October/November 2014
Project REACH Kayakers See story on page 4
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Pg. 2 Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 6
Patti Dellas Member News, LDC Cultural Events Member Spotlight, FAQ
Pg. 7 Workshops Pg. 8 Upcoming Events Pg. 9 Gallery 1
After 22 Years, Patti Dellas Saying Good Bye to her Cazenovia Family A friend to everyone, Patti Dellas is entering a new chapter of her busy life retirement! Her consistent exuberance and positive outlook will surely be missed by students and staff alike. During her years at Cazenovia College, Patti has touched many lives, through her tenure at the Academic Learning Center as the Writing Coordinator for Project REACH and her years of teaching First Year Seminar,
Developmental Writing, Academic Writing, and Effective Speaking. “To my students and colleagues, thank you for all the memories. You have enriched my life in incredible ways, and I am forever grateful.” Stop by on Friday October 17, Patti’s last day!
Need a quiet place to study? The new Project REACH Study Center is available for our members!
“If we dId all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.” Thomas A. Edison Loyiso (“Lloyd”) Mqalo is pictured above making use of the new Study Center.
Junior Kara Locey is pictured here with Project REACH Academic Coordinator, Kayle Light, at the Pi Gamma Mu induction ceremony. Kara met the four qualifications to become a member of Pi Gamma Mu, a Social Sciences Honor Society. The qualifications are: junior or senior standing, top 35% of class, 3.5 overall cumulative average or better, 20 semester hours in the Social Sciences. “We had to choose a faculty or staff member to pin us at the ceremony. I chose Kayle because she is one of my favorite staff members!” Junior Carlos Garcia is attended an SGA conference in St. Louis, MO this month. He is the co-director of Communication for SGA. Salat Ali, Iselda Alvarez, Carrie Eastman and Jennifer Travet attended the NAMI Syracuse Educational Conference entitled “Crucial Conversations” with the Human Services Department in Syracuse this month. Earlier this fall, Nick Allen was part of a CAB group that went to Niagara Falls. Great picture, Nick! Nick Allen at Niagara Falls
What is the LDC? The Cazenovia College Leadership Development Community (LDC) is a pilot program that was started this year as a way to engage first-year students who were leaders in the past, want to lead in college and want to built/develop their leadership skills early on. Members of LDC meet with Rachael Clark (their RA) and Shannon Dobrovolny, Director of Residence Life each Sunday for a floor dinner and then attend "Leadershop," an hour-long leadership workshop that the students (generally working in pairs) find topics to present on. They then research or create an activity/activities to accompany their presentation. Rachael reports, “As a floor, we have had thought provoking discussions on
communication, goals, ethics, etc.” She also commented on Project REACH members in LDC, “The Project Reach students are doing AMAZINGLY well. I'm impressed by their involvement and dedication to the floor community. They have proven themselves to be deserving of their place on the floor.” Project REACH Members in the Leadership Development Community are: Alhaji Dukureh, Samantha Fenske, Austin Jackson, Courtney Miller, Abdinoor Mohamed, Loyiso Mqalo, Hannah Race, Taizavaughn Terry and Shalaya Washington.
Project REACH Cultural Events
ROCK! Project REACH’s cultural events have always given our members opportunities to connect with one another. They also are designed to give members a chance to try something new. Such was the case with several participants of the L.L. Bean Kayak Discovery School on Saturday, September 19. It was a beautiful day when 12 Project REACH members, Kailyn VanNorstrand, and Melissa Snyder from the Center for Teaching and Learning met to walk to Cazenovia Lake together. When they arrived at the lake, Discovery School instructors distributed life vests and paddles, participants climbed into their kayaks and were instructed in the art of kayaking. Then everyone took off in their vessels to try out what they learned.
Senior Sada Koslowski reports, “I had a great time out on Caz Lake! I have been kayaking many times before, but the time I had with Project REACH is on the top of my kayaking trips!” For many, it was a new experience. “It was my first time kayaking and I would say that I am so glad I did it because I had an awesome time out on the lake! The people from L.L. Bean were very helpful while instructing us on how to use the paddles and making sure we were all safe. I would love to go kayaking again after that experience! The view from the lake is amazing,” shared freshman Jessica Carr.
