Annual Report of Gifts 2015-16

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Paul deLima Secretary:

Thomas R. Tartaglia Treasurer:

Richard L. Smith+ Roberta Lee August ’58+* John Bartolotti Grace N. Chiang Andrew G. Church Carolyn Charles Deacon ’66 Victor A. DiSerio William B. Eberhardt+ Michael Ehrhart James D. Freyer, Jr. Kenneth C. Gardiner Jeffrey H. Heath Steven J. Infanti, Sr. Margie Dobin Miller ’69 Margery A. Pinet+ Edward Priest Betty Ogletree Roberts ’70 Stephanie Cotton Rudnick ’93 Betsy Rosenfield Samet Christine S. Steenstra Mary J. K. Walker ’72 Connie M. Whitton Trustees Emeriti:

Nicholas J. Christakos* Winifred E. Coleman* Robert S. Constable+ Charles B. Morgan Jay W. Wason* Barbara C. Wheler *deceased + The Heritage Society

Cazenovia College’s Annual Report of Gifts acknowledges financial gifts received from individuals and organizations in Fiscal Year 2016, July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016. Donors are listed alphabetically within various categories: trustees and former trustees, alumni by class year, students, parents, friends, employees, businesses and organizations, foundations, matching gift companies and gifts-in-kind. Members of the Heritage Society are identified with the symbol +. Donors are further classified by the following giving societies and gift levels:

The 1824 Society Founder’s Circle President’s Circle Partner’s Circle Associate’s Circle Leadership Circle

$25,000 and up $10,000 to $24,999 $5,000 to $9,999 $1,824 to $4,999 $1,000 to $1,823

The Builder’s Society Blue & Gold Club Spirit Club Anniversary Club Caz Club

$500 to $999 $250 to $499 $150 to $249 Up to $149


While every effort has been made to list all names and giving levels accurately, we would be most grateful if any errors or omissions are brought to our attention by contacting the Development Office at or 315.655.7369. Thank you.

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

ALUMNI CLASS OF 1938 Spirit Club

Robert H. Wright CLASS OF 1941 Caz Club

Barbara Grime Cochern Theodore Fibison CLASS OF 1942 Partner’s Circle

Jeanne Moore Cordts Caz Club

Helen Lehmann Anken Margaret Lehman Cox CLASS OF 1945 Caz Club

Arlene Camp Vivyan*

Caz Club

Joyce Gleason MacCloy Marion Stook Tallman CLASS OF 1949 Blue & Gold Club

Sally Rollins Meinweiser Anniversary Club

Paula Warkow Barmaper Beverly Kanner Lubetkin Caz Club

Carolyn Boyd Cady Helen Themo Fledderus Nancy Howard Howland Carol Raymond Jennings Toni-Ann Puccini Riley Jayne Yates CLASS OF 1950 Anniversary Club

Beverly Schurmann Kessler+


Caz Club

Doris Eversfield Webster+

Alta Woodworth Miller Rose Brown Pearsall

Associate’s Circle

Caz Club

Janet Markham Koszalka Jean Contridoff Whalen CLASS OF 1947 Partner’s Circle

Marilyn Adams Lewis* Caz Club

Helen Perry Amidon Rae Ellis Devine Cherie Campbell Lyons Beverly Georgia Peters CLASS OF 1948 Associate’s Circle

Marion Lewis Merrill+ Spirit Club

Suzanne Agnew Elliott Anniversary Club

Mary Furlow


C. Irwin Rice ‘40 Theodore Fibison ‘41 Jeanne Moore Cordts ‘42 Charlotte Kniskern ‘43+ Louise Lathrop Estus ‘45 Doris Eversfield Webster ‘46+ Jean Contridoff Whalen ‘46 Sally Rollins Meinweiser ‘49 Mary Crouse Larkin ‘51 Joan Walsh Brandt ‘52

CLASS OF 1953 Blue & Gold Club

Charlotte Fink Distel Caz Club

Kathryn Green Arnold Elaine Kessler Feigin Dorothy Benedict Foley Joan Bates Henderson Patricia Thackwell Johnson Betty Priest Putney Teresa Izzo Swenson CLASS OF 1954 Spirit Club

Barbara Faranda Schwartz Caz Club

Elizabeth Johnson Bryson Shirley Kline Hart Carol Sivaslian Mattozza Carol Jones Noble Shirley Towner Schroeder Beverly Dashnaw Waters Marion Rudd Whaley

Marlise Fornos Hammond Sandra Gowland Kring Carol Safford Norton Lilyan Pharasles Shepardson CLASS OF 1957 Anniversary Club

Priscilla Wrynn Meli Caz Club

Jeanne Yin Cheng Margaret Coniglare Denbow Mercedes Maso Hearn Barbara Curtis Konvicka Phyllis Carvlin Langfield Donna Ingersoll Morelle Gillette Newell Nash CLASS OF 1958 President’s Circle

Linda Holler Huber Sheila Ehlinger Joanna Reinhardt Muhlbeck


Virginia Peterson Bourke

Spirit Club

Mary Crouse Larkin Judith Speegle Lunger Barbara Brink Rhoades

Leadership Circle


Elinor Walton Ducat Patricia Conrad Phifer

Associate’s Circle

Joyce Robert Pratt Anniversary Club

Joan Walsh Brandt Caz Club

Marilyn Bisson Governale Jean Hornlein Patricia LaMorte Hurley Fairfax Urner Manhardt Gladys Iny Shukur Sara Wallace Tully Sally Cline Weddle Elinor J. Wilson+ Virginia Fairfax Zuzero

Jeanne Haste Lark ‘53 Barbara Faranda Schwartz ‘54 Patricia Conrad Phifer ‘55 Lilyan Pharasles Shepardson ‘56 Sheila Ehlinger ‘58 Linda Holler Huber ‘58 Judith Bond Clarke ‘59 Mary Burton Thompson ‘59 Carol White Deem ‘60 Gloria Grosso Alibrandi ‘61+ Virginia Owen Philippy ‘61 Carla Panasci Till ‘61 Margot Burgheimer ‘62+ Helen Carney ‘62 Bonnie Cooke ‘63

Elaine Small Horstmyer Blue & Gold Club

Spirit Club

Ursula Pappalardo Lombardi Caz Club

Judith Bott Karis Kline Schultz Ilene Richter Sidoran CLASS OF 1956 Spirit Club

Gwenyth Caccamise Conners Theodora Lohnas

Anniversary Club

Barbara Baldwin Baker Judith Bond Clarke Sharon Bush Molthen Mary Burton Thompson Patricia Zurcher Voss Caz Club

Maureen McNeill



Anniversary Club

Bette Davis Stearns Carol Jenne Balcer Anniversary Club

Anniversary Club

Sandra Armstrong Jones Brenda Brogan Snell Caz Club

Carol Krause Arman Arlene Carlisle Comstock Hallie Davison Barbara Henningsen Garrelts Grace Mahoney Graves Joanna Carlson Hobler Suzanne Deming Hooker Patricia Coleman Ihlenfeld Nancy Michaelsen Maiss Jacqueline Koch Mitchell Beata Newman Scarpulla Sandra McKenna Skrobul

Colleen O’Shea Bentley Sharron Phillips Boehm Ann McLoughlin Cohan Patricia Lawler Cosgrove Christine Menzies Mitchell Nancy Brown Patrick Virginia Owen Philippy Joan Sabloff Schuls Kathleen Delany Stapleton Janice Johns Whitney

Joan Barrett Barbara Markert Black Marianne Boyle Calvarese Anne Rehill Cummings Erna Rosendale Olson Barbara Wentka Pape Susan Wagner Reis Judith Rogers Scammell Katherine Kearney Vink Joan Harkness Williams

Spirit Club

Myra Kimbrell McManus Caz Club

Wendy Clark Dubois Barbara Kaplus Gillman Roberta Goldman Sharon Rhoades Moran Patricia Lane Santini Judith Mason Sylvester Rosalyn Lamon Syp CLASS OF 1961 Leadership Circle

Patricia Rountree Melvin Blue & Gold

Carla Panasci Till Caz Club

Caz Club

Associate’s Circle

Anonymous Leadership Circle

Patricia Stacy Healey Deanna Kingsley Johnston Judith Hawley Taylor Spirit Club

Ruth King Youmans Helen Carney Georgia Kasemeotes Pliakas Paula Slawter Ruddock Linda Trochelmann Caz Club

Jayne Clare Carson Carole Beldowski Dixon Barbara Barstow Hattala Lynne Ashdown Hoar Juliette Horwitz Holzbach Janet Cook Isaac Carol Frank Moskow Sarah Hooper Mundy Sue Ludwig Nuveen Elaine Hanney Romero Stephanie Peacock Rydelek Ellen MacCartney Warren CLASS OF 1963 Blue & Gold Club

Nancy Muhlitner Bracy Anniversary Club

Barbara Baker Nadig

Gloria Grosso Alibrandi+ Susan Church Auyer

Phyllis Marks Dollar Marcia Hoffman Machemer ‘64 Carolyn Loeffler Sterner ‘64 Barrie Foote Newman ‘65 Judith Hutchings Caspar ‘66 Jo Ann Gifford Burns ’68 Laurel Clute ‘69 Sally Lyons Wassell ‘69 Margot Cheney Jacoby ‘70 Beverly Uphouse Cunningham ‘71 Scottie O’Toole ‘71+ Deborah Barnes Dougherty ‘72 Veronica Pisarz Goubeaud ‘73 Jane Wright Spohn ‘74 Darlene Price Pulkinen ‘75 Lorie Niebank Riedl ‘76

Elizabeth Siemers Viener

Leadership Circle


Caz Club

Spirit Club

Associate’s Circle

Leadership Circle Partner’s Circle


Linda Testa ‘81 Kim Gallup Ladd ‘82 Mary O’Connor Wiser ‘82 Wendy Jaquish Ball ‘83 Deborah Nellis Yacobucci ‘83 Laura Crolick Kibby ‘84 Shelley Bullock ‘85+ Andrea Maiello Jung ‘86 Jonathan Arrindell ‘87 Crystal Wright Farrell ‘88 Matthew Karoglanian ‘88 Raquel Aponte ‘89 Brian Gallagher ‘89 Michelle Marks-Hook ‘90 Bruce Streeter ‘93

