Cayuga Alumni Spartan Fall-Winter 2014

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What’s New! Over the past several issues of The Spartan we have talked about Cayuga’s plans for the future and reminisced about the past; this issue we will be sharing what is new and happening

New Interim CCC President Last fall, the College community welcomed Dr. Gregory T. DeCinque as our new interim president who was unanimously approved by the SUNY Board of Trustees. Following the appointment, SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher commented, “We are deeply grateful to Dr. DeCinque for agreeing to come out of retirement and continue to serve our system as interim president of Cayuga Community College, while a search for permanent leadership is underway.” Dr. DeCinque had been president of Jamestown Community College for the previous 19 years before retiring in August 2013. He earned his Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of Texas at Austin. As president of JCC, he not only led the campus through its transition to a regional community college, but also had extensive experience in leading the college through fiscal exigency. Arriving in late November Dr. DeCinque quickly immersed himself in the College and the community, spending time with many individuals and leaders of various groups in both Cayuga and Oswego counties as he tried to get to the root issues and begin to explore potential solutions. He shared that, “the parallels of Jamestown and Cayuga were strong, and I believed I could help Cayuga realize the same type of success we achieved at Jamestown.” He credits the Board of Trustees for setting the stage for success even before he came on board. CONTINUED PAGE THREE

A U B U R N / C A Y U G A



right now at CCC. Back in the fall 2011 issue of The Spartan we hinted that “Growth and Change are on the Horizon . . .” The following spring we shared “Blueprint for Cayuga’s Newest Home.” By the fall of 2012 we were able to tell you about the exciting progress that had been made on our new Fulton Campus with the announcement that the Fulton Campus at River Glen was opening on schedule. Turning to Blueprint of new construction the next two issues in storefronts of Fulton Campus in 2013, we savored “Auburn/Cayuga CC turning 60.” Now, as we head into our fall/winter issue of 2014, we are ready to let you in on what is new for Cayuga today. And there is a lot to share . . . Let’s start with our new Interim President Dr. DeCinque. With great strides he is restoring CCC. In June it was announced that “Cayuga is back in the black.” By cutting costs, budget conservation and better-than-expected enrollment, Cayuga will finish the year with a positive fund balance. His appointment of Assistant Professor John Lamphere as the new Interim Dean at the River Glen campus has helped to re-awaken campus spirit as Lamphere pledges to complete a number of projects in the new facility, including a new student lounge area, new work-out space, and the addition of a new Subway restaurant. In addition, new programs such as advanced manufacturing certification and occupational therapy are part of Dr. DeCinque’s plan to make CCC more competitive. The Fulton Nursing Program will officially begin its first class under the new admission cycle in the fall of 2015. The expansion of the program includes new Simulation labs for both campuses. You can read more about this program on the “Fulton Campus” page. The CCCC Foundation is offering new FullTuition Scholarships. The Cayuga Presidential Scholarships are being given to Cayuga and Oswego County students (including JordanElbridge and Skaneateles students) who graduate in the top 20% of their high school class. The ACC/CCC Alumni Association is also excited to announce some new board members. Elections held on September 9th brought in new members. Combine that with a new Alumni Director, and we have the recipe for a whole lot of new projects in the works for the 2014-2015 academic year. We cherish our memories of ACC/CCC, but we’ve come to appreciate that all that is new -- is what will bring back the “old” feeling.




Have you ever thought about . . . Dear Graduate, what your “Dream Job” would look like? And would that “Dream Job” be absolutely perfect in every way? Maybe you would wish it to be, but, what’s the fun in Mary J. Kriever ’09 that? Life should “keep you on your toes.” I never could have predicted the twists and turns that have taken place in order for me to be where I am today. Yet, here I am -- sometimes filled with mixed feelings, but, oh so grateful to be where I am -- in my “Dream Job.” I cannot thank the Alumni Board of Directors enough for their support and belief in me which ultimately led me back to CCC. For those of you who don’t know me, I worked behind the scenes in the Alumni Office for four years as administrative assistant, assistant editor, Phone-a-Thon coordinator, and keeper of our Facebook, among other things. As I began to settle into my new/old surroundings and looked to make the space my own, I came across a sign that I found inspiring and hung it on the wall in my new office: “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream;

not only plan, but also believe.” It was not signed by an author so, of course, I ‘googled it’ -- Anatole France (1844-1924), novelist, journalist, poet. Thank you! I think we all go through times of self-doubt, but, we need to trust that when it feels right, it is right. Then it is only a matter of pushing down that self-doubt and letting the motivation rise to the top. So, did it all happen the way I thought that it would? Nope! But, I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. My wish for you is that you already have your “Dream Job”; but, if you are not there yet, I hope that it is still on the horizon, that you haven’t given up the dream, and that you continue to believe in yourself. And, this is where I give my plug for CCC . . . Consider returning to Cayuga to take some classes to help you head in the direction for that “Dream Job.” Or, come and visit your favorite professor for some inspirational words to help get you back on the track. Whatever you choose, you might be surprised at where the twists and turns of your life may lead you. Mary J. Kriever ’09 Director of Alumni Affairs ACC/CCC Alumni Association

Since my arrival at CCC last fall, I’ve been introducing myself. First, to the College community. Next, to the community-at-large in Cayuga and Oswego counties Gregory legisDeCinque, Ph.D. including lators, business leaders, philanthropists and school district superintendents. With this issue of The Spartan, I have the pleasure of introducing myself to you, the more than 24,000 graduates of Auburn/Cayuga Community College. The SUNY Board of Trustees formally approved my appointment as Interim President in November 2013. Just three months before, I had retired after serving 19 years as president of Jamestown Community College. I like to joke that I “failed” retirement and needed to get back into community college life! My experiences at JCC make for an ideal match with your alma mater. Jamestown and Cayuga both have large branch campuses about an hour away from their main campuses. Both colleges are about the same size, have experienced

Dear College Alumni and Friends, This year we celebrate the ACC/CCC Alumni Association’s 55th Anniversary. Over 24,000 individuals are represented by our Association. Our alumni have traveled to all points of the globe and have held the highest positions in their respective fields. It’s evident from the success stories they share that our College Ted Herrling ‘72 has provided the highest quality programs and services to students, staff and the community-at-large. In November 2013 we welcomed Dr. Gregory DeCinque as the College’s new Interim President. He has given the College and community confidence and direction and shared his fiscal acumen to get CCC back on a solid foundation. Dr. DeCinque is an outstanding leader and we are happy to work with him in meeting the College’s future goals. We were pleased to learn that he has extended his term for an additional year and we look forward to his continued leadership. CCC graduated 524 students this past May and we welcome the graduates into our Alumni Association. At the brunch held commencement morning, we presented the 2014 Alumni Awards to Richard J. Knaul ’63, Melanie Trexler ’75 and Terry M. Wilbur ’08. These individuals have not only distinguished themselves in their careers but also have given outstanding support to the College,


the Foundation and the Alumni Association. Late this summer we welcomed our new fulltime Director of Alumni Affairs, Mary Kriever ’09. Mary previously served as Assistant Director and we welcome her dedication and expertise in leading us in the future. We also are very thankful to Jeff Hoffman of the CCC Foundation and the CCC staff who have given us great support in our commitment to our mission of providing services to alumni. The Association’s Annual Meeting was held in September where we set our agenda for the coming academic year. We look forward to continuing the various programs and activities that the Association has become known for and we encourage all interested alumni to join us and become active in your Association. As I wrote last fall, I feel we are the best community college Alumni Association in the state and that would not be possible without your support and assistance. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the individuals who have helped and supported the Association throughout the year. The Board members of the Association have provided their time, energy, hard work and dedication in providing great services and programs to our alumni, the College and our local communities. Thank you to all and we look forward to serving you this coming year. Ted Herrling ‘72, ACC/CCC Alumni Association President

budgetary shortfalls and share the mantle of being community colleges within SUNY. I soon realized that several of our major accomplishments at JCC could be translated to Cayuga’s situation. These could include the transition to a multi-county regional model and the possible creation of student housing. However, the most important task facing Cayuga is the broadening of our academic offerings. To speak as a business person might, these are the products that we sell and that must meet the needs and wants of our customers. Already, CCC has received approval for our new Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant program. We are moving ahead on advanced manufacturing, plastics technology, and technical programs hosted on our Fulton Campus in conjunction with Oswego County BOCES. Stay tuned throughout 2014-15 for more developments! When I say that Cayuga Community College is an integral part of the community, what I’m really saying is that each graduate makes CCC an important part of our community. Your personal stories, taken together, become the full Cayuga Story. Therefore, I have two requests to you. First, I ask each of you to let your legislators, representatives and community contacts know just how important CCC is to our region. If Cayuga is to serve future generations as well as we served you, we must have an adequate level of funding to provide the high quality educational programs that prepare our students to serve their communities, their counties and our country for the future. Second, I encourage you as alumni to continue supporting the CCC Foundation by donating to the Annual Alumni Appeal. The Foundation has partnered in CCC’s turnaround by creating the Cayuga Presidential Scholarships. This new fund ensures that any and all high school graduates from Cayuga and Oswego counties, who ranked in the top 20% of their high school classes, can attend CCC for two full years, tuition-free. As long as they maintain a 3.0 GPA and attend CCC fulltime, these students can earn their degrees without paying a single penny in tuition. This is an expensive enterprise, to be sure, and one worthy of your full support. Your alma mater has accomplished much in the past year. We still have much to do during my tenure. I thank you in advance for joining me in our work to build a better future for Cayuga Community College. Sincerely, Gregory DeCinque, Ph.D. Interim President



Meet the 2014 Alumni Award Winners Richard J. Knaul ’63

Terry M. Wilbur ’08

Town Councilman, Owasco, N.Y. Mr. Knaul is a resident and native of Auburn, N.Y. and has been involved with countless organizations throughout the years. After graduating from Richard J. Knaul ’63 Auburn East High and working at Troy Laundry, the family business, Rich enlisted in the U.S. Navy. Upon his release from active duty, he continued his military career in the U.S. Naval Reserve through 1972. While in the Reserve, he attended and graduated from Auburn Community College in 1963. It was at ACC that Rich met and later married Barbara Davis, an ACC/CCC math professor. Rich is a Master Electrician and was part owner of K&S Pumps, retiring as Vice President in 1986. Mr. Knaul has been involved in countless community organizations

Oswego County Legislator, Majority Leader & Constituent Liaison NYS Assembly over the years including the MerryGo-Round Theater, Emerson Park, Tomato Fest and Lights on the Lake. As a civic minded individual, he has served on the Town of Owasco Planning Board for over 20 years and was recently elected to the Town Board. His involvement and dedication with Boy Scouts of America has spanned more than three decades. As an avid worker for the YMCA in a number of capacities, he was voted Member of the Year in 2013. Mr. Knaul has provided his assistance to Sacred Heart Church, RSVP, Neighborhood Sewer Project and the Community Preservation Committee. Rich has worked on behalf of Schwartz Towers as a board member and president, as well as Owasco Yacht Club where he has been a tireless worker, board member and treasurer since 1971. The Knauls have three children: David, Kate and John, as well as six grandchildren.

Melanie Trexler ’75

Executive Director, United Way of Greater Oswego County For much of her life, Melanie Trexler has been actively involved in making her community a better place. Before joining the staff of the United Way of Greater Melanie Trexler ’75 Oswego County, she spent 20 years as a fundraiser for various organizations worldwide, working with Mother Teresa’s charity in Manila where she helped established a TB clinic and procured enough food for it to sustain itself for a year; helping to set up a hospital and collecting two tons of clothes for homeless

children in Moscow after a devastating earthquake in 1988; and spearheading an operation to fill a school bus with toys, clothes and school supplies for children in Central America. For the past 13 years, as part of the United Way of Greater Oswego County, Melanie has focused on working for the greater good of her community. In 2013 she was named by NYS Senator Patti Ritchie as one of CNY’s Women of Distinction. In 2012 Ms. Trexler was awarded the Amelia Earhart Award “Woman of the Year” by Zonta International and in 2011 was named one of the “100” Women Who Inspire Girls to Lead and Achieve by the Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways.

Alumni News Staff Editor: Mary J. Kriever ’09 Assistant Editor: Mary Wejko ’66 I would like to offer my gratitude to everyone who helped me complete this issue of The Spartan. A special thank you goes to Mary Wejko, “MW” –I couldn’t have done it without you; and to Mary Merritt - “MGM,” for the creative graphic design. I am very grateful for the continued encouragement and support of my alumni board - you’re the best! For me personally, it has truly been a pleasure and I hope you enjoy! ~Mary

Contributors: Jeff Hoffman, Carol MacKenzie ’74, Alumni Participants, College Community & others as referenced. Graphic Design: Mary G. Merritt, MGM Word Studio, Inc. Photography: Alumni & CCC Staff and College Archives Alumni Class Notes: Alumni Staff, Mary Wejko ’66 and Lori A. Cochran ’05 Data Entry Management: CCC Data Center Staff Circulation: Gregory Szczepanski ’75 Proofreading: Mary Wejko ’66 and Carol MacKenzie ‘74

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After graduating from Cayuga’s Fulton Campus with an associate’s in criminal justice, Mr. Wilbur continued his education at SUNY Oswego, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in Terry M. Wilbur ’08 political science. In 2009 he ran for and was elected to the Oswego County Legislature, becoming the youngest-ever elected legislator in Oswego County. Mr. Wilbur currently is the Constituent Liaison for New York State Assembly members William Barclay and Robert Oaks. Now in his third term as legislator, he is also the Majority

Leader. He serves on a number of legislative standing committees. He was recently elected to the position of State Committeeman for the New York State Republican Party. Wilbur is very passionate about the agricultural community. He is a member of numerous agriculturally related committees both at the state and county level. His many community involvements include the Parish Council at Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, president of the Hannibal Central School Alumni Association, as well as a member of the CCC Alumni Association board of directors. He was married to his fiancée Brianna last month. Together they enjoy working on her grandparent’s farm in their spare time.

