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Named One of

“America’s Best Colleges” by U.S.

News & World Report Cazenovia College is an independent, coeducational college, located in Cazenovia, New York, offering baccalaureate programs in the liberal arts and professional studies.

Students of History study how the world was, in order to better understand how the world is. The political, cultural, economic, religious, intellectual, and social aspects of our development, as well as the different interpretations of those historical events, are the key areas of our study. Students will take foundation courses in American, World, and Regional History, as well as courses in historical research. These, combined with the courses in the core curriculum, give the history student a strong base for both their undergraduate and future study. The program is designed so that students are able to minor in areas of their choosing and select electives that will help to prepare them for graduate school in history, law, or teaching. Students interested in law or teaching would work closely with the program director in choosing the proper electives or minor to prepare them for advanced study.

Embracing student success as its primary mission, Cazenovia College comprises a diverse, yet close-knit residential community that creates educational experiences that are individualized for students, matching skill sets with academic programs and co-curricular offerings. This “one student at a time” approach to the educational experience is what sets Cazenovia apart from other colleges and universities.

AT-A-GLANCE Founded: 1824 Enrollment: 900 students Average Class Size: 14 Student-Faculty Ratio: 10:1 Main Campus: 20 acres Equine Education Center: 243 acres Athletics: NCAA Division III Students Receiving Financial Aid: 98% Faculty with the highest

www.cazenovia.edu Office of Admissions, 3 Sullivan Street, Cazenovia, NY 13035 Phone: 1.800.654.3210 | Email: admissions@cazenovia.edu Follow Cazenovia College on:

degree in their field: 80%


CAREER POSSIBILITIES After studying in a field that requires rigorous critical thinking, writing, and speaking skills, history students are employable in virtually every field of endeavor. You will find history students working in business, communication, publishing, and research settings – all of which are available to the Cazenovia College history student through internship opportunities. History students also go on to gain their certification in Secondary History/ Social Studies, and to law school—planning for both of these opportunities, through minors and work with academic advisors, are available through the Cazenovia College History program.

History students study both American and Regional History.

SAMPLE COURSEWORK U.S. History: Colonization to the Present World Civilization American Legal History British History History of Africa History of the American Presidency Historical Methodology Philosophy of History

FOR MORE INFORMATION: John Robert Greene, Ph.D. Paul J. Schupf Professor, History and Humanities Director, History Program Phone: 315.655.7229 Email: rgreene@cazenovia.edu


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