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

Dacia Banks ‘94 Allison Busch Benedict ‘95 Michael Robilotto ‘99 Monica Everdyke ‘02 Pete Way ‘03 Renee Banks ‘04 Megan Cowen Bushneck ‘05 Christopher Comino ‘05 Daniel Riordan ‘06 Kaleb Wilson ‘07 Kate Lincoln Harris ‘08 Courtney Stewart ‘09 Kyle Boeltz ‘10 Amanda Szymanski Wilson ‘10 Blair Wiser Posson ‘11

Phillip Sheehan ‘11 Kimberly Norton ‘12 Hilary Hext ‘13 Van Scholten ‘13 Christine Ward ‘13 Taylor MacFarland ‘14 Steven Ochoa ‘14 Alyssa Pagliei ‘14 Samantha Barnes ‘15 Thomas DeBernardis ‘15 Nathan Hudson ‘16 Samantha McCarthy ‘16 Alexandra Nordman ‘16

Caz Club

Andrea Black Campbell Dorothy Davey Clark Mary Ellen Miller Colella Bonnie Cooke Susan Davis Hall Louise Ryan Luther Elizabeth Shipman Marsh Bettyann Smith Neifer Marcia Miller Norris Nancy Papapanu Betty Reiss-Gagner Marsha Mills Savage Suzanne Shults Joanne Springer Tuck Suzanne Humphrey Ulrich Rosalind Bailey Walker Carolyn Cobb Wallace CLASS OF 1964 Partner’s Circle

Stephanie J. Kravec Leadership Circle

Susan Canders Carter Blue & Gold Club

Loanne Bateman Hamje Anniversary Club

Marcia Hoffman Machemer Tekla Dennison Miller Anne Hawks Schneider Caz Club

Ann Alexander Barbara Fox Dier Marsha Todd Fisher Jane Wirth Kent Mary Milliken Ogilvie Sharon McBride Olsen Anita Stover Ransco Susan Rosack Rhone Lee Isenberg Saltz Jane Smithers Catherine Miller Swanson Eileen Powers Testan Sara Magenau White Linda Lapey Willey Judy Johnson Zelver Joan Goldman Zoslow CLASS OF 1965 Leadership Circle

Barbara Delia Bennett Caz Club

Janet Van Antwerp Ancker Susan Brant Chabot Patricia Lewis DeBottis Carole Coles Konrad Gail Fitzpatrick Lewis Barrie Foote Newman Judith Rose Tocker CLASS OF 1966 Leadership Gift

Anonymous Kathleen Mansfield Dewey

Blue & Gold Club

Blue & Gold Club

Lynne Harrison Joan Van Sinderen Mudrick

Helen Ahearn Schwittek Susan Brown Wolf

Spirit Club

Spirit Club

Carol McClive Forden Judith Howe Willers

Natalie Kinsella-Flatt

Anniversary Club

Deborah Smith Meredith Guilford Sturges

Allyson Fellows Collins Dorothy Williams Dack Linda Owen DuPree Isabel Case Guidice Patricia Williamson St. Clair Caz Club

Robin Moore Baker Judith Tuthill Barkee Nancy Pilling Brown Judith Hutchings Caspar Darla Longhenry Christiano Doreen Caccamise Conners Linda Elwell Cowles Phyllis Ryan Georger Joanne McMillan Joseph Barbara Erlanger Kaplan Jacqueline Wagoner Schrafft Lynne Claver Shanebrook Julie Smith Lynn Odell Thomson CLASS OF 1967 Associate’s Circle

Margaret Walker Harris Leadership Circle

Ellen Spero Schoetzau Blue & Gold

Joan Becker Judith Sterrett Caz Club

Andrea Manclark Adams Margaret Bialla Joan Franklin Burrows Suzan Cox Sara Mahlmann Dickison Jill Lozowick Fried Claudette Robusti Giani Janet Loader Deborah Moon McGeogh Bonnie Brodock Petty Gail Inman Prather Karen Willmot Rhodes Bonnie MacDonald Rowe Donna Hare Sarnacki Cathy Danskin Stevens CLASS OF 1968 Partner’s Circle

Cecily Johnson Titcomb Leadership Circle

Sally Hawks Braun Sherry Cramer+

Anniversary Club

Caz Club

Susan Waterbury Bates Margaret Lynch Boyne June Servis Briggs Marjorie Williams Budd Jo Ann Gifford Burns Arleen Gwynne Buzzard Judith Weinberg Curtis Marie Davis Diehl Karen Marlowe Fleet Susan Simmons Grady Joan Morgan Hall Janet Wallace Jones Tamara Dye Kane Karen Johnson Lamb Carol Schwanhausser Luebker Carol Mittelberger Marlowe Sally Clark Martin Wendy Kellogg Mercado Deborah Purdy Muser Joan Browne Short Marilyn Kaiser Traiser Carolyn Obssuth Wind CLASS OF 1969 Partner’s Circle

Betsy Rosenfield Samet Associate’s Circle

Nancy LeValley Farley+ Liza Morton Gossett+ Marjorie Dobin Miller Blue & Gold

Mary Teall Durham Leslie Sorg Ramsay Spirit Club

Arden Sclar Epstein Caz Club

Barbara Brewer Ardrey Anne Torry Ballou Holly Bastow-Shoop Janice Clarke Laurel Clute Karen O’Neil Engratt Emily Ettinger Mary Carlin Fawcett Gioia Caiola Forman+ Anne Gold Gleason Mariah Hughs Linda Hoffman Janiak Catherine Smith Lagala Susan Lasak Lamont Linda Marowitz Carol Edds Massey

Bonnie Waggoner Morel Carol Noonan Quinlivan Catherine D’Onofrio Reeves Nancy Danskin Russell Laurie Fassett Savage Martha Russell Tamblin Celine Lorang Turchetti Katherine Mott Wolf CLASS OF 1970 Partner’s Circle

Nancy Nation Paton

Associate’s Circle

Caz Club

Margot Cheney Jacoby

Norma Pomeroy Abbott Rosemary Vallarelli Altamuro Christine Tait Arren Susan Bleecker Freyberg Laurie Heller Gillette Jacqueline Moy Josephine Putrino Woodruff

Blue & Gold Club

Adrianne Strang Loweth Betty Ogletree Roberts Sharon Bradley Spencer Spirit Club

Colleen Calhoun Mummert Barbara Steller Nancy Bittles Walcott

CLASS OF 1971 Associate’s Circle

Scottie O’Toole+

Cazenovia College has received

GIFTS IN MEMORY OF: Col. Warren Lee Ammentorp (USMC Ret.) Steph “Pookie” Baron Lila Spears Beauchamp ’55 Winifred E. Coleman Lucinda Bangs Cooper ’52 Cynthia Palmer Davis ’77 Patricia H. Durgin Rhea Eckel Eric Ecker ’86 Carol Cooke Galusha ’63 Laura Gerry ’69 Catherine McFarland Hamberger ’68 Neil F. & Beverly Orton Harden ’49 Richard H. Hawks Eleonore L. Howard Barbara Jonas Johnson ’59 Pamela Rosenfield Levin ’65 Marie Lesuer Loven ’71

Robert & Marjorie Brown McKiernan ’41 Richard S. Merrill Marion Fontana Metalios ’53 L. Richard Oliker Martha Papworth O’Neill ’00 Ellen Ormsbee Phedra de Blondel Lee Randall Lynn Reynolds ’04 Margaret A. Rickett Donald G. Roy Richard S. Scolaro Margaret Stafford Nancy Weny Thauer ’62 Lisa Watson ’95 Robert C. Webster Les (‘36) & Jane Yury

Cazenovia College has received

GIFTS IN HONOR OF: Sue Berger Kelly Anne Breitung ’16 Lauren Calarco ’16 Melissa Mullin Caves ’91 Class of 1946 Class of 1949 Class of 1958 Class of 1959 Class of 1962 Class of 1964 Class of 1969 Class of 1972 Class of 1976 Class of 1986 Allyson Fellows Collins ’66 Tyler P. Cullen ’16 Hannah J. Delaware ’16 Sierra Detrick ’16 Molly Diaz ’16 Penny Howley Donahue ’91 Travis Duffy ’15 Kacy Gardiner ’16 Ryan Gavin ’16 Molly Gildea ’16 Mary Rose Greene

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

Steve & Kate Lincoln Harris ’08 Alex & Amanda Iannicello ’12 Catherine Jordan ’16 Dorian Kemp ’16 Matthew R. Kenyon ’16 Casey Joseph MacClaren ’16 Kendra McDonald Sally Rollins Meinweiser ’49 Joan Van Sinderen Mudrick ’66 Andrea Nardozzi ’85 Shelly Gotham Palleschi ’91 Carmela Peters ’73 Gregory Rizzo ’16 Tayler Rohling ’16 Patricia Williamson St. Clair ’66 Ashlea Osborne Schad ’12 Darren Skotnes ’05 Colin Spencer ’16 Sharon Bradley Spencer ’70 Ciera Sportello ’16 Mark Tierno Doris E. Webster ’46 Elinor J. Wilson ’52 Russell Young ’16


Blue & Gold Club


Leadership Circle

Caz Club

$2,000,000 +

Pamela Vogtli Compson

Special Thanks:

The Dorothy & Marshall M. Reisman Foundation $1,000,000 to $1,999,999

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Constable+ The Gorman Foundation Charles & Elsie Beebe Haynes, Class of 1918* James H. St. Clair+ Paul J. Schupf $500,000 to $999,999

Catherine McFarland Hamberger ‘68* Jephson Educational Trusts J.M. McDonald Foundation Linda A. Witherill+ $250,000 to $499,999

Cooper Crouse-Hinds Fred L. Emerson Foundation Elizabeth & John Gibbons* M&T Bank National Grid A. Lindsay & Olive B. O’Connor Foundation Jim & Karlene Webster Dorothy C. Witherill* $100,000 to $249,999

