"Cosmic Wings of Change" The 2017 Brandeis HS Mural

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PUBLIC ART YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM SUMMER 2017 Cosmic Wings of Change by Westside Thunder Unveiling Celebration Tuesday, August 8th, 10:00 AM Louis D. Brandeis High School Campus 145 West 84th Street New York, NY 10024 Frank Parga, Teaching Artist Kristy McCarthy, Teaching Artist

About the Mural

This mural captures the diversity of the people of the Upper West Side as well as the history of the ongoing evolution of the neighborhood. The far left side features the profiles of children, representing hope for the future; while the far right side features the faces of adults and senior citizens, representing the collective wisdom and contributions of the community. The central section depicts Seneca Village, a community of free blacks that was raized to make way for Central Park, the explosion of row houses spurred by the development of the rapid transit system, and the current development of high-rise buildings of glass and steel.

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Frank McCourt High School Global Learning Collaborative Innovation Diploma Plus Success Academy Charter School - UWS Urban Assembly School for Green Careers

FROM BRIAN RICKLIN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR For many of us, a summer job was our introduction to the working world. It’s a fundamental rite of passage, and a big step towards adulthood. I believe young people who land a summer job with Creative Art Works’ Public Art Youth Employment program have truly lucked out, not because our jobs are easy, but because they are challenging in unique ways. Many of our Youth Apprentices have no previous art-making experience, so they have to venture outside their comfort zones and try things they didn’t know they could do. Because they are expected to deliver a beautiful finished product in just six weeks, and satisfy multiple stakeholders, our young people must learn to work as a team, to assert their identities, to compromise, to solve problems, and to advocate for their ideas. There is a healthy dose of pressure, as well as an enormous sense of accomplishment that comes from seeing their completed artwork and its impact. While it is possible to take away lessons from any work experience, I would argue that those jobs that involve the creative process offer some unique lessons. Aside from mastering the technical skills of painting or using professional cameras and video editing software, our Youth Apprentices must learn to deal with uncertainty. The idea that there are predetermined “correct” answers is supplanted by a constantly evolving cycle of judgment calls. In this environment, you must not only come to trust yourself, you must also trust your collaborators – to listen to them openly, embrace their different perspectives, and evaluate ideas solely on their own merits. In today’s rapidly changing world, perhaps the most important habit our young people could develop is the capacity and desire to become life-long learners. Today, we are excited to share with you youth-generated work, which we believe embodies that spirit.

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Andrea George Teaching Artist Kristy McCarthy

Leard Scott, Jr. Enmanuel Jaquez Franklin Feliz Executive Director Miguel Nunez Andy Welsh Brian Ricklin Jordy Moran


Simeon Coulter Devon Patterso

Shanya Cosme

Hitchweist Juste

Anayi Castro

n on


Genny Poalasin Arecis Sasha Zane Estevez Michelle Ng Perez

Teaching Artist Frank Parga

Justin Ivory Denzel Bonilla Suazo

Mookie Brooks

Evans Frimpong

Kenya Jefferson

Andrenina Leon Kelly Jones


Denzel Bonilla Suazo Denzel is 16-years-old and goes to Dewitt Clinton High School. His family is from Honduras. Denzel's first year with Creative Art Works has allowed him to pursue his interest in art. What he has learned from this job is that he enjoys helping others and contributing to a group project, and he has realized how productive he can be.

Genny Raquel Poalasin Genny is 15-years-old and is from Washington Heights. She was raised by her father and sister. She attends Evangel Christian School in Queens, and will be a sophomore this fall. This is her first job experience and her first year working with Creative Art Works. She enjoys makeup and playing volleyball. She also plans on being a future interior designer or a professional volleyball player. While working with Creative Art Works, she learned teamwork and collaboration while also meeting a great group of friends.


Kelly Jones Kelly is a 16-year-old from Harlem, NY. She goes to Fredrick Douglas Academy. This is her first year as a Creative Art Works Youth Apprentice, but she has worked previously in a hair salon. What makes Kelly unique is that she always has a leader's attitude but also knows how to bring joy and happiness to any situation. Kelly is very athletic and talented. She is very good at playing basketball and has many trophies to show her love for the game. Kelly has enjoyed her summer work experience mastering her art.

Sasha Estevez Sasha is 14-years-old and lives in Harlem. She just completed middle school and now is going into high school as a freshman. Coming into this job, she expected to just paint, but it has been more than that. She has learned to try skills that she never imagined she could learn, met new people, and worked with them as a team.


