Environmental Biology major working as a biological science technician for the United States Geological Survey at the Lake Erie Biological Station
livia Vosburg ’19 selected Her passion for the environment and Cazenovia College because of doing her part to make a difference drove the Environmental Biology Vosburg to participate in numerous program, the small campus, and a feeling research projects while attending that this was the place for her. Vosburg Cazenovia. Some of her favorites inapplied to 24 schools across the country, cluded raising her 150 brook trout but Cazenovia made her top five because from eggs and presenting research on of the professor interaction she had during the “I HAVE CAREER NETWORKS, LIFETIME application process. “Dr. Thad Yorks emailed me FRIENDSHIPS, A JOB IN MY FIELD, prior to being accepted A PASSION FOR LEARNING, AND THE and during the accepCONFIDENCE THAT I CAN DO ANYTHING tance process,” Vosburg I PUT MY MIND AND HEART INTO.” noted. “He listened to what I was interested in - Olivia Vosburg ’19 and inspired me to look deeper into the program, which led me Walleye and Tiger Muskie Stocking in to change my original plan and go into Jamesville Reservoir at the 2019 Annual environmental biology.” New York Fisheries Conference. Vosburg also grew strains of algae and compared their biomass to evaluate which strain had the most potential to be grown and converted into a cleaner energy like biodiesel.
Cazenovia College Magazine: Winter 2020
Photo: Alix Pfisterer
In her four years at Cazenovia, Vosburg had the opportunity to explore her major inside and outside of the classroom. She worked with employers in her field as well as with the community through
Photo: Courtesy of Olivia Vosburg
Olivia Vosburg ’19 Pursues Her Passion for the Environment Vosburg holding a lake trout from Lake Erie.
projects and events to promote environmental awareness. She also became familiar with a variety of sampling equipment in the field, attended and presented research at professional conferences, and built an impressive resume. “I left Cazenovia with more than a degree,” noted Vosburg. “I have career networks, lifetime friendships, a job in my field, a passion for learning, and the confidence that I can do anything I put my mind and heart into.” After graduating in May, Vosburg moved to Sandusky, Ohio and is working for the United States Geological Survey at the Lake Erie Biological Station as a biological science technician. “I am working on a research vessel collecting data on Lake Erie, working in the lab, and helping to prepare reports,” shared Vosburg.
Vosburg and colleague on a research vessel with a sediment profile imagery camera.
To learn more about Olivia Vosburg, go to her MyCaz Experience video