Anonymous Marilyn & Richard Alberding Arkell Hall Foundation Baker Charitable Foundation Virginia Peterson Bourke ‘55 Albert J. & Rev. Karen V. Budney Carrier Corporation Cazenovia College Alumni Association Howard T. Chapman* Harriet Christakos: The Christakos Family Trust Clark Foundation Art & Carolyn Charles Deacon ‘66 Catherine A. Gale The Gifford Foundation Green Family Foundation Cynthia Beal Guiles ‘55+ Estate of Maxine E. Hammer ‘50 Hearst Foundations Mr. & Mrs. John H. Koerner+ Marilyn Adams Lewis ‘47* Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Morgan NCAA Margery A. Pinet+ Charles E.* & Katharine S. Sigety Anne T. Smith+ Richard L. Smith+ Vedder Foundation c/o Bucknell University Estate of Arlene J. Walsh ‘62 Mark W. Welch Trust A. Gordon* & Barbara C. Wheler Bradford & Julie Wheler+ Estate of Sylvia Wyckoff *deceased + The Heritage Society

Barbara King Smoot Spirit Club

Anniversary Club

Robin Finch Burlingame Andi Sadoff Cush Cynthia Clifford Schneeberger Caz Club

Jo Schlacta Allsopp Diane Cohen Beverly Uphouse Cunningham Mary Anne Purdy Duso Janet Willingham Enders Marcy Pollock Fink Janice Pierson Fitch Patricia Hardy Gifford Melanie Smith Golding Mary Freundlich Held Cathy LaPenna Sheila Smith Marsh Molly Murphy McKee Susan Heath Mincher Anne Johnson Moriarty Ellen Flasterstein Reohr A.F. Fletcher Rixmann Sharon Gillick Sands Ellen Fischler Shapiro Susan Vogelbacker Warner Marg Lenge Weaver CLASS OF 1972 Anniversary Club

Deborah Barnes Dougherty Mary Kilian Walker Caz Club

Rosemary Angarano Beth Moskowitz Borges Marion Brewer Susan Horan Enders Priscilla Putnam Engel Sharon Stover Gleason Linda Campbell Hessian Barbara Blacet Jones Jacqueline Hill Miller Mary Jane Gos Morse Jennifer Radtke Noll Susan Barber Pendergast Amy Lauterbach Pokorny Debra Cherellia Sardone Wendy Dibble Smith Cathy Nestico Spinelli Margaret Supplee Mary Pfarrer Tilebein Kim Frame Weick

Veronica Pisarz Goubeaud Betsy Bodley Brown Catherine Carr Congdon Sharon Risley Halligan Deborah Schiedel Holmes Leslie Keers Bonnie Masi Gail Ormsbee Karin Vandemark Principe Hope Horning Veenstra Ellen Whetham Wilmarth

President’s Circle

Judith Rose Nutting Deborah Blount Smith

Beverly Tulett Pamela Turner Kim Cole Wethington Christine Wilmanns


Anniversary Club

Caz Club

Susan August Eastwood

Caz Club

Caz Club

Terese Ayers Kramer Nancy Clough Luce Leslie Empsall Rapson Susan Sheriff-Kempka Sara Wall-Bollinger Margaret Gubbins Werth CLASS OF 1975 Associate’s Circle

Maureen Sullivan Tonetti Spirit Club Mary Alice Boudreau Katon Debra Wood Nadler Anniversary Club

Lorelle Appel Gormley Caz Club

Lisa Hamlin Brotsch Claudia MacNeill Caretti Nancy Church Judy Vanderstyne Colling Patricia Chambers Ellis Debra Sorbello Fahrner Michele Gigliotti Mider Karen Ostinett Darlene Price Pulkinen CLASS OF 1976 Partner’s Circle

Janice Schmidt Panasci Leadership Circle

Claudia Clark Lorie Niebank Riedl Anniversary Club

Betsy Yeager Dawson Mylea Bunney Aldrich Bonnie Brindis Gilsenan Kittie Graham Hollander Deborah McAvoy Leone Laura Wisner Moore

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

Christine McMorris Mandel Mary O’Connor Wiser

Anniversary Club Founder’s Circle

Lynn Yeager McLean

Associate’s Circle

Kim Gallup Ladd Michelle Mulcahy

Catherine Hughes Andersen

Blue & Gold Club


Patricia Rickett Christakos

Associate’s Circle


Caz Club


Mary Louise Sullivan Moore Jennifer Holt Morsch Ellen Dye Munger Cheryl Armstrong Murphy Kim Egly Najera Tracy Nieman Victoria Scott Putney Natalie Roseboom Rhebb Delorus Roberson

Julia Carney Michele Donnell Romano Anne Sortore CLASS OF 1978 Caz Club

Jeanne-Marie Lucey Apgar Amanda Bury Mary Salmon Campbell Mary Keable Durocher Wendy Martin Every Barbara Moll Godshall Cynthia Marquis Jeannine Bassi O’Donnell CLASS OF 1979 Anniversary Club

Karen Lavarnway Ross Caz Club

Laura Whelden Adams Laura Hawkins Archambault Cheryl Davis Tammy Michik Yvonne Picciano Visram Denise Howe Walker CLASS OF 1980 Anniversary Club

Linda Harrison Caz Club

Catherine M. Bartlett Mary Sarafin Hight Cathy Josey Dena Coe Mason Karen Downes Owens Ella Steinbrecher Stickney CLASS OF 1981 Caz Club

Sharron Aabye Karen Alvord Barber Cherie DeLapp Brandhorst Barbara Lepkowski Carley Suzanne Robarge Desimone Denise Hoinski Flint Vicki Hassett Lorinda Young O’Brien Linda Testa

Lisa Cosselmon Groesbeck Tanya Ashley Kauffman Gretchen Kessel Beth VanDerPool Ryan Marjorie Freeman Tuomala Amy Lent Vaughan Susan Rotz Wilber CLASS OF 1983 Blue & Gold Club

Corinne Blais Anniversary Club

Ann Meiczinger Wilson Caz Club

Wendy Jaquish Ball Lynne Hemmes Browne Nadine McNamara Clark Donna Mason Kawczynski Doreen Delaney Rowe Lori Kruppner Standish Joan Sullivan Tamara Takacs Widrick Deborah Nellis Yacobucci CLASS OF 1984 Leadership Circle

Susan Canfield LaVallee Anniversary Club

Laura Crolick Kibby Caz Club

Bonnie Boczulak Brenda Bolliver Jean Rosato Chase Penny Stanton Goodfellow Sandra Robinson Hey Tammy Jones Jill Tatro Moroch Amy Metcalf Pizoli Jacquelin McDonald Spronz Heather Williams CLASS OF 1985 Associate’s Circle

Andrea Roy Wolf Caz Club

Shelley Bullock+ Rosemary Ciaschi Cullivan Monica Mirto Humphrey Rodney DeLee Lowe

Robin Pushlar Maciag Joyce McGovern-Miller Andrea Nardozzi Denise Morrison Patchett Gina DeScisciolo Prout Michele Reese Gregory Rohall Holly Nichols Scarano Barbara Lent Scheeler Laura Sabol Spanfelner Donald Swan Donna Couture Tomisman Michelle Wiorkowski CLASS OF 1986 Leadership Circle

Patricia Remley-White Spirit Club

Jennifer Neal Randazzo Anniversary Club

Richard Randazzo Caz Club

Kevin Dolan Anne Blenn Dudash Robin Ryan Flaherty Jane Figura Hamilton Lisa Cutillo Houghton Andrea Maiello Jung Denise Caputo McCowan Lisa Milana O’Hara Lance Poust Jeffrey Renner Michele Horman Romeo Lorraine Salzano Lisa Mergler Santoro Justine Adair Sciera Kathleen McCarney Smithers Susan Betts Trueworthy Ana Pla Ulatowski David Umlauf Evelyn Pierce Utter Valerie Champlin Venturo Tricia Winstead Lisa Moses Zajdel CLASS OF 1987 Caz Club

Dale Armstrong Jonathan Arrindell Janet Clark Calipari Wendy Earle Fical Melissa Hoegler Furco Kimberly Edwards Hope Mark Tacea CLASS OF 1988 Spirit Club

Michelle Paulson Klopp Anniversary Club

Matthew Karoglanian Kimberly Chilton Matteo

Caz Club

Christine Canal Vanessa Ver Bridge Coryea Gerald Cropsey Charles Dean Crystal Wright Farrell Julie Mott Greenberg Kenneth Hatfield Mary Killmer Holdeen Janet Kodash Laura Gresalfi Krebs Patricia Koslowski Kulba Diana Rusnica O’Connor Shannon Hicks Richard Jennifer Riehl Dave Rowe David Sherman Melynda Silvashy Terry Vestal



Tonya Thomas Parisi

Michael Brooks

Blue & Gold Club

Caz Club

Dorion Germany

Norvill Clark Michelle Gillispie

Leadership Circle

Caz Club

Gretchen Ramsey Lansing Michael Lyons Heather Delmonico Mulhall



Caz Club

Partner’s Circle

Stephanie Cotton Rudnick Leadership Circle

Joseph Parisi CLASS OF 1994 Caz Club

CLASS OF 1989 Caz Club

Raquel Aponte Kathleen Blodgett James Chrimes Susan Zimmer Cordova Noelle Peterson Flickinger Janine Ansley Harman Crystal Pierce Jadwick Melissa Gilbo Pedone Carl Racklin Kimberly Hitchcock Rowe CLASS OF 1990 Spirit Club

Beth Kesler Alfieri Wendy Race Caz Club

Wendy Boyer Beale Teresa Iacovangelo Ciejek Bonnie Schaff Davis Matthew Fox Ramsey Kablaoui

Katelyn Lincoln Harris Anniversary Club

Sara Manello Caz Club


James Baker Fallon Stagni-Russo

Pete Way


Associate’s Circle

Caz Club

Kathy Bradstreet Melissa Sposato Patricia Wells

Leadership Circle

Vicky Sokolowski Anniversary Club

Joseph Hernon Jonathan Rodak Caz Club

Beth Allers Colleen Guynup Leslie Lamb Shawntel Felder Linder Jennifer Swift Wightman