CCC New Interim President... CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE “They made some tough decisions last year to start the turn around, and I’ve been able to hold the line by managing the financial aspects of the College very conservatively.” Quickly realizing that the most promising solutions would take longer than the eight months left in his contract, Dr. DeCinque had some discussions with the board about their interest in a contract extension. He added that “…I really felt that was the right course to get the institution where it needed to be not only for the fiscal health and future of the College but also to be attractive to a strong pool of candidates for the presidency.” After six months of significant progress toward returning the institution to solvency and sustainable viability, the Board

Alumni Scholarships The ACC/CCC Alumni Association has awarded seven scholarships to new, continuing, and transferring students. Recipients are: • Incoming freshmen: Gabrielle L. Dalton, daughter of Lisa Webster ’09 and Brittany A. Evans, daughter of Tammy Evans ’05 • Returning sophomores: Christine E. King and Brittany Christine Androsko • Transferring graduates: Brian A. Jennings ’14 transferring to SUNY Cortland (Sports Management), Sara J. Randall ’13 transferring to LeMoyne College (Mathematics – Actuarial Science), and Mackenzie R. Malone ’14 transferring to SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (Wildlife Science) Candidates are judged on application essays and scholastic merit. Freshmen awards are reserved for children or grandchildren of Cayuga alumni.

of Trustees voted to extend Dr. DeCinque’s initial one-year contract to the end of November 2015. By mid-summer, Dr. DeCinque was able to announce that $1 million would be added to the college’s fund balance for the 2014-15 fiscal year. Cayuga’s improved financial situation is enabling the college to again consider building dormitories and an athletic complex, initiatives that had been put on hold. Dr. DeCinque says Cayuga needs them to compete for new students because most other community colleges have those facilities. Also, while the short-term goal of fiscal health is paramount, Dr. DeCinque says looking forward is also essential for the College’s success. That includes the vision for the Fulton Campus. He and a dedicated team, led by recently appointed Interim Dean of Fulton Campus, John Lamphere ’74, are working with a number of mission-appropriate partners to develop the River Glen campus into a center of education, training, culture and entertainment. Board of Trustees President Jeff Edwards feels that Cayuga won the lottery twice with Dr. DeCinque. “When Greg signed the first contract, I truly felt that he was the lifeboat for our College,” shares Edwards. “Then, when he initiated the conversation about a contract extension, I knew Cayuga would thrive having the benefit of another year with him at the helm.” Edwards continued, “Greg has helped us recover from a very trying period. He has shown that if we pull together as a community, attitudes and the atmosphere can shift and we can move forward and remain a competitive college in New York State.”



Meet CCC Theater Alums David J. Bradford ’73

Daniel R. Fenlon ’73

Basically I was a career clue- arts. It was my pleasure to work with less 19-year-old from Cortland, The Acting Company, The Juilliard N.Y. before meeting professors School, Circle Rep, Twyla Tharp Dan Labeille and Dance, The Joffrey Charlie Herbst at Ballet, The Royal ACC back in 1971Ballet, The Met 72. I had never even Opera, The Bolshoi walked across a Theatre, The Kirov stage before a brief Theatre, Mikhail encounter with Dan Baryshnikov, Philip at an open audition. Glass, A Baker’s I very quickly Dozen Broadway learned that I was Show, and believe not an actor but it or not -- even was drawn into the Frank Sinatra. backstage experiThe best part of ence of helping to this story is that create a live perwhile working with formance. Dan and Baryshnikov, I met Charlie actively and fell in love with David J. Bradford ’73 encouraged my parone of his dancers, ticipation by offering me a student Patricia Lent, who I am happy to part-time position in the scene shop say became my wife. After 38 years building scenery and props. After in Manhattan and a nearly overhelping mount a couple of shows, I whelming amount of domestic and knew I had found my calling. international travel, I decided to With Dan’s recommendation, I call it quits and retire happily back was hired on to be the technical in the Finger Lakes. director of a SUNY tour of several Patricia and I now live quietly campus theaters with the Austrian on the shore of Cayuga Lake in a Theatre company, Theater in der home we designed and built. In a Josefstadt. This fantastic experience nutshell, I owe pretty much everyfocused my direction and led to a thing to my experience at ACC and position with the highly regarded the thoughtful guidance of Dan children’s theater company, The Labeille and Charlie Herbst. I am Paper Bag Players in NYC, who, by happy to say that Dan Labeille and I have been very good friends every the way, still perform to this day. To make a long story shorter, bit of the way. Charlie Herbst and I for the next 38 years I lived in have also remained in contact until Manhattan, traveled extensively he went into hospice care with a and had the pleasure of working terminal illness. side by side with many of the most David J. Bradford ’73 talented artists in the performing

I have been extensively involved I have been in one major film, with community theatre over the “42” the Jackie Robinson story. last forty years. In fact, in 1987, The film was shot in 2012 and preI met and fell in miered in April love with my south2013. I was cast as ern wife, Barbara, Babe Hamburger, when we were cast the Brooklyn as the newlyweds Dodgers clubhouse in “Barefoot in the manager, after Park.” Some of being pulled from my favorite shows a crowd of extras have been “It’s A in Chattanooga, Wonderful Life” Tennessee. I had (three times), “Man gone to the set with of La Mancha,” my son, Drake, just “The Good Doctor,” for fun. The cast“Zara Spook & ing director told Other Lures,” “A me that I had the View From the perfect look for a Light Booth,” part they needed to “South Pacific,” cast at the last minDaniel R. Fenlon ’73 and “Fiddler on the ute. I read for her Roof.” I have also participated in and then read for the director and numerous murder mystery evenings screenplay writer, Brian Helgeland, for a local production company. and was given the part. I worked for two days—one of which was with Harrison Ford who played the part of Branch Rickey. My work with Dan Labeille at ACC definitely gave me a love for theatre and kept me on the stage for forty years. I live in Cookeville, Tennessee, and Fenlon ’73 is cast as Babe Hamburger in the film “42” work for Kroger. I have a daughter, Amanda, and When not acting, I enjoy finding a son, Drake. I am also the proud and creating props for theatre. I am grandpa to two beautiful grandalso an active Boy Scout leader and daughters, London and Paisley. am currently District Commissioner for the BSA Upper Cumberland Daniel R. Fenlon ’73 District.

Board Members Lori Cochran ‘05 Michael Fochtman ‘12 Felicia Franceschelli ‘11 Jo Ann Harris ‘95 William F. (Bill) Jacobs ‘73 Kristan Johnson ‘13

2014-2015 Board Officers President Edward F. (Ted) Herrling ’72 Vice President Gerard (Gerry) Guiney ’82

John McLeod ’08 Amanda Reed ’06

NEW YORK CITY Weekend Bus Trip

Rebecca Reese ‘06 Amanda Stankus ’03 Terry Wilbur ’08

Ex Officio Members

Treasurer Frederick Falsey ’76

Dr. Gregory DeCinque, Interim

Secretary John Lamphere ‘74

Jeffrey Hoffman, Executive Director,

Past President Anthony Gucciardi ’61

Mary Kriever ‘09 , Director of Alumni


The ACC/CCC Alumni Association invites you to join us on a

President, Cayuga Community College The CCC Foundation Affairs Cayuga Community College

November 8-9, 2014 (Saturday & Sunday)

PRICE: $275 per person based on two people sharing a room at Sheraton Times Square There are no planned activities. You don’t need to be an alum to join us!



CCC Alumni Authors Mark C. Coleman ’96 Following the release of his g roundbreaking first book in 2012, which “received tremendous reviews and global reach,” author Mark C. Coleman ’96 announces the publication of his second book, Time to Trust: Mobilizing Mark Coleman ’96 Humanity for a Sustainable Future. The book provides an understanding of how trust has been a foundation of all human relationships and the evolution of civilization and teaches how to identify, manage and communicate through “Trust-Triggering Events.” Coleman provides insight on visualizing and learning the necessary trust-related traits and skills to take action, mobilize and lead the “Sustainability Generation.” For additional information, visit www. In the fall 2012 issue of The Spartan, we highlighted Mark’s first book, The Sustainability Generation: The Politics of Change and Why Personal Accountability is Essential NOW!, which examined how individual and generational

Mark E. Stiver ’89 entitlement represent the underlying root causes of social and environmental challenges. Since then he began a new blog that he wrote for Huffington Post, “Trust is Essential for a Sustainable Future.” Coleman is the President of Convergence, Mitigation, Management (CMM) LLC, a management consulting business. CMM develops and provides custom business intelligence and advisory services for business, government, applied research, not-for-profit, and non-governmental organizations. CMM helps organizations identify, understand, assess, and prioritize specific risks to their business and strategies to mitigate and manage those risks. He also has served as a Senior Research Associate with the firm, AHC Group, Inc., and between 2008 and 2013, Mark served on the board of a not-for-profit organization, B9 Plastics (, involving global water development concerns. Mark attended Binghamton University where he received a B.A. in Geography and Environmental Studies, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where he received his M.S. in Environmental Management and Policy. Married to Aileen McNabbColeman ’97, the couple resides in Auburn, NY with their two sons, Owen Patrick and Neal Garrett.

Since he was young, Mark E. Mark has written a few sequels Stiver ’89, Auburn native and CCC along with some other original stoalum, knew he was destined to be ries. All of his books have been writa writer. In an interview with The ten and published within the short Citizen, Mark said, “I span of 13 months. His always wanted to see latest, “Strange Science my name on a book, but from Space,” is one of I didn’t know if it would his favorites. ever happen. Now it’s Stiver has taken the happened a few times. self-publishing route It’s pretty cool.” for every book he’s writStiver has made a ten, learning everything name for himself in the he needs to know about world of science-fiction the process simply by writing with a very simsearching the Internet. ple recipe: a little imagHe sometimes finishes ination mixed with a books and puts them up touch of ambition. His for sale without even Mark E. Stiver ’89 books are his own cretelling his friends and ations—a combination of stories he family and quickly gets working thinks up during his daily routine on the next one as soon as he gets and memories he has from vivid another idea. dreams. Each one is a short story, “If I get an idea, I’ll outline it; and the longest one reaching only about if it seems good, then I’ll go with it.” 80 pages. Mark said he will continue to “They’re short stories, but they’re write for now. With every book that long enough to be books,” he said. comes out, he’ll be reminded once His first book, “Vampire Vanashez,” again what he loves so much about was published in July of 2012. writing.

CAMPUS EVENTS Wednesday, October 22nd 7:30pm Auburn Public Theatre/ Performance Painter David Garibaldi Artists transform an empty canvas into a work of art through their skills, experience, inspiration and senses. David’s life and transition into a worldrenowned performance painter is no different. As a performance painter, he creates images through his body movement and brushes while communicating via music to an amazed audience. Don’t miss out on this amazing event! Admission is $10 for general public; $8 for students.

Marilyn “Merlyn” U. Fuller ’99 Marilyn “Merlyn” U. Fuller ’99, CCC employee for the last 17 years in the Department of Community Education and Workforce Development, is now an author. Fuller has written and published Fairy Tales & Horror Stories: A Memoir. The book recalls her North Country childhood and her counter-cultural adulthood. She grew up in rural upstate New York, near Watertown, outside of Brownville. It was an idyllic pastoral childhood in many ways, roaming fields and pastures and picking cowslips and catching tadpoles. Her favorite hobbies were being out in nature, dressing up her cats in doll clothes, pretending to be an actress and putting on shows in the garage. Her book finds her pondering love, sex, music and s p i r i t u a l i t y. “Merlyn” performs at Shy as a child, the Renaissance Festival she was vexed

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by her mother’s incessant spiritual seekings as they drove from one church to the other like lost pilgrims. Regardless, those seekings would come to define Fuller’s ride through life. Fuller graduated CCC with her Liberal Arts and Humanities degree. She is also a self-employed business owner: musician and entrepreneur of “Merry Mischief,” where she goes by her musical name “Merlyn.” She and her husband work the Sterling Renaissance Festival as a musical duo. The couple has worked in other states as well. “Merlyn” was the Author Spotlight for CNY Writer’s Center in the Arts in the HeARTS Gallery on June 14 as part of the Fulton Arts Fest. You can find Marilyn’s book at any Merry Mischief event, at Downtown Books and Coffee in Auburn, or online at It’s also available on Kindle on Amazon.

Thursday, October 9th 7pm Fulton Education Center, 167 S. 4th Street, Fulton, NY Wednesday, October 15th 7pm Irene Bisgrove Community theatre, Auburn Campus Mark Twain and Mr. Clemens, Tonight Performed by Kurt H. Sutton Sponsored by the CCCC Foundation Admission is free.

Saturday & Sunday, December 6th & 7th Saturday: 10am – 5pm Sunday: 11am – 4pm 41st Annual Craft Fair Come out and see over 150 crafters & vendors! There’s something for everyone at this event. Host of the Annual Auburn Players Holiday Children’s Play. Stop by and get all of your holiday shopping done with this one stop-shopping event. Admission is free!



Dear ACC/CCC Alumni and Friends, Not long after I exited my last CCC class in 1984, my wife and I found ourselves living in the Lehigh Valley. Our new hometown was Pen Argyl, Pe n n s y l v a n i a — childhood home of Jeff Hoffman Jayne Mansfield and center of the “Slate Belt.” (If you have a slate pool table, chances are the tabletop came from the slate pit just south of town.) I had taken my first “real” job in ’84 as the marketing/fund raising director for a small museum. Now, three decades later, I find myself still loving my profession and practicing it at Cayuga.

“There’s something to be said for a faceto-face conversation, a handshake and a hug, a shared laugh among fellow ACC/CCC alums.” —Jeff Hoffman A lot has changed in philanthropy over 30 years. Online giving has gained a foothold. Some printed publications have taken a back seat to blogs, websites, tweets, postings and text messages. And yet, at this moment you hold in your hands an actual, printed alumni newsletter!*

There will always be a place in this world, and in our lives, for the printed word. There’s something about a piece that we can touch, that rustles when we turn the page, that has that distinctive “right off the press” scent. Similarly, there will always be a place in this world, and in our lives, for each other. There’s something to be said for a face-toface conversation, a handshake and a hug, a shared laugh among fellow ACC/CCC alums. This year we’re asking you to reconnect with Auburn/Cayuga Community College. Come see what’s new, what’s planned and what’s happening on Franklin Street. Attend a play, a performance, a lecture or an athletic event (okay, some teams still play off-campus). Stop by the Alumni and Foundation offices to say hello. Come to 11 River Glen Drive in Fulton. You’ll be impressed by our new campus; our plans for the future; and more so, by the students, faculty, staff and fellow ACC/CCC alumni. We hope to see you on campus this year or run into you out in our communities. Thank you, as always, for being an active part of the ACC/ CCC family! Sincerely, Jeff Hoffman Executive Director CCC Foundation *Unless you’re reading this on the College’s website…

This year’s Foundation’s 28th Presidents’ Circle Recognition event invitation and program cover featured the artwork of CCC student Kristina Netti.

Presidents’ Circle Donor Recognition The Foundation’s 28th Presidents’ Circle Recognition event was held in May at the Sherwood Inn. The dinner honors the many individuals, foundations and businesses whose support makes our success possible. Members of the Presidents’ Circle make annual gifts of $1,000 and above to the Cayuga Community College Foundation. The event is also an opportunity to thank our benefactors who have made a gift of $10,000 or more in any given year. Traditionally, a student’s artwork is selected to be featured on the invitation and program cover. This year a

painting by Kristina Netti, a student who majored in Studio Art with a concentration in graphic design, was selected. Kristina is the daughter of alumnus Frank Netti ’69. Kristina’s painting was created in a Painting I course as a perceptual painting assignment. Kristina observed a complex still life arrangement and chose her composition using a viewfinder to crop a section of the still life. The goal of the painting assignment was to use traditional painting techniques with a purpose of capturing proportions and creating form.

