Cayuga Alumni Spartan Fall-Winter 2013

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Spartan THE

Auburn Today

Auburn 1953

Fulton 2001

Fulton Today FALL/WINTER 2013


Auburn/Cayuga CC Turns 60 - Part Deux In the spring/summer edition of The Spartan, we told the story of how our college came to be, sixty years ago. And in Roman Janus mythology, Janus is the god of beginnings, endings, doorways and time. From its beginnings at the original location on James Street,

The ‘80s

Forum at CCC; hundreds of area citizens attend

Mid-to-late 1980’s


s Prof. James Cranfield helps

s Spartan

Hall opens; Nature Trail Exercise Circuit completed

Dr. Helena B. Howe


reorganize Alumni Association & board of directors established s First alumni Phon-a-Thon raises $6,000

Spartan Hall

s Dr. Anthony

resigns – Dr. Helena B. Howe named fourth president s Alumni Association incorporated with subsequent name change to ACC/CCC Alumni Association

s Campus Pre-School Center established


The ‘90s


s Alumni Association conducts first

formal annual fund drive resulting in 631 donations totaling $23,095 s Newly-completed front entrance and reception area dedicated as Alumni Court


s College celebrates 40th anniversary

s Alumni Association establishes

“Extension Center” with permanent status granted later in year s Perpetual plaque installed in Alumni Court honoring distinguished alumni; first-ever Auburn/Cayuga Alumni Directory produced


s Alumni Director Deborah “Mickey” Lord resigns


s NASA designates CCC as the

Regional Applications Center for the Northeast (RACNE), then the only NASA center in the nation associated with a community college s Elisabeth Hurley named third director of alumni affairs and Foundation development assistant

annual Alumni Awards


s Fulton Extension

s College Foundation established


s Solar Classroom

(Nature Center) opens Nature Center s College celebrates 30th anniversary


s Nursing program receives initial

accreditation from National League for Nursing (NLN) Accrediting Program. To read more on the nursing program: www.cayuga-cc. edu/pdf/alumni/newsletter-2011spring.pdf


s Dr. Howe retires – Dr. Lawrence H. Poole named fifth president s Business Industry Center (BIC) established

into the doorways of a new campus on Franklin Street, our fledgling college grew from 69 students in 1953 to 3,057 students less than thirty years later in 1980. This issue will bring us forward through the past thirty years in honor of the College’s 60th anniversary. The ACC/CCC Alumni Association looks forward to

Site opens its doors in two rented Holy Family School classrooms in the basement of Fulton Education Center with 97 students; later that year moves into the former Holy Family School building on West Third Street s Ginny Iocolano retires – named first ACC/CCC “Honorary Alumni” s Deborah “Mickey” Maywalt Lord ’75 named second director of alumni Ginny Iocolano affairs



s Virginia “Ginny” Iocolano named first director of alumni affairs


s Groundbreaking to connect main and technical buildings

s Gov. Mario Cuomo holds Public A U B U R N / C A Y U G A

s Dr. Poole retires –

Dr. Dennis Golladay named sixth president s Fulton Extension Site receives temporary status as an


continuing to share the stories of our growth for decades to come. [Editor’s note: Timeline data through 2003, researched and compiled by former Alumni Board member and retired college employee Roberta “Bobbie” Bellnier ’89, was excerpted from the 50th Anniversary editions of “The Spartan.” The post-2003 data was researched and compiled by Alumni News Staff.]

A word from the editors: Despite the fact that the College is facing fiscal challenges at present, its history does not halt as we look back; rather, it continues to advance. When the College celebrated its 50th anniversary ten years ago, a comment was offered that still holds true: “An anniversary is an occasion to review and reflect upon the past, cite achievements, recall fond memories, renew contacts.” We have shared the proud history of the College with you in these newsletters and will continue to do so.

Cayuga County One-Stop Center

s “Groundbreaking” ceremony held for expanded Fulton Extension Center at former Jamesway Department Store in Fulton Pyramid Mall

1999 NJCAA Region III football champions


s Spartans win NJCAA Region III football championship

s Auburn and Fulton campuses are connected via distance learning network

Throughout 1990’s

s Building expansion/renovation

completed –– integration of personal computers and email as formal part of communication – smoking ban instituted – Lattimore Hall (independent student residence) opens – state-of-the-art Fitness Center opens

The ‘00s


s Groundbreaking for a regional

economic center on Auburn Campus to house the NASAaffiliated RACNE, Business Industry Center, and the newly-created



New Fulton Center on West Broadway


s Fulton Center moves to new facility on West Broadway

s Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technology (IAGT) created


s Construction begins on new façade for Auburn Campus main building, expansion of Alumni Court, and new 24,000 sq. ft. Regional Economic Center to house NASA Institute, new facility for BIC, and offices for state and county job-related agencies (One-Stop Centers)




Auburn/Cayuga CC Turns 60 - Part Deux...



s Solar Nature Center dedicated

to late Thomas F. Steenburgh, College’s former academic dean

s College radio station WDWN

with the closing of a time capsule embedded in a wall of the James T. Walsh REC on the Auburn Campus, to be opened at College’s centennial s Professor Robert H. Brunell, College’s longest-serving teacher (50 years) and also one of the longest-serving in the SUNY system, dies unexpectedly – bequeaths funds to establish Brunell Chair Robert Brunell in the Humanities

celebrates 40 years of broadcasting

s Construction kickoff at new Fulton

Campus 82,150 sq. ft. facility in the former P&C Foods building at River Glen Plaza; Foundation forms CCCF River Glen Holdings, a subsidiary to purchase balance of River Glen Plaza in Fulton for future Fulton Construction expansion Michael Hollingworth and Shona Falconer

s Alumni Association establishes/


s Elisabeth Hurley retires -- Nancy

Butera Ranieri named fourth director of alumni affairs s REC building rotunda dedicated and named for Dr. Joseph F. Karpinski, Sr., a major benefactor

presents its first Distinguished Service Award


s Early Childhood degree program

earns accreditation by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Commission on Early Childhood Associate Degree Accreditation


s President Golladay resigns to

Ormie King’s ‘Legends’ collection

s Ormie King’s ‘Legends’ collection

added to CCC Library holdings s Regional Economic Center is named as the James T. Walsh Regional Economic Center

assume position as SUNY Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges

s Telcom Dept. launches

two new enterprises— Cayuga Records and C3 Video--to assist individuals to create, develop and launch a new business in electronic media


s Ribbon cutting held for

renovated Cayuga Café and new Bookstore, now located adjacent to Café, lower level of main building

s ACC/CCC Alumni Association

celebrates its 50th anniversary with a special edition newsletter

The ‘10s


s CCC adopts Tobacco Free Air Auburn Campus New Bookstore Opening

Millions of grains of sand were painstakingly laid into place on a flat platform over a period of days to create a Mandala.

s Kick off for

The sand mandala was deconstructed shortly after completion. The sands were swept up, carried to the pond near the gazebo at the nature center, where they were deposited.

College’s 50th anniversary celebration highlighted by “The Mystical Arts of Tibet,” which included a Mandala sand painting, and a gala anniversary dinner dance at the Springside Inn

s Enrollment at all-time high of nearly 4,000 students


s Fulton Center celebrates 10th

anniversary s Anniversary celebration concludes


Irene A. Bisgrove Community Theatre

s Theatre reopens as the Irene A.

Bisgrove Community Theatre after major renovation s The Fred L. Emerson Foundation, Inc. Endowed Chair in Enterprise and Innovation established, nation’s first in entrepreneurship at the community college level s Dr. Daniel P. Larson named seventh president s ACC/CCC Alumni Association presents “Dancing Through the Decades,” a reunion dinner dance and its first major social event in many years


s Nancy Ranieri resigns -- Louise

B. Wilson named fifth director of alumni affairs

space s CCC embraces green energy with installation of photovoltaic solar panels on Spartan Hall roof s Foundation sponsors renowned actor Ed Asner on campus for his one-man production of Actor Ed Asner FDR


s Baltimore City PD chooses CCC

as recruitment site, first outside Baltimore s Nursing graduates achieve first-ever 100% pass rate on NCLEX licensing exam surpassing state/ national levels s Spartan Speakers Toastmasters Club formed on Auburn Campus s CCC selected as one of 30 sites in state to host “New York Remembers” 9/11 9/11 Memorial exhibitions at CCC Auburn


s CCC graduates largest class (680) in its history

s Fulton Campus

dedication/ ribbon cutting ceremony; Fulton Campus Fulton Campus dedication/ ribbon cutting ceremony opens its doors at River Glen Plaza following a $16.1 million capital project s CCC forms the School of Media and the Arts (SOMA) s Prof. Steven Keeler named SUNY Distinguished Professor, the college’s first faculty member to achieve this distinction s CCC establishes regional Consortium to support veterans returning to CNY colleges and universities


s Nursing Class achieves 100% pass rate on NCLEX licensing exam for second consecutive year

s Students create “Roots in the

Finger Lakes” Mosaic Mural on an outdoor campus wall

Throughout 2000’s

s Alumni Association receives various

awards for excellence for its newsletter series and excellence for development and programming for an advocacy program, and expands presence in community s Harlequin Club continues to garner performance awards for its productions, actors, and producers on regional and statewide levels s Telcom faculty and students on receiving end of many national awards, including Telly Awards, for documentaries, short films, video productions, and radio station programming, achieving unprecedented success for community college students. To read more on Telcom: alumni/newsletter-2012-fall.pdf



Stop and Smell the Memories...

Greetings to all of our ACC/CCC Alumni and Friends,

When you smell a particular scent, do you associate it with a memory? It may sound crazy until you think about it. Try this – close your eyes and think about your Auburn/ Cayuga Community College classes or experiences and see if you associate a Louise Wilson particular aroma to them. Let’s start with the obvious: sox that spent a semester in a locker = Spartan Hall locker room. Paint and turpentine = the Art studio. Sawdust = the Theater scene shop. Let’s not forget the omni-present smell of cigarette smoke pretty much everywhere (at least until 2010 when the College adopted a Tobacco Free Air Space). The sweat of fear! = math class. Chloroform = Bio lab. Patchouli = Psychology class. Wait a minute – Patchouli = Psychology class? Sure, because the girl in my Psych 101 class doused herself in the oil daily. To take it a step farther, when I smell patchouli, I think of Victor Garlock, my Psych instructor. Sawdust = Dan Labeille and Rick Churchill who taught me all I know about theater set production. Fear sweat = David Ford, though the fear is slightly tempered by the memory of his cute bow ties. Athletic sweat = Roberta Dobbertin, Carol Brewer and our own alumna, Lin Rooker ’66, for the hours I spent in the gym. Bio lab = chloroform because we used to “anesthetize” the fruit flies we bred in lab class so we could count how many were male vs. female = Ray Leszczynski. The interesting thing about memories is how one leads to another…and another. And, you’ll never guess what the catalyst was that brought all these “smell” memories flooding back. A few weeks ago, Kay Benedict Sgarlata ’63, visited us in the Alumni Office. Kay organized her class’s

Upon completing my first year as President of the ACC/CCC Alumni Association, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the individuals who have helped and supported the Association throughout the year. Board members have Ted Herrling ’72 given their time, hard work and dedication in providing great services and programs to alumni, the college and our local communities. The Alumni Association has had a busy year with various programs and activities, and we look forward to continuing these events in the coming year. This past year we have provided scholarships and book grants to deserving students; published The Spartan newsletter and our e-magazine Get Inspired; increased our presence on Facebook and Linkedin to keep our alumni informed and up to date on alumni and college activities and programs; participated in the college’s annual Holiday Craft Fair; and held our annual Antiques Appraisal Fair. In addition, the Association has provided an excellent agenda of travel opportunities to its members and the public. For this September we have added a second trip to Gettysburg, a favorite destination for many individuals. This past May, CCC graduated 630 students and we welcome all the graduates into our Alumni Association. The morning

50th reunion which was held on July 28. She brought items from her ACC scrapbook, some of which have been reproduced in this newsletter. Included were some dittoed and mimeographed copies. Who remembers those? If you were here pre-1980, your memories will probably include the color purple, and the fumes that permeated every handout and test your instructors passed out. It’s hard to believe that the freshmen who entered our doors this fall have never lived in a world without the Internet! They most surely have never heard the word “mimeograph” or “ditto” when referring to a copy. But they have the opportunity to create memories many of us never had. They will have a totally different experience here than anyone who graduated before 1995 (when the Internet was born). What will trigger a memory of John Campbell’s CAD lab? Or, will they recall Steve Keeler when they think about time spent in the Telcom Video Editing Lab, TV Studio or Radio Station? They won’t think about the smell of chemicals in Tom Casella’s dark room, but how about his Photoshop class? Will they evoke a thought of Judy Campanella ’78 or Kathy Sipling when they breathe in the scent of a book in the Fulton Learning Commons? So, the moral of my ramblings is this: Regardless of when we were alumni, or on which campus we earned our degree, I’m sure we all have our own memories. They are an integral part of our days at ACC/CCC. So be sure to take the time to stop and smell your memories! Louise Barwinczok Wilson ’72 Editor’s Note: ACC/CCC has two published “memory keepers.” To read more about them in past issues of “The Spartan,” visit http://www. (1) Read about Kim Edwards ’78 in fall/ winter 2011, page 7; fall/winter 2008, page 8; and spring/summer 2006, page 24. (2) More on Kay Sgarlata ’63 can be found in spring/ summer 2013, page 21; spring/summer 2011, page 10; and fall/winter 2008, page 8.



Wow – 60 years of history to compress into a timeline of ACC/CCC’s “greatest hits”! It was a daunting task made possible by the incredible wealth of knowledge, secretarial skills and enthusiasm of my assistant editor, Mary Wejko. Though she has been retired from the college for eight years, MK and I keep asking each other, “How does she know all that?” Twice a year I am given the wonderful opportunity to thank my “Marys” as

well as all the people who participate throughout the year to make The Spartan the paper it is. My thanks go out to the CCC staff and faculty who have participated in this issue. I also appreciate the ACC/CCC Alumni Association board of directors for their year of dedication and service to our cause. A very special thanks is extended to our alumni past and present who were our first 60 years – and to our current and future students who will be our next 60 years!

– Louise

Alumni News Staff Editor: Louise Wilson ’72 Assistant Editors: Mary Kriever ’09 and Mary Wejko ’66 Contributors: Alumni Participants, College Community, & others as identified Graphic Design: Mary G. Merritt, MGM Word Studio, Inc. Photography: Alumni & CCC Staff & College Archives or as credited Class Notes: Mary Kriever ’09 Data Entry Management: CCC Data Center Staff Circulation: Gregory Szczepanski ’75 Proofreading: Mary Wejko ’66

FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 3

of graduation, the Association presented Alumni Awards to Patricia M. Callahan ’87 and Michael R. Frame ’99. These individuals have distinguished careers and have given outstanding support to the college, Foundation and Alumni Association. All of the Alumni Association’s programs, services and initiatives would not be possible without the leadership of our director, Louise Wilson, and her assistant, Mary Kriever. Through their hard work and dedication, they have made your Alumni Association the best that it can be. We also are very thankful to Jeff Hoffman of the CCC Foundation and the CCC staff who have given us great support and commitment to our mission of services to our alumni. This year we are losing two of our veteran board members. Special thanks go to Angelo R. Marinelli ’62 and Lloyd E. Hoskins ’74 for their dedication, hard work, and tireless involvement over the past nine years. We appreciate their expertise and commitment and wish them the best in the future. Thank you, Lloyd and Angelo! In September we will be holding our annual meeting where we will set our agenda for the coming academic year. I encourage all interested alumni members to join us and become active in your Association. I personally feel we are the best community college Alumni Association in the state and that would not be possible without your support and assistance. Thank you to all and we look forward to serving you this coming year Ted Herrling, ’72

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE Two members of the Board of Directors of the ACC/CCC Alumni Association have completed their terms. Lloyd E. Hoskins ’74 and Angelo Marinelli ’62 have given a combined 18 years of volunteer service

to the Alumni Board and to the college community. The Board extends its gratitude for their time, leadership and assistance which contributed greatly to the Association’s successful events and activities these past years.