Asia Armstrong Brandi Moyer Einhorn Rachel Hill Lorena Munar Cory Schad Lisa Spadafore Courtney Stewart Sara Tanner-Mastellar Shannon Torgersen Andrea Werwinski Noelle Shapiro Wiswesser

CLASS OF 1996 Caz Club

Jessica Powers Chenier Tiffany Jones Heather Kernberger MacKenzie Denise McKaig-Phillips Stefanie Syden Montemurro Jeremiah Murphy Caz Club

Jeremy Baird Julie Downey Wilson CLASS OF 1998 Spirit Club

Lynn Hoppel Wilcox Stephen Cole Jennifer Cross Hodge Tricia Lyman Debra Verni

Anniversary Club

Rebecca Nardella Ballard Jennifer Gangloff Cole Paula Eppinger Tricia Fish Isham Patricia Sales Lyons Melisa Caves Mullin Shelly Gotham Palleschi Roberta Robinson Deirdre Greene Williams

Spirit Club

Caz Club

Caz Club

Caz Club

Sheryl Bates Nicole Krohl Bunnell Andrew Lutz Linda Presley-Beauford


Allison Busch Benedict


Melissa McClaine Herley Alexandra McGinn Sweeney

Monica Everdyke

Elisa Colon Cassidy Meghan Dauler Lisa Folsom Jessica Hanley Johnson Marisol Millan Brian Petrick Alex Simon


Caz Club


Penny Donahue Melissa Frydlo

Spirit Club

Caz Club


Alison Baxter Maureen Holmes Bogdanowicz Leslie Dullea Joan Viau Fleet Dina Stio Gramlich Mary Dieffenbacher Holmes Janet Steinhaus Jeffrey Turof Spirit Club

Anniversary Club

CLASS OF 1999 Spirit Club

Michelle Sigourney CLASS OF 2000 Caz Club

Carole Henry Amy Taylor Hockey Katherine Panarites LaRocca Joyce Placito

CLASS OF 2005 Caz Club

Julia Nesbitt Boone Megan Cowen Bushneck Christopher Comino Stephanie Germain Stacee Davis Muolo Janine Shenandoah-Hills Darren Skotnes Nicole Prindle Stark CLASS OF 2006 Leadership Circle

Joni Koegel

CLASS OF 2010 Anniversary Club

Amanda Szymanski Wilson Caz Club

Kyle Boeltz Jessica Hurley DeCamillo Christopher King Felicia Onori Rocker

Anniversary Club

Brendt Johnson Caz Club

Rebecca Grant Deorio Andrea Albrecht DeVit Sarah Groff Jennifer Hartwell Crystal Kaplan Bethany LaLonde Donna Longsworth Daniel Riordan CLASS OF 2007 Anniversary Club

Michael Smith Kaleb Wilson

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

CLASS OF 2011 Caz Club

Rachael Bowman Marlo Colletto Erin Crowley Shantell Irvin Jessica Kneaskern Matthew Lacy Melissa Lare Michael MacHugh William Main Blair Wiser Posson Wesley Posson Derrick Rocker Amanda Taranto Brittany Westcott

CLASS OF 2012 Blue & Gold Club

Ashlea Osborne Caz Club

Darrell Buckingham Danielle Clark Valerie Dunn Melissa Florez Heather Kicsak Elizabeth Martin Kimberly Norton Korie Schmitz Kacey Smith Joanne Hennington Stephenson Brittany Varin Angela Verenich Alyssa Warawka CLASS OF 2013 Anniversary Club

Taylor Hastrich Caz Club

Colleen Ahern Ashley Bancroft Kory Besaw Kristina Brousseau Alysia Coffey Amy Evans Dustin Gonzalez Claire Hayes Rachel Herman Hilary Hext Jessica Lacelle Megan McDermott David McDonald Chelsea O’Reilly Christine Petrone Matthew Phillips Kayla Pisciotta Amanda Quaile Katherine Robbins Joseph Rogers Elise Russell Kasey Sikorsky Suzanne Snyder Stefanie Sterling Christine Ward Elizabeth Wardley Princess Weekes Kathryn Wilhelm CLASS OF 2014 Caz Club

Natasha Daigle Melissa Ferrucci Emma Grossman Alex Hazard Michael Karderinis Meghan Larkin Taylor MacFarland Matthew McMann Hannah McNally Nicholas Neuenhoff Rosemarisa Pezzo Lauren Schumann Jeremy Simonds

ALUMNI Christopher Strucker Kayla VanBilliard Nia Williams Benjamin Wood CLASS OF 2015 Caz Club

Elijah Anderson Samantha Barnes John Butlak Savannah Chinski Paige Clark Rachael Clark Thomas DeBernardis Rachel Donovan Andrew Egresits Elizabeth Harten Juliann Heigel

Kelsey Hill Alexa Iacone Katherine McCutcheon Corey McNair Naomi Mekeel Patrick Ormsby Rosemary Petersen Jonathan Portney Franchesca Rivera Paul Roberts Alexander Rudiak Rachael Seider Lara Amfil Sibi Anthony Tedesco Jean Vooris Nateasha Williams Jessica Zeller *deceased + The Heritage Society


Debra Verni ‘98 Vice President:

Darlene Price Pulkinen ‘75 Secretary:

Shelley Bullock ‘85+ Treasurer:

William Heitz ‘85 Kristin Burger ‘07 Crystal Wright Farrell ‘88 Matt Karoglanian ‘88 Stephanie Kravec ‘64 Kim Gallup Ladd ‘82 Anne O’Connell ‘96 Daniel Riordan ‘06 Ashlea Osborne Schad ‘12 Linda Testa ‘81 Alumni Association Board of Directors Emeritae:

Elizabeth “Bette” Brown Carpenter ‘48* Pamela Schmidt Ellis ‘67 Marilyn Adams Lewis ‘47* Doris Eversfield Webster ‘46+ *deceased + The Heritage Society


Quad Lighting Project

Nicholas Allen Paige Altman Iselda Alvarez Christian Bard Kimberlyn Beaudoin Haley Bell Emily Bennett Jessica Berman Janeen Bligen Heather Branigan Hope Brennan Conor Cahalan Matthew Cater Angelica Clark Brandon Cook Hannah Delaware Marcos Delgado Molly Diaz Dylan Dombrowski Kierstyn Duggleby Jenna Dunn Meagan Fandrich Alec Felitte Kevin Fitzgerald Kirslyn Foster-Yee Kerstin Franklin Stephanie Fuchs Gabriella Fuco-Domenico Shelby Gage Kacy Gardiner Ryan Gavin Michelle Gorry Hannah Graether Victoria Graham Alexandria Hall Joseph Harrison Tabitha Holdeen Michaela Hughes-Singleton Ellen Hurlbut Aubrie Johnson Dorian Kemp Matthew Kenyon Brianna Kessler Dawayne Kirkland Kelli Laskowski Emily Lauzon Melissa Lavocat Hunter Lucey Casey MacClaren Melonie Madramootoo Mia Martans Ashley Morgan Alexandra Nordman Arek Olson Joshua Parker Megan Pettit Deandre Poole Devin Purcell Chelsea Radziewski

Brenda Ranieri Gregory Rizzo Jordan Roberts Tayler Rohling Kelsey Ruth Conor Scholefield Shanna Shaff Matthew Sheridan Andrew Sippel Colin Spencer Erin Sweeney Ashley Thayer Brianna Turner Marie VanDenburgh Emily Venuti Morgan Vineall Elizabeth Vinti Jonathan Waiksnoris Kayla Warner Abby Webster Cara Wheeler Leah Woods CLASS OF 2017 Class Bench Project

Nicholas Adams Salat Ali Shannon Ames Steven Bailey Lochanie Balkissoon Alicia Barnes Nicholas E. Beach Alexandria Belton Brooke Berglund Allison Buono Brittany Cain Jaleel Campbell Rachel Case Andrea Cousins Tyler Cronk Samantha Crouse Sarah Curry Casey Dailey Tyne Emery Taylor Enck Kelsey Farrell Hunter Farrell Rebecca Fetherston Hannah Fitzgerald Katherine Fox Kathleen Gaffga Jessica Goddard Jillian Gorman Rose Hickman Mallory Humphrey James Hunt Louis Ingrassia Casie Keegan Rachel Kibby Emily Kotnik Danielle LaRose Megan LaViola Braden Lee Tiffany Longacre Esther Lyon

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

Brandon Maxson Shelby McIntyre Kyle McMahon Kelsey Mehlenbacher Ryan Meyer Alexandra Miller Brady Mitchell-Lazore Aylaiza Moreno Rebecca Nicolella Shannon O’Brien Sandra Ortiz Veronica Page Rachel Phillips Julia Puttre Roxanna Randall Mary Salo Kevin Schmidt Alyssa Serafen Lauren Smith Theresa Staats Lea Stachura Patrick Taylor Iriscelis Tirado Marie Veschusio Jessica Vespoli Abigail Wendorf Donte Williams Stephanie Williams Kaedynne Wilson Julia Wizeman Amaris Woodson CLASS OF 2018 Coleman Lobby Furnishings Project

Jaquan Anderson Katie Balura Emily Boni Lillian Boyd Madalyn Brand Carl Campany Jessica Carr Morgan Cogswell Adam Collins Nicholas Colon Morgan Curtis Joseph Darwish Aaron DeLoria Erica Ferreira Kristen Fuller Craig Gardiner Kylee John Kristen Johnson Alexandra Marsh Erika Means Courtney Miller Alaska Pinard Casey Russell Jackson Segnit Taylor Spranger Taylor Tagliamonte Tommi Taylor Mackenzi Van Slyke

Marissa Vazquez Erin Willis Shiloh Wood CLASS OF 2019

Pool Record Board Project

Abigail Andrews Katherine Carr Amerra Chea Jacasa Currie Stacey Cuvier Katie DeRose Mei Dong Lindsay Holdorf Brian Hudson Walid Ibrahim Jessica Keller Danielle Lennon Allison Lowery Michael Luppino Kaitlin Lyman Larissa MacAllister Karlaina McClelland Scarlett Nordman Nesib Osmanovic Justeen Peace Kristen Perry Makenna Reilly Morgan Roy Jordan Scarzfava Nathan Shackelton Joseph Stopsky Jessica Tanzini Daniel Thayer Shannon Walsh Nathan Williamson

PARENTS 2015-16 GRANT AWARDS Cazenovia College received grant support in Fiscal Year 2015-16 for the following student assistance programs, administered by the Center for Teaching and Learning: $414,602 for HEOP New York State Higher Education Opportunity Program $294,495 for SSSP Project REACH - U. S. Department of Education, Title IV, Student Supportive Services

2016 ALUMNI REUNION AWARD WINNERS The Winifred E. Coleman Award

Sheila Smith Marsh ’71 Volunteer of the Year Award

Crystal Wright Farrell ’88 The Ellie Wilson Award

Dr. John Robert Greene, Paul J. Schupf Professor of History and Humanities The Young Alumni Award

Daniel Riordan ’06


Highest rate of gift participation for all class years with 20% participation. CLASS OF 1966:

Highest rate of gift participation for an honored year reunion class with 12.31% participation. CLASS OF 1974:

Highest amount of dollars raised by all class years raising more than $45,200. CLASS OF 1976:

Highest amount of dollars raised by an honored year reunion class raising more than $8,100.