Arecis Tiburcio Zane Arecis is 17-years-old and lives in Hamilton Heights. She attends LaGuardia Arts High School. Arecis is a mac & cheese fanatic and an excellent baker. She makes lifechanging chocolate chip cookies. She likes spending time exploring and taking photographs. Prior to working with Creative Art Works, she worked as a babysitter. The best thing about working with Creative Art Works is that she has been able to continue doing art with others even after the school year was over. Also, she has been able to meet new people who are uplifting and supportive.

Debonair “Devon� Patterson Devon is a sixteen-year-old sophomore at the High School Of Art and Design, in which he will major in cartooning. He has had previous art experience in a Bronx program, named BRAC, and has attended the Mentor-Linc Art Camp. This summer work experience has helped him open up more and grow as a person. What helped the most with this is acquiring new art skills and new friends from different and diverse backgrounds.


Enmanuel Jaquez Enmanuel is a 17-year-old innovator, born and raised in the Dominican Republic. He is very passionate about sports and changing people's lives. He loves playing basketball and giving people advice. He has enjoyed collaborating with Creative Artworks and his teammates to create the amazing “West Side Thunder� mural. Enmanuel believes murals are very important because they are a form of communication where people can find beautiful hidden messages.

Anayi Castro Anayi Castro is 18-years-old. She will be attending Borough of Manhattan Community College, majoring in human services this fall. She has done a mural before with Creative Art Works as an extra curricular activity. She spent her senior year doing a lot of after school activities such as Pen Pals, Students for Animals (SfA), mock trial, Creative Art Works, yearbook club, and graduation slide show. Anayi is really appreciative to have gotten a chance to work with Creative Art Works again. It has been a great summer, and she has gotten the chance to meet many new people and talented artists.


Andrenina Leon Nina is 17-years-old and attending Borough of Manhattan Community College. She's a colorful person, who loves fashion, art, music, and animals. Nina is Dominican. She wants to be a psychologist. This is her second project with Creative Art Works. She loved her experience this summer because of all the new people that she has meet.

Leard Scott, Jr. Leard is a 17-year-old and is attending the university of FIT. This is his first year with Creative Art Works, and is very happy to collaborate with his team. He finds ways to communicate by using symbols in his art work. He has gained a lot of art skills, such as gridding and painting, over the course of the program.


Michelle Ng Perez Michelle is an 18-year-old collegebound student from Washington Heights. This is her first job with Creative Art Works. She loves to draw, so Creative Art Works provided an amazing experience for her as an artist and as a person. Working on the mural, from the first draft to the final result, allowed her to collaborate with new people, step out of her comfort zone, and express herself in fun, creative ways. She is proud of the mural, and she would like to thank everyone who helped her make it to this point as well as the friends and family who support her work.

Evans Frimpong Evans is a first generation college student, originally from Ghana. He's a computer science major with an interest in art. During his high school years, he interned at various art/ history institutions and organizations like the MET museum, New York Historical Society and the Museum of Jewish Heritage. During his leisure time, he enjoys playing soccer and reading. Evans' favorite thing about the Creative Art Works program is meeting different people and using art to bring a positive influence in a community.


Hitchweist Juste Hitchweist is 21-years-old and was born in Haïti. He draws, writes poems, and sings. He’s known to be kind and compassionate to others. He’s unique, because he respects everyone and is easy to get along with. Creative Art Works helped Hitchweist realize that he is quite good with his art. Plus, he made a lot of wonderful friends who call him “Hi!” After this summer job, he will continue with his studies in college to become a nurse, but he will never forget that painting this mural wasn't just a job. He will always remember that, to him, it was one of the many ways that he’s planning on showing his love to his community.

Simeon Coulter Simeon, hailing from Washington Heights, has a deep passion for art. He enjoys spending his time sketching images and then adding a full creative touch in Illustrator. This is his first professional mural and he believes that visual art can bring people together.


Shanya Cosme Shanya is 17-years-old and she is from Manhattan. She is a senior at the High School For Environmental Studies. Shanya is a passionate music lover and creative writer. She is adventurous and laid back. This is her second year working for Creative Art Works, but her first time joining the mural team, which has been a lot of fun and a great experience. She will not forget this program for helping her be more creative and open to her peers.

Franklin Feliz Franklin is 20 years old and lives in The Bronx. He is hoping to attend BMCC in the fall. He spends his time playing video games and caring for his grandmother. Franklin is very good at drawing, favoring the anime art style over most others. He is also the most likely to point out cars by name and model when walking outside. This summer with Creative Art Works work has been a refreshing experience for him, and he has enjoyed learning new painting skills and making new friends.


Justin Ivory Justin is 18-years-old, and he is a senior at Hudson High School. He lives in Manhattan and this is his first time participating in the Creative Art Works program. He thinks the program has helped him learn teamwork and develop all around art skills. He would like to be a cartoonist.