Lloyd Hoskins ’74

Angelo R. Marinelli ’62

In 2003 Lloyd was honored with an ACC/CCC Alumni Association Award for his tireless community efforts, dedication to youth and Cayuga County, and his unfailing support of education and of CCC. He joined the Alumni Board the following year and shares that Lloyd E. Hoskins the most rewarding part of serving for the past nine years has been the opportunity to be a part of the significant contributions that the College makes to its alumni and the community. In addition to being the Executive Director of the Cayuga County Youth Bureau, Administrator for the Cayuga County Assigned Counsel Program, and Coordinator of the Cayuga County STOPDWI Program, Lloyd is a member of the criminal justice adjunct faculty at CCC. He and his wife Georgette own a home on Auburn’s historic South Street. In his spare time, Lloyd enjoys seeking out treasures among antiques for the house and working in the yard. Although his tenure on the Alumni Board has ended, Lloyd continues in his service to the college as a member of the college Foundation’s Board of Directors and is its current president.

Angelo, better known locally as “Sonny,” joined the Alumni Board in 2004 with the goal of becoming active in his alma mater’s activities since he remembered ACC as having given him his beginnings in college education. Angelo R. Marinelli During his nine-year tenure on the board, Angelo served on the Scholarship and Alumni Awards Committees. He also was involved in the planning committees which helped present alumni dinner dance festivities, the Association’s first major social events in years. A retired guidance counselor, Angelo served at the former Mount Carmel High School and at West Middle School in Auburn. He was also an adjunct psychology instructor at CCC. An ardent sports buff, he continues to stay active by officiating at high school basketball, football and softball games for both the Auburn, New York, and Venice, Florida, areas. Angelo and his wife Marlene reside in Auburn, but they enjoy spending winters in the Florida sunshine. They especially enjoy spending time with their family, which includes two children and three grandchildren.



Alumni Association Awards 6 Scholarships The ACC/CCC Alumni Association has awarded six scholarships to new, continuing, transferring, and nontraditional Cayuga students. Recipients are: • Incoming freshman: Kristina Netti from Auburn High School and McKenzie Pace from Red Creek Central School • Returning sophomore: James J. Spinelli (James also received the Freshman Student Scholarship last year.)

• Transferring graduates: Philip DeCicca ’13 transferring to Rochester Institute of Technology, and Emily Sherman ’13 transferring to SUNY Upstate Medical University • Nontraditional student: Kristin Davis Candidates are judged on application essays and scholastic merit; freshman awards are reserved for children or grandchildren of Cayuga alumni.

Alumni Annual Meeting Notice The Annual Meeting of the Auburn/ Cayuga Community College Alumni Association will be held Tuesday, September 10, 2013, at 7 p.m. at Cayuga Community College, 197 Franklin Street, Auburn, NY 13021. Members of the ACC/CCC Alumni Association have voting privileges at this meeting. Proxy votes will be accepted. For more information contact the Alumni Office at (315) 255-1743, extension 2224 or2454, or send an email to

The Annual Meeting will include: • Approval of May 2013 Minutes • Treasurer’s Report • President’s Report • CCCC Foundation Report • Alumni Director Report • New and Old Business • Committee Reports • Election of Board of Directors

Alumni Board members handed out bottled water to our newest alumni at Commencement. Pictured are John McLeod, Amanda Stankus, and Fred Falsey.


ted p e c c ist A L t i a W

150th Anniversary Gettysburg Battlefield

September 20-22 and 27-29 Escorted by John Lamphere Contact Alumni office to get on the Wait List


Alumni Award Winners Two graduates of Cayuga Community College have been honored by the college’s Alumni Association. The 2013 Alumni Awards went to Patricia M. Callahan ’87 and Michael R. Frame ’99. They were honored at a brunch held at the Oak & Vine at the Springside Inn, followed by recognition at the College’s Commencement ceremony on May 19. Patricia Callahan began her studies at CCC as a nontraditional student after her children were grown. Following receipt of her associate’s degree, she continued her education with Empire State College, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree for Studies in Human Development and Society. A long-time volunteer for community and charitable causes, Pat represented the Alumni Association as a member of the board of the college’s Foundation for two terms. She has established two scholarships at Cayuga Community College—the Patricia M. Callahan Scholarship in appreciation of her two-year experience at CCC, and the V. H. and P. M. Callahan Scholarship in recognition of her own success and fulfillment as a transferring, nontraditional student at Empire State College. Patricia continues to support the Foundation through her generous giving and always

encourages those interested in furthering their education to attend Cayuga Community College. Following receipt of a bachelor’s degree in industrial and labor relations from Cornell University, Michael Frame attended the Maxwell School at Syracuse University, where he received his master’s degree in public administration. He became federal relations assistant and policy analyst for the California State University system in Washington, D.C. He then returned to New York State and served as director of special projects for the Metropolitan Development Association in Syracuse. Since 2011, Michael has served as director of federal relations for the State University of New York, and as director of federal relations for Binghamton University, a position he has held since 2006. He has been recognized with a “20 in Their Twenties” award by the Southern Tier Opportunity Coalition and a subsequent “40 Under Forty” by the Central New York Business Journal. Established in 1993, Alumni Awards are presented annually to Auburn/Cayuga graduates who have made outstanding contributions in vocational or artistic achievement, volunteer or public service, or assistance to the college.

New York City

OVERNIGHT November 9-10, 2013

“Do Your Own Thing” with a great location! T H E S PA RTA N


2012-2013 Executive Officers President Ted Herrling ’72 Vice President Gerry Guiney ’82 Treasurer Fred Falsey ’76 Secretary Lori Cochran ’05 Past President Anthony Gucciardi ’61

Board Members Betty DeLuna ’93 JoAnn Harris ’95 Lloyd Hoskins ’74 William F. (Bill) Jacobs ’73 John Lamphere ’74 Angelo Marinelli ’62 John McLeod ’08 Amanda Reed ’06 Amanda Stankus ’03 Terry Wilbur ’08

Ex Officio Members Louise B. Wilson ’72,

Director of Alumni Affairs

Dr. Daniel P. Larson, President, Cayuga Community College

The final board meeting of the season was held on the Fulton campus in May. Members present included: John Lamphere; Terry Wilbur; Bill Jacobs; Tony Gucciardi; John McLeod; Angelo Marinelli; Amanda Reed; Louise Wilson, Alumni Director; Fred Falsey; Amanda Stankus; Ted Herrling; and Jeff Hoffman, CCC Foundation Executive Director.

Thank You, Alumni Board Members We would like to thank the members of the 2012-2013 Alumni Board of Directors for their volunteer efforts on our behalf. The board is charged with the responsibility of establishing policy for the Association. The members oversee programs, chair committees, and work closely with the alumni office

on their many involvements. Without this board, our Association would not be one of the strongest in the SUNY system. A new board will be elected at our annual meeting in September. We will look forward to introducing them to you in our newsletter’s spring/summer edition.

SUNYCUAD Judges Panel A special thanks to alumni Ted Herrling ’72, Gerry Guiney ’82, Lisa Jo Greenfield ’87, Jack Hardy ’73, Bob Gage ’72 and Carol Pennell ’77 for serving on a Judges Panel for the 2013 SUNYCUAD Awards for Excellence Program. The annual awards are sponsored by the State University of New York Council for University Advancement (SUNYCUAD) and recognize programs on SUNY campuses for their exceptional achievement. This is the second year that the ACC/CCC Alumni office has been a host institution. The group was called on to judge entries in the Alumni Programs category which were submitted by colleges throughout the SUNY system.

ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP BREAKFAST The Auburn/Cayuga Community College Alumni Association sponsored the annual scholarship breakfast for area high school seniors and their families this past May. The 24 merit-based scholarships given will help cover the cost of tuition and expenses when the students begin their studies at Cayuga this fall. The awards breakfast also highlighted incoming freshmen who have been accepted into the College’s Honors Program.

Jeffrey Hoffman,

Executive Director, The CCCC Foundation

Martha MacKay,

Associate Director, The CCCC Foundation

FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 3

NOTICE: Constitution Amendment Proposal The ACC/CCC Alumni Association has been working on updating the organization’s Constitution and Bylaws. The proposed revisions will be voted on by those in attendance at the Annual Meeting and Elections to be held on the Auburn Campus, Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 7 p.m. The Association’s Constitution and Bylaws ratified September 11, 2007, specifically Article VIII, Section 1, state: “This constitution may be amended at any annual meeting of the Association by a majority vote of those members present.” Anyone who would like more information on the proposed updates is invited to contact the Alumni Office.



Glad You Joined Us

Washington DC Trip Recap

On July 20, the Alumni Association took 41 passengers on their annual trip to New York City. Although the weather was sunny and humid, our guests managed to enjoy the sights and sounds of the city. Many visited the various museums around Manhattan, while a few took to the water on harbor cruises to see the Statue of Liberty and the beautiful skyline from the Hudson and East Rivers. Several festivals and flea markets were taking place around the island and our travelers knew that these make for some of the best places to get a great bargain or to try a sampling of foods from different cultures. There really is something for everyone to see and do in New York City. Please join us next July on our annual day trip. You can see a show…learn how to fly

On April 19, the ACC/CCC Alumni Association hosted a three-day weekend trip to Washington, D.C. The sold-out trip drew 50 alumni and friends who embarked on a wide variety of sights and experiences that included a visit to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy National Air and Space Museum for a private tour of the facility. Over the next three days, travelers created their own itineraries and visited their choice of historical as well as entertaining points of interest. Pictured at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery are Alumni Director Louise Wilson and members of the CCC History Club. The Association was happy to welcome seven club members on the trip.

NYC Chelsea Market like a Wallenda at the New York Trapeze School…or picnic with family or friends in Central Park. You are free to choose whatever you want to do; the sky’s the limit. Lori Cochran ’05

Alumni Director Louise Wilson with CCC's History Club

A LU M N I AC HI E V ERS Shawn R. Gray ’07

Bruce R. Howard ’78

Unsure if he even wanted to attend college, Shawn began at CCC as a CJ major, along with his high school wrestling teammates. He quickly discovered that he was not that interested in the material but enjoyed his elective classes in biology and chemistry, which fostered his passion for the sciences. He joined the Academic Support Center as a tutor in biology and chemistry and served as vice president of Phi Theta Kappa. Gray transferred to SUNY Oswego where he began majoring in zoology, but later changed to biology and then added physics as a minor. While there, he was copresident of the transfer honor society and co-president of the Biology Club. Following graduation in 2010, Shawn attended Northwestern University earning his Master of Biotechnology (MBP) in 2012. While attending Northwestern, Shawn met and made friends with classmates who originated from all over the world (China, India, Japan, Korea, and Russia). Since middle school, he had been inspired by the rich history and culture of China. Early civilization, as represented by world relics in China, drew his interest at a young age, and in college he wanted to gain a further understanding of the lives of his Chinese colleagues. He first visited China during the years of 2008 and 2010. Since 2012, Gray has been a science instructor at an international high school attached to Beijing Normal University. Thus far, Shawn’s experience with China “has been great.” Although the country is very culturally different from the United States, he is enjoying himself and looks forward to being certified in the language (self-taught) this September. Eventually, Shawn intends on finding a career as an international consultant for the industries of medical advancement and alternative fuel energies. “I am a strong believer in change and that change is for the better. New and improved technologies will provide crucial transformations to medical care and will sustain the demand on energy for mankind. I intend to play a role in these transformations once my oral Chinese and communication skills are up to par.” Gray was a student intern in the Physics Department at SUNY Oswego where he

Howard sampled his first taste of radio when he attended Cayuga Community College in 1976. Following graduation, at the age of 19, he accepted his first paying gig with a station in Watertown, NY. Bruce spent the next nine years learning and honing his craft. He spun records by day and called sports by night, covering Class A baseball and community college basketball. Later, he called football, baseball, and produced a few radio programs in Knoxville and Nashville for two years. In March of 1989, Howard heard from Tulsa baseball general manager Joe Preseren. The Tulsa Drillers were in dire need of a radio play-by-play man. The season was days away from starting and Bruce had been recommended by an official with the Nashville team of the Double-A Southern League. Bruce was eager and ready to handle the chores of a full season of professional baseball and readily accepted the offer. His first game as the official “Voice of the Drillers” opened in Jackson, MS, and the first batter of the game for the Drillers was Sammy Sosa. Howard remained the Drillers’ radio voice for nine summers. As his talents began to be recognized around Tulsa, Howard landed other broadcasting jobs. He called for the Tulsa Fast Breakers of the Continental Basketball Association for three seasons, spent one basketball season with Oral Roberts University, and signed on with the University of Tulsa in 1993 where he handled football and men’s basketball broadcasts. Each of these positions was on a part-time basis. His first full-time position materialized in 1995, when TU created a position for Howard as Director of Sports Broadcasting. He was now “The true Voice of the Golden Hurricane.” Howard is approaching his 21st season


Shawn Gray performed scientific research. He was a research assistant/technical experimentalist with AuraSense Therapeutics, LLC, Northwestern University, in 2011 and 2012 where he served as an intern in the development of biomaterial functionalizedgold nanoparticle conjugates for gene regulation and cellular therapies. He was also a teacher’s assistant/lecturer and teacher’s assistant in Bioprocess Engineering for graduate students in the Master of Biotechnology Program (MBP) at Northwestern. Academically, Shawn achieved the Dean’s List and President’s List while at CCC and SUNY Oswego. He earned the “Contributions to the Culture of Academic Excellence” from the State University of New York at Oswego in 2009 (Tau Sigma Transfer Honor Society; Biology Club). His professional service included the MBP “New Student” Mentors Coordinator with the McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University and Tau Sigma Transfer Honor Society President. He worked with Habitat for Humanity from 2007 to 2010 and has held memberships with The Scientific Research Society of Sigma Xi since 2010, Tau Sigma Transfer Honor Society, and The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi since 2008. Shawn is the eldest of four children. His parents, Lois A. (Terino) Gray ’83 and Kenneth Gray ’78, met while attending CCC in the ’80s; his brother Brett will be starting his second year at CCC this fall. Of his time at CCC, Shawn shares that Patricia ‘Pat’ Bullock (front desk), Teresa Hoercher, Vicki Hamberger and Peggy Carroway (ASC staff) helped to make his experience great.

as the Voice of the University of Tulsa’s football program. This will mark the 35th year behind the microphone, in a career that has seen him take turns as a disc jockey, color analyst, producer and talk-show host. “There hasn’t been a game that I haven’t thought that I am the luckiest guy in the world, to get to do this, to get to sit and describe athletic Bruce Howard events to fans, and sit in the best seat in the house, when most people have to pay to watch. And, I get paid to do this,” Howard said. “Certainly, everybody has a dream job. Even though you don’t envision, necessarily, being here 20 years, this has turned into a dream job. I can’t think of any place I’d rather be.” When Howard called his first game for TU in 1993, the school had no women’s basketball program, nor facilities for soccer or softball. The football team played in an aging Skelly Stadium. The basketball team played downtown in the Convention Center. The transition of the campus and the upgrade of its athletics venues since Howard’s arrival two decades ago have been, in his words, “pretty remarkable.” “I feel as fortunate as anybody could be, based on the business I’m in and how unstable it can sometimes be,” Howard said. “There are about 200 top jobs for people that do what I do, which is play-by-play. And I’ve got one of them,” he said. “I feel really lucky.” Bruce is a member of Sports Careers, Sports Play-by-Play Broadcasters, and the Tulsa Networking Professionals. He was named “Oklahoma Sportscaster of the Year” in 2006 and “Tulsa Sportscaster of the Year” in 1992, 2008, and 2010. Editor’s note: Much of the information about Bruce Howard was collected from an article written by Terrell Lester, editor-at-large of GTR Newspapers in Oklahoma.