Founder’s Circle

Estate of David H. & Lucille W. Ward

Chris Taddeo Linda Tagliamonte Carl & Claudine Uthus Caz Club

Joseph & Stacey Aliasso Lynn Andrews President’s Circle Eugen & Linda Ankro John & Jackie Romano James & Michele Antonakos Dana & Karen Barber ’81 Partner’s Circle Todd & Kerrie Bass Stephen & Barbara Pelkey Pamela Bellair Richard Benham Associate’s Circle John DiCaro & Paula LaManna Alan & Karen Bennett David & Kimberly Berman Margot Cheney Jacoby ‘70 Samantha & Todd Bernasconi Marc & Mary Beth MacClaren Matthew & Lisa Bogert Ed & Meg Priest Laurie Branigan Patti Sheldon John Breitung Brian D. & Mary A. O’Connor Joseph & Lisa Bresett Wiser ‘82 Terri Brubaker Kristina Burmeister Leadership Circle Joan & Leyn Burrows John & Andrea Belton Dominic & Carol Calarco Denise & Matthew Clark Monica Campbell Jeffery & Karen Dailey Danell Cappelletti Kenneth & Catherine Gardiner Frederick & Constance Clark Robert & Rita Saidel Roy & Katherine Clark Helen Stacy Joseph & Toni Collins Blue & Gold Club Gary & Penny Comes Eric & Jolie Burch Jeffrey & Valerie Connor Thomas & Cindy Cullen Duane & Nancy Cousins Thomas Kuettel Amy Csenge Patricia & Thomas Mellon Jeffrey & Anita Cummings Mark & Kathleen Raymond Penny & Michael Currie Carl & Sharon Bradley Mary Curtis Spencer ‘70 Tracey Davis Leon & Mary Ann DeBernardis Spirit Club Jeffrey & Tracy Delaware Anthony & Geraldine Basciano Patricia & Carl Del Buono Sharon Bishop Gracia De Leon Karin Bump & Timothy Williams Kristen & David DeSalvatore Robert & Joanne Cahalan Christopher & Patricia DeSantis Daniel & Susan Diaz Joseph Detrick Nancy Fuller Darcie Dorward Richard & Mary Purcell James & Ellen Duffy Lawrence Schad Teresa & Paul Dunn Jill & Robert Walsh Darin & Nicole Enck Kathleen Esty Anniversary Club Pamela & Scott Farnsworth Joseph Adamo Scott & Crystal Wright Roger & Justine Beaudoin Farrell ‘88 John & Anne Endries Joseph & Kimberly Felitte Thomas Ford Carol & Kevin Fetherston Douglas & Karen Franklin Anne Field Patrick & Margaret Gillespie Patrick & Joanne Fitzsimmons Marty & Kathleen Halstead Christine Ford Cheryl Kenyon Wendy Foster Anthony M. Cocca & Kim William & Susan Fox Gallup Ladd ‘82 Matthew & Melanie McDonald Geoffrey & Denise French Gina Fuco Michael & Jackie McIntyre David Gabrielsen Robert & Debbie Scholefield Tara & Andrew Garvey Richard & Linda Stopsky Daniel & Anita Gildea Carin A. Taddeo Jennifer & Richard Glode

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

Steven Goddard Kirstin Goodman Marlene Graham Timothy & Beth Greenwood Michelle Hallenbeck Dennis & Pamela Heffernan Carole & Bob Henry Mary & Jonathan Holdeen John Holdorf Gary Howe Monica & David Humphrey Shelly Hurst Louis & Jacqueline Ingrassia James Jackson Cynthia Johnson Donna Johnson Lynne & Walter Joncas Phelecia Jones Daniel Keller Barbara Kelley Craig & Mary Kotnik Roselene Lapierre Mark Larue Donna Lauzon Larry & Patricia Lavocat Kristie & Gordon Lee Cynthia Lees Virginia Legg Christine Livulpi Jan & Paula Longacre Cornelia Luppino Meng Ly Sandra Markowski Melissa Mau Timothy & Jamie Maxson Fatima M’bae Edward & Jacqueline McDonough Nicole McKinney Daniel & Linda McMahon Bruce Moody James & Deborah Morgan John & Grace Mullard Scott Muller Eric & Rebecca Naber Rimon & Cyndi Neshawait Jeffrey & Christine Nichols Ana Nunez Timothy O’Brien Rex & Karen Olson Jill Parker Daralyn Perry Dan & Sharon Petrella Tracey & Richard Phillips Tiffany Ramella Alan Rapp Mark & Laurie Rizzo Charles and Meigan Rocco Felicia Rodriguez Jessica Romero William & Joan Sandwick Andrea Sawyers Coleen & Michael Schaefer George & Mary Schmidt James & Denise Schmidt Steven & Robin Serafen

Carl & Susan Simpfenderfer Richard Singleton Cynthia Skeval Stephen & Cheryl Smith Suzanne & Patrick Smith Lawrence & Brenda Sportello Harold & Pamela Staats Kathleen Strucker Julie Stupke Mary Sumner John & Patricia Sweeney Lauri Targus Teresa Tebo Diane & Tom Tedesco Shirley Tennent Misty Townsend Jay Tracy Dan & Anne Turk Michelle Tyrrell Nicole Uccio Amy Uplinger Karen Van Slyke Jeanette Vanallen Barbara VanBergen Kelly Vineall William & Elizabeth Vinti Victor Vrigian Joseph & Constance Waiksnoris Joseph & Heather Wallach Laura Warner Michael Warner Todd Way Robert Wendorf Jon & Nancy Whitehouse Catherine Willis Christine & David Willkes Jami Wilson Amy Wood Angela & Randall Woodson Edward & Karen Wright Amy Young Nancy Zerafa

BELL RINGERS Like the echoes of our historic 1824 bell, annual gifts from alumni and friends touch every corner of campus, strengthening our foundation and supporting Cazenovia’s goal to provide a great experience for our students. Cazenovia’s Bell Ringers have made gifts for three or more consecutive fiscal years through June 30, 2016. To see the entire list, please visit our website at 20 YEARS PLUS

Jim & Karlene Webster Barbara C. Wheler Elinor J. Wilson ‘52+

Nancy Church ‘75 Denise & Matthew Clark Janice A. Clarke ‘69 Judith Bond Clarke ‘59 Susan A. Berger+ Stephen Cole ‘98 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Constable+ 10 TO 19 Pamela Vogtli Compson ‘71 Elinor Walton Ducat ‘55 YEARS Arlene Carlisle Comstock ‘58 Helen Themo Fledderus ‘49 Margaret Lehman Cox ‘42 Catherine A. Gale Anonymous (2) Penni & Bob Croot Janine Ansley Harman ‘89 Barclay Damon, LLP Anne Rehill Cummings ‘59 Jean Hornlein ‘52 Joan Barrett ‘59 Beverly Uphouse Susan Lasak Lamont ‘69 Kathleen E. Bice+ Cunningham ‘71 Marilyn Adams Lewis ‘47* Virginia Peterson Bourke ‘55 Betsy Yeager Dawson ‘76 Christine McMorris Mandel ‘82 Margaret Lynch Boyne ‘68 Vincent C. De Baun Lynn Yeager McLean ‘74 June Servis Briggs ‘68 Phyllis Marks Dollar ‘56 Marion Lewis Merrill ‘48+ Joan & Paul Brooks Harwant K. Dosanjh Charles B. & Elsbeth W. Morgan Marjorie Williams Budd ‘68 A. Lindsay & Olive B. O’Connor Albert J. & Rev. Karen V. Budney Leslie Dullea ‘90 Mary Teall Durham ‘69 Foundation Inc. Jo Buffalo Scottie O’Toole ‘71+ Karin Bump & Timothy Williams John & Susan August Eastwood ‘74 Margery A. Pinet+ Robin Finch Burlingame ‘71 Mark H. & Colleen Edwards Joyce Robert Pratt ‘52 Jo Ann Gifford Burns ‘68 Sheila Ehlinger ‘58 Nancy Danskin Russell ‘69 Carolyn Boyd Cady ‘49 Susan Sheriff-Kempka ‘74 Marianne Boyle Calvarese ‘59 Karen O’Neil Engratt ‘69 Theresa M. Evans Vedder Foundation c/o Mary Salmon Campbell ‘78 Nancy LeValley Farley ‘69+ Bucknell University Claudia MacNeill Caretti ‘75 Patricia Zurcher Voss ‘59 Barbara Lepkowski Carley ‘81 Mary Carlin Fawcett ‘69 Wendy Earle Fical ‘87 Doris Eversfield Webster ‘46+ Helen Carney ‘62 Dorothy Benedict Foley ‘53 Jayne Clare Carson ‘62

EMPLOYEES President’s Circle

Margery A. Pinet+

Pete Way ‘03 Stu Weisman

Associate’s Circle

Leadership Circle

Carol Z. Buckhout Sharon Dettmer Mark H. Edwards John Robert Greene Barbara Hager Barbara E. Lindberg Christine McMorris Mandel ‘82 Cynthia Pratt Tierno Mark Tierno