Kayakers from left: Tatiana Fowler, G’Andre White, Jessica Carr, Sada Koslowski, Brandi LaBounty, Kailyn VanNorstrand, Khaliek McArthur, Lloyd Mqalo, Mimi Liu, Lisa Balkissoon, Ruddy Ortiz, Christabel Martinez and Jorge Guerrero
Ten Project REACH members woke up early Saturday morning, October 4, to take the Ropes Course Challenge with Kailyn and Kayle. They drove to the ropes course at the Beattie Reserve in Hamilton. Their morning consisted of low and high rope elements designed to build teamwork and stretch beyond normal comfort zones. According to Kailyn, “We were a little cold, but they were all good sports and said they’d be excited to go again.” Lloyd Mqalo said, “The ropes course was challenging and fun. I would do it again anytime with or without the rain." See page 8 for upcoming Project REACH cultural events.
From left: Beth Simmons, Courtney Miller, Kayle Light, Ginalucia Triana-Strautmanis, Ruddy Ortiz, Alhadji Dukureh, Lloyd Mqalo, Stephen Turner, Kailyn VanNorstrand. In front: Nazrul Babu
Junior Nicole Ciampa is becoming an expert at balancing responsibilities! As a Criminal Justice and Homeland Security Studies major, minoring in International Studies, she has many extracurricular activities to balance. She is involved in four honor societies and is a member of the Cazenovia College Equestrian Team. For the past two years, Nicole has been part of the JV Hunt Seat and has earned a varsity spot for dressage and Western discipline. Now she is involved in all three disciplines, with the added responsibility of being Captain of the JV Hunt Seat! She does all this and has managed to achieve a cumulative GPA of 3.96. When asked about her secret to success, Nicole responded, “Time management. I use every minute of free time I have to plan out and organize my schedule. I do homework whenever
I can, and seek help from my professors when it’s needed, so I can understand the material better. I definitely enjoy being involved with all of the extracurricular activities, but I'm not going to lie, it is a lot to handle. I also make sure to do something for myself regularly, like go for a run, listen to music or watch a movie. It helps keep my mind refreshed, so when I get back to homework, I can be more focused.” Nicole and “Oliver” at last semester’s JV show
Keep up the good work, Nicole!
FAQ - Can Project REACH help with costs for honor societies, conferences, or field trips? Answer - YES! As a REACH member, you may request funding to help support your academic endeavors. We understand that college is expensive and that after tuition and textbooks, many students do not have the money to join honor societies or attend conferences or field trips with their programs. Because of this, Project REACH has a small account set up that allows us to help a limited number of students with such costs. This is a limited fund, so in order to apply for funding you must be an active participant (that means that you come seek out Project REACH support through tutoring, counseling, workshop and cultural event attendance often throughout the year). If you find yourself in need of funding, schedule a meeting with Kailyn anytime during the semester! 6
College Success Series Three of the six one-hour workshops are left, held the first and third Mondays of each month. Remember, Project REACH students who attend at least three College Success workshops will be awarded a Success Certificate. Students who attend all six workshops will receive an Advanced Success Certificate. The program is open to ALL students. Snacks will be provided by Student Life!
The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the staircase. One step at a time.
Monday, Oct. 20: Test Anxiety and Test Taking Skills Monday, Nov. 3: Managing Time and Stress Monday, Nov. 17: From Procrastination to Motivation Co-sponsored by Project REACH and the Office of Student Life. For more information, contact Kayle Light at kjlight@cazenovia.edu or 315-655-7267. Attention Freshmen…
College Success Workshop #2: Looks like fun!
Forums for First Year Students “Transitions” McDonald Lecture Hall 3:30-4:30 pm 10/15 Romantic Relationships: College and Beyond 10/22 Career Services: Know Where You Are Going 10/29 Managing Finances: College and Independent Living 11/5
First Generation: Opportunity and Success
To reserve tickets to any Project REACH event, contact Michele at matesch@cazenovia.edu or 315-655-7205.
Give Back at the
Samaritan Center
Wednesday, Nov. 19 Several Project REACH members will have the opportunity to “give back� by helping to serve a lunchtime meal for homeless guests at the Samaritan Center in downtown Syracuse. If you are interested, please contact Michele Tesch 315-655-7205 or matesch@cazenovia.edu. 8
Enjoy the picnic pics! The Welcome Back Picnic was co-sponsored by Project REACH, HEOP and CSTEP