Dear Alumni and Friends of ACC/CCC, As the saying goes, “there’s a first time for everything.” In the life of Auburn/Cayuga Community College, there are 60 “first times” in our history. Each Jeff Hoffman new year is the “first time” at Cayuga for CCC our incoming students; Foundation it’s the “first time” for Executive new employees, faculty and adjunct professors; Director it’s the “first time” for community members attending their first

special event at our Auburn or Fulton campuses. Increasingly, it’s the first time for people around the world who log onto and sign up for an online course or the alumni Emagazine Get Inspired!, or join our social media outreach. Speaking of “first times,” the Cayuga Community College Foundation is undertaking a first-time “mini-campaign” for our Fulton Campus at River Glen. Our goal is to raise $200,000 for Phase I of the build-out of the campus storefronts. This project will give our Fulton students additional space to relax, visit with each

other, play video games and truly feel like they own a part of the new campus. Longer term, we will renovate other parts of the storefronts for much-needed office space at River Glen. Here comes the pitch: if you are a graduate of Auburn/Cayuga Community College and have never made a gift to the CCC Foundation, here’s your chance to give for the first time! We are making a special appeal to our Fulton alumni who attended the College at River Glen, Broadway, or the former Holy Family School to support this campaign. If you loved your time at the College;

if the faculty and staff helped to change your life; if Cayuga was the key to your finding a better, more fulfilling job; now is your chance to support the Fulton campus for the first time! (If your history and loyalties lie with the Auburn campus, we certainly welcome your first-time gift as well!) Enjoy the 2013 Fall/Winter edition of The Spartan—after all, it’s the first time you’ve had a chance to read it! In the Cayuga Spirit, Jeff Hoffman

Cayuga County Community College Foundation Board of Directors for 2013 President Lloyd E. Hoskins ’74 Vice President David Contiguglia Treasurer John Latanyshyn Secretary Loraine Miller ’73 Assistant Secretary Lisa M. Green Honorary Director Peter J. Emerson Dr. Joseph F. Karpinski Sr. Daniel C. Labeille Ex Officio Dr. Daniel P. Larson

Board Members Barbara J. Bateman John Bisgrove Jr. Guy T. Cosentino Patricia (Trish) Vail Dellonte Dr. Dennis Golladay William R. Lynch Jerome A. Mirabito Lewis E. Springer II Kimberly M. Townsend L. Michael Treadwell Robert K. Wallace Caroline M. Westover

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27th Presidents’ Circle Dinner The Foundation’s annual Presidents’ Circle Dinner honors the many individuals, foundations and businesses whose support makes our success possible. Members of the Presidents’ Circle make annual gifts of $1,000 and above to the Cayuga Community College Foundation. It is also an opportunity to thank our benefactors who have made a gift of

$10,000 or more in any given year. This year’s event was held on May 29 at the Sherwood Inn. In the past a student’s artwork was selected to be featured on the invitation and program cover. This year, the Mosaic Mural Project, funded by the Daniel C. Labeille Grant and administered by the Foundation, was chosen.

Foundation Supports New Program The Cayuga Community College Foundation is supporting Business Instructor Amy Valente’s work to research and design a new certificate program in hospitality and tourism, through its Program Initiative Fund. The Fund was created in 1994 and supports faculty at Cayuga Community College who wish to develop and implement significant and innovative projects that benefit the College’s academic programs. Last year, Valente developed an Introduction to Tourism course, and her work this past summer will build on the foundation laid by this initial course. She has completed the development of the certificate program and was scheduled to present the proposal to the committee and the Division of Behavioral and Social Science for consideration at their first meetings early this fall. According to Provost and Vice President Anne Herron, the committee reported that the

topic of tourism and hospitality draws a lot of interest from business organizations in the Finger Lakes area. The skills obtained through a certificate program will provide students with the educational background needed to work effectively in the tourism industry. Possible occupations that could benefit from this certificate program include hotel and restaurant management, tour operator, travel agent, travel promoters, travel guides, event planner, and related hospitality positions. Valente’s work this past summer was the first step in a process to determine whether such a certificate would be worthwhile to offer at Cayuga and how it might work as a complement to more comprehensive degree programs in the region. Should the College decide to move forward with the certificate, it would send in a formal proposal to the State University of New York for approval.

We have the best alumni ever! Once again, our Alumni have outdone themselves with their generosity to our annual appeal and Phone-a-Thon. Your gifts allow us to continue to endow student scholarships, provide book grants, and support the educational experience of our students in so many ways. As you reflect on your charitable giving for the coming year, consider this: education is the gift that changes the world. If ACC/CCC changed you for the better, perhaps it is time for you to “pay it forward” to today’s students at your college. With your support, Cayuga Community College will continue to be the college that gave you, and thousands of your fellow alumni, the great gift of education. —Jeff Hoffman & Louise Wilson



CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES: YOUR BEST OPTION IN 2014? Getting a steady, meaningful income from your investments has been difficult to near-impossible in recent years. The stock market continues to jump up and down; T-bills are safe, but pay next to nothing. CDs are a fine choice, if you want to sign a long-term commitment for an annual return of less than 1%! If you are looking for a safe haven that gives you a much better return, CCC can offer you an option. It’s called a Charitable Gift Annuity. Here’s how it works:

Step One:

You transfer cash, securities, or other property to the CCC Foundation

Step Two:

You receive an income tax deduction and may save capital gains tax. And, you’ll then receive a fixed payout, each year, to you or to anyone you name for life. Often, a portion of these payments is tax-free.

Step Three: When the gift annuity ends, its remaining principal passes to the CCC Foundation.

Because of the nature of CGAs—they are charitable gifts—the IRS allows for much higher annual rates of return depending on your age. A person in their 70’s or older can receive returns of 6%, 7%, or even higher! Using appreciated assets—those that have grown in value over the years—can give you extra benefits. For example, Jane Smith bought stock in 1983 at a cost basis of $10,000. Thirty years later, that stock would sell for $50,000. If she sells it, Jane will pay tax on the $40,000 capital gains. However, if she transferred the stock into a CGA, she avoids this tax, takes a $50,000 deduction and receives fixed, quarterly

(L-R) CCC students Patrick DeSantis and Francesca Considine; Ellisa Eldred; CCC Foundation Executive Director Jeff Hoffman; the 2013 Eldred Scholarship recipient Cassie Beaulieu; and CCC student Alex Tabone.

CCC’s Tutor Club Raises $2,000 for the Eldred Scholarship The CCC Tutor Club presented a $2,000 check to the Cayuga Community College Foundation for the Weston Eldred Memorial Scholarship Fund. When Wes graduated from CCC in 2009, he received the Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence, the highest recognition given to students by the State University of New York. “Wes was passionate about his studies, renewable energy, environmental science, and helping his fellow students through CCC’s Tutor Club,” said his mother, Ellisa Eldred. “I was excited to hear that the 2013 recipient, Cassie Beaulieu ’13, was such a perfect match.”

Like Wes, she was active in the Tutor Club and was a chemistry major. Cassie will be attending SUNY-ESF in the fall. The Weston Eldred Memorial Scholarship is administered through the Foundation, which provides nearly $300,000 in grants and awards annually to students. This scholarship is awarded to a returning, full-time student at CCC’s Auburn Campus who is studying the sciences, with strong preference given to a student demonstrating a passion for the study of chemistry. The recipient must be an active member of the College’s Tutor Club.

payments…guaranteed…for her lifetime. You receive immediate tax benefits from making a charitable gift PLUS you receive guaranteed income for life. A charitable gift annuity benefits you today and leaves a legacy for Cayuga’s future students. The CCC Foundation would be happy to provide you with examples of gift annuities based on your age and/or the age of your spouse (CGAs can benefit two people, not just one). There is never any obligation….just an opportunity to explore your giving and income options. Contact Jeff Hoffman at (315) 294-8627 for more information on CGAs.

Foundation Sponsors Stage Production The CCC Foundation is pleased to present A Change Gon’ Come, a captivating, multi-media play to kick off the “Harriet Tubman: No Longer Underground” Symposium. The production is the story of the African-American plight from slavery to freedom via the Underground Rail Road and Harriet Tubman, the “Black Moses.” It is a tale of love, loss, pain, suffering and triumph. Expect to be entertained and educated, while you experience emotions from sorrow to jubilation. A Change Gon’ Come is a creative telling of the life and struggle of Harriet Tubman. This two-act play explores the history of the African-American people by chronicling a truthful, honest, respectful,


and compelling account of one of our most famous Americans. Through music, dance and storytelling, the 17-member cast presents an entertaining depiction of the time and the events that Harriet Tubman was instrumental in. The production is made possible through contributions to the Cultural Enrichment Fund and the Ruth P. Thomas Arts Fund, both administered by the Cayuga Community College Foundation. It is open to the public and admission is free with open seating for the 7 p.m. show on Thursday, November 7 in the Irene A. Bisgrove Theatre on the Auburn campus. For more information on these funds or the production, call 315-255-1743 ext. 2328.



Greetings to all of our ACC/CCC Alumni and Friends, As you read this newsletter, you undoubtedly have heard about the budget challenges the College has faced during the past few months. Over the past two years, our enrollment has declined 11% from the high point of the recession. Coupled with this is the continuing impact of New York State Dr. Daniel Larson funding cuts of 21% during that same time frame. With 90% of College revenue tied to enrollment, this means that we’ve had to make substantial budget adjustments. This process got underway late last year as the enrollment picture became clear. We worked with our budget managers to reduce expenditures and to close the fiscal gap of $1.5 million for 2012-13. Three of our bargaining units reached agreements for furlough days, with those funds repaid in future years. I, along with senior staff and non-represented employees, shared with furlough days as well, not to be repaid. We’re being very conservative with the 2013-14 budget since full enrollment numbers for the Fall semester won’t be known until late October or early November. This means that some personnel cuts will occur, which no one wants to do. This will be done as carefully as possible, knowing that people’s livelihoods are at stake and that the College will be diminished by even one layoff. However, we must preserve the viability of the College given the demographic change underway with the projected contraction of 20-25% in the number of high school graduates through the end of this decade. We’ve known for several years that this decline was coming–hence, our capital projects and related initiatives to continue to attract students. The River Glen campus in Fulton is the best example of that approach. We’ve been working with the outdoor athletic complex, student housing, and the Schwartz Family Performing Arts Center in downtown Auburn as projects that will help draw students to the College. Entrepreneurship has been an important project across the curriculum, one that has brought national attention to the College for our approach. After reading those two paragraphs, I can assure you that the College will continue to be the institution for good, for positive change, and for student success that it has been throughout its 60-year history in Central New York. We

have much company during this difficult time– with few exceptions, our community college colleagues in the State University are seeing the same demographic decline. We hear from independent colleges that their challenges with in-coming classes are the same–some that their numbers are down this Fall by 10-15% with first-year students. So, please stay with us–there are exciting and innovative things taking place, many of which I’ve reported to you in this column over the past few years. This Fall, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the College, recognizing the start of Auburn Community College on James Street in downtown Auburn and the creation of the first new community college founded in the State University of New York. Part of that celebration will honor Dr. Charles G. Hetherington, our founding president. Details will be forthcoming, so please watch for them. People may question whether we are too focused on capital projects instead of on increasing excellence in our academic programs and services. We are doing both, knowing that they work together, supporting each other. With the Broadway campus in Fulton, we reached maximum student capacity much sooner than projected. For our growth to continue, we needed additional space both immediately and long term. The new River Glen campus is a wonderful addition to the students and community we serve in Oswego County. If you’ve not seen it, please visit–you’ll be surprised and impressed with what we’ve accomplished. In Auburn, students are not coming to us given our lack of on-campus student housing and athletic facilities. Instead, they are going elsewhere in Central New York. We want them to come to Cayuga. For many students, extracurricular activities and intercollegiate athletics provide incentives to continue their studies. We have a good foundation in both areas and are working to enhance and expand them. Our work with entrepreneurship across the curriculum has established a solid base with more than 1,200 students who participated last year, ranging from class projects or modules to running a student business. Undergraduate research is growing, especially in the sciences, and students have more opportunities now to apply their classroom learning through practical application with internships, externships, clinical work, and the like. Our engagement with the community continues to expand. Although times currently are challenging, please visit us to see what we have underway in Auburn and in Fulton. Our future bodes well, and we will continue to build to achieve it, for our students, for our graduates, and for our community. Sincerely, Dan

59TH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY At the annual Commencement ceremony held Sunday, May 19, the College recognized 630 graduates, including 33 graduating military veterans. Speakers were graduates Brian M. Knapp ’13 and Catherine Faith Fanning ’13, who were recipients of the 2013 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence.

DID YOU KNOW... College President Daniel P. Larson gave some “fast facts” about the graduating Class of 2013, including: • 65% of the class is female; 35%, male • They range in age from 17 to 63, with 58% under age 25 • 44% are residents of Cayuga County; 37%, Oswego County; 8%, Onondaga County; and 11%, elsewhere, mostly New York State and including California, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Arizona, Florida, and Canada.

During the ceremony three employees were presented with the SUNY Chancellor’s Award: Social Sciences Professor Dr. Daniel F. Schultz for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities; Custodial Service Staff Robert Szczepanski ’77, Excellence in Classified Service; and Math Professor Shannon Lavey Reohr, Excellence in Teaching. Also during the ceremony, alumni Michael R. Frame ’99, director of federal relations for SUNY and Binghamton University, and Patricia M. Callahan ’87, a Literacy Volunteer and College donor, received the Alumni Association Award for their outstanding contributions.

Hall in Media TheArt School Telecommunications and the Arts (SOMA) Area sitting area

Hall Art in in Graphics Telecommunications Telecommunications Area hallway

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Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence

Cayuga Leadership Academy

Professor Daniel F. Schultz is the recipient of the 2013 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities. He has been sharing his passion for sociology, anthropology and history with students for 48 years. Dr. Schultz’s many honors include the SUNY Professor Chancellor’s Award for Daniel F. Excellence in Teaching, the college’s Faculty Schultz Award for Excellence, and the college’s Student Senate Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award.

Launched in 2010, Cayuga Leadership Academy is an 18-month, campus-based leadership development program that focuses on honing the leadership skills of a motivated group of employees. Each participant is mentored by a senior colleague

Robert Szczepanski ’77 has worked to keep the campus looking good for 15 years. He has taken a lead role for the set up of special events on campus, including creating comprehensive documents that detail all aspects of set up for commencement. Robert His attention to detail Szczepanski inspires his coworkers to work toward the same level of excellence. Bob received the 2013 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service. Professor Shannon Lavey Reohr received the 2013 Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. Her recent effort to redesign developmental math classes has led to improved rates of student success. She serves as advisor to the Professor Shannon Auburn chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa student Lavey Reohr honor society and on the Faculty Development Fund, Curriculum, Sabbatical Leave, and Academic Standing committees. Professor Reohr is a 2005 recipient of the Outstanding Academics of the 21st Century Award.