Cayuga County Community College Foundation Board of Directors for 2014 President Lloyd E. Hoskins ’74

Board Members

Vice President David Contiguglia

Dr. Dennis Golladay

Treasurer John Latanyshyn Secretary Loraine Miller ’73 Assistant Secretary Lisa M. Green

Honorary Directors

Barbara J. Bateman Kelley M. Gridley Edward F. (Ted) Herrling ’72 John J. Klink ’66 William R. Lynch Lewis E. Springer II Kimberly M. Townsend L. Michael Treadwell Robert K. Wallace

Peter J. Emerson

Caroline M. Westover

Dr. Joseph F. Karpinski Sr.

Angela C. Winfield

Daniel C. Labeille

Ex Officio Dr. Gregory T. DeCinque




Professor Robert H. Brunell and the Brunell Chair in the Humanities If you attended Auburn or Cayuga Community College from its founding through 2004, you knew the name of Professor Robert H. Brunell. In December of 2004, having completed the first semester of his 50th year on the faculty, Professor B r u n e l l died unexpectedly. As President Dr. Dennis Golladay noted at the time, “A re s p e c t e d , and even Professor Robert H. revered, Brunell in 1964

figure on campus, Professor Brunell maintained through all his 50 years of teaching the vigor, insight, and intellectual depth for which he was noted. Students flocked to his classes, and he delivered to them not only value and rigor in the classroom, but also his wisdom and guidance as they planned their futures.” Professor Brunell was a World War II veteran before completing his studies at Colby College in Maine. His service included teaching French to Army troops, participating in the D-Day invasion and seeing action in the Battle of the Bulge. Brunell earned his bachelor’s degree in 1947 and his master’s in 1949 from Middlebury College. He began his teaching career at Little Falls (N.Y.) Central School. Professor Brunell joined the English faculty of the year-old Auburn Community College in

1954. He remained a full-time member of the college faculty for the rest of his life, served as chair of the English department and taught German, French, and Spanish. In 1961 he authored the college’s first self-study report required for ACC’s initial accreditation from Middle States. A very few of the honors he earned through the years included: • National Outstanding Educator in America award in 1973 and other years • Resolution by the New York State Legislature in 1994 in recognition of 40 years of service to ACC/CCC • Honorary Alumnus Award from the ACC/CCC Alumni Association in 2001 • Colby College’s Alumni Outstanding Educator Award for 2002-3 • The inaugural SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service A lifelong interest in music and the arts kept Brunell active in the community. The Key of C, a quartet founded in 1971 and directed by

Professor Brunell, performed at the Willard Chapel for New York State Tourism Bureau radio spots. Brunell also played the organ at St. Luke’s United Church of Christ in Auburn and at other churches, community events and the annual holiday open house at the Seward House. At the time of his passing, few people knew that Professor Brunell had provided for CCC in his estate. His gift to the CCC Foundation, the largest ever from an individual, created the Robert H. Brunell Chair in the Humanities. The intent of the Chair is to “…invite a distinguished and noted author or artist to be in residence and actively teaching and interacting with students and faculty.” The first Brunell Chair was Prof. Christopher Kennedy, Director of the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Syracuse University. In 2012, CCC welcomed musician and humanitarian Samite Mulondo as the Brunell Chair. This fall, the Brunell chair will be filled for the first time by an alumna of the College, Eileen Jerrett ’02.

Fall 2014 Brunell Scholar Returning to CCC this fall, Eileen J. Jerrett ’02, will be the artist-in-residence for TELC 210: Documentary Film Production, where she will assist in teaching. Her latest film, “Blueberry Soup,” documents the rewriting of the Icelandic constitution, her most extensive piece of work to date. Jerrett has dedicated her life and career to making documentary films that are meant to inspire a more creative way of looking at some of life’s most important issues. “Blueberry Soup” is about the constitutional change in Iceland following the financial crisis of 2008. This is a not well-known story of grassroots constitutionalism brought to life in this uniquely beautiful documentary. The film is a deeply touching account of an eclectic group of individuals reinventing democracy through the rewriting of the nation’s constitution. During her time at CCC, Jerrett will also screen films, bring in guest filmmakers for screenings and assist in a master class on video production. She also will continue her own documentary film work, provide public screenings as well as screenings for other colleges. Jerrett received dual degrees with a background in film and telecommunications production at CCC. She moved to Toronto to pursue her bachelor’s in film production.

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A graduate of CCC’s Telcom program in 2002, independent documentary filmmaker Eileen Jerrett is back on campus this fall as the “Brunell Visiting Scholar.”



Four Locations – 20 Years On April 23, Cayuga CC’s Fulton Campus celebrated its 20th anniversary. The event’s organizing committee (featured in the February 2014 edition of Get Inspired) welcomed staff, faculty, special guests and dignitaries. An introduction by Sue Witmer ’90, Fulton Campus Director of Operations and committee chair, began by reading a letter from Debbie Grimshaw, the campus’s first director. Though she was unable to attend personally due to her position of superintendent of the Canajoharie Central School District, she sent her best regards including a stroll down memory lane. Sue also recognized special guests in attendance, including Dr. Cathleen McColgin ’86, former Dean/Provost of the Fulton Campus; Fulton Mayor Ron Woodward; Oswego County Legislators Linda Lockwood, Frank Castiglia Jr., Morris Sorbello and Roy Reehil; CCC Trustee Joseph Runkle; Cayuga County Legislators Mike Didio and Keith Batman ’72, who was also the former interim director of the Fulton

Center; President Ted Herrling ’72 and board members representing the ACC/CCC Alumni Association. Speakers included Dr. Gregory DeCinque, CCC Interim President; Honorable Michael Chapman, Chairman Cayuga County Legislature; and Terry Wilbur ’08, Majority Leader Oswego County Legislator and ACC/CCC Alumni Association board member. Patricia McCurdy, retired Fulton English instructor and unofficial historian for the event, entertained the crowd of about 80 with 20 trivia questions. The assembled group tested their knowledge on the campus’s early beginnings, many of them surprising and Dr. DeCinque cuts the cake at the 20th humorous. Anniversary of CCC’s A luncheon Fulton Campus and cake followed, offering long-time friends and colleagues a chance to reminisce and enjoy the camaraderie.

CCC Fulton Campus: Nurturing Oswego County Learners for 20 Years Cayuga Community College saw Center. By the next year, the Fulton the need for community college ser- Center moved to the new facility. vices in Oswego County. In the spring In 2004, to accommodate the of 1994, after five years increasing student of study, the decision enrollment, 5,000 feet of was made to create The unfinished space within Fulton Extension Site of the Fulton Center was CCC. The College opened renovated that added with 94 students enrolled four classrooms and in two rented classseven offices. Growth rooms in the basement continued, and in 2006 of the Fulton Education SUNY approved Branch Center in downtown Campus status educating Judy Campanella and Fulton. After outgrowmore than 1,000 students ing that facility in just JoAnn Harris, long-time and offering complete six months, it was moved Fulton campus employees degree programs on site. into the former Holy Family School In spring 2011, Cayuga County building on W. Third St., Fulton that approved the purchase of the forsummer. In 1996, SUNY approved mer P&C Foods building in Fulton’s the Extension Center designation. River Glen Plaza as well as 45 adjaAs part of the College’s Facilities cent acres. Kick off for construction Master Plan, 50,000 square feet of was held in December, and the new space was leased in a vacant discount Fulton Campus at River Glen Plaza department store and a new home was opened for the Fulton site was designed. The to students by central feature was an innovative fall 2012. Learning Commons that combined Currently the Library, Academic Support there are Center, and open Computing Lab. close to 140 Each would have about 60 stations employees on with the open design allowing the the Fulton space to “flex” to meet varying Campus. Of needs. Construction began in 2000 that number, and a groundbreaking was held at approximately What ever happened to 806 W. Broadway on the new Fulton 23 are alumni. “The Cone of Silence”?


Memories from Education Extension Site 1994

Memories from Broadway 2001-2012

River Glen 2012

Members of the 20th Anniversary Committee are from left, Sgt. Ralph Stacy, Jr. ’97, JoAnn Harris ’95, Judy Campanella ’78, Joyce Crandall ’02, Sue Witmer ’90, and Misty DiGaetano ’01.



Fulton Nursing Program to expand Cayuga Community College’s Fulton Campus will now admit students into the school’s nursing program each fall. Previously, the Fulton program offered only bi-annual admissions with classes beginning in the fall of even-numbered years. The change to an annual admission cycle was precipitated by demand, says Professor and Director of Nursing Linda Alfieri, MS, RN. “By offering annual admissions, more individuals will be able to obtain the education and training needed for a successful career in this rewarding profession.” The expansion of Cayuga’s nursing program, which boasts a 100% NCLEX pass rate for both campuses over the past three years, coincides with the opening of a new Simulation

Lab, which will enhance the practical experience of students. The first class under the new admissions cycle will begin in the fall of 2015. Applications for fall 2015 admission will be available online at Those interested in more information about the program and admission process are encouraged to attend a Nursing Information Session on November 10 at 4 P.M. at the Fulton campus (11 River Glen Drive in Fulton).

Fulton Campus Architects Earn Award

The True Beauty Event, sponsored by SGO, took place on the Fulton Campus this past spring. The purpose of the event was to promote the fact that “true beauty” comes from the inside, not the outside.

The American Institute of Architects Eastern New York Chapter (AIAENY) recently recognized JMZ Architects and Planners of Glens Falls, N.Y. for their work on CCC’s Fulton Campus. The firm was honored with a merit award for excellence in design for its work on the campus project. The jury commented that the “conversion of a strip mall into a college school campus was innovative in concept and design. The challenge of creating a college campus feel is explicit in the spacious and naturally lit spaces that encompass the learning

environment.” JMZ received the recognition at an awards ceremony on February 20 in the category of Renovation/Addition/Adaptive Reuse category. CCC Interim President Dr. Gregory DeCinque stated that “American community colleges have earned a reputation for doing more with less and staying tightly connected with the people they serve.” The Fulton Campus has come a long way since its inception 20 years ago, and the campus located in the River Glen Plaza is a testament to that fact.

Greetings from the Interim Fulton Campus Dean! Once again, I have been asked to contribute to our Alumni newsletter, which for you who do not already know, will be the first one wholly done by Mary Kriever ’09, your new Alumni John Lamphere ’74 Director. As for me, I have contributed in prior issues as a Gettysburg Tour Guide, President of the Alumni Association, and now – quite unexpectedly – as the Interim Dean of the Fulton Campus. I have been given a mission that I fully intend to complete, one that calls for a lot of positive change. I would like to tell you all what is happening with this campus, how it affects the students and staff, the community, and the College as a whole. Our Interim President, Greg DeCinque, brings with him an amazing amount of energy and a strong and dedicated commitment to the College, all of which is very “hale to the College community.” I can

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unequivocally state that Cayuga Community College is healthy and alive, and with the foundation we have established in Oswego County, is here to stay. We began this commitment in 1979 when we first offered nursing classes, then rented classrooms at different locations in downtown Fulton, and had a good 11-year run at the West Broadway site. For the past two years, we welcomed students to the new River Glen complex, and, if you stop by in the upcoming months, you will see that even that face of the College is changing. The Fulton Campus is undergoing a dynamic change, one that best reflects the needs of the community, our students and our populace. Today, we are in the process of building a student lounge, which will include areas for dining, recreation, engagement, club activities and Veterans’ needs. Adjacent to that will be the campus food area with the addition of a Subway branch – freshly prepared, healthy and student friendly in cost. With the College Bookstore next to that – addressing all of our student needs and featuring

Starbucks Coffee -- Jess Murphy and her staff can keep you dressed in the latest College line of clothing, while you purchase school supplies and laptops. Eat too much at either of the above locations, and you will now be able to walk out into the new College Fitness Center which is being reconfigured and should be operational within the next two months. All plans – as you can see – are no longer conceptual, but tangible works in progress for students and staff. What else is happening with the Fulton Campus? -- A lot. For fall of 2014, you will find newly created and dedicated classrooms for Physics, Electrical Technology, our award-winning Nursing Program that has been doubled in size, and Medical Technology. We are also offering new courses in Psychology, Business, Criminal Justice and introducing one in Homeland Security. Further, all of our Office of Community Education & Workforce Development courses are to be instructed at River Glen. Lastly, if you are a community organization in need of space to promote a worthy course or action, I will make

sure that you have a room to do so. We are partnering with – to name a few – Oswego Health, Oswego County Opportunities, Oswego County, Oswego County Emergency Management, Oswego BOCES and numerous businesses in Oswego County. We are working with each to create courses and programs to meet their specific needs. Oswego Health asked, and we responded with the immediate development and commitment to our Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) program, for which we have hired a director. Stop by and see us. You may remember a lot of the faces; you might find some new ones. Either way, we are all friends and you will always be welcome – starting at the newly named Susan C. Witmer ’90 Welcome Center (another alum), to our entire office staff, Public Safety, Learning Commons, Faculty, all the way up to me – you name it. We are Cayuga Community College and that includes you! John E. Lamphere ’74 Interim Dean



Telcom student productions win two TELLY Awards The Telcom Department and School of Media and the Arts (SOMA) at CCC are pleased to announce that one of their student-produced programs, The Sweet Treat Trail, has been selected as a winner of two 2014 TELLY AWARDS. The Telly Awards are the premier international awards honoring the finest film and video productions, groundbreaking web commercials, videos and films, and outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs. The 34th Annual Telly Awards received over 12,000 entries from all 50 states and five continents. C3 Video students worked with the Cayuga County Office of Tourism to create a series of short videos for the new Finger Lakes Sweet Treat Trail that opened last summer. The students created 10 videos featuring various stops on the trail. The trail is a “foodie” trail that has become very popular. All the segments from the award-winning program are available on a DVD that is given to tour operators visiting Cayuga County. The segments are also featured on the Cayuga County Office of Tourism website ( In addition to garnering awards, C3 Video also released Cayuga Eats! – Great Places to Eat and Drink in Cayuga County. The Auburn/Cayuga County region has great places to eat and drink. C3 Video’s student producers traveled throughout this beautiful region, talked to chefs and owners, visited their kitchens, and sampled

delicious food and drink in unique establishments. This video features eight local restaurants, shops, and wineries in Auburn, Fair Haven, Aurora and King Ferry, covering the central, north, and south areas of Cayuga County. Visitors and residents alike will have fun exploring Cayuga County and eating and drinking at these incomparable locations. Available on DVD this video also is featured on the Cayuga County Office of Tourism website. C3 Video is SOMA’s Telly Award winning student-run video and film production company dedicated to teaching media production and entrepreneurship skills to Media/Telcom students at CCC. It was started, in part, by support from the Kauffman and Stardust Foundations.

CJ Club goes to Washington Professor Theresa Misiaszek escorted the CJ Club and History Club to Washington, DC this past June. Students raised money throughout the 2013-14 academic year for the trip. During their 4-day stay they received a private tour of the Capitol building, explored several museums and interacted with several professionals. The group also made a stop in Gettysburg, PA, where they experienced the National Park.