Susan A. Berger+ Joan S. Brooks Johanna Buffalo Brett Carguello Matthew E. Clark Joni A. Koegel ‘06 John M. Livermore Bridget M. Miller Vicky Sokolowski ‘09 Todd Spangler

Follett Campus Resources Mary Furlow ‘48 Stephanie Germain ‘05 Patrick & Margaret Gillespie Michelle Gillispie ‘01 Roberta Goldman ‘60 John Robert Greene Jane Figura Hamilton ‘86 Loanne Bateman Hamje ‘64 Margaret Walker Harris ‘67 Vicki Hassett ‘81 Patricia Stacy Healey ‘62 Joan Bates Henderson ‘53 Nancy Kelly Hershey ‘67 Joanna Carlson Hobler ‘58 Mariah Hughs ‘69 Janet Cook Isaac ‘62 Margot Cheney Jacoby ‘70 Leslie Keers ‘73 Beverly Schurmann Kessler ‘50+ Mr. & Mrs. John H. Koerner+ Janet Markham Koszalka ‘46 Terese Ayers Kramer ‘74 Stephanie Kravec ‘64 Kim Gallup Ladd ‘82 Mary Crouse Larkin ‘51 Barbara Lindberg Ursula Pappalardo Lombardi ‘55

Blue & Gold Club

Anniversary Club

Katie O’Brien Ashlea Osborne Schad ‘12 Carol M. Satchwell

Anonymous Joseph F. Adamo Kimberly Bliss Erica Miller Elizabeth Moore Judy Papayanakos Lisa Sasser Amanda Szymanski Wilson ‘10

Spirit Club

Anonymous Karin Bump Theresa M. Evans Mary F. Handley Katelyn Lincoln Harris ‘08 Jennifer E. Pepper Colleen Curley Prossner Ellen P. Robb Kathryn T. Same Shari S. Whitaker Timothy S. Williams

Caz Club

Kathleen Allen Karen S. Barber ‘81 Samantha J. Barnes ‘15 Leonilde Beals Diane E. Budnar Aladdin Burks

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

Carol Schwanhausser Luebker ‘68 Judith Speegle Lunger ‘51 Marcia Hoffman Machemer ‘64 Mackenzie Hughes LLP Bonnie Masi ‘73 Carol Edds Massey ‘69 Sally Rollins Meinweiser ‘49 Patricia Rountree Melvin ‘61 James Z. Metalios Anne & Steve Miller - Queensboro Farm Products, Inc. Marjorie Dobin Miller ‘69 Sarah Hooper Mundy ‘62 Kim Egly Najera ‘76 Barrie Foote Newman ‘65 Carol Jones Noble ‘54 Sharon McBride Olsen ‘64 Joyce Placito ‘00 Cynthia Pratt-Tierno Karin Vandemark Principe ‘73 Colleen Curley Prossner Betty Priest Putney ‘53 Leslie Empsall Rapson ‘74 The Dorothy & Marshall M. Reisman Foundation Betty Reiss-Gagner ‘63 Karen Wilmot Rhodes ‘67 Elaine Hanney Romero ‘62 Jack & Stephanie Cotton Rudnick ‘93 Betsy Rosenfield Samet Carol M. Satchwell George Schmidt Shirley Towner Schroeder ‘54 Joan Sabloff Schuls ‘61 Barbara Faranda Schwartz ‘54 Lisa Silverman Sandra McKenna Skrobul ‘58

Anne T. Smith+ Deborah Blount Smith ‘73 Richard L. Smith+ Jane Smithers ‘64 Brenda Brogan Snell ‘58 Todd Spangler Bette Davis Stearns ‘60 Meredith Guilford Sturges ‘68 Catherine Miller Swanson ‘64 The Tianaderrah Foundation Linda Testa ‘81 Mary Burton Thompson ‘59 Mark Tierno Marilyn Kaiser Traiser ‘68 Sally Gipson Tully Celine Lorang Turchetti ‘69 Pamela Turner ‘81 Suzanne Humphrey Ulrich ‘63 Amy Lent Vaughan ‘82 Elizabeth Siemers Viener ‘59 Arlene Camp Vivyan ‘45* Mary J. Kilian Walker ‘72 Christopher C. Warren+ Pete Way ‘03 Marg Lenge Weaver ‘71 Sally Cline Weddle ‘52 Sara & Stu Weisman Patricia Wells ‘03 Arthur W. & Margaret Wentlandt Bradford G. & Julie Wheler+ Shari S. Whitaker Frederic M. & Jean E. Williams Linda A. Witherill+ Josephine Putrino Woodruff ‘70 Robert H. Wright ‘38 Ruth King Youmans ‘62

Kathryn C. Burns Nina Carver Lisa Cochrane Marlo Colletto ‘11 Christopher Comino ‘05 Rachel Dinero Heather Ferrara Lisa L. Folsom ‘07 Elizabeth E. Gagné Kelli Graham Crystal Pierce Jadwick ‘89 Scott P. Jensen Lynne Joncas Venera A. Jouraeva Jesse H. Lott Francine Magnarelli Varisco Sheila Smith Marsh ‘71

Adair Milmoe Mary Louise Moore ‘76 Betty Priest Putney ‘53 Josef M. Ritter Eric Scanlon Anthony Scardillo Cory T. Schad ‘09 Amy Sherrick-Von Schiller Linda A. Smith Karen J. Steen Sarah E. Tietje Tiffany Varlaro Ronald E. Waite

*deceased + The Heritage Society

The 1824 Society was created by the Cazenovia College Board of Trustees to encourage leadership giving that helps to advance curriculum offerings, diversify campus life and create partnerships between the College and the community. Cazenovia College is proud to acknowledge the support and commitment of caring alumni and friends whose generosity enhances our students’ educational experience. Gratitude from the entire College community is extended to the members of The 1824 Society for their leadership commitment to Cazenovia College. The listing below indicates gifts and pledges made through June 30, 2016. Anonymous (3) Marilyn & Richard Alberding American Fashion Network/ Jes Apparel AmeriCU Credit Union Barclay Damon, LLP & the Langan Family John & Andrea Belton, Jr. Barbara Delia Bennett ’65 Susan & Ronald Berger+ Berkshire Bank Kathleen E. Bice+ Deborah Blount-Smith ’73 Marlene F. Blumin Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC Virginia Peterson Bourke ’55 Darryl & Sally Hawks Braun ’68 Michael & Lisa Harden Brickey Joan & Paul Brooks Brown & Brown Empire State Carol Zimmerman Buckhout Albert J. & Rev. Karen V. Budney Jo Buffalo Brett Carguello Susan Canders Carter ’64 Cazenovia College Alumni Association Central New York Community Foundation, Inc. Grace N. Chiang Harriet Christakos: The Christakos Family Trust John Christakos Sparky & Patti Rickett Christakos ’77 Regina & Andrew Church Claudia G. Clark ’76 Denise & Matthew Clark Coca Cola Common Grounds The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Constable+ Constellation Advancement, LLC Clifford S. Cooper, Jr. Jeanne Moore Cordts ’42 Sherry E. Cramer ’68+ Jeffery & Karen Dailey Dal Pos Architects Paul W. deLima

Roger & Naomi De Muth Sharon Dettmer & Paul Welch Kathleen Mansfield Dewey ’66 John DiCaro & Paula LaManna John & Susan August Eastwood ’74 William B. Eberhardt+ Mark H. & Colleen Edwards Sheila Ehlinger ’58 Michael A. & Janet E. Ehrhart John & Anne Endries Express Mart Convenience Stores ExxonMobil Foundation Nancy LeValley Farley ’69+ Fidelity Charitable H. H. Franklin Club James D. Freyer, Jr. Catherine A. Gale Jeffery B. Galusha Kenneth C. Gardiner The Gorman Foundation Liza Morton Gossett ’69+ Dr. & Mrs. John Robert Greene Cynthia & Jeremy Guiles+ Barbara Hager Catherine McFarland Hamberger ’68 Trust Ruth P. Hancock The Hanover Insurance Group Margaret Walker Harris ’67 Haylor, Freyer & Coon Pat Stacy Healey ’62 Jeffrey H. Heath Hershey Family Fund Elaine Small Horstmyer ’55 Herbert S. & Eleanore L. Howard Charitable Foundation Linda Holler Huber ’58 Estate of Margarette E. Hutcheon ’61 Kathleen & Stanley Jackson Margot Cheney Jacoby ’70 Jephson Educational Trusts Deanna Kingsley Johnston ’62 Joni A. Koegel Mr. & Mrs. John H. Koerner+ Stephanie J. Kravec ’64 Susan Canfield LaVallee ’84 Marvin & Annette Lee Foundation, Inc. Stuart Z. Levin

Marilyn Adams Lewis ‘47* Barbara E. Lindberg John & Allison Livermore William F. Locke M&T Bank Marc & Mary Beth MacClaren Wayne & Chris McMorris Mandel ’82 Richard Mather Fund J.M. McDonald Foundation Patricia Rountree Melvin ’61 Marion Lewis Merrill ’48+ James Z. Metalios Anne & Steve Miller – Queensboro Farm Products, Inc. Bridget M. Miller Marjorie Dobin Miller ’69 Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Morgan Johanna Reinhardt Muhlbeck ’58 Judith Rose Nutting ’73 A. Lindsay & Olive B. O’Connor Foundation Mary Pat Oliker Estate of Carol Feol O’Neill ’54 Scottie O’Toole ’71+ David & Janice Schmidt Panasci ’76 Joe & Tonya Parisi/ Lee & Nancy Nation Paton ’70 Margery A. Pinet+ Joyce Robert Pratt ’52 Ed & Meg Priest David W. C. Putnam The Dorothy & Marshall M. Reisman Foundation David A. A. & Nancy Ridings Lorie Niebank Riedl ’76 Dorothy W. Riester Heather Galusha Ripley Dona & Kurt Rodgers The Rodman Foundation John & Jackie Romano Constance L. Roy Jack & Stephanie Cotton Rudnick ’93 Robert & Rita Saidel James H. St. Clair+ St. Joseph’s Health Norman H. & Betsy Rosenfield Samet Ellen Spero Schoetzau ’67 Conkie & Jim Sessler