Catherine Faith Fanning ’13 was a commencement speaker at the 2013 CCC Commencement. She received a 2013 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence. Faith has been involved with the Phi Theta Kappa honor society and the Tutor Club. She served as secretary Catherine Faith for the Brothers and Sisters in Christ Fanning (BASIC) club and as a staff writer and photographer for The Collegian. Faith would like to become an English professor and was expecting to transfer to Hobart and William Smith Colleges with a double major in English and Writing Rhetoric. She is listed in Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities, fall 2012.

or past graduate of the academy. The thirteen individuals in Cayuga Community College’s 2012-13 Leadership Academy were recently recognized for their work on service projects that developed their professional skillset while enhancing the campus.

Brian M. Knapp ’13 was the recipient of a 2013 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence. He served as a commencement speaker at the 2013 Pictured are: Patricia Michel, Adjunct Instructor; Sheila Myers, Coordinator of CCC Commencement Experiential Learning; Margaret Devereaux, Interim Library Director; Jacqueline Caputa, Ceremony. Brian was the vice president Assistant Comptroller; Christopher Fama, Adjunct Instructor; and Cindy Clark, Typist. of the GIS Club and the student member Participants absent from photo: Peggy Carroway, Instructional Assistant-Disability of the President’s Services; Danielle Nolan, Admissions Representative; Kathy Scozzari ‘72, Adjunct Cabinet. He served Instructor; Amy Valente, Instructor of Business; Eric Zizza, Transfer Counselor; Sue Gilmore, Brian M. five years in the U.S. Marine Corps, Professor of Science; and Kelley Rowley, Professor of English. Knapp where he sustained a traumatic brain injury while stationed in Afghanistan. Recognizing that he could give voice to the concerns of veterans on campus, Brian founded the Veterans Club, serving as its president. He took a work-study job in the Registrar’s Office helping to assist other vets on campus. Upon graduation, Brian was to begin a new position as a Veterans Outreach Coordinator with U.S. Congressman Dan Maffei’s office.


4 Build your confidence? 4 Grow as a leader? 4 Improve your communication & public speaking skills? 4 Be a part of an international organization? Guests Always 4 Meet and interact with new Welcome! people?

Spartan Speakers

Toastmasters Club

at Cayuga Community College – Auburn Campus

can help!

Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month 11:00 a.m.-12 noon A sign at the switchboard will indicate where to meet.

For more information contact: The Cayuga Collegian staff poses in their newsroom with their 2013 second place award from the American Scholastic Press Association’s national newspaper competition. (Left to right): Editorin-chief Alec Rider ‘13, staff writer Sarah Guidone‘13, staff writer Danielle Skowron, and editor Abigail Young‘13. Congratulations! For the last 10+ years, The Cayuga Collegian has placed either first or second place in this competition among colleges with similar enrollment.

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Louise Wilson: Bob Frame:



A Message from the Fulton Campus Greetings, readers and welcome to the fall/winter edition of the alumni newsletter. I’m pleased to be your guest reporter from the Fulton Campus. Many of you may recognize my name, but for those of you who don’t know Sue Witmer ‘90 me – I’m Sue Witmer, Director of Fulton Director of Campus Operations. Fulton Campus I’m an alumna of Cayuga, mother of a Operations Cayuga alumni and an employee of CCC currently in my 31st year of service. My tenure with Cayuga began in Auburn, when there was only one campus. Hired by Marty Wisniewski to manage the Registrar’s Office, I worked with some great individuals like Tina Schmid, Josephine Sikora, Janet Mudge and Melanie Pasik. Fast forward - I’m extremely proud to say I work at the Fulton Campus now with a tremendous group of individuals. Along with being a seasoned employee of the college, I’m the last of the original 2 ½ employees who managed the Fulton Extension Site way back when. I can’t believe as I write this that we’ve been at our River Glen campus for just over a year. It took months and months of planning but here we are, thirteen months later, in this great facility. I remember fondly the days of those 2 ½ employees, almost 20 years ago, who shared three very tiny offices and held classes in two rented classrooms. We stayed in that facility for just one semester before moving to a larger space (Holy Family) and even added a few more staff members. Those were the days! We continued to grow, adding staff and students like crazy until we had to move to a much larger facility – the Broadway Campus. The Fulton Education Center, Holy Family and now Broadway are part of Fulton’s history and I have wonderful memories from each. Enrollment is stable but, hey, we’ve got room now to expand, so come see us if you’re a new student or come back and refresh your knowledge base if you’re an alum. The Learning Commons is bustling with students, staff and community folks who visit on a regular basis. We host various community groups on campus as well. Our Barnes & Noble Bookstore is a great place to purchase CCC clothing, which our students wear proudly each Wednesday – that’s Cayuga day! Or you can stop by B&N for a great cup of coffee or light lunch. And, just in time for the fall semester, we’ve purchased several benches for hallway furniture and finally have a flagpole. Our faculty and staff are top notch, dedicated and here to serve our students. Our SGO (Student Government Organization) clubs are community service champions and active in our county. We pride ourselves as a campus for the creative and out-of-the-box approach we take in meeting the needs of Oswego County.

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CCC student George W. Lapage of Scriba, N.Y., received a $250 scholarship from the New York State Sheriffs’ Association. Oswego County Sheriff Reuel A. Todd presented him with a check on April 24 at the College’s Fulton Campus. They were joined by Professor John Lamphere ’74, who received the outstanding criminal justice award as a Cayuga student in 1974, and Dean of the Fulton Campus Margaret Killoran.

An Evening of Art and Music

As the Fulton campus at River Glen celebrates its first year, a flag pole and several benches have been installed. Overall the new and improved Fulton Campus is outstanding and the place to be in Oswego County! Or, as Billy would say… it’s HUGE…and an awesome place to work and be educated. Thanks for reading and I hope to be back as a guest reporter in the near future. Best wishes to all of our alums and returning students--and welcome, freshmen!

The Cayuga Community College Fulton Campus leadership held "An Evening of Art and Music" in May. The event showcased artistic creations of students from the College and high schools across Oswego County, community members, as well as College employees and alumni. The exhibitions included submissions in a range of media--including photography, paintings, and drawings. Cayuga students provided music. The event was free and open to the public. Pictured: Victoria Johnson ’05

United Way Luncheon Supporters

Pictured: Sue Witmer ‘90, director of operations, CCC Fulton Campus; Dawn Varney’13, PTK Honor Society; and Vita Marie Racko, PTK advisor. United Way of Greater Oswego County’s “Stone Soup Too” luncheon raised $1,125 and collected several bins of food to fill the shelves of local food pantries and help them to meet the increasing demand for food subsidy in Oswego County. County and state officials attended the luncheon to support United Way’s efforts to combat hunger in Oswego County. Among them was ACC/CCC Alumni Board member Terry Wilbur ’08, who serves as Oswego County legislator for District 21 and representatives from Phi Theta Kappa at CCC’s Fulton Campus.

Pictured: Oswego County legislators Jim Karasek, 22nd District, and Terry Wilbur ‘08; Jennifer Cook, representing Assemblyman Will Barclay; Roxanna Gillen, representing Oswego Mayor, Tom Gillen; Meave Gillen representing Congressman Dan Maffei; and United Way Board President, Kathleen Fenlon.

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5 0 t h R E U NI ON

Classmates Celebrate 50 Years! The pleasant gathering at Springside Inn, where the setting and conversation could not have been better, was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of ACC’s Class of 1963, this past July. Although the gathering of alums was small, there was a great appreciation expressed for the great education given us by some gifted professors. Several were mentioned by name – Professors John Byers, Bob Gallo, Ruth Penchoen, and Bob Brunell. We also recalled how truly handsome/ beautiful our classmates were, remembering the era when dress, hair styles and manners all gave us an air of elegance. We all felt blessed that ACC had gotten us started on our career paths that have been fruitful – many commenting on the fact that they still encounter former students who are grateful for their tutelage. Ironically, as we were ready to depart, a gentleman also dining at 1963 Production of Noah Springside stopped by our table – an adjunct professor at the now Cayuga Community College. We shared our red and white balloons with his granddaughter who was there to celebrate her 13th birthday. Our gathering was small but spirited. —Kay Benedict Sgarlata ’63

Row 1: Kathryn Coyne, Carol Criss and Patricia Drummey; Row 2: Charlie Criss, Kay Sgarlata and Tony Sgarlata

1963 Girl’s Archery

1963 Chess Club

Alumni Director Louise Wilson with Charlie Criss

Excerpt on the Class of 1963 graduation ceremony from The Citizen Advertiser, June 10, 1963:

Looking at yearbook photos

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Gusty winds, dark clouds, and occasional rumbles of thunder punctuated ceremonies as Auburn Community College graduated 196 students at the ninth commencement exercises held at 2:30 p.m. yesterday (Sunday, June 9, 1963) on the college terrace….Speaking for the Class of 1963 was Francis J. Scollan, who said that “ACC had given us a good educational background and a good base for continuing in our respective fields.” Keynote speaker was Dr. Harry W. Porter, SUNY Provost.


GO LDE N S PARTAN S f ro m T H E C L AS S OF ‘ 6 3

The class of 1963 gathered at the Springside Inn, Auburn NY

The group enjoyed getting reacquainted and reminiscing over yearbook photos and memorabilia.

Joyce (Crowley) Baroody ’63

Charles H. Criss ’63

Arthur A. Riddlesworth ’63

Joyce graduated from Sacramento State College in 1965 and taught school in Sacramento for three years. While in California, she met Air Force Lieutenant Ron Baroody, who was in Navigator Training School at Mather Air Force Base. Joyce shared that he was originally from Geneva, New York -- “Imagine that!” Ron graduated from Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, in 1964 and the couple married in 1967. They have two daughters. During the Vietnam War, Ron spent 5½ years in B-52’s, and one tour of duty over Vietnam. They were transferred to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with the Air Force, and following his service, Ron earned his M.B.A. at the University of Buffalo. Since 1971, the couple has lived in the Rochester area. They are both in real estate; Joyce sells homes and is “trying to retire,” and Ron purchases and manages properties. The Baroodys are pleased to live near their daughter Beth and her family, who reside in Auburn, New York, with their three “lovely” children. Joyce said that they are happy to be able to visit often with daughter Carrie and her family, who live in Washington, D.C. Looking back at the ACC 1962 and 1963 yearbooks (Nainrubua), we see that Joyce was on the editorial and business staff of the year book, was in chorus, and belonged to the Engineering Society, Newman Club and IRC Club. “Many thanks to the committee for getting these plans (50th reunion) together. I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone there,” Joyce stated.

Charles earned his bachelor’s from Brockport State and his master’s at Nazareth College. In 1969 he married his wife Carol and their daughter Jamie “arrived in 1972.” Criss taught 5th and 6th grade for 32½ years. In 1974, Charles achieved PSIA (Professional Ski Instructors of America) full certification in Stowe, Vermont. This certification is a process that instructors go through in order to become trained to teach various ability levels of snowboard/ski students. He has taught skiing ever since and currently works in the demo center at Bristol Mountain in the winter. While attending ACC, Charles belonged to the German Club and the Harlequin Society and also played on the basketball team. He now enjoys skiing with local seniors, running their dogs, playing golf and maintaining his older home in Victor, New York.

Arthur was the typist for Nainrubua while at ACC, as well as a member of the Spanish and German Clubs. He graduated from Brockport in 1968 and taught 10th & 11th Grade English for a number of years. A long radio career followed which began in 1971 in St. Albans, Vermont. His radio career was accompanied by a long U.S. Jaycee career. Arthur received his Senatorship with the United States JCI in 1980. The JCI Senatorship is the highest honor which can be bestowed upon a current or past member by Junior Chamber International for outstanding service to the organization. It provides a unique means for recognizing a member’s outstanding achievements, and also confers upon that individual a “Life Membership” in JCI. Riddlesworth worked 15 years in a regional coupon book company in New Hampshire. In 2003, he moved to St. Petersburg, Florida, and now resides in Largo, Florida.

Mary Sullivan Weaver Chase ’63

Charles and Carol Criss

Pat Drummey and Kathy Coyne

Mary earned her B.S. from SUNY Oswego and attended California State University to get her teaching credentials. She taught for 43 years, substituted for five years, and also has taught tennis and swimming. Mary has participated in and completed many marathons, including the Boston Marathon and the Ironman Triathlon World Championship in Hawaii. Back in 1985, a record 12,000 applications were received for the Ironman Triathlon World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. At age 42, Mary was one of only 1,250 athletes who qualified. Of the race, Mary said, “I started at 7:00 in the morning and finished in the dark at 10:35 that night . . . it was the longest day of my life.” Mary is married to Edwin Chase and they live in California. She and her deceased husband, Joe Weaver, had two children: Mary racing Joseph and Colin Weaver. She has five grandchildren: in 1985 Joseph, James, Ashley, Nicole and Nicholas Weaver, and shares that her “most rewarding activities are assisting in her grandchildren’s lives.”

Kathryn A. Coyne ’63

Tony and Kay (Benedict) Sgarlata

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Kathryn continued her education at Oswego State (where she roomed with Kay Benedict Sgarlata) and retired in 2002 after many years serving as a Reading Specialist for the Onondaga Central School District. She lives in Camillus and attends many local events, such as the musical comedy performances and specialty festivals held throughout Central New York with her long-time good friend, Pat Drummey. The two have continued the friendship they developed while attending ACC.

Patricia J. Drummey ’63 Patricia attended Oswego State following her graduation from ACC. She taught 5th grade in the Auburn School District and retired following 37 years of teaching. She resides in the family home. Pat and Kathy Coyne have maintained the friendship they developed during their time at ACC. In addition to traveling together, Pat and Kathy enjoy attending many local events, especially the annual Holiday Festival Craft Fair held on the CCC campus.

Johanna (Arenso/Tarolli) Hannah ’63 Johanna earned her B.S. in English and Psychology from SUNY Albany. She attended Syracuse University and earned her M.S. in Guidance and Counseling, with 35 hours beyond M.S. in Counseling and Gerontology. Johanna retired from the NYS Department of Labor, where she worked as a vocational counselor. Currently working part time under contract for the Onondaga City Department of Aging, Johanna is a program assistant with Caregiver Services. She shares that she finds her volunteer work rewarding and that her daughter Donna has an “adorable grandchild,” McKenzie. While attending ACC, Johanna was very active on campus. She participated in the Protocol, Newman and Pep Clubs. She also worked on the Collegian (ACC’s newspaper).

(Frederick) Ted H. Parker ’63 Ted earned his B.A. in Psychology from SUNY Buffalo and his M.S. in Elementary Education from SUNY Cortland. He taught elementary school in Auburn for 32 years and was on the Union Springs School Board for 14 years. He and his wife Judy have three children: Tracy, Mike, and Margie; and six grandchildren. Ted has been a high school softball umpire for 22 years.

Kay Benedict Sgarlata ’63 While attending ACC, Kay was in the Chorus, Film Club and belonged to the Harlequin Society. She attended SUNY Oswego, earning her B.A. CAS, and taught 5th grade for 11 years. She was in governmental administration for 19 years and served as the Regional Representative for both Governor Mario Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Stanley Fink. Kay is the author of two memoirs, The Class of ’60, published in 2007, and a prequel, Lessons from the Lower Road, published in 2010. We featured Kay in our 2008 fall/winter issue of The Spartan in our Alumni Authors section, and more recently, she served as our “Golden Spartan” in the spring/summer edition. Benedict Sgarlata has earned numerous honors and awards, including SUNY Oswego’s “Alumni Service Award,” the Association of Boards & Councils of the Two-Year Colleges of the State University of New York “Distinguished Alumna Award,” and West Genesee School District’s “Teacher of the Year.” She has served as president of the alumni associations at both CCC and SUNY Oswego. Kay lives in Syracuse with her husband Anthony (Tony). She is the stepmother to two adult sons, Tony Jr. and Jeffery, and a daughter, Kim Donadio. Kay enjoys her two grandchildren, is active in her community and has current memberships with many local organizations.