Students prepare tax returns Business Professor Dawn (Matijas) Czolowski ’96 was pleased to announce that in its ninth year, the CA$H program successfully prepared 785 returns, bringing the total returns completed over 5,100. This year the total refunds coming back into Cayuga County were $1,116,706. Students participating in this year’s program were Tonya White, Jeremy Hilton, Katie Calhoun and Annette A. Bacon ’14. The United Way partners with CCC to offer the CA$H program. Thank you to the administration at United Way, including Carrie Collins-Fadell, Executive Director, and Carrie Sue Shipman-Hanno, Finance Director.

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Congrats to Jaime Nielsen ‘12 for being hired by the Oswego City Police Department. Ms. Nielsen is the 2012 recipient of the NYS Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship. She began at the Police Academy in Syracuse in August 2014. T H E S PA RTA N


2013 CCC Nursing graduates excel with 100% passing rate CCC announced the 2013 nursing class National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX) score. The graduates of the two-year associate in applied science degree achieved 100 percent pass rate - the program’s third consecutive. The 2013 class surpassed the state and national average pass rates by 22 points and 17 points, respectively. The school’s five-year pass rate is a notable 98 percent. “The performance of our graduates on the NCLEX is a tribute to the unwavering commitment to excellence that is embraced daily by the faculty and staff of Cayuga

Community College,” said Professor and Director of Nursing Linda Alfieri, MS, RN. Another impressive statistic is the placement percentage for the 2013 graduates. Eighty-eight percent were hired for nursing positions and 12 percent were accepted into a fouryear bachelor of science in nursing program for a final placement total of 100 percent. “As we enter our 40th year of our program, it is especially gratifying to have our NCLEX and placement numbers validate the job we are doing in readying our students for one of the most noble and rewarding professions.”

Moving Up Ceremony for Nursing Students Each year returning nursing students participate in a “Moving Up Ceremony”. The ceremony celebrates the success of completing the first half of the nursing program. Student excellence is also recognized and 15 scholarships were awarded. AWARD RECIPIENTS: Alfieri and McColgin Nursing Excellence Scholarship: Brenda A. Wheeler, Weedsport Claudine B. Babiarz Memorial Scholarship: Katherine E. Baumes, Auburn Anne Drancsak Gallager Memorial Scholarship: Amelia R. O’Bryan, Auburn Maureen Mahany Scholarship: Amelia R. O’Bryan, Auburn Nancy McGohan Memorial Scholarship: Brittany D. Cunningham, Port Byron Elizabeth Payne McQueeney Memorial Scholarship: Richelle D. Cisco, Seneca Falls and Erica L. Lang, Moravia Joseph W. and Margaret G. Pine Memorial Scholarship: Melissa A. Wise, Weedsport Linda A. Rooker Nursing Scholarship: Mary-Elizabeth Caster, Auburn Nataline Dulles Seymour Scholarship: Kristen M. Dungey, Auburn Katie M. Socci Memorial Scholarship: Adam J. Stotler, Auburn Josephine A. Stephen Memorial Nursing Scholarship: Adam J. Whitcomb, Hannibal Lisa A. McLoud White Memorial Scholarship: Danielle L. Gilfus, Union Springs Sarah Elizabeth Thurston Nursing Scholarship: Cheryl B. Andreas, Seneca Falls Thomas J. Wiggins Sr. Memorial Scholarship: Gillian E. Gioia, Auburn

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Nursing Pinning Awards Madeleine Alfieri Memorial Nursing Award Jessica J. Thingvoll Oswego, NY

William J. Painter Memorial Award Crystal G. Brewer Port Byron, NY

Auburn Community Hospital Auxiliary Award Emily E. Jones Syracuse, NY

Dorothy M. Rooker Award Cheryl M. Baker Auburn, NY

Vicki Cook Condie Nursing Excellence Award Emily E. Jones Syracuse, NY Barbara Dove Memorial Award Megan Keady Skaneateles, NY Ethyl W. Mapes Nursing Award Charles Karpinski Jordan, NY Jennifer W. Purtell Oswego, NY

Amy D. Waters Fulton, NY

Dr. George Sincerbeaux Award Kristen A. D’Alberto Auburn, NY Shirley Vargason Memorial Award Amber L. Shutter Auburn, NY Herbert P. Ward Memorial Award Monica Heater Phoenix, NY Joan Post Worden Memorial Scholarship Sarah M. Stevens Kevin C. Zippel Fulton, NY Auburn, NY

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Fulton’s 20th Celebration







Harlequin hosts TANYS Fest; wins best design & merit awards Harlequin Productions has had a busy 2013-2014 academic year. In addition to their two shows, they have also hosted two festivals and will be sending a show to compete in a third! Fall began with auditions for History 101 by James C. Ferguson, a selection of 15 short comic vignettes of different scenes throughout history. Thirteen student actors and six backstage crew brought to life satirical looks from the “Oracle of Delphi” to the “Wright Brothers.” This show brought recognition, as it received meritorious awards from the Theatre Association of New York State for the Ensemble Acting to the cast of “Women of History” and to Matthew Ryan Limerick for Costume and Makeup Design and Execution. “Women of History” also received an invitation to perform at the annual TANYS festival. They were chosen from among a field of over 50 productions under consideration. Speaking of the TANYS Festival, Harlequin was honored to be one of the co-hosts of the festival, as it moved back to Auburn for a two-year stay. Almost 200 theatre aficionados got to see nine different companies perform and listen to responses from three nationally known adjudicators. Harlequin also was honored by receiving Best Overall Design from the BMI Supply Design Exhibition for their Production Design entry of spring 2013 production of Love in the Insecurity Zone. Spring of 2014 brought auditions for the world premiere production of Fengar Gael’s The Draper’s Eye. A cast of eight supported by seven backstage crew worked hard to bring this new show to life. Playwright Fengar, upon watching the show on DVD, responded with gratitude and admiration by saying, “How brave you were to tackle a play that has never been produced.” A TANYS adjudicator also saw great merit in the show and rewarded the company’s hard work with five merit awards: Excellence in Production Concept and Direction to Robert Frame, Excellence in Scenic Design to Robert John Andrusko, Meritorious Achievement in Lighting Design to Brad McLean, Meritorious Achievement in Sound Design to Stephen D.M. Hodge, and Meritorious Achievement in Ensemble Performance to the cast! Not to rest on their laurels, two weeks later saw Harlequin again playing host to the Michael Harms Theatre Festival. This festival brought seven high school theatre groups to the CCC campus to

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perform in the Bisgrove Theatre and attend multiple workshops taught by working professionals. Over 100 high school students participated in this fun-filled day, as they shared their work and their energy with their peers. As the academic year came to a close, there was one more performance planned. The Eastern States Theatre Association has a bi-yearly festival of original works. Harlequin submitted and was chosen to perform “Lewis & Clark” by James C. Ferguson, one of the vignettes from History 101. Matthew Ryan Limerick and Stephen D.M. Hodge represented Harlequin Productions as well as New York State when they performed on May 3. Matthew had just come from his being awarded the inaugural Thommie Walsh Scholarship at Michele Lee’s performance on May 2. This scholarship is given to a Cayuga student pursuing a career in theatre. Finally, Harlequin Productions would like to say farewell to the students leaving CCC who have contributed their talents to Cayuga theatre. Best of luck in your future endeavors to: Matthew Ryan Limerick, Gillian Frame ’14, Kathryn (Kat) Jordan ’14, Ian Moore, Amanda Bauso, Zachariah Phillips ’14, Hailey Thompson, Taylor Sanchez and Ashley White. Keep in touch!

The cast and crew of the Harlequin Production of History 101.

The cast and crew of the Harlequin Production of The Draper’s Eye.

“History 101” Wins Awards In October 2013, an adjudicator from the Theatre Association of New York State came to see Harlequin’s production of History 101. A talkback session with the cast was held following the performance, where he shared his experience with the cast. Bob Frame, Director of Theatre Operations, received notification from TANYS concerning awards that were earned: • Meritorious Achievement in Ensemble Work to the cast of “Women of History” • Meritorious Achievement in Costume and Makeup Design and Execution to Matthew Ryan Limerick The adjudicator’s comment was, “This cross between fractured fairy tales and the complete world history abridged was a delight to watch on stage. The young cast enjoyed every minute of this quick paced production.”

A performance of Harlequin’s Production of Women of History.

Save the Date!

Harlequin Productions of Cayuga Community College

All Years Reunion

July 31 – August 2, 2015 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Go to the Harlequin’s event page on Facebook: Harlequin Productions of Cayuga Community College Reunion


Contact Bob Frame by email: Mail to: Bob Frame Cayuga Community College 197 Franklin Street Auburn, NY 13021



Student-Athletes Earn Academic Recognition from NJCAA & Region III The NJCAA national office and Region III released the 2013-2014 Academic Student-Athlete Awards. Congratulations to all of our Spartan

student-athletes for their hard work and dedication in the classroom. The following student-athletes were honored:

STUDENT-ATHLETE SPORT Connor Davenport Lacrosse

AWARD NJCAAExemplary Academic Achievement/All-Region III

Aliyah Fowler Volleyball

NJCAA Exemplary Academic Achievement/All-Region III

Brian Jennings Lacrosse

NJCAA Exemplary Academic Achievement/All-Region III

Jacob Pritchard Lacrosse

NJCAA Superior Academic Achievement/All-Region III

Shanna Shaff Volleyball, Basketball, Softball NJCAA All-Region III Scott Wheat

NJCAA All-Region III


Pete Liddell, Director of Athletics at Cayuga Community College, is congratulated for his induction by Mike Brooks.

CCC Athletic Director Liddell inducted into Hall of Fame Pete Liddell, Director of Athletics at Cayuga Community College, was inducted into the Cazenovia College Athletics Hall of Fame last fall. He was a former assistant athletics director and head men’s baseball coach at Cazenovia College. As the baseball coach at Cazenovia College from 1993-2005, Liddell totaled 159 wins, four conference championships, and was selected as the coach of the year three times as a member of both the NEAC and CUNYAC conferences. In an interview with The Citizen, Cazenovia College senior associate director of athletics, head men’s baseball coach, and former player under Liddell, Pete Way describes his former coach as, “A player’s coach

– Liddell went out of his way to create the tradition and family atmosphere of Cazenovia College baseball. Coach Liddell would do anything he could to create the best opportunities for each player – from working on the field in order to get a game in on a rainy day or giving different players opportunities to prove that they could help the team on the field.” During his induction, Liddell said, “I’ve always had a great support structure from my entire family. Professionally, I worked with many student-athletes, administrators, staff and coaches who have been instrumental in helping our athletics and baseball programs. This is a tribute I share with all of those people.”

Connor Davenport ‘14

Aliyah Fowler ‘14

Brian Jennings ‘14

Jacob Pritchard ‘14

Shanna Shaff ‘13

Scott Wheat

Simon Fricano

Ryan Killian

Mike Killian

Former Spartan to Play for German Professional Team Donald Lawes, who played for Cayuga CC Spartans in the 2009-10 and 201112 seasons, signed a contract with the Westfalen Mustangs professional basketball team in Germany. The 6’8” post player, a

Donald Lawes

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2-year starter for Head Coach Tony Borges, scored 500 points, collected 412 rebounds and had 236 blocks in his career and earned All-Mid-State Athletic Conference and All-Region III recognition with the Spartans. After his CCC career, Lawes went on to play at Farmingdale State in Long Island where he led the NCAA in blocked shots with 116 for the 2013-14 season.

Golfers Earn Region III Berths Congratulations to Simon Fricano (Union Springs, NY), Ryan Killian (Scipio Center, NY) and Mike Killian (Scipio Center, NY) who each qualified for the NJCAA Region III Division III Golf Championships

hosted by Tompkins-Cortland CC at the Robert Trent Jones Course at Cornell University. Only forty-two golfers in the Region qualified for the two-day event.

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Assistant Professor publishes A debut novel by Sarah Yaw, assistant professor at CCC, was selected by Robin Black as winner of the 2013 Engine Books novel prize. You Are Free To Go was published Sarah Yaw on September 9 with Engine Books. “You Are Free To Go is a wise, deeply moving story about the porousness of borders and the kindness, connection, and

loss that transcend them.” About her writing, Yaw said, “I don’t have a process. Instead, each story has its own demands and I figure out how to adjust myself to it.” The Book Launch took place at River’s End Bookstore in Oswego on September 11 and book party at Auburn Public Theatre on the 13th. Yaw received an MFA in fiction from Sarah Lawrence College.

Cayuga Community College Selected as a Top Military-friendly School SPARTY: the fun party! Cayuga Community College has been selected as a top military-friendly school by Military Advanced Education (MAE) and will be included in the 2014 MAE Guide to Military-Friendly Colleges & Universities. Readers of the MAE Guide include educational service officers and top-level commanders, who guide educational decisions. The MAE Guide provides prospective students with information about colleges and universities with military-friendly policies and services. Members of the Cayuga Veteran’s Work Group, chaired by faculty member, Sarah Yaw, work diligently to support policies, services, and programs that enhance the overall

A good time was had by all at the college-wide appreciation day for all Auburn and Fulton campus employees. The BBQ event was held on Friday, May 9 on the Auburn campus in the Quad. In addition to the food and fellowship, winning teams were recognized and trophies awarded for those who participated in the annual SUNY Wellness Challenge.

educational experience of student veterans. A grateful campus thanks Sarah, Janet Nelson, Jo Ann Harris, Lisa Clark, and Kevin Justian for leading the efforts that led to this prestigious designation.

Peace Out Festival was held in May, celebrating the end of the academic year and wishing students good luck with their finals. It was sponsored by the SAB and SGO.

CCC students help to serve a variety of food at the Peace Out Festival held last May. PAG E 16



60TH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY Cayuga Community College graduated 524 students, including 23 graduating military veterans, at the 2014 Commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 18. Attired in their caps and robes, the CCC students were ushered in with the traditional procession of the Syracuse Scottish Pipe Band. Interim President Dr. Gregory DeCinque made the opening declaration with Senator John A. DeFrancisco serving as the featured commencement speaker. Other commencement speakers included Kaitlin R. Pullis ’14, Sara J. Randall ’14, and Crystal M. Searor ’14, recipients of the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence. College employees who were recognized with a Chancellor’s

Award included James M. Bartley Jr. and Kathy A. Scozzari for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching, Michael A. Pastore for Excellence in Professional Service and Patricia J. Hamberger for Excellence in Classified Service. ACC/CCC Alumni Association president Edward “Ted” Herrling ’72 made a special greeting to our newest alumni. Additionally, Richard J. Knaul ’63, Melanie Trexler ’75 and Terry M. Wilbur ’08 were recognized as recipients of Alumni Association Awards for their demonstrated outstanding contributions. The event was well attended with local and regional dignitaries, as well as many family, friends and graduate supporters.