Patti Sheldon Sigety Family Foundation Anne T. Smith+ Richard L. Smith, Esq.+ Vicky Sokolowski ’09 Dr. & Mrs. Todd H. Spangler Helen Stacy Gail Stafford Bette Davis Stearns ’60 Christine & Arnold Steenstra Judith Hawley Taylor ’62 The Tianaderrah Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Mark Tierno Rev. Dr. Cecily J. Titcomb ’68 Peter & Maureen Sullivan Tonetti ’75 Trelawny Farm LLC/The Raether 1985 Charitable Trust Triad Foundation United Way of Greater Rochester Van Heusen Music Corporation Vedder Foundation c/o Bucknell University Estate of David H. & Lucille W. Ward Dr. Christopher C. Warren+ Sara & Pete Way ’03 We Energies Foundation Doris Eversfield Webster ’46+ Jim & Karlene Webster Sara & Stu Weisman Dolly Weiss Arthur W. & Margaret Wentlandt Barbara C. Wheler Bradford & Julie Wheler+ Christopher White & Patricia Remley-White ’86 Connie M. Whitton Frederic M. & Jean E. Williams Brian D. & Mary A. O’Connor Wiser ’82 Linda A. Witherill+ Andrea Roy Wolf ’85 & Harold F. Wolf, III *deceased + The Heritage Society

For more information about The 1824 Society, please contact the Cazenovia College Development Office at 315.655.7369 or visit R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

The following alumni and friends have thoughtfully included Cazenovia College in their estate plans through a planned gift or bequest. Anonymous Gloria Grosso Alibrandi ‘61 Roberta Lee August ‘58* Susan A. Berger Kathleen E. Bice Michael Bowser Penelope Bernhagen Braat ‘66 Shelley Bullock ‘85 Robert S. Constable Sherry Cramer ‘68 Sandra Stricklin Donaghy ‘62 William B. Eberhardt Nancy LeValley Farley ‘69 Gioia Caiola Forman ‘69 Liza Morton Gossett ‘69 Cynthia Beal Guiles ‘55 Beverly Schurmann Kessler ‘50 Charlotte Kniskern ‘43 John & Polly Koerner Marion Lewis Merrill ‘48 Scottie O’Toole ‘71 Margery A. Pinet James H. St. Clair Dolores Bush Scuderi ‘57 Anne T. Smith Richard L. Smith Deana Boone Stringer ‘64 Christopher C. Warren Doris Eversfield Webster ‘46 Bradford G. Wheler Justin Whiting Elinor J. Wilson ‘52 Linda Witherill *deceased



Founder’s Circle

Associate’s Circle

Leadership Circle

Anniversary Club

Robert S. Constable+

John A. Bartolotti Grace N. Chiang William B. Eberhardt+ Michael Ehrhart Nancy LeValley Farley ‘69+ James D. Freyer Catherine A. Gale Margaret Walker Harris ‘67 Jeffrey H. Heath John H. Koerner+ William F. Locke Marjorie Dobin Miller ‘69 Charles B. Morgan Elsbeth W. Morgan Scottie C. O’Toole ‘71+ Edward Priest Christine S. Steenstra Mark Tierno Doris Eversfield Webster ‘46+ Bradford G. Wheler+ Connie Whitton

Sally Hawks Braun ‘68 Kenneth C. Gardiner Elaine Small Horstmyer ‘55 David W.C. Putnam Arthur W. Wentlandt

Deborah Barnes Dougherty ‘72 Mary Burton Thompson ‘59 Mary J. Kilian Walker ‘72

President’s Circle

Richard Alberding Albert J. Budney Judith Rose Nutting ‘73 Margery A. Pinet+ Partner’s Circle

Andrew G. Church Paul W. deLima Janice Schmidt Panasci ‘76 Nancy Nation Paton ‘70 Stephanie Cotton Rudnick ‘93 Betsy Rosenfield Samet Richard L. Smith, Esq.+ James G. Webster III Barbara C. Wheler

Blue & Gold Club

Vincent C. De Baun Dorion S. Germany ‘92 Betty Ogletree Roberts ‘70 Toni M. Salisbury Thomas R. Tartaglia

Caz Club

John S. Ferguson Catherine D’Onofrio Reeves ‘69 Elinor J. Wilson ‘52+

Spirit Club

Suzanne Agnew Elliott ‘48


Leadership Circle

Anonymous Fidelity Charitable The Fountainhead Group, Inc. M&T Bank

American Fashion Network/ Jes Apparel AmeriCU Credit Union Barclay Damon, LLP Coca Cola Partner’s Circle Constellation Advancement, LLC Berkshire Bank H. H. Franklin Club Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC F.L. Putnam Securities Common Grounds Company, Inc. Haylor, Freyer & Coon, Inc. St. Joseph’s Health Trelawny Farm LLC/The Raether Schwab Charitable 1985 Charitable Trust Associate’s Circle

Brown & Brown Empire State Dal Pos Architects, LLC Express Mart Convenience Stores Hanover Insurance Group Queensboro Farm Products, Inc.

Blue & Gold Club

Cazenovia Jewelry, Inc. Dreissig Apparel, Inc. Follett Campus Resources Merrifield Farm Inc. The Wyman Group, Inc.

Spirit Club

Caz Club

AAA Exterminators Abscope Environmental, Inc. Best Plumbing Specialties, Inc Cafe Del Buono Carriage House Saddlery Anniversary Club Corlem Associates, LLC All Seasons Textile Services, Inc. Gale Gale & Hunt, LLC Bryant & Stratton Jack’s Turf Goods Caz Laundry, LLC JK Tobin Construction Company Johnson Robinson, P.L.C. NCAComp, Inc New York Central Mutual Remlap Construction, Inc. Rudy Schmid, Inc. Water Wise of America, Inc. Zounds Hearing of WNY South, LLC Cathedral Corporation J.M. Huber Corporation Mackenzie Hughes LLP Marquardt Switches, Inc.

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

Roger C. Altman Atlas Pyrovision Entertainment Group Avalon Document Services Julianne A. Baron Larraine Beal Aladdin Burks Byrne Dairy Jaleel A. Campbell ’17 Carbone Auto Group Richard Cherny Alix Coursen Critz Farms, Inc. Dreissig Apparel, Inc. Monica J. Everdyke ’02 Follett Campus Resources Chris Gates Graziano’s Restaurant Harbor Candy Shop Hermés of Paris Icon Marketing Group Inc. Jack’s Turf Goods Jessica Hanley Johnson ’07 Linda Langmeier Latte Da Cafe Barbara E. Lindberg Lock 24 Restaurant Loka Leaf Tea Lounge Matthews Salon Spa Brenda McCartney Corey J. McNair ’14 Mid-Lakes Navigation Cruises Bridget M. Miller Mindbody Connection Massage & Fitness

Museum of Science & Technology National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame Nelson Farms at Morrisville State College William Neuland Onondaga County Parks Jennifer E. Pepper Recess Coffee Vern P. Rink ’15 Rosamond Gifford Zoo at Burnet Park Constance L. Roy Six Flags Darien Lake Sky-Zone Syracuse Chiefs Baseball Syracuse Funny Bone Syracuse Stage Alyssa Tassone Tops Markets Shari S. Whitaker Amanda Szymanski Wilson ’10 Kaleb A. Wilson ’07 WonderWorks Syracuse LLC Woodgate Pines Golf Club

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Aetna Foundation, Inc. BNY Mellon The Boeing Company Dominion Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc. GE Foundation J.M. Huber Corporation IBM Corporation Kennametal Foundation Macy’s/Bloomingdale’s Pfizer Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation United Technologies Verizon We Energies Foundation Xerox Foundation

ENDOWED FUNDS & SCHOLARSHIPS 175th Anniversary Scholarship Richard & Marilyn Alberding Scholarship Alpha Chi Scholarship Col. Warren Lee Ammentorp (USMC Ret.) Scholarship Diana Anders Scholarship Arkell Hall Foundation Scholarship Kathleen Bice Scholarship Joanne G. Blumin ’63 Scholarship Brae Loch Inn Scholarship Jim G. Brock, Jr. McQuaid Jesuit Scholarship Eric & Jonna Brown Scholarship Albert J. & Rev. Karen V. Budney Scholarship Mac E. Cadaret Scholarship Cazenovia Business & Professional Scholarship Cazenovia College Alumni Scholarship Cazenovia College Auxiliary Scholarship Cazenovia College Faculty Scholarship Cazenovia College Faculty Scholarship for the Most Improved Student Cazenovia Community Scholarship Bess Chapman Memorial Award Richard, Margaret & Ann Clark Scholarship Class of 1946 Scholarship Class of 1947 Scholarship Class of 1948 Scholarship Class of 1949 Scholarship Class of 1952 Scholarship Class of 1953 Scholarship Class of 1958 Scholarship Class of 1959 Scholarship Class of 1962 Scholarship Class of 1964 Scholarship Class of 1967 Scholarship Class of 1968 Scholarship Class of 1969 Scholarship Class of 1970 Scholarship Class of 1972 Scholarship Class of 1973 Scholarship Class of 1976 Scholarship Winifred E. Coleman Scholarship Robert S. & Barbara Constable Scholarship Russell E. Corser Award Dolly Lewis Craig Scholarship Hallie Davison ’58 Scholarship Joan Watjen Dorflinger Memorial Scholarship Harwant K. Dosanjh Scholarship for Chemistry/Calculus Leo T. Eagan, Former Trustee, Scholarship

