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Congratulations Class of 2020

The Office of Alumni Relations and the thousands of proud Cazenovia College alumni extend a warm welcome to the newest members of the alumni family, the class of 2020!

Alana Nicole Abdean Mikayla A. Alexander Rachel Mary Alicea Zachary Todd Alpern Alexis M. Amash Elissa M. Aranda Jillian D. Aria Blake S. Bagozzi Kylie Janelle Baldridge Gloria J. Banks Nicole Julianne Baron Tessa C. Barry Danielle M. Beach Danielle J. Beinars Callista R. Bendinelli Stacey L. Benjamin John D. Bianchi Alexandra Marina Binenstock Abbie Rose Boglione Alana J. Brand Marissa L. Broddus Zachary T. Brooks Allison Katelyn Brown Jennie C. Brown Kevin Cady Danielle J. Caivana Trent M. Cappelletti Mikayla Haze Carbona-Cole Banu U. Carlisle Nija Carroll Nicholas A. Castrello Teri L. Champagne Cyle C. Clarke Brianna S. Clement Linzy F. Closs Jennifer Lynne Cornish Hunter D. Coulthard Hannah L. Croteau Emily Rose Crouse Cassidy Anne Crumblin Kaitlyn E. Currier Honora P. Davis Paige O. Davis Tajalik N. Davis Clare E. DeCota Quandasia S. DeLilly Tyler R. Dellavechia Talore R. DeSantis Mitchell W. Dewey Analisia T. Diana Joshua P. Dipiazza Dalton T. Doire Erin R. Donegan Shannon M. Dooley Jenna Susan Doran Julia Marilyn Dudley Kyle E. Durkee Amanda Rae Dyer Darcey Chrystyna Filsinger Nathan J. Fiorini Hannah Marie Francisco Daniel R. Freese Emily Gahan


Deanna Marie Garcia Noah K. Gessini Sandra H. Glastetter Sheila Charlene Gorton Erin Kathleen Grabosky Erin E. Hankins Meghan P. Hansen Isaiah M. Harris Alexis M. Hawley Lindsey R. Hayden Carrie A. Healy Casey N. Heasley Sarah A. Herman Elizabeth A. Hiffa Natalia Maria Hinman Amy Lynn Holland Jahnaesha L. Holliman Molly Margaret Holmes Breana L. Howe Alexis Maria Imburgia Shelby L. Jacquier Prenajuah L. Jefferson Breanna R. Jones Anthony M. Kane Kassidy J. Karram Liam Nicholas Kelleher Shelby Nicole Kelley Kalli A. Kelsey Aireyanna E. Kennedy Megan C. Kentile Roger J. Kise, Jr. Amanda N. Koch Claire M. Krause Eve E. Kyle Patrick F. LaGrow Samantha J. Lamphere Brittany Lashway Deshauntly Jamere Lee Taetum Makayla Leffingwell Jamie Elizabeth Leone McKenzie D. Lidell Emily I. Lloyd Molly M. Lobdell Cody W. Lucey Margarita MacDonald Victoria R. Mangold Sheridan A. Mann Gabrielle R. McCargar Lyndsay M. McCormick Madison E. McDade Jacob J. McDermott Katherine A. Meehan McBatch Jaceary Menes Hunter M. Middleton-Tompkins David T. Mihill III Khyla A. Miles Mikayla Jane Miles Jerri Ann Miller Melissa L. Miller Brianna Michelle Miner Jordan Paige-Debra Misuis Hailey E. Morgan Melany Munoz Gonzalez Vanessa A. Murray Brooke E. Newton Ashlynn E. Nikolaus Taylor Olmsted Mary Frances Parks Chelsea J. Phillips Allison C. Pieczonka Marissa M. Placito Nicole M. Pollock Candace N. Pollydore Michelle Danielle Primrose Cassidy L. Rattray Phaedra Reaves Jordan E. Rector Erika Rivera Severina A. Rivers Dana G. Robinson John Kirby Rockwell Michelle Nathaly Rondon Ashley R. Russo Sarahi J. Salinas Samuel T. Sharpe Kamryn M. Sirios Polly A. Smith Sydney L. Smith Chloe S. Snyder Rianne N. Sprague Jenna N. Stiles Zachary Thomas Stockbridge Elise K. Sund Zachary J. Surace Michael A. Sweet Daniel E. Thayer Chelsie M. Thomas Pamela J. Thomas Brittany A. Townsend Heather S. Treusdell Alexis M. Tubbs Karly E. Weaver Rachael Elizabeth Weils Connor G. Yorks Caprice Danielle Yost Nicole Emily Young Robert G. Young Nora A. Yousef Amber L. Zellwager

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