Goodbyes and Welcomes Patty Germano, SPCA Volunteer coordinator, Stacey Evener ’14, Max Appleby, student trustee, and John Winkler ’13.


Students help raise money to save local animals

Cynthia Maloney - Library Clerk

The Phi Beta Lambda Business Club and Event-Planning students helped out with a very successful event to raise money for the local SPCA this past spring. The organization truly appreciated all who supported the cause and came to the fundraiser. CCC Business Instructor Amy Valente sent out a special thanks to Max Appleby, student trustee. He served as the lead student organizer and serves on the Finger Lakes SPCA board of directors. The event raised over $5,000.

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Diane Holbert- Instructional Assistant Les Robinson- Instructional Assistant


Jerimy Blowers, Ph.D. - Coordinator of Wellness & Intervention Services Heather Crofoot - Instructional Assistant

Donna Roger - Accessibility Specialist

Lisa Greenfield- Assistant Director, Financial Aid

Charles Schafer- Asst Director, Buildings and Grounds

John Kaftan -Dean of Information Technology

Daniel Wilcox – Custodian

Roddie Murad - Instructional Assistant Frederick Rickard - Custodian Allen York - Custodian Note: This list was obtained from CCC HR Department

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A LU M N I CO N T R I B U TO R S FISCAL YEAR DONOR LIST from September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2013 PRESIDENTS’ CIRCLE (Gifts of $1,000 or more) Anonymous Patricia M. Callahan Richard W. Cook Sharon L. Detzer Kim Edwards Sidney B. Gilmore Dr. Ronald R. Grube Lloyd E. Hoskins Barbara and Richard Knaul Stas’ Kott Jean and Zinc La Douce Carol and Aden MacKenzie Cathleen C. McColgin Loraine and Stephen Miller Robert W. Pine, CPA Linda Anne Rooker Dawn and William Stuart PATRON ($500-$999) Dr. Joseph M. Belth Joanne V. Dusel Frederick P. Falsey Michael D. Fochtman Michael R. Frame Jenny and Ken Fruehauf Gary F. Kuter Joann and John MacDaniel Michele Marie McMahon Daria and James Shaw Arthur E. Stephen Michael K. Trapani Louise B. Wilson Carol and Stuart Wood ASSOCIATE ($250-$499) Linda and Lou Alfieri Lisa J. Babiarz Carl S. Basso Barbara Post and Keith Batman Michael Clark Thomas J. Foley Marybeth and Ed Galka Edward C. Gillett Jo Ann Harris Teresa Hoercher Jim Hohman Kurt D. Kabelac Jackie Komanecky Susan Kreplin-Michaels Donna J. Laird John E. Lamphere Ann and Richard Landers Maxine and Dave Mamuscia Gary A. Marco Angelo Marinelli Dawn Matijas-Czolowski Mark Plis Jane and Jack Pysnack Kay Benedict Sgarlata John R. Shaw Dennis A. Siracusa Jan M. Smolak James B. Vargason Patricia Dinsmore Walter Dr. James G. Ward Mary Wejko David J. Zobkiw

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SUSTAINING MEMBER ($100-$249) Margaret Abdallah John M. Achramowicz Michael Adey Daniel F. Agan Patricia E. Albring Anonymous Nancy and Bill Barth Susan A. Beck John A. Bellomo Dorothy C. Benedict Sharon Bennett and Jacquelyn Gibbs Kathleen E. Bergan Patrick S. Bergan Marianne Bertini Anderson Bradshaw Cathy R. Burns Amy L. and Bruce G. Burton M. Patricia Cadwallader John M. Camardo Rocco J. Carbone Donna J. Carter Dr. Theresa Casper-Klock John D. Catlin Jonathan Chapman Mary Sullivan Weaver Chase Wayne A. Chauncey Janet H. and Jeffrey Cole Dr. Tim Coville Charles H. Criss Susan and Carl Cuipylo Diane and John Currier Joanne J. Dabulewicz Helen E. Delaney Kelly Diego Gary P. Douglass Arloine Ellis RN Ralph Fall Colleen M. and Daniel J. Fisher Eleanor W. Follett Cheryl A. Foster John R. Frost Chester J. Galka Thomas E. Ganey Amy E. Gavras Edward N. Giannino Jr. Michele (Fleszar) and Michael Glancy Sharon and George Greule Carolyn L. Guariglia Gerard Guiney Marc Hahn Howard P. Hartnett Alice M. Hoatland Eugenia L. Hohman Diane E. Holbert Brenda and Norman Holland William K. Hudson Joel R. Huhtanen Richard Hunter Lydia A. Husak Jim Hutchinson Karl S. Kabelac David A. Kinney Pamela S. Kirkwood James Kissane Stephen Kline Suzanne and John Klink B. Gene Kolczynski Julia C. Krueger Don Lawler

Karen E. Lockwood Michele M. Lombardo Greg Lumb John S. Lupien Laureen and Robert Maiorano Rebecca and Bernard Marino Gretchen and David Martin Jay Mavor Penelope and Thomas McGinnis Susan B. McKee Joseph E. Meyers James A. Miskell Eileen and Terry Moore Joan Muldoon Sue and Tom Nagle Andrea L. Napoli Martin Nodzo Deborah L. Oliver Debra and Thomas Paczkowski Trisha (Hayden) Panarites Richard G. Paulino Colleen A. Perkins Carol A. Pesek Lana (Barlow) Petrullo Barry L. Pickard James F. Plugh Thomas J. Powell Linda and William Prosser Sandra L. Race Thomas B. Riford Paul J. Ringwood Jr. Lisa Riordan Jason Roche Kathleen and Chris Roe Yvonne Rosecrans Mitchell (Brock) Ross John C. Rossi Patricia Irene Ryan Sharon Y. Ryan Diane and Jon Salvati George Senft Judith and Charles Shafer Vincent P. Shaw Patricia J. Steenburgh David G. Steigerwald Kathleen and Robert Steigerwald Michael Stinson Patti and Tom Stopyra Ronald F. Stowell Dennis W. Sullivan Angie and Steve Taylor Michael L. Toombs Jean and John Vincent James E. Walsh Anthony V. Walters Rosalie M. Ward Laurence N. Waterman Dana (Schwartz) and Allen Webster D. Ronald Whipple Carol A. Wilson Joseph T. Zeoli SPARTAN ($50-$99) Henry Abbott Annette Abdelaziz Albert Adams Emily and Joseph Alongi James Anderegg Carl E. Anderson Virginia F. Androsko

Henry B. Angle David Arliss Darrell B. Bacorn Barbara Baker Kelly A. Barnes George M. Barrett Carol Baxter David L. Beecher John Bouck Judith and Daniel Bragg Eleanor A. Brammell Dennis Brewer Robin Burns Michael P. Buza Bob Calimeri Robert C. Campbell Charles N. Card Barbara A. Carmody Mark J. Carr Diane W. Case David J. Chilson Nicole M. Christina A. James Christopher Lori Cochran Kathy and Ron Colella Maureen A. Collins Kathy and Bill Cowmey Michael L. Coyle Gerald L. Cramer Heidi H. Cross Peter R. Crouse Tom Cuff James P. Cullinan III Linda and Henry D’Amato Marcia Sherman Dare John W. Darling Joseph M. Dattellas Robert M. Davenport Jr. Tina and David Dec Ernest M. DeCaro Elizabeth DeFurio Margaret Q. Dienhoffer Rhonda L. Dixon Jacquilyn and John Dmytrenko Betsy Donald Lisa Doyle Jay Dunham Marilyn Durbin-Lavin Kelly (Bellnier) Eidson Elizabeth Wayne Fantone Ronald Fleury Linda Simkin and James Frisch Billie Ann and Matthew Fronczek Marilyn U. Fuller Margaret A. Fulton Thomas G. Gabak Suzanne E. Gatto Patricia A. Gleason Gary P. Goodnough Theresa J. Goss Joseph E. Graney Jeffrey A. Green Thomas Greer Anthony R. Gucciardi Georgena and Roger Gunn Nicolette and John Hai Jeanne Harris Lewis J. Hicks Elizabeth C. Hill Luisa and Gerald Hogan Kevin F. Hogan

Christopher J. Houck Teresa Houghton Randall W. Hunter William F. Jacobs Michael E. Justian Patricia A. Kenyon M. Ann Keough Jama J. Kessler Patricia T. King Carolyn Kingston Kay S. Kraatz Sandra Kreplin Mary J. Kriever Debra Kuepper Judith M. Kulis David G. Lewis Patricia and Gary Lewis Doris and Fred Lindsay Steve Lisano Christine Long Deborah Lord Donna M. Loveland Linda L. Lynch Carol Maciulewicz Susan J. Mackey David E. Maitland Cathy and Mike Mancini Kimberly S. Manrow Bonnie S. Marvin Douglas H. Mason Leon Matyjewicz Eileen R. McHale Kathleen M. McLaughlin Charisse M. Mead Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Mellini Joanne and Joe Mitchell Barbara Moody Lynn Mozur Mary Jean Munger Thomas E. Murray Jr. Patricia Myr Joseph Nemecek Ann B. Oaks Mary S. Ottaviano Anthony Oughterson Bob Padula Lorna and Ken Park Doug Parker Susan Parsons Gregory E. Pasik Cindy and Jim Pasternak Richard C. Patchen Lisa Petrosino Mark Pinchak Nancy Pluretti Mr. James B. Porten Sharon K. Powers Theresa R. Powers Nancy C. Prosser Edward L. Raymond Robert E. Reardon Deborah Riester Kenneth A. Robb Priscilla (Pam) Robb Barbara Roesch Rokow Barbara D. Rosecrans Mary A. Rowe James P. Russell A. Christopher Sandstrom Thomas Scanlon David S. Schafer Alexander C. Schaus Randolph E. Schmid John D. Scollan



Andrea Seamans Donald Semple Cathy and Richard Shappell Joanne Shernesky Brice Shipley Betty B. Short Jeffrey P. Sikora Jerry Sliss Ann Smallen Rosalia Sowa Mary Ann Sparnon Susan M. Stiles Susan A. Stubbs Gail Belknap Sullivan and Joseph Sullivan Muriel and Tim Sullivan Linda Sweeney Mark W. Sweeney Debra A. Terranova Dave Thayer David F. Theiss Deborah Troncone Mary C. Turner Nicholas C. Valenti Peter Van Vlack Roy R. VanWyckhouse Judy Varney Laura A. Walker Michael E. Walsh Carlton H. West Ruth E. Wethey Janet and Bill Whyland Jean M. Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiseman Catherine R. Wojnowicz Carolyn A. Wood Mr. Robert A. Woods Mark Worden Emma L. Zammett Kathleen Zicari CAYUGAN (Gifts up to $49) Gloria Alano Shereen and David Androsko Sharon Appleton Susan E. Arliss Maria Locastro Ashby Charles F. Augello Christopher Babcock James S. Baier Raymond E. Baier III Christina M. Balyszak Sherie K. Barnes Kathleen A. Barran Daniel J. Barski Nicolina Bauso Phil Bauso Marty Bays Thomas Bebee Flora V. Beck Karin M. Beers Jon Behnke Marianne E. Bennett Robert W. Bennink Patricia A. Berry Kim and John Bertonica Patricia A. Bianconi Margaret N. Bishop Paul Bishop Mary Jo Bommersbach Jean C. Bovet Jeanette S. Bovi Cindy Brautigam

James G. Brazee Pamela J. Breck James E. Breed David L. Breese JoAnn M. Brennan Linda J. L. Breuer Catherine Brosseau G. Judith Brown Susan M. Brown Scott Buchholz Martha and Pete Buehler Marjorie Buerkle Cynthia L. Bunnell Teresa L. Burke Bruce W. Burkhalter Barbara Burns Laura and Jim Burns Timothy M. Burns John A. Cacciotti Jerome P. Calimeri Jean M. Cannizzo Sandra E. Cardillo Jeremy Carr Jackie and Joe Cassaniti Phyllis Catalfano Timothy J. Chadwick Richard R. Chandler Paul A. Chayka Jill Clifford Richard L. Coalson Carol P. Colbert Nancy Coleman Robert M. Collins Ellen J. Colvin Micheline T. Contiguglia Stuart J. Cook Russell S. Cooper James M. Costello Marcia Crim George R. Crolick Jr. Karen Cronk Harvey B. Crouch John J. Dapolito Carol Darling Janice Daum Leah A. Deasy Mark J. Dec Theresa and Stanley Dec Anthony F. DeNiro II Helen and Robert DeOrio Michael A. DePalma Jr. Irma G. DeRoose Brian F. Donahue Kathryn Donnelly Lizabeth S. Doty Camille M. Dragone George A. Dressing Karen A. Duckett Mrs. Peggy Beck Dupee Tracy B. Durham Ronald W. Dushatinski Helen M. Dykoschak Deborah A. Elliott M. David Emmett Sally Eruysal Helen C. Eshleman Nancy Fabian Karen Fadden Tom Falicchio Nancy T. Ferrara James W. Finlon Carlene J. Flier Ann H. Ford John P. Frackelton

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M. Grace Frumento Sandra and Carl Fuller Cheryl E. Gabak Sherry Gabak Michael Ganey Thomas P. Gangemi Kathleen G. Garnsey Angie Gasparro and Nicole Napoli Susan J. Gawlicky Debra Geroux Luann M. Giannone Christina Stivers-Gibson Patricia and Joel Glimpse Frederick S. Grant Nancy Grant Sue A. Green Lisa Jo DeSocio-Greenfield Bertrand N. Guerrette Mary E. Gutelius Thomas W. Hamill Kathleen M. Harding Charles R. Hart Patricia McMahon Hartwell Rosemarie W. Hastings Patricia L. Pines Heieck Mary Lou and Larry Heintz Michael Henderson Mildred P. Herrold Sandra M. Hilliard Linda C. Hitt Michael P. Hogan Wladymir Holak Theresa A. Holmes Robert W. Hook Linda Humphrey Ellen M. Hunter Jeffery A. Ianiri Lee A. Indelicato Vincent J. Indelicato Sylvia J. Ingleston Doreen Janis Sonia M. Johnson Carol Jones Linda and Gerald Jones Josie Kabat Sean Kamm Tom and Phyllis Tozzi Kehoskie Seymour Ketchum Bill Kilmer Faye Kimball Martha M. King Ronald G. Kolczynski Susan and Nick Kuncio Darlene (Ferro) and Peter Kuzmyn Rosemary Lacey Roberta and Vincent LaFratta Susan C. LaLonde Linda Langerlan Mary Ellen Larose Carol A. Lauzon William E. LaVarnway Richard B. Lawler Daniel G. Lepak JoAnn Lepak Dennis LePine Jeanne M. Lindeman Nancy Long Thomas M. Long Peter W. Lonsky Rocco J. LoPiccolo Kathleen Lull