Zentra “Mookie� Brooks Mookie is 19 years old. Mookie is space. Mookie is the universe. Mookie is Mozart. Mookie is unique because she is righteous. Mookie is Science. Mookie is Art & Soul. Mookie is attending college. Mookie is dance.


Andrea George Andrea is 14-years-old and a freshmen at the High School of Health Professions and Human Services. She was born in Guyana, and came to New York at a very young age. This is her first job, and she plans to continue working through high school. She spends her time watching TV, drawing, and reading. Her dream is to become a pediatrician or a lawyer, but she would also like to travel throughout the United States.

Kenya Jefferson Kenya is 14-years-old and lives in Lower Manhattan. This is her first year working with Creative Art Works, and although she doesn't have much art experience, she has learned the importance of being in a team and that if you put your all into your drawing, it will come out great. She connects this idea to the rest of her life, because she was taught that if you try your best in everything that you do, you will come out on top.


Miguel Francisco Nunez Miguel was born in Manhattan, New York, and is currently enrolled in Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School. He was in Creative Art Works last year as part of the Multimedia Team. He enjoys illustrating and drawing. He spends his free time reading, playing video games, and watching TV. Miguel feels his experience with Creative Art Works team has been a great time and it has taught him the importance of team work and art skills.

Teaching Artist Frank Parga Frank received his BFA at the University of Texas at El Paso and an MFA in Studio Art from NYU. He is a Teaching Artist with Lincoln Center, Creative Arts Works and the Brooklyn Arts Council, working on various mural projects and creative workshops. Frank has been the recipient of multiple fellowships and residencies, including the Jacob Lawrence Foundation’s Visual Harlem Grant Program. He was selected as Resident Artist for the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s Residency at the Woolworth Building and later received the Weir Farm Trust Residency in Wilton, CT, as well as the Joshua Tree National Park Artists Residency, CA. His work has been shown internationally.


Jordy Moran Jordy Moran is a 16-year-old who was born and raised in Harlem. He attends A. Philip Randolph Campus High School, and he has a passion for music. This is his first year with Creative Art Works, and while he was not familiar with art previously, he has enjoyed working collaboratively with the other Apprentices and learning how to sketch and draw. He has had a great time meeting new people and doing something different.

Teaching Artist Kristy McCarthy Kristy, (a.k.a. D. Gale), is a self-taught painter, muralist, and community organizer. She has lived in East Harlem for eight years and is the founder and director of the Harlem Art Collective. She has painted murals and organized public art projects all over the world and in El Barrio. The themes of her work often deal with the interconnection between people and nature, as well social justice issues. This is her second year as a Teaching Artist with Creative Artworks. Her portfolio is available at www.Dgaleart.com.



About the Public Art Youth Employment Program

Public Art Youth Employment Programs give teens and young adults full-time summer jobs and part-time jobs after school to create large-scale public art and multimedia projects. Youth Apprentices are guided by professional teaching artists from the initial concept development through client presentation, to the final edit and public unveiling or premier. Along the way, they gain tangible employment and life skills such as leadership, teamwork, responsibility and the power of taking initiative. They are empowered by the enduring accomplishment in their work of art and its positive impact on the community.

About Creative Art Works

Creative Art Works (CAW) is a 31-year-old nonprofit that empowers young people through the visual and multimedia arts. Our programs equip children, teens, and young adults with essential tools and skills; connect them with community, academic success, and career opportunities; and inspire them to reach for new possibilities. Working in underserved neighborhoods of New York City, in public schools, community centers, parks, and libraries, CAW provides dynamic art-making experiences for youth who otherwise lack access. Our programs build confidence, unlock a love of learning, and teach valuable technical and developmental skills while creating profound connections between our young constituents, their art and their communities. Students are never charged for participation in our programs. www.creativeartworks.org Creative Art Works is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, EIN #13-3638436 Copyright © 2017 Creative Art Works. All rights reserved.

Creative Art Works hires Youth Apprentices directly and as a worksite manager with the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development Summer Youth Employment Program. Programs are implemented in partnership with Catholic Charities of New York Alianza Division, Children’s Aid Society, Inwood Community Services, and Police Athletic League. CAW’s 2017 Public Art Youth Employment Program is made possible, in part, by public funds from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the New York City Council. Direct support is provided by Brookfield, Crowell & Moring Foundation, RBC Foundation USA, Sherwin Williams, State Street, Structure Tone, and by individual donors.


“We were created to make the world a better place.” – Jordy Moran Creative Art Works Youth Apprentice

520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 201A New York, NY 10018 646.424.0392 www.creativeartworks.org Creative Art Works is a 501(c)(3), EIN #13-3638436 Copyright © 2017 Creative Art Works. All rights reserved. 20

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