Emerson Scholarship Nancy LeValley Farley Scholarship Former Trustees Scholarship Laura Gerry Class of 1969 Park Hall Memorial Scholarship Liza Morton Gossett Scholarship Mary Rose Greene Scholarship Cynthia Beal Guiles Scholarship Catherine McFarland Hamberger ’68 Scholarship Neil F. & Beverly Orton Harden Scholarship Gertrude Spross Hart Scholarship Richard H. Hawks Scholarship Haylor, Freyer & Coon, Inc., Scholarship Jephson Educational Trusts Scholarship John H. & Polly B. Koerner Scholarship Stephanie F. Leeds All College Honors Program Award LetterGraphics Scholarship in Advertising and Design Pamela Rosenfield Levin ’65 Scholarship Robert & Marjorie Brown McKiernan Scholarship Lewis-Merrill Scholarship Marion Fontana Metalios Scholarship Margie Dobin Miller ’69 Scholarship Karina K. Mitchell Scholarship Elsbeth W. & Charles B. Morgan Scholarship in Interior Design Dr. John S. & Enid Morris Scholarship Hartwell P. & Nancy G. Morse Scholarship Michael M. Muchisky, Ph.D. Scholarship New Jersey Alumni Scholarship Azam Niroomand-Rad Scholarship L. Richard & Mary Pat Oliker Scholarship Oneida Savings Bank Scholarship Martha Papworth O’Neill Class of 2000 Memorial Scholarship Faye & Henry Panasci Award Janice Schmidt Panasci Scholarship Nancy Nation Paton Scholarship Majorie & Paul Petreikis Scholarship Picciano Family Scholarship Margery A. Pinet Fund for Faculty & Staff Enrichment Margery A. Pinet Scholarship Leslie Sorg Ramsay Scholarship Lynn Reynolds ’04 Education Scholarship Margaret A. Rickett Scholarship Ritter Interior Design Founder Scholarship Rochester Alumni Chapter Scholarship Donald Roy Memorial Scholarship Jill Hebl St. Clair ’62 Endowed Chair in Accounting & Finance Jill Hebl St. Clair Scholarship Tonia M. & Robert B. Salisbury Scholarship

David, Marc, & Jonathan Schneeweiss Scholarship Paul J. Schupf Endowed Chair in History & Humanities Barbara Sayford Sedam Scholarship Katharine & Charles Sigety Award Deborah Blount Smith ’73 Scholarship Richard L. & Anne T. Smith Scholarship for Excellence in History Margaret Stafford Scholarship Washburn Distinguished Lecture Series Fund Jay & Martha Wason Scholarship Lisa A. Watson Scholarship Robert C. Webster Memorial Scholarship Caryl Levinson Weiss Scholarship Dolly Weiss Scholarship Mark W. & Beulah M. Welch Scholarship Barbara C. Wheler Scholarship Dorothy A. & Jerome M. Wilson Scholarship Les & Jane Yury Scholarship

Partner’s Circle

Leadership Circle

Jewish Communal Fund Marvin & Annette Lee Foundation, Inc. The Rodman Foundation Vedder Foundation c/o Bucknell University

Herbert S. & Eleanore L. Howard Charitable Fund Richard Mather Fund United Way of Greater Rochester Witherill Fund

Associate’s Circle

Blue & Gold Club

Shell Oil Company Foundation The Tianaderrah Foundation Triad Foundation We Energies Foundation

The Community Foundation of Herkimer & Oneida Counties


Alumni Association Board of Directors Scholarship Claudia Clark ’76 Scholarship Jeanne Moore Cordts ’42 Scholarship for Academic Excellence Bette Davis ’60 Scholarship Elliott Scholarship Stewart F. Hancock, Jr. Memorial Scholarship MacClaren Family Scholarship Sally Rollins Meinweiser ’49 Scholarship Patricia Roundtree Melvin ’61 Scholarship Parisi Family Scholarship Carmela Peters ’73 Scholarship Project REACH Scholarship Patricia Remley-White ’86 Scholarship Saidel Family Scholarship Ellen Spero Schoetzau ’67 Scholarship Charlie & Sarah Lehmann Skubas ’66 Liberal Studies Scholarship Judith Hawley Taylor ’62 Scholarship Gretchen Van Wart Tunkey ’66 Scholarship Merrill Metzger Wiechmann ’68 Scholarship ADDITIONAL NAMED SCHOLARSHIPS

Catherine Cummings Scholarship Noonan Dean’s List Scholarship A. Lindsay & Olive B. O’Connor Foundation Scholarship Leland Stanford Scholarship

FOUNDATIONS Founder’s Circle

Central New York Community Foundation, Inc. The Gorman Foundation Jephson Educational Trusts J.M. McDonald Foundation The Dorothy & Marshall M. Reisman Foundation President’s Circle

A. Lindsay & Olive B. O’Connor Foundation, Inc. The Sigety Family Foundation

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

Spirit Club

Rochester Area Community Foundation

FRIENDS Founder’s Circle

Harriet Christakos James H. St. Clair+ Linda A. Witherill+ President’s Circle

Richard & Marilyn Alberding Kathleen E. Bice John Christakos Associate’s Circle

Michael & Lisa Harden Brickey Roger & Naomi De Muth Kenneth Gale Jeffrey B. Galusha James Z. Metalios Mary Pat Oliker David A. A. & Nancy Ridings Dona & Kurt Rodgers Gail Stafford Sally Tully Christopher C. Warren+ Leadership Circle

Paul C. Brooks Clifford S. Cooper, Jr. Ruth P. Hancock Stuart Z. Levin Dorothy W. Riester Heather Galusha Ripley Constance L. Roy Dolores Weiss Frederic M. & Jean E. Williams

Blue & Gold Club

Janet Ammentorp Penni & Bob Croot Harwant K. Dosanjh Craig Roy Spirit Club

H. Baird & Sarah H. Hansen Stephen R. McKiernan Margaret Mehran Lillian S. Ottaviano Scott Roy Jonathan Schneeweiss Myron Schuette Martha Wason Anniversary Club

Andrew & Joann Andersen Jennifer Iannaccone Andrea Kuettel John P. McDermott Thomas M. Monroe Gerald & Yvonne Stephens Karin Welling Caz Club

William Arena Cecelia K. Augustyn Sarah L. Babcock Francis Baker Kath Ballard Marion Barbero Paula D. Bates Debbie Battiste Harry L. Beauchamp Mildred Beaudoin Ron & Marty Bechtel Laura Benoit Beatrice Bentley Richard & Carol Bohnson, Jr.

Siobhan Bohnson Ronald J. Bourdon Kelly Brant Maureen Breen Sterling Brisbin Andrew Brown Elaine Burnap Kristin Butler Margaret Cahalan Jacqueline Carlson David & Lori Casullo Stephen E. Chase Robert Cipriano Delores Clark Elizabeth L. Clark Kimberley Clark Theresa M. Clark Marie Crosetti Barbara Cullen Raymond Cummings Michael Czyz Susan T. Darlington Patricia Debuck Darlene Dennis Linda De Pietro Virginia M. Drews Thomas M. Driscoll Janice Stafford Dudley Claire Duffy Donna Eckert Graham Egerton & Anne Redfern Joyce Enck Susan Palmer Everly Donna Farrell David & Patricia Fee Bridget Fenning Susan Fermer Marilyn Fisher Brenda Friedel

Elaine Fuco M.J. Fuller Kerry Furlong Richard Geraty Nanette Girard Sheila Gokey James R. Gorman Marjorie Gorman Susan Gorman Catherine R. Graham Paul Graziano Russell Gritsch Annamarie Gudknecht Susan Hamzavi Kent B. Harris Alice Hasbrouck Ronald & Linda Heald Nancy L. Hirbour Chip Hodgkins Theresa Hover Henry & Beverly Hudson Michelle Hymowitz Patricia Ingraham Jeri Anne Jerminario Joanne Jones Shirley Keegan Lisa Kelleher Michael Kelleher Abigail Keller Douglas Kelley Pamela Kelley Richard Kilts John E. Kistner Timothy J. & Valerie LaCroix Paul Lando Judith Lang Torry Lansing Marian La Pierre Bradley La Sorte

Stephanie N. Caputo

Matthew D. Phillips ‘13

Matthew E. Clark

Jason M. Pomeroy

Theresa M. Evans

Ellen P. Robb

Alumni & Parent Relations Assistant

Executive Director for Advancement


Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Joan S. Brooks

Director of Gift Planning & Advancement Systems

Percy F. Leaper Deborah Leary Coley Lewis-Ellison Rachel Logatto James Lombardi Susie L. Long Marina Loveland Steven P. Loveland George J. Matekovic John F. Matekovic Michael Matteo Patrick & Barbara McCall James P. McClatchy Wallace J. McDonald Thomas McKay Michael Mclaren Anne McPhilmy Krystal M. Meier Susan Michael Alfred Mills Sr. Marvin J. Mondoux Edward Montieth Diane Moore Ann Moran Thomas Morgan William Neuland Paul & Barbi Nojaim Margaret Noll Dawn O’Connor Laurence G. O’Connor Phyllis M. O’Connor Rose Ann O’Connor Betty O’Malley Mary-Ann Palmieri Kathleen M. Pappalardo Margret Parker Karen Pelose Shelley Poklemba Robert Polsin

Assistant to the VP for Institutional Advancement/ Research Associate

Stephanie R. Macero

Senior Leadership Gifts Officer

Judy Papayanakos

Development Associate

R E A L L I F E L E A R N I N G . R e a l L i fe S u c c e s s.

Winona Rainbow Gerard Reilly Eunice Rice Squire Rumney Dana Ryan Vicky Ryan Robin Sachlis David Sanborn Marlene Sautoro Casey Schad Mary Schaller Mary Elizabeth Seip John J. Sheehan Gerald Sheldon Marc H. & Mary Shepardson Dalton Sheppard Lisa Silverman Gerald Small Cheri Ann Smith Terrence & Linda Smith Chris Starr Ellen Steinberg Dorothy Stopsky Perry Stratton Joyce Suarez Alfredo Tenaglia Ellen Tilton Denis E. Tompkins Margaret Trembley Janet Turnbull Kimberly Velasco Charles Victor Sabrina Viglucci Cathi Webster Frances E. Wenderlich Karen Wetzel Denise R. Whitehouse Kai G. Williams

Advancement Database Analyst

Director of the Cazenovia Fund

Leadership Gifts Officer

Shari S. Whitaker

Director of Alumni & Parent Relations

Amanda Szymanski Wilson ‘10

Assistant Director of the Cazenovia Fund

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