Angelia Mack Larraine B. Mahoney Thomas G. Main Marilyn R. Mann Patricia Martellaro Donald P. Martin Bernard J. May Jr. Margaret M. Mazzeo Sharon McGee Joseph F. McQueeney Karen Dawson Merritt Deborah A. Michales Kathleen M. Mietz Janet Miller Joan Miller Linda L. Miller Paul T. Moon Rosemary Morrow Donald E. Mortin Maryann Mosca Mary Ann and Felix F. Mucedola Sr. Barbara Mulvey Nancy and John Murinka Barbara J. Murphy Thomas J. Murphy Connie A. Murray Diane and Jerry Nachtrieb Elizabeth F. Nash Toivo H. Nei Emily Jane Nekritz Francis L. Netti Lenny Nocilly Louis A. Nocilly Martin Nolan Bill Norton Kathleen D. O’Donovan Norma Olcott Bernard P. Oliver Terrance Oliver Andrew F. O’Mara Robert Pace Kathleen Panek Mary B. Parsons Elaine Speno Patchett Diane A. Paxhia Andrea and Ronald Pease Carol and Robert Pennell James Pepe Marion Pesek Maureen M. Pesek Carol Irish Pestell Cindy J. Phillips Susan Phillips-Coe Harold Pierce Cecilia Pigula Bill Podfigurny Russell T. Pulver Teresa J. Querns Robert W. Redder Janice M. Renzaneth Lucille E. Richmond Marcia L. Riester Patricia Rising Jo Ann Robbins Joan M. Robinson Philip D. Robinson Lisa L. Rosecrans Judith A. Ruta Luke S. Rybarczyk James N. Salvage Carole and Joseph Sarofeen Deborah A. Schwarting Kathryn A. Scozzari

Lourdes and Gary Searing Susan E. Secaur Linda Wolcott Sherman Robert J. Sloan Lynn A. Slobodiak Donna P. Smith Karen L. Smith Nancy W. Smith Rebecca Smith Kathryn Smithler Mary Anne Smithson Harold Solomon Lydia H. Soto Nancy J. Soules Edward J. Spedding Richard J. Spencer Leslie S. Spreter-Bock Kevin Stackus Irene L. Stafford Karen M. Stechuchak Carolyn M. Steigerwald Robert Steigerwald Carol Stephenson David R. Stilphen Frank M. Swasty Lucy Sylvester Martin Szkotak Edward Szozda Joanne and Herb Terpening Justin Thomas Sandra C. Tonzi Judy Toombs Tammy L. Treat John S. Tripp Elaine and Mark Tucker Nancy and Joe Urbanik Judith A. Usowski Sam Vitale Gene M. Volpe Joyce A. Wallace Richard M. Weaver Robert W. Webster Bruce Westfall Mr. Jon Whalen Teresa Whipple John W. White Joyce A. White Edward D. Widell John J. Williams Linda P. Wills Cheryl V. Wilson Ronald E. Wilson Susan C. Witmer Richard C. Woodworth Emily Young Nanette Zalone Daryl R. Zarpentine Elizabeth P. Zebley

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C L A S S N OT E S 1956 Shirley J. Odrzywolski has a new grandson, Connor Odrzywolski, born November 7, 2012. Her son, Mark, and his wife Karen are his parents, and they are all “so proud of him.”

1962 Louis A. Nocilly shares “Have been very busy: 1. Phone tapper for Homeland Security; 2. Costume designer for Lady Gaga; 3. Foam finger fitter for Miley Cyrus; 4. Dessert chef for Chris Christy.”

1958 Patricia Ann Myr is retired from the University of Pennsylvania Health System.

Betty B. (Putnam) Short went to Antiques Roadshow in Richmond in August 2013. Her appraisal was taped and aired on PBS this past May.

1959 Martin H. Bays continues to show his quarter horse at National Reining Horse Association shows, both state and nationwide. He spends his winters in Florida. Barry L. Pickard retired at the end of 2013 after 52 years in civil engineering. 1961 Darrell B. Bacorn is a retired Electronics Technician and is enjoying life. His hobbies are woodworking and post-war Lionel trains. Anthony (Tony) Gucciardi won his re-election for Owasco Town Council last November. He worked for the Auburn Enlarged School District, 10 years as a teacher and 23 years as an administrator. He served nine years as Director of Unity House of Cayuga County and has been on the Owasco Town Council for the past four years. He is the Past President of the ACC/ CCC Alumni Association. Tony graduated from Cortland State and is married to Patty (Losani), with four sons. David P. Martin is enjoying nine grandchildren; two of whom are already in college at Stanford and the University of Virginia. David is still teaching, “but now it’s maple sugaring, beekeeping, and wildlife habitat as the subjects.” “Life changes and so it goes.” Patricia E. (Dinsmore) Walter is working as assistant treasurer at a local church “after thinking I was retired.” She also enjoys spending time with friends and family.

1963 Patricia L. (Pines) Heieck received an honorary doctorate degree from Hobart & William Smith Colleges for Service. 1964 Mary E. Gutelius has spent the past year working on two Habitat houses in Trumansburg. Way to go! Jeanne M. (Halicy) Lindeman retired from BOCES as a Special Ed Teacher. She still substitutes on occasion. Joseph M. Nemecek retired from NYSEG as an accountant in 1999. He shares, “My ACC education enabled me to land a good job which I held for 33 ½ years and retire comfortably. ACC gave me a chance, whereas other colleges denied. It was a very good school.” Thanks, Joseph! David R. Whipple retired from Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) College Basketball officiating. Of his three sons, Steven, is a golf course superintendent at West Point; Tim is a school business manager at Malone Central School; and Eric is a K-12 principal at Jefferson Central School. David and his wife, Ellen, have eight grandchildren and now spend winters in Hilton Head, SC. 1965 Kurt D. Kabelac stated, “Years ago I asked – Why isn’t the ‘year’ placed after a person’s name so we can ‘remember’ classmates/before and after. Was told the system can’t do that. Guess it was an early case of Obama Care.”

GOLDEN SPARTAN Our newest Golden Spartan representative, LaVerne F. Wallace ’56, earned his B.M.E. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1958. Throughout his LaVerne “Vern” F. career he was a designer, an Wallace ‘56 engineer and an 1956 yearbook inventor. Some important design innovations that can be attributed to him include rocket engine test stands at China Lake, California and a weight and center of gravity system for Kodak space equipment (which he holds two patents). In addition, he designed finger tip sensors that enable a robotic hand to have full human feeling and capability. As an engineer, his career was in the field of experimental stress analysis. He contributed to the safety and well-being of others by finding solutions to failing structures or machinery which required accurate analysis, insight, and creative design solutions. Some

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issues he helped to solve were subway cars which were derailing and vibration problems with diesel engines on container ships. He was co-founder of Sensing Systems Corporation, which enabled him to advance his works. Far from his lab, LaVerne’s work has taken him from Pakistan’s Indus River and the largest earthen dam ever built to the North Sea to install safety instrumentation on a salvage barge. Wallace has traveled across North America to test structural integrity of nuclear power plants. During his time at ACC, Mr. Wallace was in the Engineering and Science Club and on the Dance Band Committee. Over the years he has been involved in community and church. He was been active with Scouting and Habitat for Humanity. The Golden Spartan has been on the local, district, and conference levels of the United Methodist church. Last year LaVerne was featured as a Weedsport Central School District Graduate of Distinction and was honored in the program recognizing his distinguished lifetime achievements.

John Walsh, Auburn native and creator and host of “America’s Most Wanted,” which concluded in 2013 after a 25-year run, returned to TV this past July as the host of a new show, “The Hunt with John Walsh,” produced by Zero Point Zero Productions and airing Sunday night on CNN. The show has a new look and makes use of social media in addition to the hot line in its search for fugitives. 1966 Ronald L. Fleury wrote to say, “Still coaching the Mynderse Academy Track & Field after 42 years. I’ll coach the Hobart College Cross Country this fall for the 32nd year. Keeps me busy along with the beautiful daughter’s family with two wonderful grandkids.” Lucille E. (Blanchard) Richmond retired from her teaching assistant position. She is pastoring at a small local church. 1967 Nancy J. (Blanchard) Soules retired from Butler Correctional Facility in 2010. Last September, she went on the ACC/CCC Alumni Association bus trip to Gettysburg with John Lamphere. Nancy shares that she “had a great trip.” Thank you, Nancy; we are so happy you were able to join us! Jeann H. (Willis) Whittaker is semi-retired from her husband’s company, A. Scott Whittaker Land Surveying. They have five grandchildren: three are in Oregon and two are in Vermont. 1968 Carol A. (Glowacki) Lauzon and her husband celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary this past July. Congratulations! Ronald E. Wilson is the mayor of the Village of Port Byron. He retired after 33 years as a high school Social Studies teacher. He shares, “I have always recommended CCC as the best choice for most graduating seniors of my high school classes.” Thank you! 1969 James A. and Frances (Gallaro) Hanley share, “We enjoy receiving news about ACC/CCC. Thank you for all you do, it is appreciated. Some of our fondest memories are of ACC.” Jim is selfemployed as a broker/agent and Fran retired from Auburn Schools in 2004. Thank you! 1970 Michele A. Celso retired from Auburn Memorial Hospital as an RN in 2010. She lives with her Shih Tzu and Maltese pups. Michele belongs to bible study, political chat rooms and Twitter. She enjoys writing, music, movies, literature, family and friends. “ACC was a great part of my life that led to many adventures.” Thanks, Michele! Kevin A. Daly retired in July of 2011 as a corrections counselor at Auburn Prison. He is assistant softball and girls’ basketball coach at Auburn High School, a softball umpire and a basketball referee. Kevin enjoys his part-time job with the Auburn Doubledays in the summer as a supervisor. George D. Homokay and his wife, Suzanne, became grandparents on September 3, 2013 with twins, Levi Louis and Maya Joon, by their daughter and son-in-law. George is also celebrating 35 years in business -- G & B Siding and Remodeling. Carole R. (Regets) Tomandl and her husband recently celebrated their 35th Wedding Anniversary. They were very surprised by a party hosted by their three sons, daughtersin-law and grandchildren. It was attended by many family members and friends. They were expecting to be blessed by the birth of their 9th grandchild this past summer. Carole and her husband had plans to travel to Sanibel Island this past May. Carole is retired from NY State and is working part-time at Auburn Community Hospital lab. Her husband is employed with NY State Auburn Correctional Facility as Coordinating Chaplain and at Auburn Community Hospital. Congratulations!

1971 Charles F. Augello recently completed 40 years of service in law enforcement work. In August 2013, he assisted the U.S. Secret Service in preparations and security for President Obama, who spent the night in Auburn. His son, Charles, also a police officer with Auburn P.D., worked with him on the detail. Thomas P. Gangemi is “happily retired and enjoying life after teaching school in the Liverpool Central School District for 33 years.” Timothy C. Lattimore won re-election for a second term representing District 13 on the Cayuga County Legislature. He previously served as mayor of Auburn, and as a member of the Auburn City Council. Tim graduated from West Virginia University. He has three sons and a daughter. 1972 Keith M. Batman won a seat on the Cayuga County Legislature last November representing the 7th Legislative District. He graduated from Empire State College and earned an MBA at Syracuse University. Currently a part-time faculKeith M. Batman ‘72 ty member at Empire State College, Keith was named Dean Emeritus at Cayuga Community College after 25 years of service as a faculty member and administrator. He served six years as Scipio Town Supervisor and was a member of the Southern Cayuga Central School District Board of Education for six years. Keith is married and has three children. 1973 Susan J. Mackey retired from Southern Cayuga School District in June of 2011 after 31 years of teaching. 1974 Peter R. Crouse was elected to the Albany County Legislature in 2011. Donald G. Semple and his wife celebrated 50 years of marriage. They are enjoying life in the Southwest. Congratulations! 1975 Alice (Spinder) Klem and her husband, Gerard, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on October 23. A party hosted by their children was held November 30 at the Old Erie Restaurant in Weedsport. The couple was married in 1948 by Monsignor Joseph Sullivan, Saint Monica’s Church, Rochester. Mr. Klem retired from TRW as director of Purchasing and now enjoys fishing and gardening. Mrs. Klem retired as church secretary in Aurora, Cayuga, and Union Springs. In retirement, she enjoys music, church work, and Elderhostel travel programs. Their children are: Donald (Barbara); Nancy (Robert) Koran; Robert J. ’75; Kenneth R. (Valerie) ’82; Bernard (Kay); and Joseph (Jean). They also have 12 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Congratulations! 1976 David J. Kowatch has been with New York State as a Labor Services Representative/Jobs Program Specialist. He has three grandchildren and shares, “the cliché of life going by quickly certainly does seem truer as you get older.” Susan E. Kreplin-Michaels competed in the USAT Nationals Olympic Distance in Wisconsin in August 2013, finished 5th overall in her age group, and qualified for Worlds in Edmonton, Canada in 2014. In September 2013 Susan competed on Team USA, ITU Worlds triathlon in London and finished 18th overall in her age group. For 2014 Susan had plans to go back to Nationals in Wisconsin to qualify for the 2015 Worlds in Chicago. After living on Skaneateles Lake for 25 years, Susan and her husband decided to move to Mandy Rue in Auburn and “We love it.” She is employed with Cuddy Financial and her husband is with Michaels & Smolak.



C L A S S N OT E S CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 Susan E. Secaur worked for a political campaign last fall; “my candidate won.” Susan participated in two craft shows this year in which she offers greeting cards made by hand. She is learning to play the piano and shares she “plays a lot of Edelweiss and Sloop John B.” She now has three grandkids, ages 6, 3, and 1. 1977 Donna L. (Parker) Smith has been working at IBM Charlotte, NC. Her husband, Kevin, is busy working with alternative energy at Energywise Solutions. Donna shares that her oldest son is in the Air Force, based in England; her daughter got married in August; and her youngest son is attending a local community college in NC. 1978 Debra A. (Charles) McCormick won a seat on the Auburn City Council last November. She had been City Clerk for Auburn since 2000. Her community service includes TomatoFest, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Auburn, and Cayuga Counseling Services. Debra is married with a daughter. Mary (Vreeland) Parsons and her husband, Ralf, celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on July 31, 2013. A party in their honor was held at Sunset Restaurant, hosted by their children, Debra M. (Parsons) Miller ’81, Ralph Parsons, Jr., Pamela Melchior and Penny Ross. Congratulations! 1979 Beatrice “B. Arlorn” (Freeman) Ellis shares that as an 86-year-old RN, she is “considering retirement.” David E. Jetty remarried in 2012. He joined One Source Financial as the Executive Director in June of 2013. 1980 Thomas J. Nolan graduated from the SUNY Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome. He is currently principal agent at Nolan’s Insurance Agency, Inc. in Auburn. Tom has over 16 years of experience in the insurance industry. He has been a member of the Knights of Columbus, Council 207, since 2000, where he volunteered for Economic Empowerment this past September. 1982 Ronald G. Kolczynski retired from the US Postal Service as a manager. 1983 Henry A. D’Amato and his wife, Linda, became first-time grandparents on April 15, 2013. Nathan Richard Boylan was born to their daughter, Jolene (D’Amato) Boylan ’02. Congratulations! Susan J. Gawlicky completed her 20th year at Auburn Correctional Facility as a corrections officer. Barbara J. Murphy is a part-time nurse and instructor of Drama & Speech at Tyburn Academy. She has seven grandchildren! Barbara has been singing with St. Mary’s Choir for 42 years and also sings with Masterworks Chorale. Her husband is retired from ITT Goulds Pumps.