Linda (Pritchard) Wills ’63 Following her graduation from ACC, Linda attended the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York City. She worked in retailing until 2005. In 1967, Linda married Ted Wills; they have a daughter Sue (Wills) Prince. Linda now enjoys volunteer work. While Linda was unable to attend the 50th Class Reunion, she thought that the idea “sounds great!”

The “Golden Spartans Club” was initiated in 2004 by former Alumni Director Elisabeth Hurley to recognize our alumni who had graduated 50 years (or more) ago. If you fit into our “Golden Spartan” category, we’d love to hear from you!

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Love in the Insecurity Zone Love in the Insecurity Zone by Mike Folie graced the stage as Harlequin Production’s spring 2013 offering. In this near-future love story, those with barcodes live in safe areas while the remainder of society must make due in the insecurity zones. Everyone is armed and no one is happy--well, except for Gayle’s sister Pearl. G-man Hank, while trying to procure Pearl and her happiness for government experimentation falls in love with Gayle. To demonstrate this love they share hand guns. Everything is going well as Hank delivers the pleased-as-punch Pearl to the First Lady’s double, Marjorie, and her henchman, err, henchwoman — make that henchperson. At the last minute the rebels led by the skirt-wearing Gaylord break in to rescue Pearl, the woman he wants to be his rebel queen. They all find happiness and live happily ever after—well, except for Marjorie who continues to be a sourpuss standing in for the First Lady to satisfy the president’s needs. A pretty convoluted tale but the student actors again pulled off a successful production winning accolades for their work. The play featured the talents of sophomores Josh Stedge (Hank), Kat Jordan (Gayle), LaRae Brooks (Marjorie), and Matthew Ryan Limerick (Manuela). Sharing the stage were Zachariah Phillips (Gaylord), Becky White (Pearl), Ian Moore and Amanda Bauso (ensemble). Supporting the cast were backstage crew members Mike Crowe, Gillian Frame and Nate Trost. Amanda Bauso (ASM) and Kat Jordan (Props mistress) served double duty. Of course, a story like this needs one heck of an environment to seamlessly move within the play’s 11 locations. Broadway veteran Robert John Andrusko created a slick setting, ably lit by Brad McLean; both of whom made marvelous use of the stateof-the-art LED technology to make the settings pop. Mark Romig supplemented these scenes with three video screens displaying content created specifically for the show. Mathew Ryan Limerick, a nontraditional student who also spent time in NYC theatre, designed the futuristic costumes, and sophomore Jed Daniels provided the sounds of this dystopian future.

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Playwright Mike Folie came in to town to see what Director Bob Frame and company had accomplished. Bob has produced many of Mike’s works over the years and he has always been pleased. This production of Love in the Insecurity Zone continued the winning streak. The playwright was thrilled with the work of the student actors, equating their work to that of professional companies who had mounted this work in the past. He was especially wowed by the technical elements and how they truly captured the essence of the show. He assured Bob and company that he will continue to send his new works to Harlequin for production consideration. The company received three Merit awards from a Theatre Association of New York State adjudicator for their work: Meritorious Achievement in Ensemble Acting to the Cast; Meritorious Achievement in Costume Design and Execution to Mathew Ryan Limerick; and Excellence in Direction to Bob Frame. These awards will be presented to the company at the TANYS Awards Banquet to be held November 23 this year in Auburn. Harlequin had a successful 2012-13 school year and, as always, is sorry to say farewell to its graduating sophomores. We wish them the best of luck as they begin their careers beyond Cayuga’s walls. Thank you for letting us be a part of your lives and please stay in touch!

Annual TANYS Festival Coming to Cayuga The Theatre Association of New York State is pleased to share that they will be holding their annual competitive theatre festival in the recently remodeled Irene A. Bisgrove Community Theatre here on Cayuga Community College’s Auburn campus. Co-Chairs of the TANYS Festival, CCC alums Carole Estabrook ’00 and Ann Frame ’89, announce that this year’s theme is “Life is a Cabaret!” At this Festival, community and educational theatre companies vie for the Best Production of New York honors. Each year between seven and eight shows are presented during four performance sessions over the course of the weekend. After each performance a panel of three adjudicators will discuss the work seen in open session, sharing with the company and the audience

their impressions of the production--a very educational experience. Also offered during the Festival are a myriad of activities: workshops, vendor and company displays, the BMI Supply Design Exhibition, silent auctions, media sales and many other exciting activities. On Saturday night the annual Awards Banquet takes place where the awards given by the roving adjudicators in admiration of the work they have seen throughout the state will be presented to the deserving honorees. The TANYS Festival was previously held in Auburn from 1998-2005; since then it has visited venues throughout the state. Harlequin Productions is pleased to welcome the Festival back to Auburn for its two-year stay and are thrilled to act as co-host! The Festival is open to all who have a love of theatre and wish to experience the camaraderie that those of us in nonprofessional theatre enjoy. Please plan to join us November 22-24 here at Cayuga. More information and reservations can be made by going to



CCC Nursing Graduation Cayuga Community College honored 34 graduates of the A.A.S. nursing program. Commencement awards were presented to 15 graduates during the 38th Annual Professional Advancement and Pinning Ceremony in May. Amy L. Updyke ’13 was selected by her peers to deliver the class address to the Nursing Class of 2013.

This past spring, the CA$H program completed its eighth year with remarkable success. Professor of Business Dawn (Matijas) Czolowski was very pleased with this year’s results. The breakdown following the 2012 tax year showed tax returns completed were up 10% over last year, with 888 returns finished. Federal and State refunds were $1.688 million, up 18% from the 2011 season, which includes

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) refunds of $700,000. To date, the program has completed 4,400 returns, resulting in $8 million in refunds ($3.7 million in EITC refunds). Participating this year were students Jesse Blaisdell and Michaela Doyle, along with alumni Mark J. Brooks ’10 and Stephanie M. Reese ’11. Jesse shared, “CA$H = Citizens are surely happy! I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the CA$H program, not only for the experience I gained in preparing tax returns, but for the people that I interacted with as well.”

Cayuga Community College London 2014 Travel Study Program

CCC Nursing Moving Up Ceremony The annual Moving Up Ceremony was held May 9, 2013. Sixty-six first-level nursing students from Cayuga Community College were recognized at a luncheon for their accomplishments in the nursing program. Seventeen students received awards totaling over $10,000 in scholarships. Shown are recipients Kevin Zippel, Katie Love, Autumn Lyons, MaryBeth Smart, Jennifer Purtell, Stephanie Bizarre, Jamie Blackman, Stephanie Sampson-Magill, Laura Phillips, Hannah Ivery, Crystal Brewer, Charles Karpinski, Kelly Ware, Jessica Thingvoll, Emily Jones, Megan Keady, and Kim Sayles.

For more than 30 years, Cayuga Community College has provided travel-study opportunities to students, including our two-week trip to London. Approximately 100 students participate each January, including students from Cayuga Community College, public and private colleges and universities from across the state, as well as members of the community. The College’s 2014 London program will be held from January 1-14, 2014. This year, students may select from ten, three-credit hour course opportunities directed by experienced faculty members who guide students through memorable cultural

Cayuga Community College Hosts Symposium on Harriet Tubman Cayuga Community College will host “Harriet Tubman: No Longer Underground,” a two-day symposium and community dialogue marking the centennial of the death of Harriet Tubman in 1913. The November 8 and 9 event is co-sponsored by the Harriet Tubman Boosters Club, the Seward House Museum, and the Women’s Rights National Historical Park. The symposium will celebrate the life and work of the heroic African American woman who escaped slavery and conducted other slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad. The program will include leading historians presenting new research and insights about Harriet Tubman, a humanitarian and advocate for women’s rights throughout the 50 years she lived in

Travel Study/Service Learning Course in Florida Professors Hoercher and Gridley are preparing for the 4th year of the Service Learning/Travel Study course INT 239 Interdisciplinary Study of Native American Culture and Education. This is a unique course that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich each student’s learning experience. In addition to learning about the history and culture of the Seminole Tribe of Florida, students work with children (Pre-K through 12th grade) at the Ahfachkee School on the

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Big Cypress Reservation in Florida. This is a hybrid course with an on-line portion and a one-week travel study portion (January 4–10, 2014). The 3-credit course is being offered as a late start course (October 7–December 19, 2013). For more information contact: Coordinator of Tutorial Services Teresa Hoercher, 315-2551743 x2289, or Education Coordinator Patricia Gridley, 315-255-1743 x2478.

experiences. These courses include: Art and Design in London; International Business: The British Experience; Public Safety in Great Britain; Health Care in Great Britain; Literary London; Media: The British Experience; Psychology of Multicultural London; Comparative Social Issues in London; International Theatre: The London Theatre; and Comparative World Religions. Participants will visit renowned landmarks as they explore historic and current topics of interest. A tour of London and visits to Windsor Castle and Stonehenge will certainly provide a memorable cultural experience. To learn more about this exciting travel study opportunity, please visit travel_study/london.php

Auburn, New York. The CCC Foundation is pleased to present a stage performance of “A Change Gon’ Come,” which will kick off the symposium on Thursday, November 8. See details on page 6.

In recognition of the 60th anniversary of our College, events are being planned for both campuses. A celebratory cake cutting will be held on Friday, October 18th on both the Auburn and Fulton campuses. At press time, details had not been confirmed. A page on the college website is being developed to provide additional information about events as they become available. Stay tuned to http://www. In addition, you may call the alumni office at 315-255-1743 extension 2224 or 2454, and don’t forget to visit our Facebook page:

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Keeler first CCC Professor Appointed to SUNY Distinquished Professorship Professor Steven Keeler, director of the College’s School of Media and the Arts and chair of the Humanities and Communications Division, was officially inducted into the SUNY Distinguished Academy during a formal recognition ceremony in Albany this past May. He is the first from Cayuga to hold a SUNY Distinguished Professorship appointment and is one of only 16 community college faculty to have ever received this distinction of SUNY’s more than 33,000 faculty members. Professor Steven Keeler, center, with SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher and CCC President Daniel Larson.

Best Wishes As They Retire Following Full-Time Service

Judith G. Miladin Director of Financial Aid 22 years June 14, 2013

Barbara P. (Bonnie) Rooker ’71 Assistant Director, Financial Aid 18 years June 30, 2013

Service Learning on The Nature Trail CCC students in BIOL 208-Conservation of Natural Resources spent the spring semester working on a service-learning project to improve the nature trails behind the Auburn Campus. Suggestions for ten different projects with focus ranging from improving the ponds to creating a better turtle habitat can be viewed on the class blog. One project titled “Safer Trail,” completed by Kelly Ross, William Ryan, and Mary Tripp, discussed improvements that could be made to the trail by increasing narrow widths and leveling the uneven trails with stone. The group believed that providing landscaping would outline the trails and would provide visual enhancement. Additionally, students suggested making a community garden to grow vegetables that could be donated to local food pantries.

To see more about their project, visit the class blog: nature-trail-project.html.

The Nature Trail By Valerie S. McNickol ’86, 1986 Janus



Daniel P. Schultz, Ph.D. Professor of Social Science 48 years June 30, 2013

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Bonnie Rooker, 1971 Janus

“The beauty of nature ‘tis but a bud blossoming in time.” And time is what nature needs in order to give to man. For CCCC, that beauty has been given – it is the Nature Trail. The construction of the land development began in the Spring of 1978, and took almost three years to complete. Grant monies from the community and the college General Fund helped turn barren fields into plush, green grass and mini-forest. In exchange for the Nature Trail, CEDA, BOCES, the Youth conservation Corps, and the Job Training partnership Act all benefitted from the construction training. Within the

past three years, CCCC has planted between 6 – 10,000 trees, and has maintained the upkeep of the freshwater pond and surrounding area. Also added to this section of our campus is the Nature Center, which in the past two Springs has allowed more developed land to be landscaped. This land was utilized for many reasons. It provides a service for the science classes with fresh water, and land resources. It also provides a peaceful place for students and athletes wishing to escape from the hussle and bussle of college training and pressures.



A Look Back at Our Arts and Entertainment Scene

Harmonic Brass 1988, 2009

Recycled Percussion 2009

Lucie Arnaz 2013

Sauce Boss 2009 & 2013

Tommy Tune 2012

Samite 2012

Some famous individuals and groups that performed here Flip Wilson (The Devil Made Me Do It); Leo Kottke (acoustic guitar); Chuck Mangione; David Bromberg; Aztec Two-Step (still play in town from time to time); Johnny Thunders (former member of the New York Dolls); Livingston Taylor (James’s brother); James Cotton Blues Band; Tom Rush (he’ll be playing in Auburn on November 12!);

Simon and Garfunkel in 1966

Nick Seeger; The James Montgomery Band; Todd Hobin Band; The John Payne Band; Rush; Mary Travers (of Peter, Paul and Mary fame); Rick Danko (formerly with The Band); Tom Chapin; Gamma 3; Jay and the Americans; Suzanne Vega; Aldo Nova; Leon Redbone; Richie Havens (opening act at the original Woodstock John Cafferty at festival in 1969 and rocked Winter Weekend the crowds with Freedom. Richie passed away in 1985 earlier this year.); John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band (On the Dark Side from the movie Eddie and the Cruisers); Buddy Rich (billed as the “world’s greatest drummer”); Benny Mardonis (Into the Night, recently played in Syracuse); sadly, Harry Chapin was killed in an auto accident on Long Island within a year after playing in Spartan Hall; and George Thorogood and the Destroyers (Bad to the Bone – it was b-b-b-bad!).

In addition to the major music acts that Spartan Hall’s opening brought in, a regular stream of young comedians, many of whom went on to score big in TV and movies, performed on campus. Our PEACE Week initiatives featured world-stage speakers. In the ‘90s, there was more enthusiasm for standup comedy and we welcomed back now well-known acts. Our PEACE Week speakers continued to include national and international figures. Cayuga’s lead in establishing the NYS International Lively Arts Consortium treated us to wonderfully unique acts from France, Spain and England. We also enjoyed some Shangri-La Chinese special cultural Acrobats performances. This time was also one of transition as the College Foundation united with the Student Activities Board to fund major cultural events. As we approached Y2K and entered a new millennium, we hosted a multitude of Chinese Acrobat 1998 renowned lecturers

MUSIC MATCHING GAME Over the last 30 years . . . ACC/CCC has presented some legendary entertainment on campus over the years. In keeping with our college retrospective theme, we thought we would share some of our college musical history. Spartan Hall’s opening in the early

Simon and Garfunkel The Association The Five Satins The Four Freshmen Seals & Crofts Brewer & Shipley John Sebastian The Ronettes Melissa Manchester Eddie Money Don McLean U2 (Yes, they really played here) Rick Derringer The Outlaws Huey Lewis and the News Michael Martin Murphy ’38 Special Jonathan Edwards Harry Chapin

To see a display of albums from all the artists listed above, visit the permanent wall display on the Auburn campus between The Cube and the Fitness Center in the main building.

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and amazing acts such as Chinese acrobats, Korean drummers, world-famous dance ensembles, acoustic musicians, singers, Cleo Parker Robinson photographers, Dance Ensemble 2003 a cappella groups, magicians, mimes, motivational speakers, a former skinhead, poets, bestselling authors, nature writers, psychologists, a poet laureate, a Nuremberg Trials bodyguard, dramatic performances, unique light shows, contortionists, artists, cartoonists, handwriting analysts, spoken word artists, ghost hunters, MTV Rock the Vote, caricaturists, comedians, and more comedians. Special unique performances helped us celebrate the College’s 50th anniversary, while in recent years we applauded and gave standing ovations not Ed Asner with Bob only to Broadway stars Frame in 2010 like Tommy Tune, but to a multiple Emmy-award winner/TV Hall of Famer, Ed Asner. And, just this past year, the Brunell Chair in Humanities allowed us to experience a world renowned musician, humanitarian and photographer, Samite, who entertained and taught us while sharing his personal refugee experience. — compiled by Mary Wejko ’66

‘80s ushered in an era of major concerts and brought scores of folk artists to campus. We thought it would be fun to share the names of some of the acts that played at our campus. How many can you match up from this list? (And YES . . . they all played here!)

