2 minute read

Bob Greene Recognized For 40 Years


The onset of the pandemic last spring sidetracked many plans. One of them was the recognition of Dr. John Robert (Bob) Greene for his 40th anniversary of teaching at the College.


Bob Greene began as a part-time instructor at Cazenovia in September 1979 while also serving as manager of the campus radio station, WICT. He became a full-time faculty member in 1984 and was tenured in 1987. He was named Distinguished Faculty Member in 1993, and awarded the College’s first endowed chair, the Paul J. Schupf Chair in History and Humanities, in 2000.

He served several terms as chair of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Division. Given his penchant for history, it is only natural that Bob also serves as the College Archivist.

When alumni are asked about their most valued academic experience, Dr. Greene’s name often comes up. He is known as a challenging but supportive professor who encourages students to push beyond their comfort zone. Many students credit Bob with providing the foundational tools that prepared them for graduate school and to go on to successful careers. Dr. Greene is also known for his writings on American history. He is a leading scholar of the American presidency and has edited or written 19 books including works on Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush. He is a sought-after subject matter expert for interviews with national and local print and broadcast media outlets. Many alumni recall watching him on WCNY’s The Ivory Tower during his 17-year run as a regular on the program. Always a mindful supporter of Cazenovia, Bob often includes a mention of the College in his interviews.

In 2000, he published Generations of Excellence: An Illustrated Biography of Cazenovia College and donated all MANY STUDENTS proceeds to scholarCREDIT BOB WITH ships for Cazenovia PROVIDING THEM WITH College students. He also endowed a scholarship THE FOUNDATIONAL in his daughter’s name, the Mary TOOLS THAT PREPARED Rose Greene Scholarship, annually THEM FOR GRADUATE awarded to an outstanding junior SCHOOL AND SUCCESSFUL or senior student pursuing a degree CAREERS AS TEACHERS, in the Social Sciences.


AND IN GOVERNMENT. Congratulations, Bob, on your 40 years here! Thank you for your dedication and many contributions to the College and its students. Cheers to many more years!

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