A NOTE ON CLASS NOTES: We appreciate having our alum send us their news and updates. In many cases, though, our staff enlists the aid of all available news sources to bring these Class Notes to our readers. We apologize for any omissions or errors that may occur.

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1986 Norma (Shepardson) Harris and Gregory L. Harris ’87 have relocated to Orlando, FL. Greg is employed with Lockheed Martin and Norma is working as an Independent Contract Medical Coder, coding for Auburn Community Hospital. In addition, she is working in merchandise at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. Anthony R. Lupo, PhD was recently awarded a second Fulbright Scholarship which will be served at Belgorod State University in Belgorod, Russia. His first was in Moscow, Russia in 2004. In October of 2013, Anthony was named one of the “Outstanding Alumni” at the College of Science at Purdue University. He is employed by the University of Missouri as a Professor of Atmospheric Sciences. His wife, Allison, is employed with Columbia Catholic School. Cathleen C. (MacLean) McColgin. PhD Onondaga Community College Provost, received the prestigious 2013 Multicultural Leadership Award at the National Diversity & Leadership Conference this past September, held at the California University of Pennsylvania. The award recognizes individuals who have made a difference through their achievements and exemplify the ability to excel in their field. Note: Check out the December 2013 issue of Get Inspired eMagazine for more on Dr. McColgin. 1991 Mark J. Carr has been licensed by NYS as a Certified Public Accountant. He was promoted to accounting manager by Daniel Cuddy, CPA, CFP, of Cuddy Financial Services. 1992 Brian F. Donahue retired June 1, 2013 after 40 years of teaching in St. Mary’s, PA. Lisa L. Rosecrans teaches students with special needs at Auburn High School. She shares that it is “fulfilling and enjoyable.” “Thank you, CCC, for being a cornerstone in my life.” You’re welcome & thanks! 1993 Jerimy Blowers, PhD has joined the Center for Student Engagement on the Auburn campus as our new Coordinator of Wellness and Intervention Services. Jerimy comes to CCC from the New York Chiropractic College where he served as Director of the Academy for Academic Excellence and Student Success. He holds a PhD in Health Psychology – specialty in Behavioral Medicine - from Northcentral University in Prescott, AZ; an MS in Mental Health Counseling and a BS in Psychology from SUNY Plattsburgh; and last, but not least, an AA degree from CCC! Jerimy holds numerous professional certifications, including Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC-NY) and Certified Addictions Specialist (CAS). He will coordinate the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) on the Auburn campus and provide consultation to members of Fulton’s BIT team. In addition, he will provide direct services to students including crisis intervention and short-term supportive counseling, as well as information and referral services to community-based mental health providers. Welcome! Note: You might remember that we featured Dr. Blowers as one of our Judo devotees in our 2011 fall/winter issue of The Spartan. Christina (Stivers) Gibson remains busy as a Residential RN at an exceptional agency (Cayuga-Seneca ARC) and “NEVER has a boring day!” Her daughter, Abby E. Gibson ’07, has obtained a nursing degree and continues her studies and busy life. Her daughter, Vanessa J. Gibson ’07, is thriving and successful with her Human Services position and other interests. Christina’s husband, David, enjoys working for the Auburn School District. Brian F. Landers, DC received recognition for his volunteer work at Ground Zero after 9/11. He shares, “CCC was the perfect foundation for preparing me for a 4-year degree and a doctoral program.” Dr. Landers has a private chiropractic practice in Auburn, NY.

1995 Joel L. Glimpse earned an MBA from Rochester Institute of Technology in 2009. His concentrations were Finance and Accounting. He is currently enrolled at OCC in an associate’s program designed for telecommunications. He plans to earn that degree in May of 2016. Daniel A. Lovell was named the “Terri Bridenbecker Outstanding Young Professional of the Year” by the Cayuga County Chamber of Commerce at its annual luncheon held May 2014. In October 2013 he was added to the board of directors for Daniel A. Lovell ‘95 The American Red Cross of Cayuga County. He is the Director of Technology and Digital Communications at the United Way of Central New York and is owner/ chief consultant for Code Munkeys website development in Auburn, NY. Dan also serves as the steering committee chair for IGNITE, and previously served on the boards of the Salvation Army and Neighborhood House and as Student Trustee at CCC. Lovell earned his bachelor’s degree from SUNY Binghamton. He is an avid musician and lives in Auburn with his wife, Lori, and their three children. 2003 Deborah A. Troncone planned to travel to South Korea in February of 2014 for the birth of her daughter’s new son! “I can’t thank CCC enough for helping me achieve my goal of becoming an R.N.” You’re most welcome & thanks! 2004 Sara M. (Chalupnicki) Casler participated in the 38th annual “The Citizen Masters’ Women’s Tournament” last January at Rainbow Lanes. Casler won the women’s championship in both 2011 and 2012, and was the runner-up in 2009. 2005 Vin Gleason announced that his non-profit foundation, The Run 4 Life, would close its doors this spring due to lack of funding and personal and family fatigue since it was formed in 2007. He extends thanks to all who supported the many runs and programs which benefited local charities and causes. Currently Marketing Manager at the FingerLakes Mall, Vin focuses on bringing family-friendly events to the mall. 2006 Erin Maureen Ottley married Daniel Charles Walter on October 5, 2013. Erin earned her Pharm.D. at Wegman’s School of Pharmacy at St. John Fisher College. She is employed as a pharmacist at Wegman’s-Fairmount. The groom earned his bachelor’s degree in physical education from SUNY Brockport and is the aquatic director at Skaneateles High School. Following a wedding trip to Aruba, the couple is living in Owasco. Amanda M. Reed is the Evening Administrator on CCC’s Fulton Campus. She completed her MS in Adult Education in 2012. She also completed the Leadership Oswego County in 2012. Leadership Oswego County teaches community trusteeship, leadership skills, current issues and networking to a diverse group of community residents. Amanda also joined the ACC/CCC Alumni Association Board of Directors in the fall of 2012.

Tiffany L. Collinsworth ‘08

2008 Tiffany L. Collinsworth earned her associate’s degree from CCC in broadcast journalism and a bachelor’s in communications from Fredonia State University. She is a reporter, on-air personality, and promotions director for Finger Lakes Radio Group on

K101.7 Finger Lakes Hot Country/The Wall 99.3/Finger Lakes News Radio WGVA, and “Lake to Lake Girl” on She also coaches varsity girls soccer and modified boys basketball at Romulus Central School. In an interview with Finger Lakes Times in July, Tiffany explained what she likes best about her job: “The ability to reach countless people on any given day. I can make people laugh, cry, relate and, even more importantly, I can inform.” Theresa L. Dullen is an internal auditor with PathFinder Bank in Oswego. She received her B.S. in Accounting at SUNY Oswego. She was also a Certified Volunteer Tax Preparer for VITA, United Way CA$H Program in Cayuga County, and VITA, United Way and Beta Alpha Psi in Oswego County. Theresa took up running recently and has participated in a number of different races for various causes. She has also worked at AC Moore for 13 years as a part-time supervisor. Theresa has a 6-year-old nephew, Landon, that she loves very much and tries to spend as much time as possible with. We would like to thank Professor (Matijas) Czolowski for helping us to “reconnect” with Theresa. 2010 Stephanie Melnick in finishing her first (Rookie) year as a Baltimore City Police Officer. 2011 Alicia Frame graduated cum laude from SUNY Geneseo this past May with bachelor’s degrees in psychology and anthropology. Caryl Frame graduated from SUNY Fredonia this past May with a bachelor’s degree in video production, theater management, minor. Felicia Franceschelli represented Auburn in the Miss New York USA 2014 pageant held January 17-19 in New York City at the Purchase College Performing Arts Center where more than 100 contestants vied for the title. Felicia Franceschelli recently Franceschelli ‘11 graduated from Stony Brook University receiving her master’s in Human Resource Management. She serves on the boards of directors for a number of local organizations including Cayuga Counseling Services, Inc., ACC/CCC Alumni Association and Cayuga County Habitat for Humanity. She is currently working as a legal assistant at Boyle & Anderson, P.C. in Auburn and recently started her own business as a skincare consultant for Rodan + Fields®. She is also a steering committee member of the IGNITE! Young Professionals Group of Cayuga County and has served as a volunteer firefighter for the Fleming Fire Department No. 1 for more than five years. Melissa Theresa Holmes married Kevin Patrick McCormick on September 21, 2013. She is employed as a registered nurse by Hematology/ Oncology Associates of CNY. The groom graduated from RIT and is employed as a senior project engineer at Sikorsky Aircraft in Rochester. 2012 Michele A. Lynn was recognized by The Neighborhood House this past August. She is a head teacher and works with children from mobility (about 12 months) to 18 months. “Michele Lynn demonstrates Michele Lynn ’12 the work ethic, original ideas and compassion that it takes to fulfill the Neighborhood House’s mission.” Lynn received her degree in early childhood education with a concentration in English from CCC in 2012. She has been with Neighborhood House for about two years. Michele also is very active in our community with various children’s groups.


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C L A S S N OT E S CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 2013 Jillian Marie Emerson married Anthony Lannan Savarese on October 12, 2013. Jillian is employed as an R.N. at Auburn Community Hospital and the groom is employed by the Cayuga County Highway Department. Brian M. Knapp was honored in the “30 Heroes Under 30” ceremony that was held as part of the CNY Veterans Parade at the NYS Fairgrounds on November 9, 2013. It was the 6th Annual CNY Veterans Parade and Expo, and the “30 Heroes Under 30” was Brian M. Knapp ‘13 a new event sponsored in part by Clear Channel Radio. Brian showed outstanding leadership as a student veteran. As a member of the College’s Veterans’ Working Group, he provided essential guidance and leadership in the process of removing several significant obstacles to success for students using GI Bill benefits. In his first few weeks of school, Brian single handedly gathered nearly forty student veterans and formed a Vets Club on the Auburn campus. He was a recipient of the 2013 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence and a speaker at Cayuga’s 2013 Commencement. Upon Brian’s graduation from CCC, Congressman Dan Maffei offered him a position as his veterans’ outreach coordinator/ caseworker. He currently serves veterans returning to the region aiding in their transition and advocating for their needs. Sara R. Radcliff participated in the “Walk to Remember” at Emerson Park last September. A new feature of the walk was the addition of a 5k run. The run was in honor of Sara’s dad, Larry Radcliff, who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s disease while in his 40s. She asked to add the run to the fundraiser as a way to thank the sponsors for all they have done for her family. Proceeds from the entry fees benefited Cayuga County’s Alzheimer’s Disease Community Service Program, the Caregiver Support Program and Project Lifesaver. 2014 Gillian Frame graduated magna cum laude from CCC this past May with her associate’s degree in liberal arts, theatre concentration.

PASSINGS Christian S. Ciampaglia ’59 passed away unexpectedly October 24, 2013, in Melbourne, FL. During the Korean War, he proudly served in the Navy for four years. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Hotel/Restaurant Management from Michigan State University. Chris remained an ardent Spartan sports fan. He was recruited by American Armed Forces Exchange Service (AAFES) in 1962 which provided opportunity to live all over the US and abroad. Following his retirement in 1980, he moved to Owosso, MI to manage the Pines Country House Motel and Banquet Facility with a longtime friend. Chris belonged to the Italian Club in Melbourne, FL. He loved to read, bowl and play poker. He volunteered at the Palm Bay Senior Center. He is survived by his loving wife of 51 years, Beverly Jean; his three daughters, Angela and her fiancé, Brian Swanson, Tina and her fiancé, Spyros Fletcher, and Christa Ciampaglia Crawford and her friend, Jason Doyle, and her son, Cully Crawford; stepson, Steve DeForest (Dianne); two sisters; and a host of nieces, nephews, and cousins. Frank G. (Frankie) Cyzowski ’64 passed away October 24, 2013. He was a 1966 graduate of Syracuse University. Frank was employed by NYS Department of Transportation as an Associate Right-of-Way Agent. He was an avid NASCAR fan and of all Syracuse University

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sports. Surviving is his sister, Catherine Tringali; nephew, Francis Tringali; and his loving cat, Princess. James Francis Walsh ’68 passed away unexpectedly November 13, 2013. He obtained a bachelor’s degree at Cal-Poly Pomona University in California and a graduate degree at the University of California at Irvine. He was an accomplished artist. He was a terrific athlete excelling in tennis, skiing, and swimming. His favorite sport was softball. He also played golf in college and remained an avid golfer throughout his life. Jimmy was a real estate appraiser for the Parrish and Edwards Agency of Jupiter, FL. After the untimely passing of his nephew, Adam, Jim was instrumental in the establishment and success of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Surviving are his siblings: John E. Walsh and wife Reve, Jane E. Walsh and fiancé Christian Chavassieu, and Joseph M. and wife Margaret; along with nieces, nephews, an uncle and many cousins. Joseph G. Galgano ’69 passed away August 24, 2013. He devoted 31 years of diligent work and care as a school psychologist to the Caesar Rodney School District. He is survived by his wife of 27 years, Shari Lovell Galgano; his daughters, Laurel (Christos) Philippakos and their children, Niko, Ari and Daphne, and Cara (Geoff ) Ney and their children, Connor and Natalie, and Katie Galgano. Joseph became a Microsoft Certified Professional after his retirement and opened his own private computer repair business. His loved ones will remember him for his love of computers, golfing, bowling, and “hot-ta-rod” Mustang convertible. Above all, he will be remembered for the countless laughs and immeasurable love he showered them with. Robert ‘Bob’ T. Stinson Jr. ’71 died November 20, 2013. He earned a BS in Civil Engineering from North Carolina State. He served his country in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. His job took him across the US and he retired from Dominion Power in 2005. He was a devoted father/ grandfather to his two children, Katherine Masters and Lt. Robert T. Stinson III, USN, and to his four grandchildren, Jamie Elizabeth Stinson, Robert T. Stinson IV, Maximilian Masters, and Genevieve Masters. Sandra Joy (Bucklin) Dunn ’74 passed away September 25, 2013. She had many creative abilities including counseling, painting, writing, and poetry. She was passionate about her love of Ireland and political views. Mrs. Dunn was an active member of St. Mary’s Church in Auburn for many years. Surviving is her husband, Thomas J. Dunn, and their eight children: Tracy (Gary) Sherboneau, Heather Poirier, Tyler Dunn, Trevor (Mayumi) Dunn, Torrie Dunn, Tara Dunn, Cody Dunn, and Ryan Dunn; 10 grandchildren; and several siblings and stepsiblings. Beverly J. (Steele) Hassler ’75 passed away February 21, 2012. She earned her CCC degree in Humanities and Social Science. Albert D. Pearce ’76 passed away September 30, 2013 following a long illness. He earned his BS in Nursing from the University of the State of New York. Before his retirement, he was employed for 30 years at Nucor Steel as an occupational health nurse. He was an active member of the Occupational Health Nurses Association of Central New York. Albert was involved in his sons’ sports and enjoyed serving as umpire in the Auburn Boys and Girls Baseball League for several years. Surviving is his loving wife of 35 years, Karen Mierzwa Pearce; sons, Kevin (Maggie) and Michael; his cherished grandchildren, Molly Rose and Ryan Pearce; and brothers, Bert (Elaine) and Robert (Linda).

