have academic development, professional both students and Charlottesville residents — development [and] social, cultural, political and that we can become more united, as I think that special events.” Childress said. “Through those is a great way to build a coalition that can work,” committees, we allow people to build relation- Blackston said. ships and become more familiar with the Black The Black Student Alliance has also opened

its doors to those who come from various back- shared their dissatisfaction with how the Univergrounds and, as an organization, has worked to- sity has failed to recognize and appreciate the wards creating a space where both Black students work that directly went into the creation of the and their allies can learn and grow. University. They emphasized the goal of BSA to

“BSA provides a safe environment where you ensure that Black contributions are formally reccan speak freely without being afraid of judge- ognized just as much as other contributions made ment,” said Holly Battist, third-year Education by their white counterparts. student and BSA executive board member, in an “I think that U.Va. is very content in doing surinterview with the Cavalier Daily. “We host many face level acts that give the appearance of activevents not just for Black students, but for anyone ism,” Blackston said. “I know that U.Va. loves to who is interested.” create a committee, loves to do all [of] the things

However, the COVID-19 pandemic has affect- that sound great in media bytes, but in terms of ed the coordination of these events for commu- doing the real work, they often neglect [doing the nity-wide engagement at the University to some real work].” small extent. As the Black Student Alliance continues in its

“Prior to [COVID-19] happening, we had efforts to work with the University and uplift the goals moving forward to try and keep Black stu- voices of its Black students and Black Charlottesdents engaged — to encourage more unity among ville community members, it has guided its memBlack organizations and co-sponsorships with bers towards success by supporting them through other Multicultural Student Organizations,” War- hardships during their time at the University. ren said. “[The Black Student Alliance is] definitely

One of the core values of the Black Student something that I’m extremely grateful for,” WarAlliance, alongside creating a place of comfort ren said. “When we do go through situations, [I’m for students, is recognizing and remembering the grateful] that I do have an exec board… and comhistory of Black workers, student alumni and BSA mittee members … it’s a community at the end of itself, all of which have largely contributed to the the day, BSA really is a family for me … [and] success of the University today. it’s motivated me to always advocate for Black

“History is so important, especially to me, and students and [for] white people [as well]. I don’t I think to the other members of BSA as well. Just know what my U.Va. experience would look like knowing your history as a student organization without BSA.” can really set the tone for where you guys go when you’re moving forward,” Warren said.

While BSA strives to keep the history of the organization and Black members of the University community alive, part of keeping that history alive also includes pushing the University towards recognizing the Black people that have contributed much of their life to the University’s success.

“[Enslaved people] built the University, [and] it took [the University a long time] to put some sort of remembrance for enslaved laborers,” Childress said, referencing the recently completed Memorial to Enslaved Laborers.

Other members of the Black Stu- The Memorial for Enslaved Laborers was unveiled in 2020. dent Alliance’s executive board also Photo by Cyrena Mantingou.

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