Sunshine American Pie Wildfire Cat’s in the Cradle Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo Sounds of Silence Never My Love, Cherish Summer Breeze Riders in the Sky One Toke Over the Line The Heart of Rock and Roll Welcome Back In the Still of the Night Two Tickets to Paradise Hold on Loosely My Boyfriend’s Back Where the Streets Have No Name Midnight Blue Graduation Day

Note: For those of you who are “musically challenged,” the answers to the above quiz can be found somewhere in this newsletter.

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Fricano Heads to NJCAA Nationals…Finishes 49th Overall

Lax Player Earns Academic Honors from NJCAA and Region III NJCAA Headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO, released the names of the 2012-2013 NJCAA Academic StudentAthlete Awards as well as the NJCAA Academic Teams of the Year. Cayuga CC men’s lacrosse player, Kevin Franceschelli Kevin (Auburn, NY), earned Franceschelli the “Superior Academic Achievement Award” for his overall 3.92 GPA. Franceschelli was also recognized earlier on the NJCAA Region III All-Academic Team for 2013 for his efforts in the classroom.

Over 1,600 NJCAA student-athletes met the requirements for individual academic honors, including 169 that earned the Pinnacle Award for Academic Excellence (4.0 GPA). Superior Academic Achievement (3.8+ GPA) honors went to 592 student-athletes and over 900 met the standard for Exemplary Academic Achievement (3.6+ GPA). This season, close to 60,000 student-athletes competed in the NJCAA across 3,500 teams in 28 different sports. The 2012-2013 academic year marks the 30th consecutive season the NJCAA has recognized the success of its student-athletes in the classroom. With minimal changes, the NJCAA academic awards program has been in place since 1983.

To keep up to date on all Spartan sports news and schedules visit: PAG E 1 8

Spartans Close Out Regular Season on a Solid Note…Qualify for Regionals The Cayuga men’s golf team put behind them the worst outing of the season and posted a team total of 338, good for a 6th place tie at the Genesee Community College Invitational held May 4 at Batavia Country Club in Batavia, NY. Jacob DeChick (Weedsport, NY) came in with low honors, posting a round of 80, with Simon Fricano (Union Springs, NY) and Ryan Killian (Southern Cayuga, NY) carding 82 and 85 respectively. Phil Tabone (Weedsport, NY) and Dan Ellingwood (Oswego, NY) each posted a 91 to help the Spartans post a respectable 338 team total. Coach Renaud was amazed at the turnaround in a short 16-hour window from the prior day. “Simon, our number one, was literally running to the first tee this morning, because of some missed details before our departure, and then Ryan and Jake had to follow a short 8 and 16 minutes afterwards, so our first three really did not get a solid warm up in. Coach Mosley and I basically instructed the entire team to simply go out

and play carefree. The lads had a calmness about them from the 1st tee to the 18th green. If one missed an approach or putt, they simply focused on the next shot and were able to recover in orderly fashion.” With the regular season concluded, DeChick, Fricano, Dennis and Killian all had another 54 holes left with the NJCAA Regional Tournament which was to take place on May 12 (practice round) through May 14. From this tournament, the top two teams would advance to the NJCAA National Team Tournament, with the top 10 individuals also advancing to the same tournament, hosted by Jamestown Community College. “I think if the guys can play as they did today, and minimize their mistakes, we could see one or two of them advancing to the national tournament,” added Renaud. “Regardless of the outcome, I want the four of them to enjoy the final stretch of this season.”

Musical History Answers: SONG Sounds of Silence Never My Love, Cherish Graduation Day Summer Breeze One Toke Over the Line Welcome Back In the Still of the Night My Boyfriend’s Back Midnight Blue American Pie Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo Cat’s in the Cradle Riders in the Sky Wildfire Where the Streets Have No Name The Heart of Rock and Roll Sunshine Hold on Loosely Two Tickets to Paradise

At the Nationals Fricano carded consecutive scores of 79 in the final two rounds to complete his first appearance at the NJCAA National Golf Championship, finishing 49th overall in the individual category. With the third round washed out, the course still presented challenges on the day with standing water in many of the fairways and rough. Fricano struggled off the tee all day, but was able to scramble to save par on most of the par 4’s and 5’s. “Simon hit every par 3 in regulation and had a couple of birdie attempts that could have dropped. I think all in all he was happy with his overall performance and represented Cayuga in the highest standard with his demeanor and approach to the tournament and its challenges all week long. Unfortunately, Simon fell short of capturing All-American status (top 18 individual finishers), but given the talent and experience in the field, his overall finish is something to be proud of,” said Coach Renaud. Vincennes College was the team national champion, followed by Sandhills Community College. Ethan Chamineak from Georgia Military College was the individual National Champion, posting a 216 for three rounds, which was even par for the tournament.

GROUP Simon and Garfunkel The Association The Four Freshmen Seals & Crofts Brewer & Shipley John Sebastian The Five Satins The Ronettes Melissa Manchester Don McLean Rick Derringer Harry Chapin The Outlaws Michael Martin Murphy U2 Huey Lewis and the News Jonathan Edwards ’38 Special Eddie Money

Simon Fricano (Union Springs, NY) finished 6th in the individual standings after Monroe CC and Jamestown CC captured the top two team spots at this year’s final round of the NJCAA Region III Golf Tournament. With his top 10 finish, Fricano was on his way to the NJCAA National Tournament, June Simon Fricano 4-7, hosted by Jamestown CC at Chatauqua Country Club. “Simon has been our most consistent golfer throughout the spring and really had to grind out a total score of 167 against some of the best junior college golfers in the nation over the course of the past two days,” said Coach Renaud. “It is a great achievement to be one of the final 50 golfers left competing for the individual trophy and All-American status, and Simon’s demeanor and approach to the game, combined with his course management skills, put him in place to be a contender the first week of June.”



A NOTE ON CLASS NOTES: We appreciate having our alum send us their news and updates. In many cases, though, our staff enlists the aid of all available news sources to bring these Class Notes to our readers. We apologize for any omissions or errors that may occur. Nancy C. Prosser ’62 has a new grandson, Matteo Vitale, who was born March 19, 2013. John J. Klink ’66, board member of Hospice of the Finger Lakes, was on hand recently to help accept a donation from the Ancient Order of Hibernians who held a kapusta cook-off fundraiser to support Hospice. Klink is also a member of the CCC Board of Trustees.

Museum and gets to travel when she wants to. While Audrey was concerned about losing her “identity” as an elementary teacher, after her fifth year of retirement she feels she has reestablished her priorities and is looking forward to the birth of their first grandchild. John S. Tripp ’70 retired from teaching English and coaching tennis in 2005. He now helps out his former employer, Marcus Whitman Central School, by tutoring students who are unable to attend school. The majority of his time is spent with seniors, helping them to stay on the path to graduation. John’s wife also works at Marcus Whitman Central School. Paul D. Bishop ’71 retired from Publix Supermarkets, Inc. Virginia F. Androsko ’72 has been volunteering with Cayuga County Physiotherapy at the YMCA pool.

Gregg K. Lawson ’66, past President of Hospice of the Finger Lakes, gladly accepted a donation from the Ancient Order of Hibernians following their kapusta cook-off fundraiser in support of Hospice. Richard C. Woodworth ’67 started collecting Presidential Campaign Memorabilia while attending ACC. He now has one of the largest collections in the US from 1840 to 2012. Richard is a Professor of Business at OCC; his wife is now retired from Syracuse City Schools. David L. Breese ’68 retired in November 2009 as a Developmental Disabilities Program Specialist with the NYS Department of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. He is married to Judy Breese.

Lisa C. Doyle ’72 recently released a children’s CD with two of her siblings, Amy and Mark. Lisa is a singersongwriter, music therapist and teacher living and working in the Boston area. Check out their great clay animation on their website John C. “Jack” Hardy ’73, Hospice board President, recently helped accept a donation from the Ancient Order of Hibernians. The local fraternal organization raised the money at a kapusta cook-off to support Hospice. Carl S. Basso ’74 recently joined the corporate finance staff of Chobani Inc. as Manager of Cost Accounting. “Nothing but good.”

Susan J. Grinnell ’68 keeps busy looking after her elderly mother, Eleanor Grinnell.

Donald P. Martin

Donald P. Martin ’68 retired following 30 years as a manager with Niagara Mohawk/ National Grid. He is enjoying his post-retirement life as a Jazz musician and performs at numerous festivals and clubs in Central New York. He has three “wonderful” grandchildren. Donald’s wife Pat (Patricia M. Martin, Ph.D.), is working at Onondaga Community College as chair of the Human Services Department.

Martha H. (Dinsmore) Martin ’68 recently wrote in to share, “Enjoyed the latest alumni newsletter and highlights of history – great job!” Martha also offered some words of wisdom for future alum: “Get Involved. Do well in school and have fun. Mix and mingle, actively participate in campus life and activities. It’s a great place and experience!” Thank you, Martha, for your great advice, and compliments. Jonathan C. Chapman ’69 is practicing as a tax partner with Feeley & Driscoll, PC in Boston, “and at 66, have no imminent plans or desire to retire.” He and his wife Jennifer continue their travel adventure: “France last year, Italy this year and lord knows where next year, but enjoying life to the fullest!!” Jonathan is also teaching part time at Northeastern in the MST (Master of Science in Taxation) program. Audrey E. McNally ’70 was interviewed this past spring by The Citizen about her retirement. Audrey had been an elementary school teacher in the Auburn School District for 35 years. She still works three part-time jobs (at a local florist, occasional substitute teaching, and as a museum teacher at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown). In addition, McNally said she volunteers at her church, at the Seward House

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Cathy A. (Rourke) Burns ’74 retired from Southern Cayuga Central School District in 2010, where she was an elementary teacher. Her husband is Richard (Dick) Burns. Donald G. Semple ’74 recently turned 75 and shares that “my golf score is now my age.” He and his wife celebrated 50 years of marriage on June 8, 2013. Congratulations!

Linda A. Townsend, JD

Linda A. Townsend, JD ’74 was recognized by the Auburn Education Foundation and inducted into its Alumni Hall of Distinction for 2013. The ceremony and reception took place June 6, 2013 at Emerson Park Pavilion.

Robert J. Pace ’75 retired from Cortland Police Department as a lieutenant in 1997. Following the spring 2013 semester, he retired from TompkinsCortland Community College as a Criminal Justice Adjunct Instructor. Joseph P. Urbanik ’75 works at Auburn Community Hospital and his wife Nancy works for Cayuga County. David J. Kowatch ’76 has been a Project Specialist/Labor Service Representative for NYS Jobs Program for 14 years. David shares that he “had a great experience at CCC.”

Michael J. Parsons ’76 is president and CEO of First Source Federal Credit Union.

Gerald “Gerry” W. Martin

Gerald “Gerry” W. Martin ’78 was recognized by the Auburn Education Foundation and inducted into its Alumni Hall of Distinction for 2013. The ceremony and reception took place June 6, 2013 at Emerson Park Pavilion.

Kathleen (Roshick) Yorkey ’81 and husband William became the proud great-grandparents of Jaxsen Luke and Jesse Jay. The twins were born March 22, 2013 to Jordin and Amanda Mattes. Henry A. D’Amato ’83 and his wife Linda have become first-time grandparents. Their daughter Jolene M. (D’Amato) Boylan ’02 and her husband Rich are the proud parents of Nathan Richard, born April 15, 2013 at 7 lbs 13 oz and 20” long. Darryl L. Frank ’83 is a production sound mixer for many different movies and television shows. He recently finished the final season of “Breaking Bad,” which he worked on for three seasons. Darryl has worked on movies such as “The Last Stand” and “Terminator Salvation.” Darryl L. Frank He has been nominated for two Primetime Emmys and two CAS (Cinema Audio Society) Awards. Linda E. (Wolcott) Sherman ’84 works for the Seneca Falls Town Police Department. Her husband is with the Seneca County Addictions Program. Marjorie L. Buerkle ’85 retired in 2011 after 25 years with Welch Allyn. She was also with General Electric in New Product Mechanical Design for 6 years. Suzanne H. Hai ’87, coordinator with Cayuga County Community Health Network Diabetes Education Program, was interviewed by The Citizen this past fall. Suzanne gave some interesting statistics and information regarding diabetes. “From 1990 through 2012, the annual number of new cases of diagnosed diabetes almost tripled.” She shared that CCCHN offers free programs such as nutrition and diabetes support groups. In addition, they are planning to offer education programs for those who are diagnosed with and/or have pre-diabetes. Sharon A. (Heffer) Gagliano ’88 and her husband Christopher celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on June 18, 2013. They are the parents to Trevor, 15, and Ian, 10. The couple is very involved with the boys’ sports activities throughout the year. Sharon is the daughter of Carol A. (Glowacki) Lauzon ’68 and step-daughter of Jim Lauzon. Sharon owns Finger Lakes Accounting Services and Payroll Services, LLC. Christopher is the son of Joann (Bissi) and Joseph A. Gagliano ’72. He is the program manager for Thermo Forming at Pennsylvania College of Technology, a division of Penn State in Williamsport, PA.

Eugenia ‘Jean’ B. Siracusa

Eugenia ‘Jean’ B. Siracusa ’88 was recently awarded the WCNY Women Who Make America Award. Jean was one of only 19 women from Central New York selected for this honor: a tribute to women whose efforts enrich our local communities and help share the nation’s identity. An award ceremony was held on March 1 at the Women’s Rights Park in Seneca Falls, NY.

Glynn English ’89 is Assistant Dean of the School of Business at SUNY Oswego. He received his B.S. from SUNY Oswego and his M.S. from Syracuse University. Glynn was appointed in 1997 and is currently Director of BASAC, Glynn the advisement center for English School of Business students. He has also taught courses in Supervisory Management and Personnel Staffing. Glynn is married to Linda S. (Dutcher) English ’77. John M. ’89 and Nicolette B. (DeSocio) Hai ’89 are both working in Auburn. Nicolette, a NYS licensed massage therapist incorporated as Hai Energy Massage LLC, is employed with The Center for Wellness. John has recently been promoted as a sergeant with the NYS Department of Corrections. Elizabeth ‘Beth’ M. (Dwyer) Lattimore ’90 along with her husband Sean received the Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year-6-14 Years award on May 8. Over the past 14 years, Beth and Sean have worked diligently on preserving one of Cayuga County’s most prized landmarks, The Springside Inn. In addition, the couple has also made the commitment to the community to preserve the historic building now being offered as The Point at Sandy Beach since 2008. The Lattimores have been involved with and hosted many community events which have benefited many non-profit organizations at both venues. Jeffrey L. Woodard ’92 has been with the NBC affiliate in Buffalo for 15 years. He worked his way up from producer to executive producer and was promoted to news director in October 2008. He has been married for almost 14 years to Brandie and they have two daughters. In addition to their children, the couple keeps busy with their three horses and two dogs. Christina (Stivers) Gibson ’93 has been with Cayuga-Seneca ARC for ten years and shares that she still enjoys and appreciates her nursing role there. Her daughter Abby, newly married in Florida, remains spirited and is pursuing a nursing degree. Daughter Vanessa continues to thrive and love life and remains wise and lovely. Husband David is happy and busy with his work at the Auburn School District and enjoys his interests. Robin S. (Baker) Burns ’97 works for GE. CLASS NOTES CONTINUED PAGE 20

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Laura Frances Dorsey ’04 and Kyle David McCutcheon renewed their vows September 22, 2012 with family and friends in Auburn, NY. The couple met at Oswego State in 2005 and married in California in 2010. Laura earned her bachelor’s in childhood education and master’s in elementary reading from Oswego State. She is an educational consultant in Toronto Literacy, Ontario. Her husband is employed by Torus Entertainment, affiliated with HBO of Canada.