Robert F. Woods ’78 passed away suddenly April 5, 2013. He retired in 1996 from Business Records Corporation, East Syracuse. He was an Air Force veteran of the Korean War. Bob was a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. He enjoyed golf, sports, gardening, photography and traveling. Surviving is his wife of 53 years, Jane E. Woods; sons, Peter, Timothy, and Mark; and his sister, Janice Kelly. Nancy Jo Mearns ’80 passed away August 6, 2013. She had been employed with Owens Brockway in Sennett for 36 years. She was a member of the Auburn Community Band, the Elbridge Community Band, and in earlier years, the Skaneateles Community Musicians. Her love of music was matched with a love of all animals, especially cats. She also enjoyed the ocean and camping. Nancy Jo is survived by her father and stepmother, Arthur J.; and several siblings and stepsiblings. Loretta J. (Briggs) Ryan ’91 of Weedsport died August 7, 2014, in Auburn. She was a graduate of Weedsport Central High School and CCC where she received a degree in accounting. She had served as a Student Trustee at CCC during the 1990-91 academic year, representing the student body during a period of major building expansion and campus renovations. Loretta had been employed as Office Manager for Bartolotta Furniture of Auburn. She was very involved with the Junior Bowling League and ran the league for 17 years. An avid reader, she enjoyed knitting and crocheting as well. Loretta is survived by her husband of 41 years, Thomas Ryan; two sons, Neil (Megan) of PA, and Brent (Kristen) of SC; her mother, Beverly Briggs of Weedsport; two sisters, and a brother. Eileen M. (Caves) Shufelt ’93 passed away December 5, 2013. She had been employed by Cayuga County for several years in Auburn.

She enjoyed reading and playing cards and was recently very involved in researching her ancestry. Eileen was most happy the times spent with her family and especially with her granddaughter, Taylor. She is survived by her children, two daughters, Makenzie Redmond and Marci Redmond; sons, Patrick Redmond and Walt Redmond; brother, George (Carla) Caves; and two grandchildren. Mildred E. (Davis) Harris ’95 passed away December 25, 2012. She earned her Nursing degree at CCC. Mildred is survived by her husband of 43 years, Verne W. Harris; and two children, Alecia Harris and Alan Harris. Andrew F. Hauff ’95 passed away July 22, 2014. He was a graduate of SUNY Oswego. Andrew worked in video production for Catholic Charities of Syracuse and was formerly with Time Warner-13. He was a member of the Auburn Players and was very active in plays. Andrew is survived by his parents, Ronald and Patricia Hauff; sister, Loren Hunt; brother, Matthew (Regina); and four nephews. Beth M. Ferguson ’06 died February 12, 2013. Because she loved to interact with and help people, her favorite job was working at IME Co. in customer service and as an administrative assistant. She enjoyed being outdoors and had a passion for animals, especially her cat, Tyson. She enjoyed reading, listening to music and spending time with her family and friends. Beth is survived by her parents, Robert and Colleen Ferguson; grandmother, Beatrice Smith; sisters, Christine (Edward) Farrell, Robin (Marvin) Burdick, Kimberly (Louis) Jada, and Margaret (Michael) Murabito; and brother, James (Alinna) Ferguson.

CAYUGA CC EMPLOYEE PASSINGS Walter R. Ball of Port Byron passed away Thursday, July 10, 2014, at his home with his family by his side after an extended illness. Walt had been employed as a custodian at CCC for more than 20 years, retiring in 2002. He also was a crop and dairy farmer for most of his life. He found enjoyment in hunting and fishing and had a love for music and animals. Born in the town of Throop, he was a graduate of Port Byron High School. Survivors include his wife of 48 years, the former Helen Mckeen; sons, Steven (Tina) Ball of Port Byron, and Gary Donalds of Throop; a daughter, Bonnie (Kenneth) Bivens, of Las Vegas, NV; seven grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Duane A. Bunyea, Jr. of Lysander passed away at home on October 19, 2013, surrounded by his loving family. He retired from the Building Maintenance Department on CCC’s Fulton campus in September of 2012 following 11 years of service. Duane was a lifetime member of the Lysander Volunteer Fire Department. Surviving are a daughter, Chelsea (Andrew) Gaido; a stepson, Heath

(Tonya) Calkins; his father, Duane A. Sr.; a brother, Alan; sister, Lisa (Tony) Sealey; and three grandchildren, Landon, Alex and Chase. Lorraine (Latta) Weed, former professor of Spanish at ACC/CCC, passed away on August 26, 2014, in Auburn. “Senora” Weed, as alumni fondly remembered her in the Association’s “Now/Then” Newsletters, joined the college faculty in 1961. Appointed chair of the Language Department in 1966, she retired from that position in 1978. Professor Weed received a B.A. degree from Alfred University and an M.A. from Syracuse University. Prior to moving to Auburn in 1963, she had been a teacher and librarian for the Genoa Central School District. She was predeceased by her husband of 63 years, Howard G. Weed, in 2002; her daughter-in-law, Jean Weed; two grandchildren, and her sister. Survivors include: three sons, Graydon of Auburn, Steven Carmichael (Mahlian) of Edisto Island, SC, and Carl (Sandra) of Weedsport; one daughter, Carol Ketchum (Marshall) of Florence, AZ; five grandchildren; one granddaughter-in-law; and nine great-grandchildren.



In Memory of Professor William “Bill” P. Lovell ’59

In Memory of Professor Raymond F. Leszczynski

For 47 years, Bill worked as a teacher and administrator at Auburn/Cayuga Community College, most recently serving as Chair of College Studies and Professor of Business at the college’s Fulton campus. A respected teacher, mentor and colleague, he received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Professional Service in 2010, the ACC/CCC Alumni Association Award in 2009 and was named among the Outstanding Educators of America in 1974. Professor William “Bill” P. Lovell passed away on August 29, 2014. Professor Lovell is survived by his devoted wife, Deborah (Bingham) ’98; their children, Mark ’87 (April Storrings), Daniel ’95 (Lori), Benjamin (Jennifer), Rebekah Spink ’99 (Michael) and Mary ’00; also Susan ’85 (George Morris) and Pamela Graf ’86 (David) from a previous marriage; and his eight remarkable grandchildren, Daniel, Delaney, Olivia, Madeline, Alexis, Michaela, Meghan, and Gretchen. Bill was his wife Debbi’s best friend and forever love. They traveled together often, enjoyed concerts, and were inseparable. Most important to them both was being together. To his children, he was a devoted and selfless father who lovingly taught them to value family, education and faith. To his grandchildren, he was an adoring and patient grandfather, who donned a Santa suit each Christmas Day to deliver gifts and worked in the backyard building swingsets and playhouses. On campus, Bill was “Father Fulton,” who deftly guided faculty and students with caring and concern. He touched the lives of thousands throughout his career, and the Fulton faculty and staff became a second family to him. Bill was an avid sports fan who rooted for the New York Yankees, the Cleveland Browns, the Boston Celtics and the Syracuse Orange. He enjoyed trains and model railroads. He loved Walt Disney World, and especially liked taking trips with his family. Bill was a longtime communicant of St. Mary’s Church of Auburn. He served on the church’s finance committee and was named its Finance Trustee.

Raymond F. Leszczynski, Professor of Science at ACC/CCC from 1967– 2014, passed away on January 30, 2014, at his home. This spring would have marked the 48th year since Professor Leszczynski first set foot on our College campus. In February 1966 Ray accepted a temporary one- semester teaching appointment in the Science Department. Delayed for three days by the blizzard of ’66, it was Ray’s very first experience teaching, and he absolutely loved it! In fall 1967 Ray returned to ACC to accept a permanent, full-time appointment and has remained “in a virtual love affair in my employment at ACC/ CCC teaching, advising and working with students ever since.” He became well known for his lively classroom lectures and spring/fall field trips to various locations in Cayuga and Onondaga counties. Ray once remarked, “I have already eclipsed the point where many of the students that I am now teaching are the children of students that I taught a generation ago. My only hope is that the time does not come too soon where I am teaching the grandchildren of the students that I once taught!” He was especially proud to say that all four of his sons graduated from CCC and went on to have successful professional careers. Ray received a B.S. degree from SUNY Albany, a master’s from the College of Saint Rose, and also pursued studies at Cornell University and SUNY Cortland. He was a communicant of St. Hyacinth’s Church in Auburn. His interests included skiing, fly fishing, cultivating his outdoor gardens, and sharing his knowledge and love of automobiles with his sons. Professor Leszczynski was married to the late Diane A. Leszczynski (Lomnicki) for 36 years; she passed away May 3, 2005. Survivors include his four sons: Kirk ’91 and his wife Kathleen of Ballston Spa, Jamie ’93 and his wife Danna of Auburn, Jason ’98 and his wife Sarah of Fultonville, and Justin ’03 of Scipio Center; one brother, Dr. Thomas Lacey and his wife Beverly of Ludlow, VT; and three grandchildren, Mariska, Madaline, and Jarek. Ray also leaves behind a close friend and companion of several years, Olivia Rising, of Fulton. As a fitting tribute to Ray and for his years of inspiring Geology students, this past spring members of the college community were invited to “Bring a Rock to Assessment Day.” On May 1 Assistant Professor Sheila Myers and her Conservation and Natural Resources class placed the rocks around




“In Bill’s passing, we will all miss a valued colleague, friend, mentor, teacher, and respected senior faculty leader. He loved Cayuga Community College and spent his entire career dedicated to student success and promoting the institution’s mission to members of both Cayuga and Oswego Counties. On a personal note, I will be forever grateful for his guidance, support, and ability to clarify seemingly challenging issues in a logical and straightforward manner. I have been fortunate to work with a man of Bill’s integrity and sincere kindness.” Anne Herron, Provost and VP Academic Affairs

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Professor William “Bill” P. Lovell ’59 1938-2014 “As history buffs, we have identified certain people who have commanded a deep respect. Some people ask for this; others have it suddenly thrust upon them. Then there are those select few who just live their lives in such a fashion as it becomes natural, when encountering others, that you feel it is the only action you can do with that person. Bill Lovell had complete and unsolicited respect with every person he encountered. You would sit and talk with him and going through your mind was not only the topic of conversation, but the feeling that you were in the presence of someone gifted, of some person from our past whom we read about and now – we are in front of that person, a living history. In my careers I have interacted with literally thousands of people from all walks of life. I had the great fortune to work with Bill Lovell and to call him a friend. Bill Lovell had not just his immediate family, but all those with whom he worked, and the students whose lives he had such great impact on. His management style was one of will, meaning that he seldom gave orders; rather, you just did what had to be done so as not to disappoint the man. We were all lucky to have served under him and we all want to thank his immediate family for sharing him with us.” John E. Lamphere ’74, Interim Dean of the Fulton Campus “Bill was one of my first teachers (and by far one of my favorites) here when I started back in 2003. I took Accounting I & II with him. One of the things I loved is that even as a student he always had an open door policy no matter how busy he was or how many different things he was juggling on his plate. He always made me (and all his students) feel like we were his top priority. That carried right over when I became an employee in 2006, always making me feel like I could ask him anything. He has been one of the most influential educators that I have encountered not only here at Cayuga, but at all the schools I have attended. He also had quite a sense of humor. As a student, I always addressed the staff/faculty here as Professor, Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc…. So, when I became an employee, I would always say to Bill, ‘How are you today, Mr. Lovell?’ and he would always respond “Fine, thank you…and MY NAME IS BILL.” Amanda M. Reed ’06, Evening Administrator-Fulton Campus “I believe JoAnn said it first, ‘Bill is Father Fulton’ and that is 100% correct. He has been a mentor and ‘father’ figure to all of us over the years and the Fulton Campus will never be the same without Professor Lovell...or…I mean…Bill. Bill was a man of great stature and respected by everyone he worked with. His values, beliefs and ethics are a rare find these days, a true gentle man and gentleman. He won’t be replaced easily, and whoever does follow in his footsteps has big shoes to fill. I will miss him tremendously as a teacher, mentor, colleague and, most of all, friend.” Susan C. Witmer ’90, Director of Fulton Operations

Professor Raymond F. Leszczynski 1942-2014 newly planted trees and flowers on the College’s Nature Trail, with the fervent hope that they will bring a smile to all who traverse there and remember Ray. The Raymond F. Leszczynski Memorial Award was established to be presented to a graduate who has an interest in the natural sciences and is transferring to a four-year institution. The first recipient was Roberta S. Kirkland ’14. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Contains excerpts from Ray’s interview with newsletter staff, 2006 spring/summer edition.)




“I felt very sad walking toward the Tech building this morning as I saw that the parking spot next to the door where Ray always parked his vehicle was empty, much like the emptiness that we are all feeling with his passing. He will be missed. Bill The late William P. Lovell ’59, Friend & Colleague (E-mail sent to college community January 31, 2014, 10:14 AM following sad news of Ray Leszczynski’s passing) “Ray Leszczynksi will be missed in so many ways – he was the institutional memory of the Science Department and passionate about science and with a passion that was infectious for his students. He had high expectations for his students, and they rose to meet them. He was a caring friend and colleague with a great sense of humor and wide range of interests – a conversation with Ray was always educational and enjoyable.” Christie Waters, Chair, Division of Natural and Health Sciences, Mathematics and Technology “Some years ago, when my son and my daughter were small, my (then) husband was hospitalized for several months. I would visit him daily, and often bring the children. One evening, we were driving home from the hospital feeling rather down. At that time, there was a comet visible in the sky; and Ray had set up a telescope on top of the tech building. We stopped to look at the comet through the telescope. I don’t remember much about how the comet looked. But what I do remember is how excited my kids were when they looked at it through the telescope. Being able to look at the stars that evening just lifted our spirits. On the way home, my son (then in middle school; now a Ph.D. in engineering and a science professor himself) said: ‘I think Professor Leszczynski is the best professor in the whole world!’ I will forever be grateful to Ray for that evening—when he directed our attention past our own troubles and to the stars.” Susan Wolstenholme, Professor of English

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Auburn/Cayuga Alumni Association Cayuga Community College 197 Franklin Street Auburn, New York 13021-3099




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