Diane E. Holbert ‘98 has been working on a major project indexing and applying metadata to (cataloging) 1500+ images donated to the Baldwinsville Public Library. Diane is metadata and reference librarian at BPL and has had training from the Central NY Library Resources Council in contentDM (digital collection management software). The collection items include photographs, letters, diaries, directories, maps, newspapers, books, and more. The images will be a valuable electronic resource for local history and New York State history enthusiasts. Diane is grateful for the support and encouragement she has received from Meg VanPatten, incoming library director, and Bonnie Kisselstein, local historian. Carole J. Estabrook ’00 is recently engaged to Shaminda Amarakoon of Alfred NY. The bride-to-be works at The Trout Group, an investor relations firm in New York, NY. The groom is an employee of Tech Production Services, a technical Carole J. supervision company Estabrook that oversees Broadway productions and national tours. The happy couple are set to wed in July 2014. They currently reside in Brooklyn NY. Edward J. Spedding ’01 retired in June 2012. He started EJ’s Mechanical. Jolene M. (D’Amato) Boylan ’02 and her husband Rich are the proud parents of Nathan Richard, born April 15, 2013 at 7 lbs 13 oz and 20” long. This makes Henry A. D’Amato ’83 and his wife Linda firsttime grandparents. Amanda Marcella Stankus ’03 married Jamie Michael Walter on August 25, 2012. The reception was held in The Lodge at Welch Allyn. Amanda graduated from Wells College and Oklahoma City University School of Law. While at CCC, Amanda received the NYS Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship. She presently practices Amanda Marcella both criminal and Stankus family law with Cayuga County’s Assigned Counsel Program. Active in the community, Amanda serves on the boards of the ACC/ CCC Alumni Association and the Community

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Christopher Thomas Pedley ’07 and Kathryn Alease became the parents of Briella Marie, born February 22, 2013. Donna L. Pedley ’84 is the proud new grandmother.

Preservation Committee. She is also a member of the Cayuga County Bar Association and the Cayuga County Women’s Republican Club, and a former board member of the Cayuga County American Red Cross.

Sandra A. Currier ’05 became a grandmother of Lorenzo Christopher, son of Edith L. Currier and Miguel A. Martinez on February 22, 2013. Deanna L. Hoey, BS ’05 is a public health educator with the Cayuga County Health Department. She is involved with the Nurse-Family Partnership, which is now available to Cayuga County residents. It is a voluntary program that provides nurse home visitation service to low-income, first-time Deanna L. Hoey mothers. The Citizen published an article about the program this past June. Norma A. (Gleason) Olcott ’06 is employed by Hospice of the Finger Lakes. She has been involved with hospice care for six years and finds it extremely fulfilling. “The joys of my life are my five grandchildren.” They are ages 5 through 11. She is looking forward to the Gettysburg Trip (September 2013), which will be her first Alumni-sponsored trip. Vicki L. Ramirez ’06 maintained a 4.0 GPA and received the Auburn Memorial Hospital scholarship for Continuing Education when she graduated from CCC. After graduation, Vicki worked at University Hospital in Syracuse for nine months. The following winter she and her family returned to their native Ohio, where Vicki joined the Cleveland Clinic. First, she was in Thoracic Surgery and later in the VIP stepdown unit. Ramirez has served as chair of her unit’s shared governance committee and as chief coach/preceptor for new nurses. “My Cayuga degree provided a thorough, sound base upon which to build my practice, and many of my coworkers have commented that I seem to have had an outstanding nursing education.” Vicki shares that much as she loves her job, her goal is to transition to a classroom setting where she can combine her passions for nursing and teaching as a full time instructor in a nursing school. Vicki recently contacted her former professor and the Director of Nursing, Linda Alfieri, about a new program she was enrolling in. She is very excited about the Gonzaga Nurse Educator bridge degree and feels that of all the available programs, it will best prepare her to fulfill her dream. “I will always be grateful to Cayuga Community College and to all the nursing faculty for preparing me to achieve all my dreams in life.”

Jeremy L. Smelski

Michelle Bixby, The Citizen


Jeremy L. Smelski ’07 is a Health Information Exchange Project Manager and Interface Analyst at MEDENT EMR/HER in Syracuse.

Tiffany N. Fisher ’08 and Paul R. Taylor III ’08 were married July 20, 2013. The bride, employed at OneMain Financial, graduated from Empire State College. Her husband is employed by Dependable Disposal. The couple is living in Port Byron. Brian Joseph Henry ’08 married Stephanie Jane Deckard on May 26, 2013 in Lakeview Chapel at Casowasco Camp and Retreat Center of the United Methodist Church in Moravia. Brian is employed as a Security Host at the Christian Science Center in Boston. Following their wedding trip to the Thousand Islands, the couple will be living in Brighton, MA. Edward J. Onori ’08 & ’13 has capitalized on his computer science skills adopted at the college to help the Calvary Food Pantry excel in its mission. Recently, Loraine Miller, Professor of Computer Science/Division Chair, recommended Ed to work on a database for the pantry. Ed started on the work right after his graduation. The database will make all of the pantry’s records digital, tracking the clients of the food pantry and what social services they are receiving in order to serve them better. The database’s accuracy will also improve tracking demographics and help ensure that rules are being followed. Jack S. Beckwith Jr. ’12 has announced his candidacy for Hannibal Town Justice. He currently serves as councilman in the town of Hannibal and is knowledgeable of the status of Hannibal’s Justice Court. He earned his Criminal Justice Jack S. Beckwith Jr. A.A.S. degree from CCC. Jack is an active member of the Oswego County Youth Court Advisory Board, the Sterling Trail Tamers Snowmobile Club, the Hannibal Community Park Committee, and various other organizations. Shane David Truman ’12 and his wife Jennifer Ann have become the proud parents of Ella Beatrice on April 10, 2013. Grandparents include Brian and Diane E. (Young) Saxton’80, along with Daniel J. Mitchell ’99 and David Truman.

Matthew S. Weinerth ’12 won the 2012 Syracuse James Joyce Club’s Scholarship Award. His 20-page essay titled “Bloomanism: A Surefire Cure for Paralysis,” which was a culmination of an independent study of Joyce’s “Ulysses” with Professor Diana Valdina, won the contest. Matthew plans to earn his graduate and doctorate degrees in English literature. In his free time, he volunteers at Port Byron Federated Church and at the Port Byron Library. Catherine Faith Fanning ’13 served as a Commencement Speaker during the 2013 Commencement Ceremony. She was a recipient of the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence. Catherine entered CCC at the age of 15, determined to complete her Catherine Faith associate’s by age Fanning 17. Fanning has been involved with Phi Theta Kappa and the Tutor Club. She served as secretary for the Brothers and Sisters in Christ (BASIC) Club and as a staff writer and photographer for The Collegian. Catherine was looking to transfer to Hobart and William Smith Colleges as a double major. She is listed in the Fall 2012 edition of Who’s Who Among American Colleges and Universities. Brian M. Knapp ’13 was recipient of the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence and served as a Commencement Speaker during the 2013 Commencement Ceremony on May 19. Brian Brian M. Knapp served as vice president of the GIS Club, was the student member of the President’s Cabinet, and founded the Veterans Club serving as the club’s commander (president). Knapp, who served in the U. S. Marine Corps for five years, was wounded in 2008 while serving in Afghanistan. Through the Wounded Warrior Program, Brian has become the newest member of U.S. Rep. Dan Maffei’s staff. According to Maffei’s office, Knapp will help lead veterans’ outreach in the 24th Congressional District and will handle veterans’ casework.

Melissa Marie Giltner ’07 is engaged to Christopher James Driscoll. Melissa’s fiancé is employed by Owasco Highway Department. A September 2013 wedding is planned.


PAS S IN GS Richard A. LoPiccolo ’57 passed away March 9, 2013. He attended Boston University and was involved in banking most of his life. After more than 35 years, he retired from the former Cayuga Savings Bank, where he held the title of senior vice president. He had been active on the Tompkins Bank Board of Trustees, along with numerous other organizations, including the Board of Elections and Knights of Columbus. His passion was golfing and Dick was a longtime member and former president of the Auburn Golf and Country Club. He is survived by his four daughters: Karen (Ray) Brown, Amy (Ed) Fuller, Julie (Todd) Blatnick, and Tina (Joe) Capeder; a sister, Patricia LoPiccolo; six grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a son, William, and a sister, Mary Jane Chamberlain. Alexander C. Schaus ’59 passed away on June 30, 2012. He attended Muhlenberg College before enlisting in the U.S. Air Force. Following his service, he attended ACC and graduated from Syracuse University in 1961. He was ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church, served as pastor of Brown Memorial Church in Syracuse while attending Colgate Rochester Divinity College, and became the pastor of the Benton and Yatesville Methodist Church. In 1962 he was appointed to the Yates County Probation Department, which he headed until his retirement in 1992. Alexander is survived by his wife Leslie; children, Elizabeth Strong, Amy (Samuel) Tarantole, Margaret (Raymond) Knittle, Eric (Kathi) Schaus, and JoHanna (Randall) Archambault; stepchildren, Elizabeth (Brent) Traux and Marguerite (Timothy) Fenton; 11 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren. Nancy I. Tanner ’65 passed away February 12, 2013. She was a faithful communicant of St. Michael’s Church and was a member of the Altar and Rosary Society. Nancy was employed by Beacon Milling Company, which later became Cargill, where she was an Accounts Receivable and Payroll Clerk for 43 years. She was on the board of the Frontenac Historical Society and Museum and volunteered her time at the Faatz Crofut Home for the Elderly. Nancy is survived by her sisters, Ann Morrison, Catherine (Edward) Hope, and Claire (Andrew) Lehtonen; her brothers, Edward (Linda) Tanner, and Michael (Sally) Tanner. William G. “Bill” Pestell, Jr. ’66 died October 8, 2012. He graduated from SUNY Cortland in 1969 with a B.S. degree and later earned a CAS. He was a science teacher at Canastota Central School for 32 years, retiring in 2000. During that time he was a wrestling, football and cross country coach for many years. Bill enjoyed fishing, golfing, woodworking, classic car restoration, and spending time with family and friends. He was a member of the Canastota Teachers’ Association, NYS United Teachers Association, CREW (Canastota Retired Educators at Watch), NYS Retired Teachers’ Association, Trout Unlimited and the MG Car Club of CNY. Bill was of the Episcopal faith. He is survived by his wife of 42 years, Carol (Irish) Pestell ’67; three daughters, Janelle (Steve) Moyer, Carrie (Jason) Curtis, and Ellen (H. Joseph) Arcese III; and four grandchildren. Margaret M. (West) Hoadley ’70 passed away unexpectedly April 26, 2013. She started and ran the family business, Hoadley Plumbing, with her husband since 1972. Margaret cherished her time that was spent with her family, especially with her two grandsons, Jack and Chase. She had a love for Owasco Lake and enjoyed traveling with her late husband. She was a communicant of Sacred Heart Church. Margaret is survived by her two sons, Daniel Hoadley and Matthew (Kate) Hoadley; a brother, Francis “Dutch” (Elizabeth) West; two sisters-in-law, Johanne and Bette West; two grandsons, Jack Thomas and Chase Matthew Hoadley; several special nieces, nephews and many dear friends. In addition to her parents, Maggie was predeceased by her husband, Thomas M. Hoadley in 2003; sister, Susan (West) Clark; and brothers, William, Robert, Joseph (Johanne), Patrick and Thomas (Bette) West. Elizabeth Jean “Betty” (Grinnell) Trice ’70 died peacefully at her home on March 5, 2013. She graduated magna cum laude from Syracuse University at the age of 60 years young. Betty was the first woman CPA in Cayuga County

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and retired from the former Bowen, Lyons, and Pine accounting firm. Prior to becoming an accountant, she was employed for many years with the United Way of Cayuga County. She formerly served on the boards of the regional organization of the Girl Scouts of America, the Auburn Chamber Orchestra, and Tomato Fest. She was also a local coordinator for the AARP Medicare-Medicaid Insurance Counseling Program and an AARP tax aide. In her early days, Betty was active with Church Women United, the Zonta Club of Auburn, and the CNY Chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants. In 1996, she received an ACC/CCC Alumni Award. Betty is survived by her children, Judith A. Trice and Curtis (Judy) Trice. She was predeceased by her husband of 71 years, Herbert V. Trice ’72, on January 5, 2013. Diane L. (Offenburg) Westlake ’71 passed away peacefully at her home May 4, 2013, with her loving family by her side. Following graduation from ACC, she worked as a head secretary at an office in the Pentagon. Later, she decided to move back to Auburn to be closer to her family. Diane was a participating member of Sacred Heart Church, but also a religious education teacher on Sundays. She had many jobs where she was able to use her gift of helping people. She had been employed by St. Alphonsus Church and Cayuga Counseling. Diane was a proud member of the CSEA union and worked for the NYS Department of Corrections at Moravia, Butler, and Auburn as a keyboard specialist and switchboard operator until her retirement in 2006 following 17 years of service. Diane enjoyed spending time with her family, friends, and especially playing with her grandchildren. She is survived by her devoted family: her daughters, Maureen (John) Westlake-Welsh and Heather Westlake; her grandchildren, Michael, Logan, Dylan, Zack, and Ariana; her sisters and brother. Herbert V. Trice ’72 died peacefully at home on January 5, 2013. He was a retired member of Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union 73, having worked in that industry for 40 years. He was a dedicated railroad historian for all of his adult life, and his book, “The Gangly Country Cousin, on the Auburn Branch of the Lehigh Valley Road,” was published in 2004 by the History Center, Ithaca. As well as being a talented historical researcher and writer, Herb was a skilled photographer with a large archive of photographs. He enjoyed many lengthy automobile trips across the United States and Canada. He gave generously of his time as a volunteer in his community for decades, in addition to providing whatever assistance he could to his family members, friends and neighbors. Herbert is survived by his daughter, Judith A. Trice, and his son, Curtis R. (Judy) Trice; a grandson and granddaughter; along with five great-grandchildren. His wife of 71 years, Elizabeth Jean “Betty” (Grinnell) Trice ’70 passed away March 5, 2013. Rev. Betty W. Jones ’75 went to be with her Lord and Savior on March 2, 2013. She married the love of her life, David, in 1948. Betty was instrumental in establishing the Youth Corps and Head Start programs in Cayuga County under the auspices of Peace Incorporated and President Johnson’s Economic Opportunities Act of 1964. Rev. Jones was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1984 following her graduation from Wells College in 1979 and Colgate Rochester Divinity School in 1984. After 15 years of service with various agencies, she was installed as Pastor of Pompey United Church. For the last 14 years, she served as pastor at Amboy Belle Isle. Betty dedicated her life to the service of others and had tremendous empathy for those less fortunate. She was predeceased by her husband of 37 years, David DeLancey Jones, and their firstborn, a daughter, Carol May Jones. Betty is survived by eight children: David Bruce (Susan) of Woodlawn, TN; Debra Kellogg (Mark Weir) and Patricia Rossbach of Scipio Center, NY; Roy Jones (Carla) of Union Springs, NY; Clifford Jones (Susan) of Auburn, NY; Diane MacArthur (David Banner) of Poplar Ridge, NY; Edward Jones (Martha) of Chaumont, NY; and Allen Jones of Savannah, NY; 20 grandchildren; 15-1/2 great-grandchildren; and two great-great grandchildren. John W. Van Dusen ’76 died surrounded by his loving family, while vacationing in Florida on March 21, 2013. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and

proudly served his country from 1955 to 1959. John was a member of the New York State Troopers for 32 years, retiring in 1993. He was a member of the Redeemer Lutheran Church, where he was very active for many years. John served with the Sennett Fire Department as Fire Commissioner and also served on the Sennett Planning Board. He enjoyed bluegrass music, woodworking, quilting and making homemade wine and sauerkraut. John had a great love for his family, and one of his most caring services for 43 years was helping his wife Maryan care for foster babies. In addition to his beloved wife of 56 years, Maryan, he is survived by his two daughters, Lori (William) Halcomb and Holly Sherman; a son, Wally (Judy) Van Dusen; three sisters; a brother; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, John was predeceased by his daughter, Nada L. Van Dusen Sliss, and a brother, William Van Dusen. Howard Philip Hartnett ’81 passed away April 15, 2013. He spent many years working as a vice president at Wilmington Trust/M&T Bank based in Ithaca and Binghamton. He also had spent several years as a CPA at Sciarabba Walker in Ithaca following his graduation as salutatorian of the Class of 1979 at Moravia Central School, his graduation from CCC, and his cum laude graduation from SUNY Geneseo in 1983. Howard’s passion was philanthropy and community service. Among the numerous organizations he was proud to serve were the Moravia Rotary Club, the Seward House Museum, the Board of the Finger Lakes Land Trust, Powers Library in Moravia, Tompkins County Public Library Foundation, and many others. Howard is survived by his parents, Coral and Anne (Tyrrell); brother, Douglas (Maria); sister, Michelle (Perry) Lyons; nieces, Caitlin and Sierra; and nephews, Cameron and Jared. Joyce M. Smolak Bocian ’84 passed away June 9, 2013. Surviving are her husband of 22 years, Donald Bocian Jr.; two loving children, Amber and Allen; her mother, Jane Crockford Smolak; and two brothers, Jeffrey (Amy) Smolak and Jan Michael Smolak. Joyce was predeceased by her dad, Joseph H. Smolak. She received her bachelor’s and master’s in elementary education from SUNY Oswego. Joyce has been a dedicated kindergarten teacher for the Port Byron Central School District for 24 years. She was a tremendously loving wife and mother and a wonderful cook and baker. Joyce loved decorating the house for holidays and creating an atmosphere of love; she served on various civic organizations. Michael E. Dann ’91 passed away unexpectedly May 6, 2013. He was employed by Scepter Foundry of Seneca Falls and had worked as a landscaper. He was a former corrections officer. Mike was an avid sportsman who enjoyed hunting and fishing, as well as playing softball. He was a creative and talented writer and storyteller who made people laugh when telling stories about his adventures. Surviving are his mother, Susan D. Kuter Dann; his daughter, Sarah Emily Dann; brothers, Kevin P. Dann ’93 and Steven T. Dann ’95 (Meghan E. Brooks Dann ’00); and his niece Ellie and nephew Ryan. Brian L. Beaumont ’95 passed away July 31, 2013. Surviving is his wife, Michelle M.; two daughters, Taylor Solomon and Kendra Beaumont; a son, Aydin Beaumont; mother, Judy (Carl Scanlon) Beaumont; brother, Bob (Michelle) Beaumont; mother- and father-in-law, Avis and Fred Nesbitt; a brother- and sister-in-law; and several nieces and nephews. Cara Iacobelli Jasniewski ’99 passed away peacefully May 18, 2013 in the comfort of her family and friends. Cara cherished the many good times spent with her family and friends and will be forever remembered by all of them. She enjoyed watching movies and especially loved a good piece of chocolate. Cara is survived by her family, Jason B. Jasniewski ’98; their son, Mason Jasniewski; father, Anthony (Debbie) Iacobelli; brother, Anthony Iacobelli; step-brother, Michael Sorrendo; and grandmother, Betty Iacobelli. She was predeceased by her mother, Joanne (Manzone) Iacobelli, and brother, Mark Iacobelli. Joshua Paige Fingerhut ’00 passed away February 22, 2013. He received his bachelor’s degree from SUNY

Fredonia. Joshua was a member of the Actors’ Equity Association and currently worked with the Rochester Lyric Opera. He had previously performed with the Syracuse Opera, Merry-Go-Round Playhouse in Auburn and the Diamond Circle Theatre in Colorado. He enjoyed trains, Civil War history and nature. Surviving are his life partner, Lauren Noyes; parents, Chuck and Kathy Fingerhut; uncle, Timothy Jaton; aunt, Linda (Ed) Curtis; and several cousins. Beth Marie Ferguson ’07 passed away February 12, 2013. Her favorite job was working at IME Co. in customer service and as an administrative assistant. While attending CCC, she was a student worker on the Fulton Campus. She enjoyed being outdoors and had a passion for animals, especially her cat, Tyson. Beth was always happy. Her caring, witty and funny nature made her an easygoing daughter, sister, aunt and friend that was loved. Beth enjoyed reading, listening to music and spending time with her family and friends. She is survived by her parents, Robert and Colleen Ferguson; grandmother, Beatrice Smith; sisters, Christine (Edward) Farrell, Robin (Marvin) Burdick, Kimberly (Louis) Jada and Margaret (Michael) Murabito; brother, James (Alinna) Ferguson; and several nieces and nephews. Jessica N. Gentile ’07 passed away unexpectedly May 8, 2013. She was affectionately known as “Jett” by her family and friends. She earned her bachelor’s degree in communications at SUNY Cortland, where she graduated summa cum laude. “Jett” was one of the funniest, free-spirited girls who loved music, enjoyed cooking, babysitting and just being an “old soul.” She loved many things that were not typical for a 25-year-old, including crocheting and crafts. Jessica also enjoyed exercising and spending time with her family and many dear friends. She is survived by her loving parents, John (Wendie) Gentile, and Michele (Kevin) Jones; sister, Sara Speno; grandfathers; several aunts and uncles, as well as several cousins; and numerous friends. Jessica was predeceased by both her grandmothers, Lucy Gentile in 1991, and Ann Fedigan in 2009.

Employee Passings Charles T. (Chuck) Steveskey was the Athletic Director and head of the Physical Education Department at ACC/CCC for over 20 years, where he enjoyed going to work every single day. Retiring in 1991, he will be especially remembered as the Spartans’ basketball coach. He had also served as head baseball coach for Notre Dame High School of Utica until 1964. Chuck was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force having served his country in the 1950’s. He graduated from Syracuse University in 1951 and received his master’s from SU in 1957. Chuck was a communicant of St. Alphonsus Church, a life member of the Knights of Columbus, a member of AARP and the NYS Teacher’s Association. He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Nancy Fera Steveskey; a son, Charles Jr. (Krista); sisters Eleanor Beaudett and Dorothy Stratton. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his brothers, Edward, John, Joseph, William and Albert Steveskey. Chuck passed away on May 18, 2013. Barbara (Inman) Marks had been employed at ACC for many years as secretary to the director of the Evening Division and as ticket manager for the college’s annual Convocation Program. She had attended Katherine Gibbs School in Chicago. Barbara spent 25 years with the Auburn Travel Bureau where she was able to tour the world, often with her husband. She traveled to places such as Yugoslavia, Paris, Moscow, China, Monaco, and England. She was a member of the Owasco Yacht Club and the Owasco Country Club for many years. A member of Westminster Presbyterian Church, she helped found the Auburn Service League and Service League Thrift Shop. Barbara had served as president of the Herman Avenue PTA and had worked extensively with the United Fund throughout her career. She had also served for a few terms as a secretary for the office of former New York State Assemblyman L. Steven Riford, Jr. Survivors include her husband of 68 years, Robert “Bob” W. Marks; the couple’s four children: Sarah (Bill) Hartt, Linn (Dave) Collins, Jamie (Tom) Griffin, and Robert (Cathy) Marks, Jr.; seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Barbara passed away on June 27, 2013.

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FA L L 20 1 3 AC TIV ITIES Monday, September 9th/Auburn Campus Tuesday, September 10th/Fulton Campus Jason O Jason O is a performer that is best described as “a healthy mix of Jason Mraz and Keller Williams.” Onstage, Jason uses live looping to incorporate guitar, bass, vocals, harmonies, percussion, piano, harmonica, ukulele, and trumpet all in one inspiring show. Since 2002, Jason O has released six independent albums and written over 150 songs, and continues to spread his music one person at a time. 11 a.m./Café - Auburn Campus - “Lunch On Us Series” 12:30 p.m./The Event Center - Fulton Campus - “Lunch On Us Series” Monday, September 16th/Auburn Campus Hana Pestle While still in her early 20’s, Hana has achieved much success in the music world. After working with Ben Moody (of Evanescence) at the age of 17, she was the opener for tours with Blues Traveler, Live, and Collective Soul. She has also toured with notable names such as Graham Colton, Ingram Hill, Ari Hest, & Jon McLaughlin. As much as her touring accolades will astound you, it’s her amazing voice that will blow you away! 11 a.m./Café Monday, September 16th/Fulton Campus Wednesday, September 18th/Auburn Campus Activities Fair Come and learn about the many exciting clubs and organizations on campus. College isn’t just about classes and homework; we have a club for almost any interest. Don’t just sit there, get involved! 10 a.m.-1 p.m./Front Main Entrance Hallway - Fulton Campus 10 a.m.-1 p.m./Front Main Entrance Hallway - Auburn Campus Friday through Sunday September 20th–22nd 10th Annual Gettysburg Battlefield National Military Park Excursion This popular trip, sponsored by the ACC/CCC Alumni Association, is led by CCC History Instructor John Lamphere. This trip is sold-out, but sign-ups are taken on a wait list. Trip departs from Fulton and Auburn campuses.

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Monday, September 23rd/Auburn Campus Wednesday, September 25th/Fulton Campus Odd Rod Roderick “Odd Rod” Borisade struggled hard in life during his preteen years. He lost his 16-year-old brother Eric in 1996 to brain cancer, leaving 13-yearold Rod as the head of the house. Eric’s death changed Rod as he began to write his life’s pain in rhyme. He’s now branched his talent into hosting open mics on campuses during his own performance so students across the country can share their feelings and realized that there is no better therapy than a listening audience sometimes. 11 a.m./Cube - Auburn Campus - “Lunch On Us Series” 11 a.m./The Event Center - Fulton Campus - “Lunch on Us Series” Monday, September 23rd/Auburn Campus A View into Ghana - Celebrating Harriet Tubman’s Centennial Join us for this discussion and drumming program, which will explore the culture of Ghana with special guest Barry Bilderback ’84 and featuring Quadir Muntaqim as back-up drummer. Program will begin with drumming session followed by lecture/ discussion. Co-sponsored by the CCC Student Activities Board and Harriet Tubman Center for Justice and Peace, Inc. 11 a.m. & 7 p.m./Student Lounge Free and open to the public. Wednesday, September 25th/Auburn Campus Harmonic Brass Come enjoy this brass quintet that traveled all the way from Munich, Germany for your entertainment. The extraordinary musical radiance of Harmonic Brass, a multifaceted repertoire and an original presentation turns every concert into an unforgettable experience. 7 p.m./Bisgrove Theater Friday through Sunday September 27th-29th 10th Annual Gettysburg Battlefield National Military Park Excursion Due to demand for the 150th Anniversary Celebration, this second Gettysburg trip has been offered. This trip is also sold-out, but sign-ups are taken on a wait list. Trip departs from Fulton and Auburn campuses.

Wednesday, October 9th/Auburn Campus Tracey Ashley Tracey Ashley has always known that she wanted to make people laugh. All Tracey needed was a starting point. From her stories of growing up in the South to the weird happenings of her life, she found a place to begin. There is no doubt she will keep you laughing with the woes and the celebrations of Tracey Ashley. 11 a.m./Café - “Lunch on Us Series” Sunday, October 13th 11th Annual Antique Appraisal Fair Bring in your antiques & collectibles for a verbal appraisal quote -- $2.00 per item or 3 items for $5. 12-4 p.m. Auburn Campus – Nature Center Building (behind the main campus) Monday, October 21st/Fulton Campus Wednesday, October 23rd/Auburn Campus Jenn Grinels In an industry full of hip-hop bad boys and preening pop princesses, Jenn Grinels is truly a rare gem. The singer/songwriter’s music has been described as “jazzy in its pacing, soulful in its delivery, heartfelt in its sensuous tone and poetic in the timing of the words” (Full Value Reviews, P.T. Rothschild). The San Diego Reader puts it best: “She is the real, talented epitome of today’s best indie music.” 11 a.m./The Event Center - Fulton Campus - “Lunch on Us Series” 11 a.m./Café - Auburn Campus - “Lunch on Us Series” Wednesday, October 23rd/Auburn Public Theater David Garibaldi Artists transform an empty canvas into a work of art through their skill, experience, inspiration and senses. David Garibaldi’s life and transition

into a world-renowned performance painter is no different. Garibaldi had always combined his passion for music and color, or rhythm and hue, in his artwork. But it wasn’t until viewing performance painter Denny Dent’s portrait of Jimi Hendrix that Garibaldi discovered how his passion for paint and music could be an inspirational experience for more than just himself. He discovered music-driven-art, and in some ways it discovered him, revealing a portrait of passion and purpose. 7:30 p.m./Auburn Public Theater Saturday, November 9th 10th New York City Overnight Bus Trip The Annual ACC/CCC Alumni Association sponsored “Do Your Own Thing” trip to NYC. We are staying at the Marriott Marquis in the heart of Times Square - Manhattan’s premier location. It doesn’t get easier than this! $269 per person/with 2 people sharing a room. On sale now while space lasts! Trip departs from Auburn Campus. Wednesday, November 13th/Fulton Campus Ryan Schmidt Since his humble musical beginnings in rural New Hampshire, Boston-based singer/songwriter and recent graduate from Northeastern University’s renowned Music Industry program, Ryan Schmidt has opened for Matt Nathanson, Pat McGee and dueted with Juliana Hatfield. With his fourth studio album due out Summer 2013, Schmidt “has taken the singer/songwriter genre to new heights.” ( 11 a.m./The Event Center - “Lunch on Us Series” Wednesday, November 20th/Auburn Campus Mal Hall A comedian from San Diego, the oldest of four and pizza lover, Mal makes his home in Los Angeles and is currently one of the brightest up and coming comedians in the country. He has quickly evolved into a popular and successful college act, performing at hundreds of campuses across the country. Mal’s conversational style, keen observations and cool delivery have proven to be greatly appreciated and well received by his audiences, both young and old. 11 a.m./Cube - “Lunch on Us Series” Saturday & Sunday, December 7th & 8th/Auburn Campus 40th Annual Holiday Festival Craft Fair Over 150 crafters and vendors. Admission is Free. Saturday: 10 a.m.–5 p.m./Sunday: 11 a.m.–4 p.m.



1999 Cayuga County Bi-Centennial Parade

Judy Campanella ’78 and Alumni Dude!

Michael Fochtman ‘12 CCC Fulton dedication

1997 Alumni Great Race participants

Fulton Campus Orientation The Veterans Club at the Auburn Memorial Day parade

Alumni Award winner Michael Frame ’99, his wife Kristy and dad, Bob Frame

Class of 2013 . . . waiting for Commencement

August 22, 2012 Subway opens on Auburn campus

Amy R. Ankrum ’13 before Commencement

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New Nature Trail sign-partly funded by Alumni Association

The Spartan Mascot

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Auburn/Cayuga Alumni Association Cayuga Community College 197 Franklin Street Auburn, New York 13021-3099


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